\begin{enumerate} \item Everyone pays 1~\gls{sp} in dues to their temple, and mark off perishables (such as rations, or \glspl{ingredient}). \item \Pgls{jotter} requests a recount of the last session. \item The \gls{jotter} explains a mission to the troupe's leader (i.e. highest ranking member). \item Anyone without \pgls{pc} receives one. \label{newPC} \item The \gls{gm} rolls for encounters. \label{gmRollsEncounters} \item The \gls{gm} checks for the next \gls{sq} \gls{segment}. \item {\tt goto \ref{newPC}} \item \Glspl{xp}, tea % \ifodd\value{r3}\else\footnote{I recommend Russian Black leaf.}\fi \& cakes all round. \end{enumerate}