From 4a4b6b46f84c28640c711655f4f3c339ccf8fbba Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: kali <>
Date: Fri, 19 Feb 2021 12:20:55 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] [pkg] improve osx installer

- install into global /Applications
- document how to troubleshoot helper
- uninstall app is visible on top-level folder
- improve detection of running processes for old and new binaries

- Closes: #441
- Closes: #445
- Closes: #435
 Makefile                                      | 30 ++++++++----
 branding/scripts/gen-qtinstaller              |  4 +-
 branding/templates/qtinstaller/  | 18 +------
 .../qtinstaller/osx-data/      | 26 +++++-----
 .../qtinstaller/osx-data/         | 39 +++++++--------
 .../packages/bitmaskvpn/meta/install.js       | 37 ++++++++-------
 docs/build.osx.rst                            | 19 ++++++--
 docs/debug.rst                                | 47 +++++++++++++++++++
 gui/                                  |  2 -
 gui/qml/main.qml                              |  4 ++
 10 files changed, 141 insertions(+), 85 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 docs/debug.rst

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 2ee11d28..0cd6c889 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 .PHONY: all get build icon locales generate_locales clean check_qtifw HAS-qtifw relink_vendor
 XBUILD ?= no
+RELEASE ?= no
 VENDOR_PATH ?= providers
 APPNAME ?= $(shell VENDOR_PATH=${VENDOR_PATH} branding/scripts/getparam appname | tail -n 1)
@@ -34,10 +35,16 @@ endif
 QTBUILD = build/qt
 INSTALLER = build/installer
-INST_DATA = ${INSTALLER}/packages/bitmaskvpn/data/
 OSX_CERT="Developer ID Application: LEAP Encryption Access Project"
-MACDEPLOYQT_OPTS = -appstore-compliant -qmldir=gui/qml -always-overwrite -codesign="${OSX_CERT}"
+MACDEPLOYQT_OPTS = -appstore-compliant -always-overwrite -codesign="${OSX_CERT}"
+ifeq ($(PLATFORM), darwin)
+INST_ROOT =${INSTALLER}/packages/bitmaskvpn/data/
+INST_DATA = ${INSTALLER}/packages/bitmaskvpn/data/
 SCRIPTS = branding/scripts
 TEMPLATES = branding/templates
@@ -114,7 +121,7 @@ ifeq ($(PLATFORM), windows)
 ifeq ($(VENDOR_PATH), providers)
 	@unlink providers/assets || true
-	@ln -s ${PROVIDER}/assets providers/assets
+	@ln -s ${PROVIDER}/assets providers/assets || true
 	@echo "============RELINK VENDOR============="
@@ -180,13 +187,18 @@ ifeq (${PLATFORM}, darwin)
 	@cp "${TEMPLATES}/osx/" ${INST_DATA}helper/
 	@cp "${TEMPLATES}/osx/" ${INST_DATA}/
 	@cp "${TEMPLATES}/osx/" ${INST_DATA}/
-	@cp "${TEMPLATES}/qtinstaller/osx-data/" ${INST_DATA}/
-	@cp "${TEMPLATES}/qtinstaller/osx-data/" ${INST_DATA}/
-	@cp "${TEMPLATES}/qtinstaller/osx-data/se.leap.bitmask-helper.plist" ${INST_DATA}/
+	@cp "${TEMPLATES}/qtinstaller/osx-data/" ${INST_ROOT}/
+	@cp "${TEMPLATES}/qtinstaller/osx-data/" ${INST_ROOT}/
+	@cp "${TEMPLATES}/qtinstaller/osx-data/se.leap.bitmask-helper.plist" ${INST_DATA}
 	@cp $(OPENVPN_BIN) ${INST_DATA}/openvpn.leap
 	@cp build/bin/${PLATFORM}/bitmask-helper ${INST_DATA}/
-	@echo "[+] Running macdeployqt"
-	@macdeployqt ${QTBUILD}/release/${PROVIDER} ${MACDEPLOYQT_OPTS}
+ifeq (${RELEASE}, yes)
+	@echo "[+] Running macdeployqt (release mode)"
+	@macdeployqt ${QTBUILD}/release/${PROVIDER} -qmldir=gui/qml ${MACDEPLOYQT_OPTS}
+	@echo "[+] Running macdeployqt (debug mode)"
+	@macdeployqt ${QTBUILD}/release/${PROVIDER} -qmldir=gui/qml
 	@cp -r "${QTBUILD}/release/${TARGET}.app"/ ${INST_DATA}/
 ifeq (${PLATFORM}, windows)
diff --git a/branding/scripts/gen-qtinstaller b/branding/scripts/gen-qtinstaller
index 04ecaf7b..9be097d6 100755
--- a/branding/scripts/gen-qtinstaller
+++ b/branding/scripts/gen-qtinstaller
@@ -14,12 +14,12 @@ from provider import getProviderData
     'osx': """
     <!-- osx -->
-    <TargetDir>@ApplicationsDir@/$</TargetDir>
+    <TargetDir>/Applications/$APPNAME</TargetDir>
     <RunProgramDescription>Start $APPNAME now!</RunProgramDescription>
-        <Argument>@TargetDir@</Argument>
+        <Argument>@TargetDir@/$</Argument>
diff --git a/branding/templates/qtinstaller/ b/branding/templates/qtinstaller/
