diff --git a/CS.tex b/CS.tex
index d5dfe14f2713e8b55266b536279717f0853c2185..b6af2809b8393110e83927d584f25cbce2b583c9 100644
--- a/CS.tex
+++ b/CS.tex
@@ -47,11 +47,13 @@
     adjusted title=Attributes \hint{ 5 | 10 / 20 / 30/ 50 },
-  ]{name=attributes,column=1,row=3,span=10,rowspan=3}{
-  \vspace{-.3cm}
+  ]{name=attributes,column=1,row=3,span=10.2,rowspan=4}{
+  \hspace{-.7cm}
-  \addtolength{\tabcolsep}{-0.5em}
-  \begin{tabular}{@{}Xlcccccccccccr}
+  \addtolength{\tabcolsep}{-0.63em}
+  \begin{tabular}{@{}X@{}lcccccccccccr@{}}
+  \hspace{-1em}
+  & & \tiny{-4} & \tiny{-3} & \tiny{-2} & \tiny{-1} & \tiny{0} & \tiny{1} & \tiny{2} & \tiny{3} & \tiny{4} \\
@@ -59,14 +61,12 @@
     remember, blankest,interior engine=path,valign=center,
-  ]{name=gumption,column=19,row=3,span=8,rowspan=5}{
+  ]{name=gumption,column=1,row=9,span=4,rowspan=8}{
 circle label/.style = {
@@ -81,27 +81,32 @@ circle label/.style = {
-     \path[circle label={HP = 6 + Strength}] (-1,-1.1) arc (-90:360-90:1.1);
-      \draw[dotted] (-1,0) circle (1);
-     \path[circle label={Fatigue Points}] (1.8,-1.1) arc (-90:360-90:1.1);
-      \draw[dotted] (1.8,0) circle (1);
-     \path[circle label={FP = XP / 10 + Charisma}] (-1,-4.1) arc (-90:360-90:1.1);
-      \draw[dotted] (-1,-3) circle (1) node [align=left,text width=3.5em] {};
-     \path[circle label={MP = 3 x spheres + Intelligence}] (1.8,-4.1) arc (-90:315-45:1.1);
-      \draw[dotted] (1.8,-3) circle (1) node [align=left] {};
+     \path[circle label={FP = XP / 10 + Charisma}] (-1,3) arc (-90:360-90:1.1);
+      \draw[dotted] (-1,4) circle (1) node [align=left,text width=3.5em] {};
+     \path[circle label={HP = 6 + Strength}] (-1,0.6) arc (-90:360-90:1.1);
+      \draw[dotted] (-1,1.7) circle (1);
+     \path[circle label={Fatigue Points}] (-1,-1.5) arc (-90:360-90:1.1);
+      \draw[dotted] (-1,-0.5) circle (1);
+     \path[circle label={MP = 3 x spheres + Intelligence}] (-1,-4) arc (-90:315-45:1.1);
+      \draw[dotted] (-1,-3) circle (1) node [align=left] {};
   \posterbox[adjusted title={M\^{e}l\'ee \hint{ 10 / 20 / 40 }},
-  ]{name=melee,column=11,row=8,span=8,rowspan=1.6}{
+  ]{name=melee,column=11,row=3,span=8,rowspan=4}{
+    \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.4}
+      \emptySkill
+      \emptySkill
+      \emptySkill
+      \emptySkill
+      \emptySkill
@@ -110,9 +115,10 @@ circle label/.style = {
   adjusted title=Armoury,
-  ]{name=armoury,column=1,row=10,span=18,rowspan=4}{
+  ]{name=armoury,column=6,row=9,span=21,rowspan=4}{
-    \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{p{.3\textwidth}YYYY}
+    \vspace{-1em}
+    \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{p{.4\textwidth}YYYY}
       \textbf{Weapon} & \textbf{Bonus} & \textbf{Damage} & \textbf{\Glsentrytext{ap} Cost} & \textbf{Weight} \\
@@ -129,7 +135,7 @@ circle label/.style = {
-    \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{p{.3\textwidth}YYY}
+    \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{p{.4\textwidth}YYY}
       \textbf{Armour} & \textbf{\Glsentrytext{dr}} & \textbf{Type} & \textbf{Weight} \\
@@ -147,11 +153,25 @@ circle label/.style = {
-  {name=Derived,column=1,row=5,span=10,rowspan=4}{
-    \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{YYY}
+  {name=Derived,column=2,row=6,span=18,rowspan=4}{
+    \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{.1}
+    \addtolength{\tabcolsep}{-0.2em}
+    \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{XXXX}
-      \textbf{Bonus} & \textbf{Damage} & \textbf{\Glsentrytext{ap}} \\
+      \textbf{\Glsentrytext{dr}} & \textbf{\Glsentrytext{ap}} &\textbf{Bonus} & \textbf{Damage} \\
+      \\
+      \\
+      \\
+      \iftoggle{examplecharacter}{\arabic{dr}}{\underline{\hspace{2em}}}
+      &
+      \iftoggle{examplecharacter}%
+      {%
