Upgrade to Tor Browser 8.0.9-build1
(17:15:27) intrigeri: GeKo, boklm: hi! is it worth trying to import boklm's 8.0.9-build1 into Tails, or? (18:06:47) GeKo: intrigeri: it's the best we have so far, but not tested. (18:07:01) GeKo: and i don't see any sign of mozilla needing an additional fix (18:07:23) GeKo: i'll look closer after i am getting back from dinner (18:07:30) intrigeri: GeKo: thank you :) (18:07:55) GeKo: (so, to answer your question: yes, i think it is worth it)
Feature Branch: feature/16697-upgrade-tor-browser-to-8.0.9-build1
Parent Task: #16694 (closed)
Original created by @segfault on 16697 (Redmine)