Thunderbird "my Thunderbird inbox is non-empty" test consistently fails
It seems that since March 3, this step of “Scenario: Thunderbird can download the inbox with POP3” fails every time it runs, both on our shared Jenkins and on my local one:
Then my Thunderbird inbox is non-empty # features/step_definitions/thunderbird.rb:219
<false> is not true. (Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError)
features/thunderbird.feature:49:in `Then my Thunderbird inbox is non-empty'
Some of the failures were caused by the mailbox being indeed empty (no idea why) but the test still fails while I’ve ensured there’s a message there (confirmed by the test video). I suspect the Dogtail code that checks this is buggy.
Feature Branch: bugfix-16422-thunderbird-60.5.1
Related issues
- Blocks #13241 (closed)
Blocked by #16422 (closed)
Original created by @intrigeri on 16555 (Redmine)