From f735abb232b2ba0c0b1c6175bc260dde64da18e8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Malin Freeborn <>
Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2023 00:29:30 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] mass file removal

To turn this into a core-rules only project, everything which will
eventualy reach other books has been removed.

The example story has also been removed. The tone no longer fits BIND.
 appendix.tex          |   61 --
 cc.tex                | 1300 ---------------------------------------
 charts.tex            |  450 --------------
 classes.tex           |  340 -----------
 codes.tex             |   67 --
 combat.tex            |    6 -
 gm.tex                |    2 -
 intro.tex             |    1 -
 magic.tex             |  579 ------------------
 main.tex              |   20 +-
 races.tex             |  361 -----------
 rules.tex             |   97 ---
 spheres.tex           | 1345 -----------------------------------------
 stories.tex           |  343 -----------
 story/1-intro.tex     |   36 --
 story/10-combat.tex   |  109 ----
 story/14-run.tex      |   10 -
 story/15-fatigue.tex  |   52 --
 story/16-stories.tex  |   71 ---
 story/2-cc.tex        |   23 -
 story/3-xp.tex        |   17 -
 story/4-rolls.tex     |   41 --
 story/5-resting.tex   |   23 -
 story/6-team.tex      |   17 -
 story/7-resisted.tex  |   32 -
 story/8-hiding.tex    |   26 -
 story/9-rations.tex   |    8 -
 story/cc.tex          |    6 -
 story/encumbrance.tex |    9 -
 story/equipment.tex   |   11 -
 30 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 5462 deletions(-)
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 delete mode 100644 story/16-stories.tex
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 delete mode 100644 story/7-resisted.tex
 delete mode 100644 story/8-hiding.tex
 delete mode 100644 story/9-rations.tex
 delete mode 100644 story/cc.tex
 delete mode 100644 story/encumbrance.tex
 delete mode 100644 story/equipment.tex

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-\chapter{Character Creation}\label{charactercreation}\index{Character Creation}
-Okay, so you know how to make a character by now.  But just for reference, let's get some procedure down:
-  \item\label{sumCCrace}
-  Roll the dice to determine your race and Attributes.  Page \pageref{character_rolls}.
-  \item\label{sumCCatt}
-  Roll $2D6$ six times to determine your Attributes.
-  Page \pageref{randomAttributes}.
-  \iftoggle{aif}{
-  \item\label{sumCCequip}
-  Check why you enlisted then add the starting equipment listed.
-  \autopageref{enlistment_equipment}
-  }{}
-  \item\label{sumCCconcept}
-  Write down a concept and background culture from your campaign.
-  \item\label{sumCCcode}
-  Select a God or Code to follow, so you can gain \gls{xp}.  Page \pageref{gods_codes}.
-  \item\label{sumCCxp}
-  Spend 50 \gls{xp} on Attributes, Skills, Knacks, et c., with the Trait charts below, taking $n$ as the current level of of the Trait (or the number of Knacks, or the level of \gls{fp}).
-  Page \pageref{xp}.
-  \iftoggle{aif}{}{
-  \item\label{sumCCequip}
-  Take 1 item per Skill level your character has, worth up to 10 \glspl{sp} each.  Page \pageref{start_equipment}.
-  }
-  \item\label{sumCCcoin}
-  Starting money is $(3D6-5)\times 2^S$\gls{cp}, where S = combined levels in all Skills.
-  \item
-  Fill in the derived stats.
-  \begin{itemize}
-    \item
-    \glspl{hp} are equal to 6 plus your Strength.
-    \item
-    \glspl{fp} are equal to base \glspl{fp} plus Charisma.
-    \item
-    \glspl{mp} are equal to the number of spheres you have times 3, plus your Wits Bonus.
-  \end{itemize}
-  \item
-  Start the game.
-  \item
-  Spend \glspl{storypoint} at every opportunity.
-  \racechart
-  \attributeChart
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-\chapter{Character Creation}
-\index{Character Creation}
-Over this chapter, you can learn to craft a \gls{pc}.
-Grab $2D6$, roll a random race, and then all six Attributes.
-Characters are defined by \glspl{trait}, and the two main types are \glspl{attribute} and \glspl{skill}.
-Attributes are innate \glspl{trait}, deeply tied to who the \gls{pc} is.
-The Physical \glspl{attribute} used here are \textit{Strength, Dexterity, and Speed}, and the Mental \glspl{attribute} are \textit{Intelligence, Wits, and Charisma}.
-\glspl{skill}, meanwhile, are things the character learns.
-  They vary from around +0 to +3, so characters can usually accrue up to a +6 bonus, plus environmental variables.
-  \item
-  Roll to get a random race (`Human', `Dwarf', `Elf', et c.)
-  \item
-  Roll dice get a random Strength, Dexterity, and the other Attributes.
-  \item
-  Spend 50 \glspl{xp} on Attributes and Skills. You might also buy \glspl{fp}, Knacks or Magic. (Page \pageref{xp})
-  \item
-  Grab some adventuring items and weapons. (Page \pageref{start_equipment})
-  \item
-  Select a god or code to follow, which grants you \glspl{xp}. (Page \pageref{gods_codes})
-Select a race, or roll a random one on the chart.
-  2-3/08/83,
-  4-5/25/86,
-  6-8/46/99,
-  9-10/61/96,
-  11-12/84/92,
-It's been a while since I saw any humans so I'm going to go and look up the race section detailing humans.
-Whichever race you've landed on, go and have a look at \autoref{races}.
-You will also find suggestions on why someone of that race might be adventuring.
-Either print out a character sheet or make some paper notes as we go.
-We begin by randomly assigning your race.
-Much of character creation is concerned with interpreting your character as it forms -- what kind of person are you making?
-What do the Attribute Bonuses say about them?
-You will later be deciding on what kind of Skills and training will compliment the character, but the basics will all be random.
-Grab a pair of D6's and compare the result to the following chart.
-I've just rolled a `7', so I'm playing a human.  Being the tallest of the races they get +1 Strength.  However, they're also a little slow on the uptake, so they get -1 Wits.
-  \attributeChart
-Roll $2D6$ six times -- once for each Attribute -- and write down your result on the character sheet.
-If you roll `3, 8, 9', then you have `Strength -2, Dexterity +0, Speed +1'.
-Roll the dice thrice more for the Mental Attributes.
-Finally, add your racial modifiers.
-A human with this result will gain `+1 Strength', for a final modifier of `-1', while a gnome would gain a further `-2' penalty, for a final result of `-4' -- that's not great, but we can adjust this result later with \glspl{xp}.
-These scores represent the potential ranges of the race, so Dexterity -3 represents about the clumsiest person around, while Dexterity +3 represents someone with the best control over their own balance and fine motor-control that one could imagine.
-These ranges vary by race.
-Humans have an extra +1 Strength Bonus, so their Strength Bonus range is -2 to +4; meanwhile gnomes have a Strength bonus of -5 to +1, with an average of -2, so an average gnome has about the muscle-power of a sickly human, and the strongest of gnomes could only hope to reach the strength of the average human.
-\subsection{Body Attributes}
-\index{Body Attributes}
-\index{Physical Attributes}
-These are the Attributes determined wholly by the character's body.
-Humans and gnolls tend to excel here, where elves and gnomes are smaller, more delicate creatures.
-Monsters, beasts and stranger creatures are all described with these three Body~Attributes.
-\subsubsection[Strength]{Strength \hint{muscle, brawn, toughness, height}}
-Strength represents a character's muscles -- their ability to endure, to take damage, lift heavy objects, march for long distances and to wield heavy weapons without penalty.
-\subsubsection[Dexterity]{Dexterity \hint{grace, co\"ordination, balance}}
-Dexterity represents someone's hand-eye coordination and natural grace.
-It's used to attack, parry, block and also to aim projectile weapons.
-It is slightly less visible than the other Body Attributes, but can still be seen as people are moving, especially when movement becomes difficult, as when hopping across challenging and changeable terrain.
-\subsubsection[Speed]{Speed \hint{velocity, tendons, vim}}
-Speed represents a character's movement, how fast they attack, how often they can attack and how quickly they can run.
-Since it allows characters to flee dangerous situations, a group can be held back by its slowest member.
-A low Speed Bonus in a weak person might simply represent small muscles, while a low Speed Bonus in someone with an excellent Strength Bonus might mean the character is particularly fat.
-Speed might also be used in situations where a character's muscle to weight ratio are important, such as when climbing up a cliff or holding onto a ledge for a prolonged period of time.
-\subsection{Mind Attributes}
-\index{Mind Attributes}
-Mind Attributes determine the character's personality and how adept they are with thought-based Skills such as Academics. It is also the basis of a lot of magical ability and defences against magical abilities.
-\subsubsection[Intelligence]{Intelligence \hint{memory, logic, tenacity, cunning}}
-Intelligent characters understand ideas, remember, well and always come prepared.
-They find their own way home and pick up new languages fluidly.
-Intelligence also covers artistic endeavours and a multitude of craftsmanship, whether composing songs or forging armour, picturing the finished product ahead of time will take brains.
-\subsubsection[Wits]{Wits \hint{alacrity, levity, attention, acumen}}
-Where intelligence represents how well a character thinks, Wits just tells you how fast they think.
-The character's ability to observe, to tell enemy from friend, to spot people hiding in the bushes, to notice an off taste in that poisoned casserole or to just spot the perfect joke for the occasion are all covered under Wits.
-Wits is also the primary Attribute for resisting magical enchantments and spotting illusions.
-Wits is the only Mind Attribute available to animals.
-\subsubsection[Charisma]{Charisma \hint{magnetism, gravitas, glamour, friendliness, symmetry}}
-Finally, a character's ability to speak with people, make friends, speak convincingly, lead a group or barter for cheaper goods are all covered under Charisma.
-Charisma also covers characters' luck, and therefore some measure of their ability to avoid being damaged, because the gods seem to love a chancer.
-\begin{boxtext}[title={Player Chosen Characters}]
-If players prefer, they can design their own characters by simply setting all Attributes to 0, then applying the racial modifiers.
-They can choose to take a single -1 penalty to any Attribute of their choice in return for an additional 5 \gls{xp}.
-\index{Character Concept}
-  Who is this you have brought to the \gls{guard}?
-  Have a look at your character's Attributes and consider what kind of person they are.
-  Strength might indicate working on a farm.
-  A good Charisma may indicate a creative past, such as poetry, or working with the public, trading or selling items.
-  Intelligent characters may have required to plan a lot -- perhaps working as a seneschal for a town master, or planning a safe route for a travelling circus.
-  Low intelligence means never having to think, so they may come from a noble family, or always worked in a stonemason's guild, where someone else could plan their day for them.
-  Dexterous characters could have been an expert weaver, before joining the \gls{guard}; or perhaps they lived in a major city and stole money from others.
-  How did you end up in the \gls{guard}?
-  Did you naively sign up for a thrilling adventure, and now regret it?
-  What happened to your farm?
-  Torched by goblins, or did too many men leave the village?
-  Most join simply because they did not inherit their parents' land, so they hope to make some money, and perhaps be rewarded with land.
-  Some stole or robbed from people, and managed to plead to a judge to let them join the \gls{guard} instead of hanging.
-  Take your character's history, and condense it into two words.
-  \begin{itemize}
-    \item
-    Betrayed Guildsman
-    \item
-    Clairvoyant Herder
-    \item
-    Crypto Zoologist
-    \item
-    Dispossessed Farmer
-    \item
-    Dishonoured Alchemist
-    \item
-    Dauntless Youth
-    \item
-    Failed Priest
-    \item
-    Lazy Thief
-    \item
-    Lost Writer
-    \item
-    Reformed Bandit
-    \item
-    Zealous Guildsman
-  \end{itemize}
-  Now is the time to look at your character's base Attributes and think about what they might be good at.
-  The best place to start is your highest Attribute.
-  If you have a positive (or simply not negative) Intelligence score, making a spell caster is a good option.
-  Buy off any Wits penalties and put a magic sphere down on the character sheet.
-  Alternatively, if your highest Trait so far is a Body Attribute perhaps this character is more suited to being a fighter.
-  Don't worry if you have negative Body Attributes -- your starting \gls{xp} can buy all of that up to 0 quite easily.
-  Mixed characters are easy to make -- a spell-casting, sword-swinging elf or a dwarf who prays to dark gods and sneaks well through the shadows simply requires a couple of Traits.
