diff --git a/content/workers/get-started/guide.md b/content/workers/get-started/guide.md
index 1285ffb469cad5ed4a92009e62e45fdfc0b78ce1..6cab2d96f12d55f20be454da9ebc43ffd9cf27bb 100644
--- a/content/workers/get-started/guide.md
+++ b/content/workers/get-started/guide.md
@@ -76,12 +76,15 @@ Open the browser, log into your account, and select **Allow**. This will send an
-## 4. Generate a new project
+## 4. Create a new project
-Wrangler’s `generate` [command](/workers/cli-wrangler/commands/#generate) will create a new project. By default, the [default starter](https://github.com/cloudflare/worker-template) template will be used to generate a new project. To provide a custom template, you may provide the [template argument](/workers/cli-wrangler/commands/#generate) with a URL to your desired repository. For example, to create a Worker from the default template called `my-worker`, run:
+Wrangler’s `init` [command](/workers/wrangler/commands/#init) will create a new project. 
+By default, the [default starter](https://github.com/cloudflare/worker-template) template will be used to generate a new project. To provide a custom template, you may provide the [template argument](/workers/cli-wrangler/commands/#generate) with a URL to your desired repository. For example, to create a Worker from the default template called `my-worker`, run:
-~/ $ wrangler generate my-worker
+~/ $ wrangler init my-worker
 Wrangler will create a directory called `my-worker` and populate it with the contents of the starter template, in this case the default template. Wrangler will automatically configure the `wrangler.toml` file in the project’s root with the `name = "my-worker"`.
@@ -196,7 +199,7 @@ In addition to standard request properties, the Workers platform populates the r
 For more complex routing, it is recommended to use a library. The [Workers router starter](https://github.com/cloudflare/worker-template-router) template provides an API similar to ExpressJS for handling requests based on HTTP methods and paths:
-~/ $ wrangler generate my-worker-with-router https://github.com/cloudflare/worker-template-router
+~/ $ git clone https://github.com/cloudflare/worker-template-router my-worker-with-router
 This starter is used in the tutorial for [building a Slack Bot](/workers/tutorials/build-a-slackbot/).
diff --git a/content/workers/get-started/quickstarts.md b/content/workers/get-started/quickstarts.md
index f216a632c57fc3235a17eccf5a0673456e50d080..e5d600553d9f5a922e7b270f9ca388dea58f5ec3 100644
--- a/content/workers/get-started/quickstarts.md
+++ b/content/workers/get-started/quickstarts.md
@@ -13,18 +13,17 @@ layout: list
 Quickstarts are GitHub repos that are designed to be a starting point for building a new Cloudflare Workers project. For the projects below, you simply run:
-$ wrangler generate <new-project-name> <github-repo-url>
+$ git clone <github-repo-url> <new-project-name>
+- `github-repo-url`
+  - This is the URL of the GitHub repo starter, as below.
 - `new-project-name`
   - A folder with this name will be created with your new project inside, pre-configured to [your Workers account](/workers/cli-wrangler/configuration/).
-- `github-repo-url`
-  - This is the URL of the GitHub repo starter, as below.