+        \addtocounter{spd}{3}%
+        \arabic{spd}%
+      }%
+      {\underline{\hspace{2em}}}
+      &
       \iftoggle{examplecharacter}% Bonus
@@ -168,18 +188,11 @@ circle label/.style = {
         \underline{\hspace{1em}} D6+\underline{\hspace{1.5em}}
-      } &
-      \iftoggle{examplecharacter}%
-      {%
-        \addtocounter{spd}{3}%
-        \arabic{spd}%
-      }%
-      {\underline{\hspace{2em}}}
+      }
-      \tiny Dexterity + Combat + Weapon Bonus & \tiny Strength + Weapon & \tiny 3 + Speed \\
+      \tiny (Armour) & \tiny 3 + Speed & \tiny Dex + Combat + Weapon Bonus & \tiny Strength + Weapon  \\
+  }
@@ -201,7 +214,8 @@ circle label/.style = {
   adjusted title={Skills \hint{ 5 / 10 / 15 }},
-  {name=skills,column=11,row=3,span=8,rowspan=5}{
+  {name=skills,column=19,row=3,span=8,rowspan=6}{
+    \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.3}
@@ -219,69 +233,40 @@ circle label/.style = {
+      \emptySkill
-  \posterbox[adjusted title=Spheres \hint{ 10 / 15 / 25/ 45/ 85 }]{name=spheres,column=19,row=8,span=8,rowspan=3}
-  {
-  \setlength{\parskip}{3mm}
-  \vspace{.2cm}
-  \iftoggle{examplecharacter}{
-    \sphereOne
-    \sphereTwo
-    \sphereSkill{}{0}
-    \sphereSkill{}{0}
-  }{
-    \sphereSkill{}{0}
-    \sphereSkill{}{0}
-    \sphereSkill{}{0}
-    \sphereSkill{}{0}
-  }
-  }
-    adjusted title=Equipment \hint{1 per Skill},
+    adjusted title=Equipment,
-    column=1,
-    row=14,
-    span=26,
-    rowspan=3.5,
+    column=6,
+    row=16,
+    span=21,
+    rowspan=3,
-  \iftoggle{examplecharacter}{\characterEquipment\vspace{14em}}{\lineDots[5]\vspace{8mm}}
+  \iftoggle{examplecharacter}{\characterEquipment\vspace{14em}}{\lineDots[3]\vspace{1em}}
   \iftoggle{bestiarychapter}{\arabic{gold} }{\weeline}
-  \hspace{3cm}
-  Total \Glsentrytext{xp} \weeline
-  Spent \Glsentrytext{xp} \weeline
-    adjusted title=Knacks \hint{ 5 / 10 / 15/ 20/ 25 },
+    adjusted title=Abilities \& Knacks \hint{ 5 / 10 / 15/ 20 },
-  {name=knacks,column=19,row=11,span=8,rowspan=3}{
+  {name=knacks,column=6,row=13,span=21,rowspan=3}{
@@ -290,12 +275,25 @@ circle label/.style = {
-      \lineDots[4]
+      \lineDots[5]
+  \posterbox[
+    adjusted title=XP,
+    remember,
+  ]
+  {name=xp,column=1,row=17,span=5,rowspan=2}{
+  \setlength{\parskip}{0mm}
+    \iftoggle{examplecharacter}{ 50 }{ }
+    \small Total:
+    \tcblower
+    \small Unspent:
+  }
diff --git a/layout.sty b/layout.sty
index f092e17735bfb6f3b02ed49c7ad27862eb547084..55d3f80ad90af4ebbe69a317426a944b7eb9484a 100644
--- a/layout.sty
+++ b/layout.sty
@@ -1009,19 +1009,19 @@ Roll & Result \\
 \newcommand{\weeline}{\line(1,0){30} \hspace{.6cm}}
-#1 &
+\large #1 &
-\ifnum\value{enc}<\value{statDots}\renewcommand\currentCircle{\statDot}\else\renewcommand\currentCircle{\statCircle}\fi% This decides to use either a statDot (showing a stat value) or an empty statCircle (showing a potential dot)
-\ifnum\value{enc}=-1\Large\currentCircle\else\raisebox{2pt}{\currentCircle}\fi% Most circles need a raisebox to appear nicely on a line. The dot representing '0' is large, and doesn't need raised.
+\large\ifnum\value{enc}<\value{statDots}\renewcommand\currentCircle{\statDot}\else\renewcommand\currentCircle{\statCircle}\fi% This decides to use either a statDot (showing a stat value) or an empty statCircle (showing a potential dot)
+\ifnum\value{enc}=-1\currentCircle\else\raisebox{2pt}{\currentCircle}\fi% Most circles need a raisebox to appear nicely on a line. The dot representing '0' is large, and doesn't need raised.
@@ -1042,7 +1042,14 @@ Roll & Result \\
-  #1 \dotfill & \Repeat{\value{#1}}{\statDot}\Repeat{\value{statCircles}}{\statCircle}\\
+  #1 \dotfill &
+  \Repeat{\value{#1}}{\statDot}\Repeat{\value{statCircles}}{\statCircle}\\
+  \dotfill & %
+  \Repeat{3}{\statCircle}%
+  \\%