-  Think about which way the character is headed and at this point write something down in the character's `Concept' section at the top.
-  It might be something solid and classic, such as `sellsword', `eager paladin', `barbarian poet', `wizzard', or `greedy rogue'.
-  You could also wander off the traditional RPG model, playing a `lost outlander', `unwilling prophet' or `dishonoured noble'.
-& Strength & Dexterity & Speed & Intelligence & Wits & Charisma \\\hline\hline
-Academics & Orating to a massive crowd & Forgery & Courier Runs & Recalling facts & Resisting an enchantment spell & Storytelling \\\hline
-Athletics & Lifting heavy loads & Climbing & Sprinting & Finding the easiest route to climb & Identifying optimal climbing conditions & Stage acrobatics \\\hline
-Deceit & Intimidation & Feigning an injury & Spreading a rumour across an entire town & Crafting a plausible lie & Making a quick excuse & Implausible lies \\\hline
-Stealth & Hiding in a hay bail & Moving quietly & Escaping into a crowd & Identifying the best hiding spot & Quickly hiding & Pretending to be anther guest at the ball \\\hline
-Vigilance & Keeping watch all night & Feeling for an exit in the dark & Searching a full forest for a particular tree & Investigating a crime scene & Spotting an illusion spell & Finding the best con target at a banquet \\
-Wyldcrafting & Wrestling a~boar & Untying a~horse's bridle & Fleeing a stampede & Planning a new, hidden trail & Foraging for a quick meal & Selling vegetables \\\hline
-Skills define what a character does with most of their time -- what they are practised in.
-They are always paired with an Attribute to give a bonus to rolls.
-We'll go over how which Skills are available below.
-For now, just jot down a few of the Skills you think your character should have so you can see how they work with the basic actions in the next chapter.
-A basic Skill grants a +1 bonus to actions where it is used.
-This is the level of a very basic worker in that field -- those just finishing an apprenticeship in Crafts would have the basic Skill level.
-Advanced Skills are those with a +2 bonus, indicating an established member of the field.
-Vigilance +2 might indicate a very shifty and paranoid person, while Athletics +2 would mean the character is persistently practising new athletic feats.
-Finally, experts with a score of +3 are very rare.
-A +3 bonus to Stealth indicates someone who has rare insights and keen instincts when it comes to going unnoticed, while someone with mastery of the Empathy Skill could talk a beggar into giving their hat away.
-For examples of skill use, take a look at the Skill Matrix overleaf.  Notice that each Skill represents very different abilities when paired with different Attributes.
-We use Vigilance for both investigation and to remain watchful throughout a long night.
-An elf with Intelligence +2 would have a total bonus of +4 when investigating a crime scene, but if the same elf had Strength -2, their total bonus for remaining watchful throughout a long night would be 0.
-Many pairings of an Attribute plus Skill will not come up very often, but you should think of each likely pairing as an individual talent.
-For example, a character with a bonus to Academics and Vigilance has individual bonuses for \textit{forgery}, \textit{recall}, \textit{resisting enchantments}, \textit{storytelling}, \textit{keeping watch}, \textit{investigation}, and \textit{spotting illusions}.
-It's only two Skills on the sheet, but that's seven different ratings the character has.
-For more detailed examples, see page \pageref{skill_uses}.
-\subsection{The List}
-Most Skills allow people to perform a range of functions depending upon which Attribute it is paired with. A few examples are given with the list below.
-The Skills here are examples, so this is not a complete list.
-If you want Skills not listed, just run them by the \gls{gm} and discuss what kinds of tasks they cover.
-When thinking up a new Skill, try to think about how it would work with each Attribute.
-The Academics Skill covers a love of learning facts, many of which can be useful.
-Academics study history, architecture, local politics, literature, and (very commonly) how to study more.
-This `study of study', can involve reading, mnemonics, and teaching.
-  \begin{rollchart}
-    \glsentrytext{tn} & Question \\\hline
-    7 & Simple \\
-    10 & Standard \\
-    13 & Obscure \\
-    15 & Secret \\
-    17 & Dangerous \\
-  \end{rollchart}
-Characters without any levels in Academics are always illiterate, but those \emph{with} some Academics Skill could also be illiterate.
-Various shamans practice memorizing long texts and generally consider books to be a dimwit's crutch.
-Academics might be mixed with Charisma for storytelling, Wits to pull out just the right information, Intelligence to write well, or even Strength for a loud speech.
-  Shane wished every one of his companions dead.
-  He could cast a spell to kill them, then return with the dryad to her\ldots.
-  Shane blinked in confusion. 
-  His companions had done nothing, but he wished them dead -- hardly the definition of justice!
-  He wanted to return with this strange creature, commonly known for eating humans.
-  But he \emph{loved her}, very deeply.
-  Hands raised, magical energy crackled throughout the trees, and the dryad found herself pinned to the ground by his Force spell.
-  Most of his companions remained under her spell, Abe could never pass up an opportunity to best a foe in battle.
-  His axe came down, her head fell off, and the rest (still under her spell), began to wail with grief.
-  Shane just chuckled, and waited for the spell to wear off.
-  Apparently a lifetime of thinking in abstractions really did have real-world applications.
-This covers all manner of fancy movements, from somersaults and rolling to climbing and circus skills.
-It might be paired with Dexterity when a character is attempting to roll under then leap over tables or otherwise navigate uneven terrain.
-For flat-out sprinting, the Speed Attribute is always preferred, while Strength is primary when characters want to throw cannon balls.
-  Many of the longest-surviving \glspl{guard} find this Skill invaluable.
-  Of course, nobody can hope to outrun a giant arachnid, but not being the slowest member of your group sorts most issues.
-  \begin{nametable}[l|X]{Craft Requirements}
-    Academics & Books, scrolls, and bookcases. \\
-    Caving & Rope, carts, pulleys, and alcohol lanterns. \\
-    Combat & Making swords, armour, scabbards, maces, and polearms. \\
-    Empathy & Jewellery, fancy clothing, and paints. \\
-    Deceit & Disguises. \\
-    Medicine & Bandages, casts, and fake eyes. \\
-    Performance & Instruments, auditoriums, and theatres. \\
-    Projectiles & Bows, crossbows, arrows, quivers, and bolts. \\
-    Seafaring & Boats, sails, rope, and anchors. \\
-    Wyldcrafting & Fences, rope, houses, blankets, practical clothing and saddles. \\
-  \end{nametable}
-  Climbing the mansion's ivy-straddled walls wouldn't challenge any child of the streets, but getting the crew up required real understanding.
-  Jason looked at the latch on the rotten shutters -- it wouldn't hold a fat gnome, never mind the mad thug who'd joined the revolution, apparently just to crack skulls.
-  He climbed a little further, and found an impenetrable window.
-  A bronze mesh, filled with glass, hard set into the wall with deep nails.
-  Nothing could get in but enough Sunlight to feed the little potted plans on the inner window.
-  He took out his chisel, rested his elbows on the window's tiny sill, rummaged his foot along the ivy to find the best purchase, and pulled the hammer from his tool-belt.
-  A tiny shattering noise went out as he punctured a glass piece at the bottom, then another.
-  Holding his tools by their head, he stuck in the handles to grab a plant by the pot's base, and manoeuvre it to cover the smashed glass.
-  The room had a small bed and toys lying around.
-  If anyone noticed the smashed glass, they would accuse the child of covering up some mess they had made.
-  With his work done, he dropped the tools, letting them land in the soft earth below with the tiniest thunk, and spread his weight across different ivy strands once more, and climbed down the building's various floors.
-  Collecting his tools on the ground he began walking home, and planned the equipment for the night -- one knotted rope to tie through the openings in the bronze grate while the child slept, and a saw to cut through the rotten window-latch.
-  After that, everyone would follow up the rope without issue.
-Caving includes navigation, foraging, building basic structures, and some understanding of the typical plants and beast found within caves.
-Just as most humans understand some basic Wyldcrafting, almost all dwarves and gnomes know a little of the Caving Skill.
-Those with a poor understanding of caves can make foolish mistakes, like building a fire inside to stay warm, or simply not inspecting a wall's integrity before starting a journey.
-Cavers share a certain overlap with survivalists -- both know a lot about \iftoggle{aif}{
-woodspies, although they can behave so differently in the separate environments that they sometimes seem like different creatures.
-  Specialized members of \gls{guard} often take this Skill, especially in the Shale, where so many nasty creatures retreat into caverns after stealing sheep.
-mushrooms, but the differences can still trip them up at times.
-  ``And where do you think you're going, wearing that elf-getup?''
-  ``It's not elvish, it's my Summer wardrobe'', said the alchemist.
-  ``I don't like heavy armour -- I can use a magic shield''.
-  ``And will this magic shield protect you from the cold down there?
-  And what the hell are \emph{you} wearing?''
-  ``Full plate armour'', he smiled proudly.
-  ``I thought dwarves invented plate armour''.
-  ``Correct, but we invented it to protect perimeters, not to invade warrens.
-  Can you fit through a goblin-sized tunnel in that?
-  Will it make a noise when we try to creep up on any sentries?
-  Will you be able to see the ceiling at \emph{all times}?
-  And what the hell are you carrying?''
-  ``You don't use torches underground?
-  I don't know about dwarves, but humans need light to see.''
-  ``And do you need air?
-  Because if we light two of those in a narrow passage and don't get out within five minutes, we'll be rolling around, giggling like a bunch of juvenile princesses.''
-  They all laughed.
-  Apparently hypoxia was some kind of joke to these idiots.
-  The dwarf just sighed.
-The Craft Skill allows players to make and fix things, and occasionally break things.
-Designing new equipment requires an Intelligence roll, while making them requires Dexterity.
-Strength could even be used to govern making simple things (such as a make-shift shelter) with unyielding materials such as green wood.
-To craft an item used with another Skill, the crafter requires at least 1 level in that Skill.
-The level of the Skill does not matter.
-Knowing how to bind a book only requires someone to roughly know how a book functions, they do not need to also write great literature.
-Similarly, someone who cannot wield a sword properly cannot craft a functional weapon, but if they have even a single level in the Combat Skill, they can craft any weapon they have seen.
-Using moulds or other pre-set designing materials allows the character to perform the Craft roll as a \gls{restingaction} (see page \pageref{restingactions}) and may provide a bonus to the roll depending upon the quality of tools available.
-  \begin{boxtext}[title=Rolling with Bad Stats]
-    If you find you've rolled up a particularly bad character, don't worry too much -- the \glspl{xp} players receive will even out differing character stats before long.
-    If that sounds a little suspicious, just keep your \glspl{xp} to yourself for a while -- remember that players, not characters, keep \glspl{xp}, so you can hold onto what you have earned, then introduce secondary characters with stories (see page \pageref{stories}).
-    If you end up with enough \glspl{xp} to improve your character to the point you're happy, then you can proceed.
-    If the poor stats mean your character dies a grizzly death in session 2, then no harm done -- just pull any character that the party has introduced already and add all the \glspl{xp} you've accumulated so far.
-    See page \pageref{pcdeath} for more information on \gls{pc} death.
-  \end{boxtext}
-Someone proficient at deception can make others see white as black by sheer confidence. It is often paired with Charisma when creating such lies. At other times, when a quick excuse is needed after a character has been caught with their hand in someone else's pockets, the Wits Attribute can be used to get out of trouble. Complicated lies, having to do with a long series of events or where a character wants to make someone hopelessly confused about the situation, might use one's Intelligence Bonus.
-The Deceit Skill does not necessarily have to convey lies -- it deals with situations that hinge on emphasis without care for truth.
-The Strength Bonus might also be used to intimidate people, whether the character's intentions are in fact vicious or not.
-  Sindon and Marley listened with horror as the guards crashed into the first room in the hallway.
-  ``We're dead.
-  We're fucking dead, Sin.
-  There's five waiting outside on horses.
-  Let me check the chimney\ldots no it's big at the bottom, but gets narrow above.''
-  ``So you can stand inside?'', Sindon asked as the guards crashed into the room next door, grabbing the guests to examine their faces for signs of polymorphing.
-  ``Stand up?
-  Sure.
-  Move up?
-  No.
-  It's a dead fucking end we're fucking dead, Sin.''
-  Sindon's eyes lit up as an idea possessed him.
-  ``Stand here!
-  Pull your hood over your head.
