Wording: Sponsor, Donor, Partner, Funder, Patron?
I was wondering if we should call the page “Sponsors” or “Donors”. Note that FSF calls donors “patrons”, Debian and Qubes call them “Partners”, FreeBSD calls them “Donors” and Torproject only lists “sponsors”.
So I tried to find out what the difference is:
Sponsorship is a cash or in-kind fee paid to an organization or group in return for access to the (commercial) potential associated with that organization and/or event. Sponsorship is undertaken for the purpose of achieving (commercial) objectives.
Philanthropy or monetary donations on the other hand, are in support of a cause without any commercial incentives. Money is donated simply for the good of the cause with no ‘strings’ attached.
(Source: https://www.cbcf.org/ontario/GetInvolved/Events/Documents/Sponsorship%20vs%20Donations%2008.pdf
- i found many other similar texts, but this one seemed very complete to me.)
So, basically, individuals and companies who want to receive a tax receipt for their donation should be called “Donors”.
Our grants from foundations should be called “Sponsors” or “Funding” from what I understand.
FSF’s patrons are, legally speaking, donors: “Organizations show their support for the community and the mission of the FSF by giving financial help. Many of our Patrons come to the FSF because their user community or employees ask them to recognize our work.”
Qubes’ partners are basically funders.
I’d like to discuss this a bit, in order to make it clear what kind of donations on the page are grants.
Parent Task: #6972 (closed)
Original created by @u on 12515 (Redmine)