\ifodd\value{diceNo} \spell{Chaos}% Name {Duplicated}% Enhancements {Wane}% Action {Water, Fate}% Spheres {\roll{Wits}{Academics}}% Resist with {Targets become confused about what their own plans, and suffer a -\arabic{spellPlusOne} to Mind Attributes}% Description {The spell lasts until the character gains \pgls{xp} for following their Code.} \else \spell{Oath}% Name {Detailed}% Enhancements {Wax}% Action {Water, Fate}% Spheres {\roll{Wits}{Academics}}% Resist with {Once the target states their intention, the caster accepts their `oath' with great formality, and the statement becomes an oath and an obsession. The target receives a +\arabic{spellPlusOne} Bonus to Mind-based Resting Actions to fulfill their oath, and a -\arabic{spellPlusOne}~Penalty to all Mind-based actions which distract from it}% Description {The spell lasts until they complete their oath, or the character gains \pgls{xp} for following their Code. For example, if someone boasted that they would kill \pgls{guard} deserter (even sarcastically), \pgls{witch} might respond by saying `I accept this oath, and will from this day forth count you among the greatest of the land's warriors and protectors!'. The target would receive a +\arabic{spellPlusOne}~Bonus to planning the best route, or writing to allies to help with the fight, assuming those were both \glspl{restingaction}. But if someone asked them to stop and identify \pgls{talisman}, the roll would have a -\arabic{spellPlusOne}~Penalty, because they can only think about killing that deserter. Noticing a pick-pocket with \roll{Wits}{Vigilance} has no modifier, because it the \gls{action} doesn't detract from the oath.} \fi \stepcounter{diceNo}