Make it clear that manually creating an encrypted volume on the Tails device is not supported
Tails/Wheezy protects the boot device against write access via udisks by the desktop user (#6172 (closed)), so if one follows doc/encryption_and_privacy/encrypted_volumes and tries to manually create an encrypted volume on the boot device, they’ll be asked an administration password.
I see two ways out of it:
- Add a note, on top of that page, stating that manually creating an encrypted volume on the Tails device is not supported, and pointing to the doc about persistence.
- Mention, on top of that page, that one needs to set an administration password first.
I prefer the first one, but feel free to retitle this ticket if the people responsible for the doc prefer the latter.
Feature Branch: doc/wheezy
Parent Task: #6980 (closed)
Original created by @intrigeri on 7044 (Redmine)