-  Hold my wrist hard and tell the guards your want the bounty on my head.
-  When you see a light, cover your eyes, as usual, then jump up the chimney as quick as you can.''
-  ``What's the plan, Sin?
-  I don't understand''
-  The guard crashed through the door.
-  ``I, uh\ldots
-  I want the bounty'', Marley mumbled weakly.
-  Sindon looke dramatically at Marley's hooded face and sneered, ``you are nothing but old soot!'', and threw his spare hand out to summon the light.
-  The guards averted their eyes, and clamped together, blocking the door.
-  ``Where did the man go?'', the first guard asked as debris from the fireplace filled the room like a snowstorm.
-  ``He is nothing but soot.
-  All of you!
-  You are all\ldots''
-  Sindon raised both hands as if beginning a mighty spell.
-  The guards jumped back out the door.
-  They knew spell casters had to see people to cast a spell on them.
-  They did not know that elven magic cannot transform people into inanimate material.
-  ``Come on, Marley.
-  We should go quickly, before they realize my spells wouldn't hurt a fly.''
-The art of understanding people is practised by kind souls as well as malicious.
-When paired with Charisma it forms a means of getting people to want things -- or stop wanting them; most often this takes the form of asking someone for help.
-It is used when characters want a price lowered, or are hoping to get someone to keep the bar open.
-If, however, the persuasive arguments are not concerned with making someone feel for the character but with the cold hard facts, the Intelligence Attribute is preferred.
-This might be used to convince someone not to go to war with a neighbouring nation or show how farming more land is not in their own best interest.
-Commonly, Empathy is used to spot lies when paired with Wits.
-Humans are famously bad at this, resulting in wildfires of bogus rumours around human communities, while it can be very difficult to lie to elves.
-Calming animals very often requires this kind of insight, although animals have very little care how `friendly', someone seems to other people.
-Empathy rolls to calm or predict animals typically use the Intelligence Attribute.
-  Nine or ten young men.
-  Eleven or twelve eligible young ladies.
-  One elf, polymorphed into a young noble.
-  Dorian requested a dance, and complemented the young lady's style.
-  It wasn't her.
-  She was strong, but hid her strength well.
-  The second was clumsy -- she didn't know the dance.
-  She repeatedly looked up at him with a little flecks of embarrassment.
-  The third was disinterested, but still trying to lead the dance, but hadn't the muscle to properly telegraph her movements.
-  Bingo.
-Larceny is generally mixed with Dexterity for picking pockets and juggling, or Intelligence to pick a lock.
-It might also be used with Wits to spot a rich pocket to pick, or with Charisma to dazzle someone with a magic trick.
-Characters attempting to spot slight of hand will use Wits + Vigilance.
-  ``I don't want to get swindled'', she said.
-  ``Of course I understand that magical items can't be sold easily, but I still think I should get a fair price''.
-  ``No I know, I understand, the price isn't the issue, we just need to confirm we can use it.''
-  ``\ldots okay, the magic words are \ldots''
-  She whispered into his ear, he held the talisman aloft, he spoke the words, and a ball of raging fire surged out, nearly hitting one of his companions.
-  A knock came at the door.
-  ``Everything alright in there?''
-  ``Fine!
-  All good, barkeep!
-  Just\ldots knocked over a candle, we're picking it up, we're fine in here!''
-  ``Well it works fine'', he grinned.
-  ``We'll contact you when we know what price to give you'', and he put the amulet in his pocket.
-  ``This one has a shorter activation'', she said, producing an identical amulet, ``but I'm keeping for a high bidder, perhaps forty \glsentrylongpl{gp}''.
-  ``I'll give you that when I get\ldots thirty'', and put out her hand.
-  Reluctantly, he counted out some coins, then returned to his smile as he admired the amulet in his hands.
-  She left immediately, also smiling.
-  When the flames roll out, nobody can really tell where they come from\ldots
-Medicine is a primitive but effective art, regrettably full of nonsense and superstition, but mandatory when it comes to keeping someone with a serious wound alive.
-The Wits Attribute will allow someone to quickly patch up a bleeding wound, cutting or reducing the number of \glspl{fatigue} the bleeding character would otherwise have received.%
-\footnote{We cover \glspl{fatigue} later, on page \pageref{fatigue}.}
-Intelligence is used for creating poisons, or healing the effects of a bad meal.
-A sufficiently bad roll can easily inflict damage on a patient.
-  ``Blood-letting doesn't work on elves'', he protested.
-  ``We need all our blood to work''.
-  ``Not the bad blood'', she smiled.
-  ``If you get an injury and fill up with `angry~blood' when \iftoggle{aif}{\gls{ainumar}}{the moon} is above those three stars you'll catch a fever, now sit still.''
-This skill covers every type of instrument, poetry and evocative storytelling. While academics might tell detailed stories which serve to persuade people of things, they are not nearly so entertaining as the dramatic stories told by a true performer. Performance covers dramatic acting, though Deceit still covers any real-world performances.
-This will often be paired with Charisma when a performer wants to give off an entertaining performance. More technical pieces might require Dexterity instead. Performers wanting to create new poems, songs or the like add their Intelligence Attribute instead.
-  In recent years, \gls{king} has ensured tight control over public performances, and anyone criticising him faces a charge of treason.
-  The elf looked sad.
-  He had played for three hours, and he thought he had sung well.
-  The notes were crystal-clear, his fingers delicately pulled twelve notes every breath he took.
-  His songs had made the nobles who hosted the troupe cry, but here in the market the crowd remained three beggars and a dog.
-  Ruth smiled at her companion's incompetence.
-  He still didn't really understand humans.
-  Ruth pulled all the thick smells of the marketplace into her lungs and began.
-  ``Hoo-rah, up she rises!'',
-  (she beckoned the elf to strum along)
-  ``Hoo-rah, \emph{up} she rises!'',
-  (she mimed to the elf to thrash the strings harder)
-  ``Hoo-RAH, up she \emph{rises}!'',
-  And half the market -- already her crowd -- sang the next line in response.
-Sailors don't just sail, they typically know how to fish, coordinate reefs, work with others on larger boats, mend masts, sails and nets, and generally do a lot of sewing.
-Seafaring also allows characters to swim against strong currents, and hold their breath underwater for extended periods.
-Seafaring pairs with Intelligence when planning a route, Strength when trying to control a sail in a storm, Dexterity when tacking, and Wits when reacting to a sudden change of weather.
-  The assassin finished his finest piece.
-  It had cost him two whole \glsentrylongpl{gp} to gather the wool, paper, and wax, and have the Paper Guild fashion the white squares.
-  It took him \emph{days} to sew everything together.
-  The assassin tested the sails on a warm, sunny day.
-  They billowed fine, and looked perfect.
-  And tomorrow, he would sell them for a good price to the captain of \iftoggle{aif}{\gls{king}'s Pride}{the Black Seal} -- a proud captain, but a cruel and mean man.
-  The captain would demand they go up, his men (who knew better than to argue with him, or question his judgement) would put up the sails, and off they would go.
-  And the sails should hold, at least till they had gone out a day.
-  Once the sail went up, he would work on their anchor's chain.
-  The captain (and his crew) didn't stand a chance.
-  The assassin relieved the desk of the weight of his large stomach, greeted the shop-keeper with a friendly wave, and asked cheerily if the shop intended to purchase and mend old sales when they sell new ones.
-  ``Of course -- we can always salvage some material, but just give them a little discount.''
-  The assassin had his trophy.
-  The ship's old sale would identify it by the weave, the holes, and little adverts woven into the edges, along with the date.
-This Skill can be paired with a variety of Attributes.
-Remaining quiet while sneaking through an area could call for a Dexterity and Sneak check while figuring out where in the shadows to best hide could use Intelligence.
-Intelligence might also be used to create a convincing disguise.
-Fitting into a noble soir\'{e}e without an invite and only semi-decent attire could use Charisma.
-In almost all cases, opponents resist with Wits + Vigilance to spot the character or spot the ruse.
-  Samuel would be breathing down the man's neck if the man in question were not wearing such a thick hood.
-  The man's left foot sloshed into the snow, and Samuel placed his foot into left footprint the man had left.
-  Left, right, left\ldots
-  The man in the hood looked right then left; Samuel leaned left then right.
-  Left, right, left, right, and the keep stood ahead, archers strolling along the wall hailed the man in the hood.
-  He hailed back, and Samuel hailed too.
-  \emph{Right}, left, and the man in the hood wrapped on the door.
-  Samuel stayed still.
-  The doorman opened the door as the man in the hood walked in.
-  The man in the hood said ``hello''.
-  The doorman said ``hello''.
-  Samuel smiled, bowed his head a little, and gave a little salute.
-  ``Hi'', said the doorman.
-  ``Hello'', said the man taking off his hood, ``I need to see the captain immediately''.
-  The doorman looked at Samuel, fiddling with the little candle, and asked what on earth he was doing, then told the hoodless man which direction to turn.
-  ``My father always told me, when it comes to the subject of candles, that should  a man wish to be frugal with his usage, he need only apply a rare yet useful trick\ldots''
-  The hoodless man, already bored, left.
-  ``I should follow him'', said Samuel.
-Tactics allows people to plan concise victories.
-The utility quickly fades when battles become drawn-out and unpredictable, but the initial benefits from going into battle with a good plan are great.
-It can be used to understand why people are employing apparently odd battle-tactics, or uses Charisma to impress people concerning one's military ability.
-When going into combat, someone who has time to prepare for a battle by running through instructions with receptive troops gains a bonus to their \glspl{ap} equal to their Tactics Skill.
-This bonus only ever counts for the first \gls{round}.
-  Good tactical knowledge can allow one to stay alive often longer than having an extra soldier in the team.
-  The beasts of Fenestra may be fierce, but if one understands how to approach, trap, and corner them properly, battles can become far more reliable than simply charging into battle, axe-swinging.
-  ``\ldots I realize this unfortunate news comes as a shock.
-  Disloyalty may be the worst of all crimes.''
-  ``Did you get all that?'', the Captain asked.
-  ``Yes, sir'', said the lieutenant.
-  ``Yours eternally, \ldots Captain Oscar''
-  ``Let me see what you've written.
-  Okay\ldots yes\ldots
-  Is this meant be my name at the end?''
-  ``Signatures should look like that, sir, so it looks official.''
-  ``Do the double seaman's knot.
-  I don't want anyone to even think he can open this without clearly breaking the seal upon the king's messages.''
-  ``Yes, sir.
-  Double seaman's knot, sir''
-  The lieutenant cut the paper's edge with a knife, punctured it in the centre, rolled it up, and looped the stray paper-edges through the hole.
-  Nobody could open the scroll without breaking the paper.
-  The lieutenant applied the wax, and handed it to his captain to push his seal into the wax.
-  ``Now run along, and send it to the messenger-crew, quick man!''
-  ``Yes sir'', and out the door he went, pressing the scroll into a button on his chest.
-  The wax seal would be his.
-  The handwriting, also his.
-  He would be the natural successor to the post of `captain'.
-  That left only had one more thing to take care of\ldots
-This is the flip side of a number of Skill related to hiding one's doings or presence.
-It is practised by guards or the eternally paranoid.
-It is most often rolled with Wits in order to spot people sneaking about, perhaps fingering a purse or sneaking up behind a potential victim to stab them in the back.
-One might also add this Skill to Intelligence to spot important facts written on dungeon walls, or use Strength + Vigilance in order to stay up late, despite being laden with Fatigue, in order to remain alert.
-  Sandjel had raided a local tomb, but found it already ransacked, and was down to her last \glsentrylong{gp}.
-  She examined the change from the bar.
-  The \glsentrylongpl{sp} came from the time of Dalyus Rex -- making them at least two centuries old -- but they looked nearly new.
-  It had to be the tomb raiders who had cleared out the nearby grave before she arrived.
-  She hopped back to the bar for another pint.
-  ``Another \glsentrylong{gp}!'',
-  the barman exclaimed.
-  ``I can't keep giving you change for this massive coinage!''.
-  ``Sorry'',
-  she shrugged, as the barman handed over yet another shiny coin with the Rex's.
-  They were in here somewhere\ldots
-  ``The beer arrived, fizzing but not frothing, and no head.
-  Everyone in the troupe downed their drink but Ratfix.
-  He stared, perturbed, mulling the problem, without a drink.
-  Soon after he mentioned to the rest,
-  ``I think we may have been drugged, and not in the way we paid for.''
