Missing Translations
We have some missing translations. Unfortunately exceptions for missing translations were turned off in the test configuration. Fortunately we did not deploy the changes yet (for strange reasons, we did not deploy automagically after 13th November anymore).
I noticed some missing translations (did not run the tests yet) and tried to find out why our i18n rake task listed them as unused translations which could be removed.
The missing translations have not been reported by our rake task, because they do not follow the "rules" for translation keys in the regexes.
- some do not occur in the code (like "request_to_join_us" which seems to be derived from the model name and is stored in the database)
- :enter_name_of_group and :enter_name_of_person are used as a placeholders in a text field - there is no .t indicating a translation here
Listing shows url, key, file, occurrence in file
http://localhost:3000/groups/directory translation missing: en.autocomplete.placeholder.enter_name_of_group app/views/group/directory/_autocomplete.html.haml "placeholder: :enter_name_of_group" (same translation is needed for sharing page and sending notification via page sidebar!)
http://localhost:3000/people/directory translation missing: en.autocomplete.placeholder.enter_name_of_person app/views/person/directory/_autocomplete.html.haml placeholder: :enter_name_of_person
http://localhost:3000/me/pages en.asset_page_display (also needed for Create Page - see below)
http://localhost:3000/me/permissions translation missing: en.friends /home/dora/Dev/crabgrass_project/crabgrass/app/views/me/permissions/index.html.haml (byebug) castle_gate_tag(current_user, gate_name, @holders) *** I18n::MissingTranslationData Exception: translation missing: en.friends
http://localhost:3000/me/requests translation missing: en.request_to_join_us It seems like we need translations for the class names of all request classes in app/models/requests/
Page Sidebar: file upload: Attachments edit translation missing: en.files_pending app/views/common/_asset_upload.html.haml (sharing page and sending notification is also missing translations (see above))
Create Page (via Icon in left sidebar): translation missing: en.asset_page_display (from dummystrings.rb)