diff --git a/content/workers/learning/profiling-workers.md b/content/workers/learning/profiling-workers.md
index 6d4326c89a5aeaa16d47272de6cd3c2c66280a73..969259fa3ab2c084d98f368ba6341d2d16009f69 100644
--- a/content/workers/learning/profiling-workers.md
+++ b/content/workers/learning/profiling-workers.md
@@ -16,10 +16,10 @@ As part of the Workers platform's integration with Chrome Developer Tools, you c
 ## Profiling an example project
-Create a new Workers project with the `wrangler generate` command:
+Create a new Workers project with the `wrangler init` command:
-$ wrangler generate my-worker
+$ wrangler init my-worker
 Open the `index.js` file in your project's directory and replace the content with:
diff --git a/content/workers/learning/using-durable-objects.md b/content/workers/learning/using-durable-objects.md
index 26787f21b4c4b19b3352784e5fc446d2f20c9c04..f5a4a99b379a552bb77260f4d82d6a5664a7f947 100644
--- a/content/workers/learning/using-durable-objects.md
+++ b/content/workers/learning/using-durable-objects.md
@@ -221,10 +221,10 @@ You must use [Wrangler version 1.19.3 or greater](/workers/cli-wrangler/install-
-The easiest way to upload Workers that implement or bind to Durable Objects is to use [Wrangler](/workers/cli-wrangler/), the Workers CLI. You can start with one of our templates, the simplest of which can be used by running:
+The easiest way to upload Workers that implement or bind to Durable Objects is to use [Wrangler](/workers/cli-wrangler/), the Workers CLI. You can start with one of our templates by running the command:
-$ wrangler generate <WORKER-NAME> https://github.com/cloudflare/durable-objects-template
+$ git clone https://github.com/cloudflare/durable-objects-template <WORKER-NAME> 
 This will create a directory for your project with basic configuration and a single JavaScript source file already set up. If you want to use TypeScript, or be able to bundle external dependencies with your code using Rollup or Webpack, or to use CommonJS modules rather than ES modules, try one of the other starter templates instead:
diff --git a/content/workers/platform/sites/configuration.md b/content/workers/platform/sites/configuration.md
index ad4c1e44e0a3460d8585f0ee00166a2b71883968..778ccdb5e78ec8f597e2aff76b5f0c84b0c25864 100644
--- a/content/workers/platform/sites/configuration.md
+++ b/content/workers/platform/sites/configuration.md
@@ -8,32 +8,6 @@ weight: 4
 Workers Sites require the latest version of [Wrangler](https://github.com/cloudflare/wrangler).
-## Commands
-- `wrangler generate proj --site`
-  - Creates a project with a Worker serving a generic HTML file and favicon with the directory structure:
-    ```txt
-    ├── public # files to serve
-    |  ├── favicon.ico
-    |  └── index.html
-    ├── workers-site
-    |  ├── index.js # Workers script that serves the assets
-    |  ├── package-lock.json
-    |  └── package.json # defines dependencies used by Workers script
-    └── wrangler.toml
-    ```
-  - Auto-fills `wrangler.toml` with `entry-point` (defaults to `workers-site`) and `bucket` (defaults to `public`).
-- `wrangler init proj --site`
-  - Creates a `wrangler.toml` file and a `workers-site` directory. In the `site` configuration key in the generated `wrangler.toml` file, you will need to update the `bucket` key with the relative path to the folder containing your static site assets. For example, if your website lives within the `public` directory of your project, then you should use the `bucket = "./public"` pairing.
 ## wrangler.toml
 There are a few specific configuration settings for Workers Sites in your `wrangler.toml` file:
diff --git a/content/workers/platform/sites/start-from-scratch.md b/content/workers/platform/sites/start-from-scratch.md
index d498d9e9c41b84ef9ad806899d19b7dc9a10ff25..019e0646b9fc14e2019ca53352158bd3a96e9a76 100644
--- a/content/workers/platform/sites/start-from-scratch.md
+++ b/content/workers/platform/sites/start-from-scratch.md
@@ -10,10 +10,10 @@ To start from scratch to create a Workers Site, follow these steps:
 1.  Ensure you have the latest version of [Wrangler](/workers/cli-wrangler/install-update/#update) and Node.js installed.
-2.  In your terminal, run `wrangler generate --site <project-name>`, replacing `<project-name>` with the name of your project. The following example creates a project called `my-site`:
+2.  In your terminal, run `git clone https://github.com/cloudflare/worker-sites-template <project-name>`, replacing `<project-name>` with the name of your project. The following example creates a project called `my-site`:
-$ wrangler generate --site my-site
+$ git clone https://github.com/cloudflare/worker-sites-template my-site
 This command creates the following:
diff --git a/layouts/shortcodes/worker-starter.html b/layouts/shortcodes/worker-starter.html
index 4263e4aa41f1085fba8c76a74110d842391fe294..787dc0ce991fdcdc50c0696bbd3afc5d7695a332 100644
--- a/layouts/shortcodes/worker-starter.html
+++ b/layouts/shortcodes/worker-starter.html
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 {{- $descr := .Get "description" -}}
 {{- $remote := printf "https://github.com/%s" $repo -}}
-{{- $command := printf "wrangler generate my-app %s" $remote -}}
+{{- $command := printf "git clone %s my-app" $remote  -}}
 <div class="WorkerStarter">
   <div class="WorkerStarter--title">