-This skill covers everything from the initial forays into the wilderness, to fully cultivated land.
-A wyldcrafter can navigate, track animals and other humanoids, and forage.
-In calmer settings, wyldcrafting covers all the activities involved in farming -- from taming animals, and selecting the best soil to plant carrots.
-Wyldcrafting also covers creating basic structures, such as fences, or making fires that can burn all night with just a few logs.
-These typically use the Intelligence Attributes.
-Wyldcrafters can track people and prey throughout any standard above-ground terrain (typically using Wits), although humanoid quarry will often try to cover their tracks with Intelligence + Stealth.
-  ``It was three years ago, not far here, ten brigands came out of the snow, all carrying longbows.
-  We were wounded from the beast which we had fought just earlier that day, but we did not let our wounds show, and demanded that the brigands\ldots''
-  ``During a snowstorm?'', one of the farmers asked.
-  ``No, it wasn't a snowstorm, but the cold was bad, and so I said to them\ldots''
-  ``Nah, it was a snowstorm'', the farmer insisted.
-  Just after the \iftoggle{aif}{eclipse of \gls{ainumar}}{blue moon}, you said it was.
-  Three days of snowstorm.
-  Nobody was going anywhere, certainly not these `brigands', and the beasts you fought should have been hibernating.
-  ``Well'', the young guard said with less gusto.
-  ``Maybe it was in a different village''.
-Unsure why your character joined the \gls{guard}?
-Check your lowest Attribute to see your failure, then look under your highest Attribute.
-If multiple Attributes compete for lowest or highest, stop at the first which another player has not already rolled.
-\ldots or to forge your own destiny, skip ahead to \autopageref{CCDecisions}.
-\paragraph{Strength Failure}
-  \item
-  \textbf{Dexterity:}
-  Thief!
-  You stole from your family, then stole from the neighbours, and finally took to snatching from slow, fat, and rich people.
-  But stealing from rich people is a crime, so now you must repay your debt.
-  Your pay will be docked -- receive only half the normal payment until your commander decides you have learnt your lesson.
-  \textbf{Stats:}
-  Combat +1, Projectiles +1, Crafts +1, Larceny +2, Stealth +1, and the knack Specialist (locks).
-  \textbf{Equipment:}
-  a lock-picking set, three daggers, and 4 \glspl{sp}.
-  \item
-  \textbf{Speed:}
-  Coward!
-  You might at least have shouted and thrown a rock at the monster, but you just hid and cried quietly.
-  Now the forest has eaten our best animals.
-  Off you go to the \gls{guard}, to learn courage.
-  \textbf{Stats:}
-  Write down Projectiles 1, Athletics 2, Empathy 1, Vigilance 1, Wyldcrafting 1, the knack \textit{Last Stand} and raise any Attribute from -1 to 0 (or purchase the Caving Skill).
-  \textbf{Equipment:}
-  Begin play with four throwing-daggers, a buckler shield, three travelling rations, and an idea of which \gls{pc} you want to hide behind when the situation goes South.
-  \item
-  \textbf{Intelligence:}
-  Layabout!
-  People like you can't just talk and recite poems all day.
-  Nobody cares that you can read the stars if you won't help with the work.
-  You think you're too good to work?
-  Time to put that brain to use\ldots
-  %!
-  \textbf{Stats:}
-  Write down Academics 2, Performance 1, Vigilance 1, and the Rituals Knack.
-  Then fill in Earth 1, Fire 1.
-  \textbf{Equipment:}
-  Begin play with a piece of chalk, a tinder-box, a mirror, 50' of rope, writing equipment, and four letters you wrote (still undelivered).
-  \item
-  \textbf{Wits:}
-  Gossiper!
-  While everyone else created, toiled, and cared for their animals, you set neighbour against neighbour with your incessant chatter.
-  Talking time is \emph{over}.
-  Begin play with a rapier, a dagger, a tinder-box, a torch, and a rumour you overheard about another \gls{pc}.
-  \item
-  \textbf{Charisma:}
-  Swindler!
-  Those people trusted you with their money.
-  They believed your ointments would cure gout, and the secret prayers would banish the next storm.
-  Now reality knocks at the door, and it won't listen to your clever stories.
-  \textbf{Stats:}
-  Write down Athletics 1, Deceit 2, Empathy 1, Performance 2, Seafaring 1, and Vigilance 1.
-  \textbf{Equipment:}
-  Begin play with a dagger, a mirror, a pouch of unidentified seeds, and a flute.
-\paragraph{Dexterity Failure}
-  \item
-  \textbf{Strength:}
-  Oaf!
-  300 \glsentrylongpl{gp} down the drain, because you couldn't pick up a vase properly.
-  But there's a place they welcome heavy-handed people\ldots
-  Begin play with a maul, complete leather armour, three days of rations, 50 \glspl{cp}, and a knot-puzzle you cannot solve.
-  \item
-  \textbf{Speed:}
-  Klutz!
-  You zip about and run into people.
-  You climb houses, and knock off the roof.
-  One too many misadventures and it was time to let you fall into the clutches of the forest.
-  Begin play with a short sword, partial leather armour, and 20 \glspl{cp}.
-  \item
-  \textbf{Intelligence:}
-  Loner!
-  Too smart to speak with the villagers, too useless to work for a guild.
-  Time to find a place in the most accepting organization in all the land\ldots
-  Begin play with a bag of flour, a bag of chalk, a shortsword, a dagger, and an unopened letter from home.
-  \item
-  \textbf{Wits:}
-  Traitor!
-  When guards came knocking, you blamed your crimes on the others in your hovel, until the others figured out your game.
-  They want you gone for good, so in the end the \gls{guard} took you anyway.
-  Begin play with a rapier, partial leather armour, a hidden vial of poison (deals 4 Fatigue per scene for 4 scenes) and an illegal map of a wealthy village master's keep in the exact hand-writing of any literate \gls{pc} (name them, secretly).
-  \item
-  \textbf{Charisma:}
-  Critic!
-  You could tear anyone's work apart at the guild with a few comments.
-  With friends to jeer, you could bring anyone's work down, and you had plenty of friends.
-  But when time came to make your own works, they never came out quite right.
-  Nobody likes a critic\ldots
-  Begin play with a broken sword, once-complete (now partial) leather armour, 3 \glspl{sp}, and some helpful advice for the player to your left.
-\paragraph{Speed Failure}
-  \item
-  \textbf{Strength:}
-  Fatty!
-  You just eat and eat, helping nobody too far from the table.
-  Those limited connections won't get you too far, so it's time to earn all that food.
-  Begin play with six rations, a great sword, partial chain, a frying pan, and a craving for something in particular\ldots.
-  \item
-  \textbf{Dexterity:}
-  Brigand!
-  Younger siblings never inherit, and none of the guilds would have you, so you took to the road before anyone could shunt you into the \gls{guard}.
-  The only way to survive was to band together with others, stealing what you could from good folks houses at night, and running away.
-  The \gls{guard} chased your group down and put them to the sword while you fled.
-  But you couldn't run fast enough.
-  So now you must join the guard.
-  Begin play with a javelin, partial leather armour, 80 \glspl{cp}, and nasty black eye.
-  \item
-  \textbf{Intelligence:}
-  Upstart!
-  You write letters, and get everyone else to send them.
-  You arrange new deals, but can't deliver the goods.
-  Well nobody needs a king without a kingdom, and nobody's going to do your work for you.
-  Begin play with writing equipment, three torches, and a dagger.
-  \item
-  \textbf{Wits:}
-  Jester!
-  You just sit there telling jokes and mocking people.
-  You spot the problems, then wait for others to solve them.
-  It's time you paired that sharp wit with a sharp blade.
-  Begin play with a short sword, a dagger, and 2 \glspl{sp}.
-  \item
-  \textbf{Charisma:}
-  Cynic!
-  You see issues, and moan, moan, moan.
-  We can't stand to see your ugly, down-turned face around here any longer.
-  Go fix all the problems you see!
-  Begin play with a longsword, complete leather armour, and an attitude problem.
-\paragraph{Intelligence Failure}
-  \item
-  \textbf{Strength:}
-  Thug!
-  Actions have consequences, \emph{plural}, but you could never count past `one'.
-  Luckily, we have a place where someone will put that muscle to good use.
-  Begin play with a greatsword, partial chain armour, and disgust for the weak.
-  \item
-  \textbf{Dexterity:}
-  Cretin!
-  You worked well enough, even with the most delicate materials, but lacked the vision to get ahead in life.
-  Now the \gls{guard} can do your planning for you\ldots
-  Begin play with a short sword, and a list of three obvious things you don't understand about the world.
-  \item
-  \textbf{Speed:}
-  Barbarian!
-  You strike first and ask questions later, even when cooking soup.
-  There's a special home for people who run about without thinking about anything.
-  Begin play with a longsword, partial chain armour, and a reason you don't need to listen to people who think they're clever.
-  \item
-  \textbf{Wits:}
-  Faker!
-  You say you `get it', and you just want to `get on with it', but you never really understand a single task given to you.
-  We're all tired of trying to explain simple ideas over your incessant babbling.
-  Begin play with nothing -- packing is stressful, you can find what you need along the way.
-  \item
-  \textbf{Charisma:}
-  Brother!
-  Everyone loved your stories the other night, and we're glad you could join us in the \gls{guard}.
-  Now you can tell stories with us on watch.
-  It's going to be a riot!
-  Begin play with a short sword, 80 \glspl{cp}, and a joke for the captain.
-\paragraph{Wits Failure}
-  \item
-  \textbf{Strength:}
-  Dullard!
-  Last to get the joke, and couldn't spot the rain in a thunderstorm.
-  You're a dime a dozen.
-  Replaceable.
-  And it's time you replaced the last one who died.
-  Begin play with a longsword, partial chain armour, and 10 \glspl{cp}.
-  \item
-  \textbf{Dexterity:}
-  Airhead!
-  You play about with cards, dance with friends, and can't pay attention to anything else.
-  You don't listen, or look.
-  You're lost when not playing.
-  We're tired of being ignored, but there's one place you'll listen\ldots
-  Begin play with any item which could plausibly be used as a toy to fidget with.
-  \item
-  \textbf{Speed:}
-  Headstrong!
-  Always rushing, never thinking.
-  Always moving, never looking.
-  Go run into the forest, and don't look where you're going too long.
-  Begin play with a rapier and a sob story of the time you should have looked ahead.
-  \item
-  \textbf{Intelligence:}
-  Babbler!
-  It's always tangents within tangents with no point.
-  It's always ideas without observation.
-  Off you go to put those ideas into practice, and we hope you can start looking around, or the \gls{guard} will feed you to the forest.
-  Begin play with a short sword and a book on gnomish cooking.
-  \item
-  \textbf{Charisma:}
-  Feckless!
-  Friendly, without principles.
-  Eager, without a plan.
-  Good intentions alone won't give you a life, so you can go make a new one in the \gls{guard}.
-  Begin play with a shiny longsword and a shaggy dog story.
-\paragraph{Charisma Failure:}
-  \item
-  \textbf{Strength:}
-  Reprobate!
-  Nobody likes you.
-  Nobody wants your thoughts.
-  But we know somewhere that can make use of your muscles\ldots
-  Begin play with a greatsword, partial chain, and 50 \glspl{cp}.
-  \item
-  \textbf{Dexterity:}
-  Rogue!
-  You argue and complain, then resort to theft.
-  Begin play with a lockpick set, a shortsword, and a knock-knock joke.
-  \item
-  \textbf{Speed:}
-  Chicken-chaser!
-  Listen, the fox ate all the chickens, so we don't need you any more.
-  But don't worry, someone still needs you\ldots
-  Begin play with a shortsword, and a stolen chicken.
-  \item
-  \textbf{Intelligence:}
-  Pitiable!
-  Smart enough to see problems, but too inarticulate to have anyone else know.
-  Begin play with a short sword, 3 \glspl{sp}, and a conspiracy theory.
-  \item
-  \textbf{Wits:}
-  Crier!
-  Nobody appreciates your little `spin', on the news.
-  Nobody appreciates your gossip about the town master's wife when we need to hear about events of the day.
-  We have the fish-wives for that, and for you we have the \gls{guard}.
-  Begin play with a shortsword, 50 \glspl{cp} and a disgusting rumour.
-To forge your own path into the guard, wander through the rest of the book, stopping at the following places.
