From 90e054b52bf76737120d7b4f531b10ca3d7b746a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Silvio Rhatto <>
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2017 20:34:58 -0300
Subject: [PATCH] Adds research/smartphone

 research/smartphone.mdwn | 109 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 109 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 research/smartphone.mdwn

diff --git a/research/smartphone.mdwn b/research/smartphone.mdwn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c40e711
--- /dev/null
+++ b/research/smartphone.mdwn
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+[[!meta title="Smartphone"]]
+Pesquisa rápida sobre smartphones.
+* [LineageOs](
+* Código mais aberto.
+* Risco menor de backdoors.
+* Google Apps não-mandatório.
+* Menos base de aplicativo.
+* Atualizações de segurança mais lentas.
+* Redução de segurança por conta to root?
+* [Update and build preparation](
+* [Moto E surnia builds](
+* [Verifying builds](
+### Destravamento
+    # stretch onwards: sudo apt install adb fastboot
+    sudo apt install android-tools-adb android-tools-fastboot
+    1 20160410 14:55:06 user@box:~ $ adb reboot bootloader
+    0 20160410 14:55:22 user@box:~ $ fastboot devices
+    0012711246      fastboot
+    0 20160410 14:55:40 user@box:~ $ fastboot oem get_unlock_data
+    ...
+    (bootloader) [...]
+    OKAY [  0.235s]
+    finished. total time: 0.235s
+    0 20160410 14:56:01 user@box:~ $ fastboot oem unlock $code
+    ...
+    (bootloader) Check 'Allow OEM Unlock' in Developer Options.
+    FAILED (remote failure)
+    finished. total time: 0.007s
+    1 20160410 15:30:32 user@box:~ $ fastboot devices
+    0012711246      fastboot
+    0 20160410 15:30:49 user@box:~ $ 
+## Recovery
+Usando o [TWRP para Moto E surnia](
+    adb reboot bootloader
+    fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
+    fastboot reboot
+Instalação manual de apps
+    adb install app.apk
+* Atualizar ROM.
+* Atualizar apps via F-Droid.
+* Atualizar apks manualmente.
+* Alguns apps podem ser auto-autualizáveis.
+Movendo arquivos do sdcard para o armazenamento interno:
+    adb shell
+    cd /storage/emulated/0
+    mv /storage/1FAC-34C3/Music/* Music/
+* [Full Phone Backup without Unlock or … | Samsung Galaxy Nexus](
+* [How to use ADB backup to back up your unrooted phone - Pocketables](
+    adb backup -all
+    adb restore backup.ab
+* [Hide Certain Files in Android Music Player (or Photo Gallery)](
+    touch /storage/emulated/0/SomeApp/Media/.nomedia
+* [Validating the Android 4.2.2 RSA fingerprint](
+    awk '{print $1}' < ~/.android/ | openssl base64 -A -d -a | openssl md5 -c | \
+    awk '{print $2}' | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'
+* [List of custom android firmware](