index 6aab8434..0c05442d 100644
--- a/branding/templates/qtinstaller/
+++ b/branding/templates/qtinstaller/
@@ -13,27 +13,11 @@ QMAKE_TARGET_BUNDLE_PREFIX = se.leap
-# watch out... it chokes with dashes in the path
-    packages/riseupvpn/meta/package.xml \
-    packages/riseupvpn/meta/install.js \
-    packages/riseupvpn/data/README.txt \
 macx {
-    OTHER_FILES += "packages/riseupvpn/data/"
-    OTHER_FILES += "packages/riseupvpn/data/bitmask-helper"
-    OTHER_FILES += "packages/riseupvpn/data/"
-    OTHER_FILES += "packages/riseupvpn/data/se.leap.bitmask-helper.plist"
-    OTHER_FILES += "packages/riseupvpn/data/openvpn.leap"
-    OTHER_FILES += "packages/riseupvpn/data/helper/"
-    OTHER_FILES += "packages/riseupvpn/data/"
-    OTHER_FILES += "packages/riseupvpn/data/"
 linux {
-    OTHER_FILES += "packages/riseupvpn/data/riseup-vpn"
-    OTHER_FILES += "packages/riseupvpn/data/bitmask-helper"
-    OTHER_FILES += "packages/riseupvpn/data/riseup-vpn.exe"
-    OTHER_FILES += "packages/riseupvpn/data/helper.exe"
diff --git a/branding/templates/qtinstaller/osx-data/ b/branding/templates/qtinstaller/osx-data/
index 2c158457..83c83705 100755
--- a/branding/templates/qtinstaller/osx-data/
+++ b/branding/templates/qtinstaller/osx-data/
@@ -5,15 +5,18 @@
 # This means that, for the time being, you can only install ONE of the BitmaskVPN derivatives at the same time.
 # This might change in the future.
+import glob
 import os
 import shutil
 import sys
 import subprocess
+import time
 HELPER = "bitmask-helper"
 HELPER_PLIST = "/Library/LaunchDaemons/se.leap.bitmask-helper.plist"
 _dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
+_appdir = glob.glob('{}/*'.format(_dir))[0]
 def main():
     log = open(os.path.join(_dir, 'post-install.log'), 'w')
@@ -21,10 +24,9 @@ def main():
     _id = os.getuid()
     if _id != 0:
-      err  = "error: need to run as root. UID: %s\n" % str(_id)
-      logErr(log, err)
-    # failure: sys.exit(1)
+      err  = "ERROR: need to run as root. UID: %s\n" % str(_id)
+      log.write(err)
+      sys.exit(1)
     if isHelperRunning():
         log.write("Trying to stop bitmask-helper...\n")
@@ -48,22 +50,19 @@ def main():
     log.write('post-install script: done\n')
-def logErr(log, msg):
-    log.write(msg)
-    sys.exit(1)
 def isHelperRunning():
     ps = _getProcessList()
     return HELPER in ps 
 def unloadHelper():
     out =["launchctl", "unload", HELPER_PLIST])
+    time.sleep(0.5)
     out2 =["pkill", "-9", "bitmask-helper"])  # just in case
+    time.sleep(0.5)
     return out == 0
 def fixHelperOwner(log):
-    path = os.path.join(_dir, HELPER)
+    path = os.path.join(_appdir, HELPER)
         os.chown(path, 0, 0)
     except OSError as exc:
@@ -74,8 +73,9 @@ def fixHelperOwner(log):
 def copyLaunchDaemon():
     plist = "se.leap.bitmask-helper.plist"
     path = os.path.join(_dir, plist)
-    _p = _dir.replace("/", "\/")
-["sed", "-i.back", "s/PATH/%s/" % _p, path])
+    _p = os.path.join(_dir, _appdir)
+    _p2= _p.replace("/", "\/")
+["sed", "-i.back", "s/PATH/%s/" % _p2, path])
     shutil.copy(path, HELPER_PLIST)
 def launchHelper():
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ def launchHelper():
     return out == 0
 def grantPermissionsOnLogFolder():
-    helperDir = os.path.join(_dir, 'helper')
+    helperDir = os.path.join(_appdir, 'helper')
     except Exception:
diff --git a/branding/templates/qtinstaller/osx-data/ b/branding/templates/qtinstaller/osx-data/
index d47acc51..ef012e4d 100755
--- a/branding/templates/qtinstaller/osx-data/
+++ b/branding/templates/qtinstaller/osx-data/
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import os
 import shutil
 import sys
 import subprocess
+import time
 HELPER = "bitmask-helper"
 HELPER_PLIST = "/Library/LaunchDaemons/se.leap.bitmask-helper.plist"
@@ -21,16 +22,19 @@ def main(stage="uninstall"):
     log.write("UID: %s\n" % str(_id))
     if int(_id) != 0:
       err  = "error: need to run as root. UID: %s\n" % str(_id)
-      logErr(log, err)
-    # failure: sys.exit(1)