-\section{And the Rest}
-\subsection{\nameref{gods_codes} \& Background}
-Select a Code of belief from \autoref{gods_codes}, then write down where your character comes from.
-  Ask your \gls{gm} which areas and background cultures exist in that world.
-Over in \autoref{coreRules}: \nameref{coreRules}, \nameref{xp}, you can spend \glspl{xp} to build up your character's other Traits, such as Skills.
-Then select some items from \autoref{goods}.
-  \subsection{Starting Equipment}
-  \label{start_equipment}
-  \index{Starting Equipment}
-  \label{adventuringequipment}
-  \index{Adventuring Equipment}
-  Characters each start with one items per Skill level, and each item can be worth 10 \glspl{sp} or less.
-  This might include a sword, dagger, a donkey, or anything else worth 10 \gls{sp} or less.
-  Have a look at the goods available in \autoref{coreRules}: \nameref{coreRules}, \autoref{goods}.
-  If your character has Combat 1, and Caving 2, they can select 3 items.
-  The player can decide to replace any of these items with a generic item called \gls{adventure} equipment, and decide exactly what it is later in the game.
-  \Gls{adventure} equipment cannot be given away or acted upon in any way without stipulating exactly what it is.
-  \Gls{adventure} equipment can include any of the following items:
-  \begin{multicols}{2}
-  \begin{itemize}
-  \item{Chalk}
-  \item{Flour}
-  \item{Lock picking set}
-  \item{Medical equipment}
-  \item{Mirror}
-  \item{Rations for a day}
-  \index{Food}\index{Rations}
-  \item{Rope}
-  \item{Tinder box}
-  \item{Torch}
-  \item{Wine}
-  \item{Writing equipment}
-  \end{itemize}
-  \end{multicols}
-  \input{story/9-rations.tex}
-  \subsubsection{Starting Money}
-  The amount of bare money a character starts out with depends upon their Skills.
-  Starting money is $3D6-5$ \glspl{cp}, which doubles for every level the characters has in a Skill.
-  For example, a character with Empathy 1 and Tactics 1 might roll a total of 7.
-  $7\times2\times2 = 28$, so the character starts out with 28 \glspl{cp}.
-Characters each start with one items per Skill level, and each item can be worth 10 \glspl{sp} or less.
-This might include a sword, dagger, a donkey, or anything else worth 10 \gls{sp} or less.
-Have a look at the goods available in \autoref{coreRules}: \nameref{coreRules}, \autoref{goods}.
-If your character has Combat 1, and Caving 2, they can select 3 items.
-The player can decide to replace any of these items with a generic item called \gls{adventure} equipment, and decide exactly what it is later in the game.
-\Gls{adventure} equipment cannot be given away or acted upon in any way without stipulating exactly what it is.
-\Gls{adventure} equipment can include any of the following items:
-\item{Lock picking set}
-\item{Medical equipment}
-\item{Rations for a day}
-\item{Tinder box}
-\item{Writing equipment}
-\subsubsection{Starting Money}
-The amount of bare money a character starts out with depends upon their Skills.
-Starting money is $3D6-5$ \glspl{cp}, which doubles for every level the characters has in a Skill.
-For example, a character with Empathy 1 and Tactics 1 might roll a total of 7.
-$7\times2\times2 = 28$, so the character starts out with 28 \glspl{cp}.
-\renewcommand\concept{Knightly Poet}
-\renewcommand\characterArmour{Chain Mail & 4 & P & 1}
-\renewcommand\characterEquipment{\Gls{adventure} Equipment \Repeat{3}{{\Large\sqn} }}
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   \node[text=white, overlay, rectangle callout, callout relative pointer={(#2)}, fill=black,] (randomNode) at (#1) [text width=4cm]{#3};
-  \textbf{Roll} & \textbf{Race} & \textbf{Adjustments} \\\hline
-  2-3 & Gnome & \mbox{+1 Intelligence, +1 Dexterity,} \mbox{Strength -2, Speed -1} \\
-  4-5 & Dwarf & +1 Dexterity, -1 Speed \\
-  6-8 & Human & +1 Strength, -1 Wits \\
-  9-10 & Elf & +1 Wits, -1 Strength \\
-  11-12 & Gnoll & \mbox{+1 Strength, +1 Speed,} \mbox{-1 Intelligence, -2 Charisma} \\
-  \begin{boxtable}[YY]
-    \textbf{Result} & \textbf{Bonus} \\
-    \hline
-    2 & -3 \\
-    3 & -2 \\
-    4-5 & -1 \\
-    6-8 & 0 \\
-    9-10 & +1 \\
-    11 & +2 \\
-    12 & +3 \\
-  \end{boxtable}
-  \begin{nametable}[XYYYrYY,float*=b]{\Gls{xp} Chart}
-    \textbf{Level} &  \textbf{Attributes}  &  \textbf{Skill}  & \textbf{Combat/ \mbox{Projectiles}}  & \textbf{\Gls{fp} Base} &  \textbf{Knacks} & \textbf{Sphere}  \\
-    \hline
-    <1                &   5        &         &                      &         0 (5 \glspl{fp})  &      & \\
-    1st               &   10       &   5     &        10            &        10 (10 \glspl{fp}) &   5  &    10  \\
-    2nd               &   20       &   10    &        20            &        15 (15 \glspl{fp}) &  10  &    15  \\
-    3rd               &   30       &   15    &        40            &        25 (20 \glspl{fp}) &  15  &    25  \\
-    4th               &   50       &         &                      &        45 (25 \glspl{fp}) &  20  &    45  \\
-    5th               &            &         &                      &        85 (30 \glspl{fp}) &  25  &    85  \\
-  \end{nametable}
   \begin{nametable}[Xc]{\Gls{ap} Costs}
@@ -233,7 +177,6 @@
   \begin{nametable}{\gls{fatigue} Chart}
@@ -511,397 +454,4 @@
-    \commentary{[xshift=10,yshift=-7em]TCBPOSTER@title.north}{-2em,2em}{{\huge\ref{sumCCrace}}: Write down your name and roll a random race (\autopageref{raceRoll}).}
-    \commentary{[xshift=4em,yshift=-6em]TCBPOSTER@attributes.south east}{-4.1em,2.8em}{{\huge\ref{sumCCatt}:} Roll to determine each of your Attributes, then apply the racial modifier (\autopageref{randomAttributes}). The large `\statDot' represents a Bonus of `0'.}
-    \commentary{[xshift=13em,yshift=-6em]TCBPOSTER@title.west}{-2em,2em}{{\huge\ref{sumCCconcept}:} Concept and Name: write two words to summarize the character, and a name.}
-    \commentary{[xshift=4em,yshift=-1em]TCBPOSTER@gumption.west}{-20em,9em}{}
-    \commentary{[xshift=4em,yshift=0em]TCBPOSTER@gumption.west}{1em,-28em}{}
-    \commentary{[xshift=4em,yshift=0em]TCBPOSTER@gumption.west}{-4em,6.5em}{{\huge\ref{sumCCxp}:} Spend 50 \glspl{xp} to purchase Attributes, Skills, and Knacks (\autopageref{xp}).}
-    \commentary{[xshift=3em,yshift=-1em]TCBPOSTER@gumption.south}{.4em,5em}{\small Place coins in the circles to keep track of the current score.}
-    \commentary{[xshift=3em,yshift=2em]TCBPOSTER@spheres.south}{3em,2em}{\small Place a coin on the \glspl{ap} tracker to keep track of your \glspl{ap} during combat.}
-    \commentary{[xshift=-7em,yshift=-4em]TCBPOSTER@title.east}{-2em,1em}{{\huge\ref{sumCCcode}:} Select a Code (\autopageref{gods_codes}) and write down a culture.}
-    \iftoggle{aif}{}{
-      \commentary{[xshift=-8em,yshift=4em]TCBPOSTER@equipment.south}{-7em,-3em}{\small {\huge\ref{sumCCcoin}:} Roll $3D6 - 5$ \gls{cp} starting money, a multiply it by 2 for every Skill-dot you have.}
-    }
-    \commentary{[xshift=5em,yshift=5em]TCBPOSTER@armoury.north west}{4em,-25em}{}
-    \commentary{[xshift=5em,yshift=5em]TCBPOSTER@armoury.north west}{-1em,-2.5em}{{\huge\ref{sumCCequip}:} \iftoggle{aif}{Check your reaons for enlisting, and take your starting equipment (\autopageref{enlistment_equipment}).}{Take a number of pieces of equipment equal to all Skill levels added together (\autopageref{goods}).}}
-  \begin{xpchart}{Acquisition}
-    1 & Buying an expensive item -- worth 1 \gls{gp} or more. \\
-    1 & Being greeted deferentially by a stranger. \\
-    1 & Confirming you are the richest person in a new region. \\
-    1 & Hiring a new servant. \\
-    1 & Meeting a famous person. \\
-    3 & Buying a very expensive item -- at least 10 \gls{gp} in value. \\
-    3 & Disarming a potential conflict. \\
-    5 & Starting a new business. \\
-    5 & Finding a magical item. \\
-    5 & Gaining a new title such as a guild master or townmaster. \\
-    5 & Buying an extremely expensive item -- at least 20 \gls{gp} in value. \\
-    10 & Marrying into a prestigious family. \\
-    10 & Acquiring a horde of new wealth -- at least 100\% of the character's maximum lifetime total, and at least 1 gp. \\
-    10 & Buying an expensive new home -- at least 200 \gls{gp} in value. \\
-  \end{xpchart}
-  \begin{xpchart}{\Glsentrytext{justicegod}}
-    1 & Donating at least 1 \gls{gp} to the temple. \\
-    1 & Enforcing a law. \\
-    1 & Feeding the poor. \\
-    1 & Hosting guests. \\
-    1 & Punishing law breakers. \\
-    1 & Returning someone's valuables to them. \\
-    1 & Enduring a troubling oath. \\
-    3 & Enforcing a major law or imposing the law on a group. \\
-    3 & Donating at least 10 \gls{gp} to the temple. \\
-    3 & Returning from a dangerous mission with all allies unharmed. \\
-    5 & Completing a quest you swore to complete over one session ago. \\
-    5 & Correcting the local law. \\
-    5 & Creating a peace treaty between factions in danger of fighting. \\
-    10 & Creating a peace treaty between warring factions. \\
-    10 & Donating at least 100 \gls{gp} to the temple. \\
-    15 & Deposing a tyrant. \\
-  \end{xpchart}
-  \begin{xpchart}{\Glsentrytext{joygod}}
-    1 & Playing a prank. \\
-    1 & Donating at least 1 \gls{gp} to the church. \\
-    1 & Drinking and eating to excess. \\
-    1 & Making a particularly bad pun. \\
-    1 & Giving food or shelter to the needy. \\
-    1 & Reminding another player about something in their Code to get them \glspl{xp}. \\
-    3 & Winning a drinking competition. \\
-    3 & Lifting the spirits of the downtrodden. \\
-    3 & Creating a funny song. Requires at least a full night and an Intelligence + Performance action, \gls{tn} 12. \\
-    3 & Playing a prank set up last session. \\
-    5 & Hosting a feast for a village. \\
-    5 & Creating a new type of alcohol. \\
-    5 & Saving someone's life. \\
-    10 & Saving a village or larger populated area from destruction. \\
-    15 & Playing a prank set more than two sessions ago at the start of the campaign. \\
-  \end{xpchart}
-  \begin{xpchart}{\Glsentrytext{knowledgegod}}
-    1 & Donating at least 1 \gls{gp} to the temple. \\
-    1 & Learning a new secret. \\
-    1 & Correcting someone on world-lore. \\
-    1 & Gaining a new level in Academics or any sphere in the Path of Alchemy. \\
-    1 & Remembering an \gls{npc}'s name. \\
-    1 & Crafting a new magical item. \\
-    1 & Drawing a map for the current session. \\
-    1 & Overcoming a tricky situation. \\
-    3 & Solving a complicated puzzle. \\
-    5 & Donating at least 10 \gls{gp} to the temple. \\
-    5 & Uncovering a conspiracy. \\
-    5 & Writing an informative book on some topic. Intelligence + Academics is rolled at \gls{tn} 16 during downtime, and requires at least a month. \\
-    10 & Donating at least 100 \gls{gp} to the temple. \\
-    10 & Finding and preserving important knowledge that would otherwise have been destroyed forever. \\
-    15 & Solving a legendary puzzle. \\
-  \end{xpchart}
-  \begin{xpchart}{Experience}
-    1 & Finding a new type of food or drink. \\
-    1 & Witnessing a flower open. \\
-    1 & Seeing a change in Season. \\
-    1 & Greeting a new type of humanoid. \\
-    1 & Entering a new area, days away from anything seen before. \\
-    1 & Hearing a new language. \\
-    1 & Learning a new type of creative skill, such as Crafts or Performance. \\
-    3 & Experiencing any emotion to heights never reached before. \\
-    3 & Learning a Skill or sphere to a level above any other Skill or sphere you have. \\
-    3 & Making a new friend. \\
-    3 & Returning home after a longer period away than ever before. \\
-    3 & Finding a mana lake. \\
-    3 & Seeing a new magical item activate. \\
-    5 & Experiencing deep tragedy. \\
-    5 & Taking \gls{hp} Damage for the first time. \\
-    5 & Falling in love. \\
-    5 & Creating a masterpiece of some kind at \gls{tn} 14.
