diff --git a/branding/scripts/osx-stapler.sh b/branding/scripts/osx-stapler.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3069e49903932e2f47ae01ece28f88798d218a5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/branding/scripts/osx-stapler.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# Notes to script notarization steps.
+# Taken from https://oozou.com/blog/scripting-notarization-for-macos-app-distribution-38
+# TODO: put pass in keychain
+# 1. create dmb
+hdiutil create -format UDZO -srcfolder yourFolder YourApp.dmg
+# 2. send notarization request
+requestInfo=$(xcrun altool --notarize-app \
+   --file "YourApp.dmg" \
+   --username "yourDeveloperAccountEmail@email.com" \
+   --password "@keychain:notarization-password" \
+   --asc-provider "yourAppleTeamID" \
+   --primary-bundle-id "com.your.app.bundle.id")
+current_status = "in progress"
+while [[ "$currentStatus" == "in progress" ]]; do
+sleep 15
+statusResponse=$(xcrun altool --notarization-info "$uuid" \
+    --username "yourDeveloperAccountEmail@email.com" \
+    --password "@keychain:notarization-password")
+# TODO change to python ---- ruby script ------------------------------------
+# the response is a multiline string, with the status being on its own line
+# using the format "Status: <status here>"
+# Split each line into its own object in an array
+response_objects = ARGV[0].split("\n")
+# get line that contains the "Status:" text
+status_line = response_objects.select { |data| data.include?('Status:') }[0]
+# get text describing the status (should be either "in progress" or "success")
+current_status = "#{status_line.split('Status: ').last}"
+# respond with value
+puts current_status
+# -- end ruby script --------------------------------------------------------
+current_status=$(ruby status.rb "$statusResponse")
+if [[ "$current_status" == "success" ]]; then
+  # staple notarization here
+  xcrun stapler staple "YourApp.dmg"
+  echo "Error! The status was $current_status. There were errors. Please check the LogFileURL for error descriptions"
+  exit 1