+      log.write(err)
+      sys.exit(1)
     log.write('Checking if helper is running\n')
     if isHelperRunning():
         log.write("Trying to stop bitmask-helper...\n")
 	# if this fail, we can check if the HELPER_PLIST is there
-        ok = unloadHelper()
+        try:
+            ok = unloadHelper()
+        except Exception as exc:
+            log.write('error: %v' % exc)
+        time.sleep(0.5)
         log.write("success: %s \n" % str(ok))
     log.write("Removing LaunchDaemon\n")
@@ -41,14 +45,14 @@ def main(stage="uninstall"):
     log.write(stage + ' script: done\n')
-def logErr(log, msg):
-    log.write(msg)
-    sys.exit(1)
 def isHelperRunning():
-    ps = _getProcessList()
-    return HELPER in ps 
+    try:
+        pid = subprocess.check_output(['pgrep', HELPER])
+        if pid.strip() != '':
+            return True
+    except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
+        return False
+    return False
 def unloadHelper():
     out =["launchctl", "unload", HELPER_PLIST])
@@ -58,17 +62,8 @@ def unloadHelper():
 def removeLaunchDaemon():
     return["rm", "-f", HELPER_PLIST])
-def _getProcessList():
-    _out = []
-    output = subprocess.Popen(["ps", "-ceA"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
-    stdout, stderr = output.communicate()
-    for line  in stdout.split('\n'):
-        cmd = line.split(' ')[-1]
-        _out.append(cmd.strip())
-    return _out
 if __name__ == "__main__":
-    if len(sys.argv) > 2 and sys.argv[2] == "pre":
-        stage="pre-install"
+    if len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == "pre":
+        stage="preinstall"
diff --git a/branding/templates/qtinstaller/packages/bitmaskvpn/meta/install.js b/branding/templates/qtinstaller/packages/bitmaskvpn/meta/install.js
index 407ea395..dada9185 100644
--- a/branding/templates/qtinstaller/packages/bitmaskvpn/meta/install.js
+++ b/branding/templates/qtinstaller/packages/bitmaskvpn/meta/install.js
@@ -58,6 +58,9 @@ function Component() {
 Component.prototype.createOperations = function ()
+    if (systemInfo.productType === "osx") {
+        preInstallOSX();
+    }
     // This will actually install the files
@@ -70,27 +73,13 @@ Component.prototype.createOperations = function ()
     if (systemInfo.productType === "windows") {
     } else if (systemInfo.productType === "osx") {
-        preInstallOSX();
+        uninstallOSX();
     } else {
-Component.prototype.installationFinished = function()
-    console.log("DEBUG: running installationFinished");
-    if (installer.isInstaller() && installer.status == QInstaller.Success) {
-        var argList = ["-a", "@TargetDir@/$"];
-        try {
-            installer.execute("touch", ["/tmp/install-finished"]);
-            installer.execute("open", argList);
-        } catch(e) {
-            console.log(e);
-        }
-    }
 function postInstallWindows() {
     // TODO - check if we're on Windows10 or older, and use the needed tap-windows installer accordingly.
     console.log("Installing OpenVPN tap driver");
@@ -111,12 +100,26 @@ function postInstallWindows() {
 function preInstallOSX() {
-    console.log("Pre-installation for OSX");
+    console.log("Pre-installation for OSX: check for running bitmask");
+    component.addOperation(
+	"Execute", "{1}", "pgrep", "bitmask-vpn$$", /* $$$$ is escaped by python template: the old app binary was called bitmask-vpn */ 
+	"errormessage=It seems that an old RiseupVPN client is running. Please exit the app and run this installer again.",
+    );
+    component.addOperation(
+	"Execute", "{1}", "pgrep", "bitmask$$", /* $$$$ is escaped by python template: we don't want to catch bitmask app */
+	"errormessage=It seems RiseupVPN, CalyxVPN or LibraryVPN are running. Please exit the app and run this installer again.",
+        "UNDOEXECUTE", "{1}", "pgrep", "bitmask$$", /* $$$$ is escaped: we dont want bitmask app */
+	"errormessage=It seems RiseupVPN, CalyxVPN or LibraryVPN are running. Please exit the app before trying to run the uninstaller again."