-    Each Skill can only be used to gain \gls{xp} once. \\
-    5 & Discovering a lost piece of art or literature. \\
-    10 & Finding an area lost to all contact for more than a century. \\
-    15 & Finding an area never before visited by people. \\
-  \end{xpchart}
-  \begin{xpchart}{\Glsentrytext{naturegod}}
-    1 & Donating at least 1 \gls{cp} to the temple. \\
-    1 & Hunting one's own food and dedicating it to \glsentrytext{naturegod}. \\
-    1 & Gaining a new level in the Caving, Seafaring, or Wyldcrafting Skills. \\
-    3 & Building a shrine -- requires 3 days work and an Intelligence + Crafts action, \gls{tn} 8. \\
-    3 & Donating all of one's money to the temple. \\
-    3 & Freeing a wild animal from captivity. \\
-    3 & Destroying an `unnatural' creature such as the undead\iftoggle{aif}{, or nura}{}. \\
-    5 & Composing a song to \gls{naturegod} -- requires an Intelligence + Performance action, \gls{tn} 15. \\
-    5 & Seeing a new type of creature. \\
-    10 & Establishing a new temple. \\
-    15 & Saving some miles of land from being despoiled. \\
-  \end{xpchart}
-  \begin{xpchart}{\Gls{wargod}}
-    1 & Donating at least 1 \gls{gp} to the temple. \\
-    1 & Finding an interesting battle trophy. \\
-    1 & Finishing a battle with 0 \gls{fp}. \\
-    1 & Finishing a round with -10 \glspl{ap} or less. \\
-    1 & Fighting a new type of creature. \\
-    1 & Gaining a new level of the Combat Skill. \\
-    1 & Surviving a skirmish while outnumbered. \\
-    1 & Going first in the party when entering a dangerous situation. \\
-    3 & Answering a one on one challenge. \\
-    3 & Killing three opponents single handedly in one battle. \\
-    3 & Killing a more dangerous opponent than ever before (danger is measured in \gls{xp}). \\
-    3 & Surviving a large scale battle while outnumbered. \\
-    5 & Donating at least 10 \gls{gp} to the temple. \\
-    5 & Killing five or more opponents single handedly in battle. \\
-    5 & Killing a dangerous opponent (16+ \gls{xp}) single handedly. \\
-    10 & Killing a dangerous opponent (10+ \gls{xp}) without wearing armour. \\
-    10 & Donating at least 100 \gls{gp} to the temple. \\
-    10 & Defeating a previously victorious opponent. \\
-    15 & Starting a war. \\
-  \end{xpchart}
-  \begin{xpchart}{\Glsentrytext{deathgod}}
-    1 & Donating at least 1 \gls{gp} to the temple. \\
-    1 & Cursing a dying enemy, to prevent them from achieving a proper afterlife. \\
-    1 & Gaining a new level in the Necromancy sphere. \\
-    1 & Giving someone blessings upon their death bed. \\
-    1 & Losing \glspl{hp}. \\
-    1 & Toasting to absent friends. \\
-    3 & Performing an outlandish burial, with sacrifices and words appropriate for the deceased. \\
-    3 & Easing the last moments of a dying person. \\
-    3 & Erecting a shrine to the dead. Requires an Int + Craft action, \gls{tn} 9, at at least 10 gp. \\
-    3 & Learning the history of a new area. \\
-    3 & Protecting the graves of the honoured dead. \\
-    5 & Donating at least 10 \gls{gp} to the temple of \gls{deathgod}. \\
-    5 & Falling below 0 \gls{hp}. \\
-    5 & Retrieving a dead body for a proper burial. \\
-    10 & Building or funding a grand mausoleum. Takes a year and requires at least 100 gp. \\
-    10 & Falling below -3 \glspl{hp}. \\
-    15 & Falling below -5 \glspl{hp}. \\
-  \end{xpchart}
-\begin{xpchart}{the Tribe}
-  1 & Helping out a member of the tribe. \\
-  1 & Greeting a member of the tribe during a long time away. \\
-  1 & Welcoming a friend into the tribe. \\
-  1 & Testing a potential new member of the tribe. \\
-  1 & Defending your tribe's honour. \\
-  3 & Spreading the honourable name of the tribe to outsiders. \\
-  3 & Entering battle simply for the sake of the tribe. \\
-  5 & Forming an alliance for the tribe. \\
-  5 & Returning home after an extended trip away. \\
-  5 & Acquiring a new home for your family. \\
-  5 & Saving a member of the tribe from some terrible situation. \\
-  5 & Fulfilling the final wishes of an ancestor.
-  The ancestor's wish can be specified only while spending \glspl{storypoint}, and the \gls{xp} can only be collected if the mission is completed in a later Story. \\
-  10 & Starting a family. \\
-  15 & Saving one's entire tribe from destruction. \\
-  \begin{boxtable}[lp{.25\textwidth}X]
-    Path & Spheres & Flavour \\\hline
-    Alchemy & Conjuration, Invocation, Force, Illusion, Necromancy & Alchemists use sacred geometry and the power of precious metals and minerals to twist the world around them. \\
-    Blood & Aldaron, Enchantment, Force, Invocation, Polymorph & Creatures with innate magic simply call to the world to change the weather, change targets' species, and move items with the power of their minds.  It is used by elves, dragons, and sorcerers with elven blood. \\
-    Devotion (\glsentrytext{naturegod}) & Aldaron, Conjuration, Fate, Polymorph & \glsentrytext{naturegod} blesses rare priests of the forest with the ability to change local weather conditions, and cast divine light. \\
-    Devotion (\glsentrytext{justicegod}) & Aldaron, Enchantment, Fate, Force & Followers of \gls{justicegod} channel their god to protect the innocent and righteous with blessings and raw magical force.  Evil creatures can be detected, then be ordered to stop, turn and flee. \\
-    Runes & Conjuration, Fate, Force, Illusion, Necromancy & Rune magics take a long time as the spells must literally be painted or carved into items. The resulting spells are often placed into items for a quick release, or cast ahead of time. Rune magics are powerful but require craft and preparation. \\
-    Song & Aldaron, Enchantment, Fate, Illusion & Song magic must be cast slowly, as the spells are literally songs. The spells have subtle effects but song magic is no less powerful than other spheres. \\
-  \end{boxtable}
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-There are no `character classes' in BIND, but if you want some sensible defaults to make a `fighter', or `thief', you can start with these values.
-An alchemist is just someone with spells, and a rogue is just someone with the Stealth Skill.
-To apply a template, you can add the racial bonuses to the characters as they are, or roll up a random race and random Attributes, then apply the template.
-Once the game starts, you can continue with the same concept, or morph the character into something else.
-The examples here each have one or two more advanced versions at 150 \glspl{xp}, to show what's possible with a little time.
-`Paladins' and `Rangers', here are fighters with a little divine magic.
-`Illusionists' are alchemists who later focussed on illusion more than any other sphere of magic.
-These templates can also be used to pull in quick \glspl{npc} with \glspl{storypoint}.%
-\footnote{See chapter \ref{stories} for \glspl{storypoint}.}
-Need a quick druid companion to drop onto the set?
-Take the druid below, adjust stats if the \glspl{xp} totals don't work, and your \gls{npc} is ready to go.
-Alchemists start with Academics 1, Invocation 2, Illusion 1 and MP 2.
-If their Intelligence or Wits is below 0 then raise it by one level.
-If not, buy a single 1st level Skill.
-Their equipment is a dagger, writing equipment, camping equipment and a quarterstaff.
-They worship \glsentrytext{knowledgegod}.\footnote{See page \pageref{gods_codes} for more on character belief systems.}
-\npc{\E}{50 \glsentrytext{xp} Alchemist}
-\person{0}% STRENGTH
-{0}% SPEED
-{0}% WITS
-{0}% DR
-{0}% COMBAT
-\Path{\invocation~2, \illusion~1}}% SKILLS
-{\Dagger, 1 x \glsentrytext{adventure} equipment}% EQUIPMENT
-\paragraph{Standard Spells:}
-With Invocation 2, the alchemist can focus for 2 rounds and spend 2 \glspl{mp}, and cast a \textit{Wide Fireball}.
-This spell inflicts $1D6+2$ Damage, but isn't terribly useful, due to the long casting time.
-With Illusion level 1, the alchemist can focus for 1 round and spend 1 \gls{mp} to make a shadow three-dimensional shadow appear.
-\paragraph{Fast Spells:}
-The alchemist can cast a \textit{Fast Fireball} spell for 2 \glspl{mp}, by spending 4 \glspl{ap}.
-More powerful alchemists often pick a specialist sphere.
-This example shows someone able to become invisible (with focus and time), and able to instantly disguise two people using illusion magic.
-The Craft and Empathy skills means the illusionist is best at making illusions of people or objects, but other skills could be added to allow better illusions of animals, or natural terrain.
-\npc{\E}{150 \glsentrytext{xp} Illusionist}
-\person{0}% STRENGTH
-{0}% SPEED
-{0}% WITS
-{0}% DR
-{0}% COMBAT
-{Academics~2, Empathy~1, Crafts~1
-\Path{\force~1, \invocation~2, \illusion~3}}% SKILLS
-{\Dagger, \completeleather, 2 x \glsentrytext{adventuring}}% EQUIPMENT
-\paragraph{Standard Spells:}
-With a full three rounds (and 3 \glspl{mp}), the caster could create a \textit{Wide, Independent Illusion}, creating just about any two facsimiles out of nothing.
-Or at the same cost, the illusionist might make themself completely invisible, with a \textit{Negative Illusion}.
-\paragraph{Enhanced Spells:}
-A \textit{Ranged Illusion} could make something far away change its appearance, or a \textit{Wide Illusion} might change how two people look, instantly.
-Alternatively, the cast could create a \textit{Realistic Illusion} or himself as another type of creature, or cast an \textit{Independent Illusion} at any point.
-\subsection{Priest of \Glsentrytext{naturegod}}
-Priests of \Glsentrytext{naturegod} make a good stand-in for druids or witches, given their affinity for animals and ability to shapeshift.
-They begin play with Academics 1, Wyldcrafting 1, Combat 1, Aldaron 1, Polymorph 1, and 4 \glspl{mp}.
-Their starting equipment includes partial leather armour, camping equipment, a spear, a dagger, 50' of rope, and 
-\npc{\E}{50 \glsentrytext{xp} Druid}
-\person{0}% STRENGTH
-{0}% SPEED
-{0}% WITS
-{0}% DR
-{1}% COMBAT
-{Academics~1, Athletics~1, Caving 1, Wyldcrafting 1
-\Path{\aldaron~1, \polymorph~1}}% SKILLS
-{\spear, \partialleather, dagger}% EQUIPMENT
-\paragraph{Standard Spells:}
-Such a druid can focus for a round and spend 1 \gls{mp} to transform one animal into another, or can freeze over a patch of river, cast a magical light, or perform any other first level Aldaron spell.
-\subsubsection{Arch Druid}
-This follower of \gls{naturegod} has later gained both martial and magical ability.
-Water can be turned to slime or webbing, webs could be turned to water, and the druid can turn themself into different races or animals.
