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  • azul's avatar
    bring back ErrorNotFound, drop per site i18n · 6f0b4b56
    azul authored
    ErrorNotFound is similar to ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound - but it allows
    specifying the type of thing that was not found for more detailed error
    For the translations we use cascading translations. So say a group was not
    found... we will lookup the following:
    For all of these %{thing} will be interpolated with a translation of :group.
    If there is no translation for the given class of things it will be an empty
    In order for the cascading translation to work we have do drop the support
    for site specific translations. Otherwise the lookup will start with a
    cascade from:
    and succeed when looking up 'not_found'.
    So it won't process the more detailed cascade correctly.
    Alternatively we could add the site scope last. But I think site specific
    translations are not something we will need any time soon and it adds a lot of
    complexity. Instance specific translations can easily be put in
    and overwrite the defaults.