# This file has the recommended LaTeX packages.
# First install tlmgr (likely in the package 
# texlive or texlive-bin) and texlive${year}-bin.
# If compiling fails, you *might* also need the cm-super package.

tlmgr install \
latex-bin \
l3packages \
tools \
fgruler bookcover \
qrcode \
lipsum \
xcolor \
gfsartemisia \
epsdice \
starfont \
appendix \
geometry \
svg \
txfonts \
bookhands \
wrapfig \
epigraph \
microtype \
float \
microtype \
colortbl \
contour \
amsmath \
amsfonts \
etoolbox \
hyperref \
glossaries \
glossaries-extra \
imakeidx \
infwarerr \
koma-script \
trimspaces \
ifplatform \
catchfile \
kvoptions \
transparent \
nextpage \
markdown \
pgf \
paralist \
csvsimple \
fancyvrb \
babel-english \
babel-german \
gobble \
titlesec \
fancyhdr \
adforn \
needspace \
psnfss \
tcolorbox \
visualtikz \
tikzfill \
pdfcol \
epstopdf-pkg \
environ \
pdfjam pdflscape pdfpages \