-\npc{\E}{150 \glsentrytext{xp} Arch Druid}
-\person{1}% STRENGTH
-{0}% SPEED
-{0}% WITS
-{0}% DR
-{1}% COMBAT
-{Academics~1, Empathy~1, Wyldcrafting~1
-\Path{\aldaron~2, \conjuration~1, \polymorph~3}}% SKILLS
-{\spear, \partialleather, dagger, 1 x \glsentrytext{adventure} equipment}% EQUIPMENT
-The arch druid can perform the same spells as before, but faster -- level 1 Aldaron spells can be cast instantly, such as \textit{Light}; as can level 2 Polymorph spells such as \textit{Race Change}.
-Additionally, the druid can spend 3 rounds to cast a \textit{Freeform} spell to Polymorph into all manner of weird and wonderful shapes, such as a fire elemental with an \textit{impenetrable hide} (with 4 \gls{dr}).
-\subsection{Priest of \Glsentrytext{justicegod}}
-Priests of the god of honour begin with Fate 2, Academics 1, Medicine 1 and MP 4.
-Their equipment is a quarterstaff, medical equipment, partial chainmail shirt and camping equipment.
-After gaining \gls{xp}, some adventuring clerics focus upon martial abilities, while others focus on prayer in order to work miracles.
-\npc{\E}{50 \glsentrytext{xp} Priest of \Glsentrytext{justicegod}}
-\person{0}% STRENGTH
-{0}% SPEED
-{0}% WITS
-{0}% DR
-{0}% COMBAT
-{Academics~1, Empathy~1, Medicine~1
-\Path{\fate~2}}% SKILLS
-{\quarterstaff, \partialleather}% EQUIPMENT
-\paragraph{Standard Spells:}
-By focussing for 2 rounds and spending 2 \glspl{mp}, the priest can divine the future, with the Auguary spell, or bless their companions with $1D6$ \glspl{fp}.
-With \textit{Curse}, by focussing for a round and spending 1 \gls{mp}, the priest can curse a target, stripping them of $1D6$ \glspl{fp}.
-The \textit{Lending Hand} spell allows priests to add a +1 Bonus to any skill of any character, so long as the priest's Skill level is higher than the character's.
-Those with the rarest blessings from \gls{justicegod} can command enemies to `halt', dazzling them with visions of a wrathful god, or even curse those doing something wrong to continue that same action forever.
-Those trying to steal could be made to continue the behaviour without stopping, guaranteeing that they will be caught.
-Those fighting could be forced to continue until they die from a sword or drop down with sheer exhaustion.
-\npc{\E}{150 \glsentrytext{xp} Cleric of \Glsentrytext{justicegod}}
-\person{0}% STRENGTH
-{0}% SPEED
-{0}% WITS
-{0}% DR
-{1}% COMBAT
-{Academics~1, Empathy~1, Deceit~1, Medicine~1
-\Path{\enchantment~3, \fate~2}}% SKILLS
-{\quarterstaff, \partialchain, medical equipment, 2 x adventuring equipment}% EQUIPMENT
-Rogues begin with Combat 1, 10 \glspl{fp}, Stealth~2, Larceny~1 and the Knack: Perfect Sneak Attack.
-If they have a Body Attribute at -1, raise it by one level.
-If not, purchase one level of the Deceit Skill.
-Their starting equipment is a dagger, Complete leather armour, a shortsword, 50' of rope and lock picking tools.
-If they have the Deceit Skill, they begin play with a throwing dagger.
-They follow the Code of Acquisition.
-\npc{\E}{50 \glsentrytext{xp} Rogue}
-\person{0}% STRENGTH
-{0}% SPEED
-{0}% WITS
-{0}% DR
-{1}% COMBAT
-{Deceit~1, Larceny~1, Stealth~2\knacks{\perfectsneakattack}}% SKILLS
-{\longsword, \completeleather, dagger, lock pick tools, 1 x \glsentrytext{adventure} equipment}% EQUIPMENT
-Alternatively, rogues may go the route of a singing socialite, and even learn to imbue that song with magic.
-\npc{\E}{150 \glsentrytext{xp} Bard}
-\person{0}% STRENGTH
-{1}% SPEED
-{1}% WITS
-{0}% DR
-{1}% COMBAT
-{Academics~1, Empathy~1, Deceit~2, Performance~2, Vigilance~1
-\Path{\fate~1, \enchantment~2}
-{\longsword, \partialleather, dagger, lantern, camping equipment, writing equipment, 2 x \glsentrytext{adventure} equipment.
-Warriors begin play with Combat 2, \gls{fp} 10 and the Knack: Adrenaline Surge.
-If the character has a single Body Attribute below 0 then buy it up a level; otherwise purchase the Tactics Skill at 1st level.
-Their starting equipment is partial chainmail, a longsword and a buckler shield.
-If they start play with the Tactics Skill they also get camping equipment.
-They follow the goddess \gls{wargod}.
-\npc{\E}{50 \glsentrytext{xp} Soldier}
-\person{0}% STRENGTH
-{0}% SPEED
-{0}% WITS
-{0}% DR
-{2}% COMBAT
-{Tactics 1\knacks{\adrenalinesurge}}% SKILLS
-{\longsword, \partialleather, \bucklar}% EQUIPMENT
-Those focussed narrowly on advancing in martial abilities can become deadly.
-\npc{\E}{150 \glsentrytext{xp} Warrior}
-\person{2}% STRENGTH
-{1}% SPEED
-{0}% WITS
-{0}% DR
-{2}% COMBAT
-{Deceit~1, Tactics~1\knacks{\adrenalinesurge, \charge, \unstoppable}}% SKILLS
-{\longsword, \partialchain, \bucklar}% EQUIPMENT
-After progressing, particularly pious fighters can gain a level or two in Fate, allowing them to ask for Divine Guidance, curse enemies, or even gain additional \glspl{fp} before going into battle.
-\npc{\E}{150 \glsentrytext{xp} Paladin}
-\person{2}% STRENGTH
-{1}% SPEED
-{0}% WITS
-{0}% DR
-{2}% COMBAT
-{Academics~1, Deceit~1, Tactics~1
-\Path{\fate~2}\knacks{\adrenalinesurge, \charge}}% SKILLS
-{\greatsword, \partialchain, \bucklar, 2 x \glsentrytext{adventure} equipment}% EQUIPMENT
-Fighters with an affinity for the wilderness may pick up nature-related abilities, such as talking with animals, or even summoning mists.
-Whether this comes through prayer or inborn abilities which develop over time, a little magic on the side of a character can make for a formidable fighter.
-\npc{\E}{150 \glsentrytext{xp} Ranger}
-\person{2}% STRENGTH
-{0}% SPEED
-{0}% WITS
-{0}% DR
-{2}% COMBAT
-{Projectiles~1, Wyldcrafting~1, Seafaring 1, Tactics~1
-\Path{\aldaron~2}\knacks{\mightydraw, \charge}}% SKILLS
-{\longsword, \partialchain, \bucklar, bow, 2 x \glsentrytext{adventure} equipment}% EQUIPMENT
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-\chapter[Codes of Belief]{Codes}
-\index{Codes of Belief}
-Players can receive additional \gls{xp} for following their beliefs.
-While anyone is free to give offerings to any of the gods, most people have a primary god they worship, suggested by their birth but decided in adulthood based on shared values.
-Others follow no god but have a code of some type, guiding their actions.
-These codes are not formal beliefs, written as law and discussed at meetings but rather a set of aspirations which some have.
-Each god has a holy day marking its favourite time of year.
-During the holy day, anyone can earn \gls{xp} by following the edicts of the god, even those who follow others.
-The day of \gls{wargod} is a day to remember war and settle disputes by fist or steel, the day of \gls{joygod} is one of joy, to be celebrated with pranks and presents.
-The gods are most popular with humans and gnolls. Most dwarven settlements have a temple of some kind but it is not something all dwarves take much interest in except during odd times when they want to pay for a blessing. Gnomes' interactions with the gods mainly consists in chronicling legends about them and debating the nature of divinity, but not actively worshipping them. Elves, it is said, do not have the humility to worship anything.
-The gods presented here are the most important -- they are the ones featured in the larger tales and who have the most prominent holy days. There are, however, many more. Each region or individual tribe has its own little god. Players are encouraged to create their own.
-Each god has a holy day marking its favourite time of year.
-During the holy day, anyone can earn \gls{xp} by following the edicts of the god, even those who follow others.
-The day of \gls{wargod} is a day to remember war and settle disputes by fist or steel, the day of \gls{joygod} is one of joy, to be celebrated with pranks and presents.
-Those without a dedicated deity often dedicate themselves to some informal code instead.
-The codes might be thought of as attitudes or philosophies for life.
-Followers of similar codes may well get along together but they will not recognise each other as members of a similar organisation.
-Those with a code as their primary motivator may also sacrifice to gods or even occasionally worship and donate to temples, but their ultimate aims lie with themselves.
-It is said those who do not fully dedicate themselves to any god must wander the afterlife without aid or guidance -- such spirits always provide the most bizarre and contradictory accounts of death and can prove difficult to summon with Necromancy.
-Those with a personal code can never walk the Path of Divinity.
-The \gls{gm} decides how much \gls{xp} to give out for any given task -- each path has a number of suggestions but the list should be understood as open-ended and entirely at the whim of the \gls{gm}.
-Players can only gain each reward once per session, and only for the greatest reward of any type,
-so a follower of \gls{deathgod} can receive 5 \glspl{xp} for  \glspl{hp} only once per session, and would not also gain 1  \gls{xp} for losing a single \gls{hp}.
-Some codes give a reward for donating or gaining gold.
-\noindent Warden to all oaths, lord of ten thousand holy warriors, leader of armies, the giver of vengeance and punishments -- \gls{justicegod} is a popular god.
-He is invoked during wedding vows and business deals.
-His followers are found among the politically influential and can be some of the most zealous of religious followers.
-He values obeying the law, making fair deals, being a good host and supporting the poor.
-His holy day is during the second season of the second cycle.
-It is considered extremely good faith to make an oath on this day, and mortally bad luck to break such an oath.
-\noindent \Glsentrytext{justicegod}'s clerics can access the enchantment and Force spheres.
-They use enchantment to gain followers, dazzling them with the glory of the purity and strength of their god, while force is used to protect the innocent and faithful.
-Their spells appear in a shimmer of gold and the sound of a gong.
-\subsubsection{Mana Stones}
-\Gls{justicegod}'s mana stones are always people who are followers of \Gls{justicegod}.
-Those believers alone can activate any spells which are stored inside them.
-Priests of \Gls{justicegod} often gift their followers with single-use magical powers, such as the ability to call upon a blessing or the ability to protect themselves with armour.
-If the people who are being used as mana stones are given spells then they can activate those spells at will with a short prayer by spending 4 \glspl{ap}.
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--- a/combat.tex
+++ b/combat.tex
@@ -411,8 +411,6 @@ In this way, an \gls{npc} might accumulate quite a number of \gls{fp}, and when
 One exception here is creatures without a Charisma Attribute.
 Animals, undead and other creatures without any Charisma Bonus can never store \gls{fp} except through the use of Magic.
@@ -785,8 +783,6 @@ These \glspl{fatigue} are applied after every roll rather than waiting until the
 Players are encouraged to suggest Skills which might help. While running away from a band of guards, a character could use the Stealth Skill, quickly dipping into an alleyway to hide. When jumping around a busy area of town, the character might leap over a moving cart to gain some headway. Characters can, with \gls{gm} permission, use their Skills to aid an entire group. The Stealth Skill, in particular, might be used to aid the entire party to hide by finding the right spot. The Empathy Skill might be used to quickly convince farmers to hide the characters.
 Running after prey follows exactly the same rules, but in reverse.
@@ -832,6 +828,4 @@ Both teeth and \emph{long} claws allow animals to grapple and damage with the sa
 So when an attack is successful, the target both receives Damage and counts as \textit{grappled}.%
 \footnote{See above, \autopageref{grappling}.}
-  \input{story/15-fatigue.tex}
diff --git a/gm.tex b/gm.tex
index d098b402..b83e8a52 100644
--- a/gm.tex
+++ b/gm.tex
@@ -1383,6 +1383,4 @@ This means the forest will target anyone it likes (so most people), especially i
 The spell rolls with a +3 Bonus against TN 7, so it will mostly succeed.
