Redirect to originally requested url after login does not work
When I navigate to a particular resource on a schleuder-web interface with no pre-existing session, then I am not properly redirected to that url after login.
Steps to reproduce
- open an incognito window
- visit some-schleuder-web/lists/some_list
- login
- it wrongly redirects to / instead of /lists/some_list
- logout
- visit some-schleuder-web/lists/some_list again
- login
- it correctly redirects to /lists/some_list
Potential Fix
I am pretty sure the error is at as I get the following error in the logs: Error: no implicit conversion of nil into String
I would suggest a fix along these lines:
def authenticate
- expiry = Time.parse(session[:login_expires_at])
- if current_account && expiry >
+ expiry = Time.parse("#{session[:login_expires_at]}") rescue nil
+ if current_account && expiry && expiry >
However, what seems to be an additional issue is that the message at is never displayed in the login form. The login form always says "please log in with your schleuder account" and does not display the error.