+    );
+function uninstallOSX() {
+    console.log("Pre-installation for OSX: uninstall previous helpers");
     // TODO use installer filepath??
 	"Execute", "{0}",
    	"@TargetDir@/", "pre",
-	"errormessage=There was an error during the pre-installation script, things might be broken. Please report this error and attach the pre-install.log file."
+	"errormessage=There was an error during the pre-installation script, things might be broken. Please report this error and attach /tmp/bitmask-uninstall.log"
diff --git a/docs/build.osx.rst b/docs/build.osx.rst
index 43d70ad1..48836a77 100644
--- a/docs/build.osx.rst
+++ b/docs/build.osx.rst
@@ -9,11 +9,12 @@ have to sign and then notarize with their service. here are some notes that use
 ad-hoc targets in the main makefile, but we should keep an eye on any future
 integration of this process in the more or less official Qt tools (QTIFW).
-First, we build the regular installer
+First, we build the regular installer (use RELEASE=yes to do a codesign step
+with macqtdeploy, note that this increases build time considerably):
 make build
-make installer
+RELEASE=yes make installer
 make sign_installer
@@ -23,6 +24,18 @@ account. Contact their friendly support for more info, but don't expect they
 understand you do not really own any Apple Hardware. Sense of humor is not
+Security -> App-specific passwords -> Generate
+If you need to revoke these tokens, click on 'view history'.
+According to
+To avoid including your password as cleartext in a script, you can provide a
+reference to a keychain item, as shown in the previous example. This assumes
+the keychain holds a keychain item named AC_PASSWORD with an account value
+matching the username AC_USERNAME.
 export OSXAPPPASS=my-apple-app-pass
 make notarize_installer
@@ -37,7 +50,7 @@ altool[5281:91963] No errors uploading 'build/installer/RiseupVPN-installer-0.20
 RequestUUID = fe9a4324-bdcb-4c52-b857-f089dc904695
 OSXMORDORUID=fe9a4324-bdcb-4c52-b857-f089dc904695 make notarize_check
-xcrun altool --notarization-info fe9a4324-bdcb-4c52-b857-f089dc904695 -u "" -p nvaq-xdhq-wrho-ouuu
+xcrun altool --notarization-info fe9a4324-bdcb-4c52-b857-f089dc904695 -u "" -p my-apple-app-pass
 2020-12-11 22:21:59.940 altool[5787:96428] No errors getting notarization info.
    RequestUUID: fe9a4324-bdcb-4c52-b857-f089dc904695
diff --git a/docs/debug.rst b/docs/debug.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c746cf68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/debug.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+This document contains some useful debug information.
+If you're having troubles with old versions of RiseupVPN that did not have an
+uninstaller, and the new installer is not cleanly replacing the previous
+install, you might need to manually clean things up. You will need root access to
+stop the privileged helper.
+First, see if the helper is running:
+pgrep bitmask-helper
+To stop it:
+sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/se.leap.bitmask-helper.plist
+To start it:
+sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/se.leap.bitmask-helper.plist
+sudo launchctl start /Library/LaunchDaemons/se.leap.bitmask-helper.plist
+Check that it's running:
+pgrep bitmask-helper
+Manually check that the web api is running, and that it reports a version that matches what you currently have installed:
+curl http://localhost:7171/version
+Also, you can check that the path near the end of the file /Library/LaunchDaemons/se.leap.bitmask-helper.plist
+matches the current path where you installed
+Cleaning up
+If you have things messed up and you want to completely delete the bitmask-helper:
+sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/se.leap.bitmask-helper.plist
+sudo rm -rf /Library/LaunchDaemons/se.leap.bitmask-helper.plist
+Make sure that "pgrep bitmask-helper" does not return any pid.
+Now you can move /Applications/ to the Trash, and launch a
+recent installer to get a clean install.
diff --git a/gui/ b/gui/
index 9dfcbdaa..0a6e6814 100755
--- a/gui/
+++ b/gui/
@@ -111,7 +111,6 @@ function buildDefault {
     echo "[+] Done."
 for i in "$@"
@@ -136,4 +135,3 @@ then
diff --git a/gui/qml/main.qml b/gui/qml/main.qml
index 14f07763..e4cf9567 100644
--- a/gui/qml/main.qml
+++ b/gui/qml/main.qml
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ ApplicationWindow {
     id: app
     visible: false
+    flags: Qt.FramelessWindowWint | Qt.WindowsStaysOnTopHint | Qt.Popup
     property var ctx
     property var loginDone
     property var allowEmptyPass
@@ -308,6 +310,8 @@ ApplicationWindow {
                 text: qsTr("About…")
                 onTriggered: {
                     about.visible = true
+                    app.focus = true
+                    requestActivate()