\ProvidesPackage{config/loot} \newcounter{treasure} \setcounter{treasure}{\month} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% LOOT %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \newcommand\rations{% \ifcase\value{treasure}\relax% \or% smoked ham% \or% dried fruits% \or% auroch tongue% \or% carrot-biscuits% \or% sack of oats% \or% stinky cheese% \or% honey-walnut cake% \or% lisk-strips% \or% flaggon o' porry% \or% goat cheese% \else% \setcounter{treasure}{0}% rye bread% \fi% \stepcounter{treasure}% }% \newcounter{goblinLoot} \setcounter{goblinLoot}{\value{r4}} \addtocounter{goblinLoot}{\value{r4}} \newcommand{\lootGoblin}{% \ifnum\value{goblinLoot}>20% \setcounter{goblinLoot}{0}% \else% \stepcounter{goblinLoot}% \fi% \ifcase\value{goblinLoot}\relax% \stepcounter{r4}% tinder box and \arabic{r4} candles% \or% 1~\gls{sp} from the far North% \or% pouch of long, dark, humanoid hair% \or% rotten mushrooms% \or% tiny brass bell% \or% flask of lantern oil% \or% leather pouch filled with colorful egg shells% \or% small torch% \or% small shaker filled with dried beans% \or% tobacco pipe% \or% \arabic{r2t3}~sacks% \or% a horse's tail% \or% lump of clay with an ex-lover's bitemarks% \or% 20' of rope% \or% polished sphere of snow-white quartz% \or% tinder box% \or% ratking shaul% \or% empty~sack% \or% bag of 4 rocks% \or% lock-picking set% \or% 1~\gls{gp} from the far \ifodd\value{r2}West (looks like a map)\else East (face looks like \ifodd\value{r4b} an elf\else a gnoll\fi?)\fi% \else% empty wine bottle filled with dead spiders% \fi% } \newcommand\goblinLight{% \ifcase\value{r3}\relax% \or% glowing belly from eating \glsfmtplural{glowshroom}% \or% shroom-candle% \else% fat candle% \fi% } \newcommand{\lootSmall}{% \iftoggle{genExamples}{% \ifodd\value{r2}% $3D6$\else$2D6$% \fi~\glspl{cp}}{% \randomize% \arabic{r12}~\glspl{cp}% }% } \newcommand{\lootMedium}{% \iftoggle{genExamples}{% \ifodd\value{r2}% $3D6$% \else% $2D6$% \fi~\glspl{sp}}{% \randomize% \setcounter{gold}{\value{r12}}% \multiply\value{gold} by 3 \arabic{gold}~\glspl{sp}}% } \newcommand{\lootBig}{% \iftoggle{genExamples}{% $3D6-2$~\glspl{gp}% }{% \randomize\addtocounter{r12}{8}% \arabic{r12}\glspl{gp}% }% } \newcommand{\lootTalisman}{% \iftoggle{genExamples}{}% {% \ifcase\value{treasure}\relax% \or% \scrollOfFriendship% \or% \verdantBerries% \or% \oceanPhial% \or% \wotWosFungus% \or% \hagFinger% \or% \safetyScroll% \or% \minersWeed% \else% \bloodCandle% \setcounter{treasure}{0}% \fi% \ignorespaces\spellName% \setcounter{track}{\value{treasure}}% \stepcounter{treasure}% }% } \newcommand{\lootMagic}{% \iftoggle{genExamples}{% elemental \glsentrytext{boon}% }% {% \ifnum\value{diceNo2}>10\setcounter{diceNo2}{1}\fi% \ifcase\value{diceNo2}\relax% auroch hooves% \or%1 sack of griffin feathers% \or%2 marching mushrooms% \or%3 Earth \gls{boon}% \or%4 Air \gls{boon}% \or%5 stirge queen in a phial% \or%6 woodspy beak% \or%7 Fire \gls{boon}% \or%8 Water \gls{boon}% \else%9 Fate \gls{boon}% \fi% \stepcounter{diceNo2}% }% } \newcommand{\lootJewellery}{% \iftoggle{genExamples}{jewellery worth~\ifodd\value{r2}$3D6$~\glspl{sp}\else$1D6+2$~\glspl{gp}\fi}% {% \randomize% \stepcounter{treasure}% \ifnum\value{treasure}>10\addtocounter{treasure}{-10}\fi% \ifcase\value{treasure}\relax% golden necklace worth~\arabic{r12}~\glspl{sp}% \or%1 golden ring worth~\arabic{r12}~\glspl{sp}% \or%2 jewel encrusted dagger worth~\arabic{r12}~\glspl{sp}% \or%3 ornate silver earrings worth~1~\glspl{gp}% \or%4 gem encrusted broach worth~\arabic{r4b}~\glspl{gp} \or%5 saphire pendant worth~\arabic{r3b}~\glspl{gp}% \or%6 gem-encrusted headband, worth~\arabic{r4b}~\glspl{gp}% \or%7 gold-looking necklage made from fool's gold (worthless)% \or%8 gem-studded ring, worth~\arabic{r12}~\glspl{sp}% \or%9 signet ring, worth~\arabic{r2}~\glspl{gp}% \else%10 gem-studded ring, worth~\arabic{r12}~\glspl{sp}% \fi% }% }