 It can only work on one person at a time, but that's enough of a threat to keep everyone in the area silent (except for alchemist \glspl{miracleworker}, who don't need articles in their spells).
diff --git a/intro.tex b/intro.tex
index ddc03de2..46ffa684 100644
--- a/intro.tex
+++ b/intro.tex
@@ -118,7 +118,6 @@ Thanks to Ari-Matti Piippo and \href{}{Alice
 and Florent Rougon for inspiration on the box-lines code.
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-% these lines initiatiate the 'magic' mini-table of contents, so we can restart it later
-\index{Magic!Paths of Magic}
-  \pathsSummary
-\Glspl{miracleworker} create spells by taking a basic spell, and adding \textit{Enhancements}.
-  A young elf begins exploring her magical abilities with the \textit{Mist} spell.
-  She focuses for a moment, and a small patch of mist forms where she looks.
-  She can cast it a few times before feeling tired, but if she pushes it any further she'll end up feeling sick for weeks.
-  After some years of practice, she learns to modify her spells in a few ways.
-  She can makes \textit{Colourful Mist} appear in red, green or blue, or cast a \textit{Wide Mist} over a small area, obscuring the view in half a room.
-  She can also cast a \textit{Fast Mist}, which appears instantly.
-  As she explores other types of magic, all her spells get better as she understands the wider patterns which link them.
-  She can now cast a \textit{Subtle Mist} without moving her fingers or even showing much stress in her eyes, so nobody can tell where the mist comes from.
-  The spell still has limited use.
-  She doesn't pull it out much in dangerous situations.
-  Later in life, with diligent practice, she will learn more \textit{Aldaron} magic, improving the mist, and learn how to add more to her spells.
-  She'll be able to cast a \textit{Wide, Colourful Mist} which looks a little like a giant, red phoenix, or the mist could be \textit{Fast} and \textit{Wide}, instantly filling a room.
-By chaining together powerful Enhancements, \glspl{miracleworker} can create novel and potent effects.
-\section{The Paths of Magic}
-  \noindent
-  There are various roads to learning magic -- each allows the mage to invoke different spheres and has a different flavour of magic.
-  Acquiring a new Path only requires purchasing the appropriate Knack.
-  Each school of magic has its own flavour but different people casting spells from the same spheres of magic will end up with exactly the same results, mechanically.
-  A priest of war may call divine fire to to destroy enemies where an alchemist uses precise gestures to summon the essential form of fire, but both are just using the Invocation sphere.
-\subsection{Multiple Paths}
-People can pick up different Paths of Magic by purchasing multiple Knacks.
-If someone begins as a Blood mage with Aldaron 2 then later learns Song Magic, they would be able to cast Aldaron through Song magic with only a little practice.
-In gaming terms, the first \gls{downtime} grants full access to all spheres from any secondary Path.
-However, the opposite is not true.
-Those on the Path of Song learn spheres easier than others, spending 5 fewer \glspl{xp} to purchase a sphere.
-If a sphere has not been `fully' paid for, then the remaining \glspl{xp} must be spent to use that sphere on a different path.
-\section[Spellcasting]{Casting Your First Spell}
-Spells are cast by spending a number of \gls{mp} equal to the spell's level, so 1st level spells always cost 1 \gls{mp} and 3rd level spells always cost 3 \gls{mp}.
-The character then spends the mana and makes a roll against \gls{tn} 6 + the spell's Level.
-\subsection{Spell Ties, Failures, and Catastrophes}
-All spells have a basic \gls{tn} of 6 plus the spell's level.
-Spells which roll below this basic \gls{tn} drain the caster of double the usual \glspl{mp}, so failure to cast a third-level spell drains the caster of 6 \glspl{mp}.
-Spells which reach the \gls{tn} precisely give the caster a choice -- either abandon the spell (at no cost), or spend double the normal \glspl{mp} to have it succeed.
-A spell's target may try to resist the spell.
-This often makes a second \gls{tn} which the roll must exceed.
-If a \gls{miracleworker} casting a basic Illusion spell may only need to roll at \gls{tn} 7 to create the illusion, but they will need to roll higher to make someone believe the illusion.
-Everyone's total mana is equal to triple the number of spheres they have, plus their Intelligence Bonus.
-  For example, a caster with Invocation 3, Fate 1, and a Intelligence Bonus of +2, would have 8 \glspl{mp} in total.
-If a caster has no \gls{mp} left, they can still cast spells by paying the cost with \gls{hp} instead of \gls{mp}.
-The magical energies pull the power they need from the blood and bones of the caster, leaving them with a bleeding nose, raging headache and sometimes stranger effects such as acidic pustules or discoloured skin patches.
-Many a desperate caster has died through the use of their own magic rather than an enemy's sword; a wizard with their back to the wall is a dangerous opponent indeed.
-\Glspl{fp} cannot be spent in lieu of \glspl{hp}.
-Mana is a fickle thing -- when lazing \ around a village it can take hours to regain even a little driblet of magic.
-When fighting in deep caves, a few minutes' focus can summon most of a mage's magical energies back.
-Every scene, characters regenerate 2 Mana plus their Wits Bonus.
-If this total would be 0 then the amount of time required to gather a single \gls{mp} increases by 1 scene.
-Characters with a Wits score of -2 must wait 2 scenes before regenerating 1 \gls{mp} while those with Wits -3 must wait 3 scenes.
-  Wits & Range \\\hline
-  -2 & 3 \\
-  -1 & 4 \\
-  0 & 5 \\
-  1 & 10 \\
-  2 & 15 \\
-  3 & 20 \\
-Spells have a range of 5 squares plus 5 times the caster's Wits bonus.
-A negative Wits Bonus decreases the range by one square per penalty.
-Magic extends all around the character but mages can rarely affect targets anywhere near the range of a good archer.
-Spells which affect a large area are only restricted by where they \emph{start}.
-A \textit{Wide Fireball} covering 3 squares might be cast 5 squares away, but it could extend past that, reaching a total of 7 squares.
-This range limitation applies to all magic, including Song magic.
-While a tune may carry over the hilltops, the force of the magic usually remains close to the caster.
-If a caster leaves an active spell, the spell remains, with no regard for range limitations.
-  A mage could cast an illusion over a dog, and leave the area, but the spell remains despite the dog being miles away.
-\subsection{Instant \& Continuous Spells}
-\index{Continuous Spells}
-\index{Instant Spells}
-Some spells are instant -- a ball of fire flashes from the mage and incinerates someone, or a touch grants the favour of the gods, healing FP -- but most are `\textit{continuous}'.
-Continuous spells can be cancelled at will or maintained indefinitely.
-However, while they are being maintained, the \gls{mp} required to cast them remains spent, lowering the mage's maximum \gls{mp}.%
-\footnote{Spell Enhancements (see below) do not lock mana in this way.}
-For example, Tauron the elven sorcerer casts a spell on himself to appear as a human -- all the better to blend into surrounding society.
-He spends 1 \gls{mp}.
-Later, he enchants an animal to be his companion for 2 \gls{mp}.
-Normally, his maximum \gls{mp} is 6, but he is currently reduced to a maximum of 3 \gls{mp} so long as he continues to be a bear-riding man.
-These still-active spells are known as \glspl{standingspell}.
-Some mages operate by continuously casting different spells and then going `empty' when the mana is gone.
-Others typically operate with \gls{standingspell} alone, casting everything they might need before the day begins and leaving their useful spells `running' but leaving themselves unable to cast more.
-\subsection{Casting Times}
-  Your standard spell takes a while to cast -- specifically a number of rounds equal to half the spell's level.
-  A first level spell takes a full \gls{round} to cast, and activates at the end of a round, while a third level spell requires 2 \glspl{round} to cast.
-  When casting spells in combat, \pgls{miracleworker} will generally use the \textit{Fast} Enhancement (page \pageref{fast}).
-  Spells require a number of full \glspl{round} to cast equal to half the spell's level.
-Casters who take any other action during this time, such as evading an attack or speaking, lose the spell and must start over (but lose no \glspl{mp}).
-\subsubsection{Ritual Spells}
-Mages who take their time over spells can attempt a Ritual Spell -- they cast it as a \gls{restingaction}%
-\footnote{See page \pageref{restingactions}.}.
-The mage can gain mana slowly, spending some, drawing more from a mana stone or item, then spending more before finally casting the spell.
-Ritual spells can also be cast as a team effort -- any number of spell casters who are on the same \gls{path} of magic can cast any spell they all know together.
-They can each invest \gls{mp} to create \gls{standingspell}, and thereafter any one of them can cancel the spell.
-  As usual, the primary caster can spend mana up to double their Metamagic score (meaning total \glspl{mp}), the second caster can add a maximum number of \glspl{mp} up to their regular total, and the next caster can \glspl{mp} up to a quarter of their total, and so on.
-\subsection{Spell Enhancements}
-Spell Enhancements make spells stronger, at the expense of adding to the spell's level.
-These Enhancements always take the form of adjectives.
-  The \textit{Lending Hand} spell allows someone to add a Bonus to an ally's rolls at the cost of 1 \gls{mp}.
-  But anyone with the \textit{Wide} Enhancement can add a level, and cast a \textit{Wide Lending Hand} spell, which boosts multiple allies' rolls as a second level spell (costing 2 \glspl{mp}; or with the \textit{Fast} Enhancement, \pgls{miracleworker} could cast a \textit{Fast Lending Hand} spell.
-  The Invocation sphere in particular may seem very limited, where casters can only benefit from a Level 1 \textit{Fireball}.
-  However, anyone with Invocation 3 could spend 3 \glspl{mp} to cast a \textit{Fast, Potent, Fireball}, or a \textit{Fast, Wide, Fireball}, which targets many enemies instantly.
-  \Glspl{miracleworker} gain access to Enhancements by raising their Metamagic level (which is always equal to their maximum \glspl{mp}).
-  Casters gain Enhancements through gaining Metamagic levels.
-\index{Path Rating}
-The more \glsentrylongpl{mp} a mage has, the more Metamagic they have to change their spells.
-A mage with 2 spheres and an Intelligence Bonus of +1 would have a total Metamagic rating of 7.
-Every power level offers the caster new spells or Enhancements (which make spells more powerful).
-The Enhancements drawn from Metamagic can affect all spells the caster has, making every one more powerful.
-In this way, spells can be combined for greater effects.
-Anyone who has bought any magical Knacks can make use of any of these abilities, even if they haven't bought any spheres.
-\spell{Identify Item}{Instant}{Academics}{Find out if an item is magical}\\
-The mage detects whether or not something is a mana stone (i.e. an item or person which stores mana).
-\spell{Mana Stones}{Continuous}{Academics}{Create a vessel for \glspl{mp} equal to double the \glspl{mp} you sacrifice}
-A mana stone is an item which stores mana, and each path of magic has its own version.\footnote{See page \pageref{magic_paths} for more on Paths of Magic.}
-Once an item (or creature) is designated as a mana stone, the item becomes a vessel which can store up to 2 \glspl{mp} per level of the spell.
-For example, a mage with 5 \glspl{mp} might cast this spell at level 3.
-The mage would be left with only 2 \glspl{mp} to use, but the stone would have 6 \glspl{mp}.
-Anyone on the same Path of Magic can retrieve the mana from the stone by simply touching it and concentrating.
-Retrieving the mana takes the normal amount of time to use an item -- 4 \glspl{ap}.
-The mana in mana stones cannot be used to create more mana stones and mages cannot enter their own temporary \gls{mp} into the mana stone.
-Mana stones form the basis of all magical items, and \glspl{miracleworker} can only use their traditional mana stones to create magical items.
-\subsubsection{Ambient Mana Regeneration}
-\index{Ambient Mana}
-These stones always start life empty, but regenerate \glspl{mp} each scene until they reach their maximum.
-Mana stones only fill up through the ambient mana in the air.
-Typically, this means 2 \glspl{mp} at the end of each scene, or 3 within a deep forest, or anywhere secluded.
-However, there is only so much mana to go around.
-Multiple mana stones in an area must divide the mana between them.
-Whichever has the most empty slots restores mana first, so if one item has 1 out of 5 \glspl{mp} left, while another has 8 out of a maximum 9 \glspl{mp} left, the first item takes ambient \glspl{mp} first, because it has 4 empty points, so it draws more in.
-If items are tied, roll a die to see which regenerates \glspl{mp} first.
-  For this reason, parties on some \gls{adventure} cannot make use of dozens of magical items at once.
-\spell{Imbuing}{Instant}{Empathy}{Add \glspl{mp} to a mana stone}
-The mage spills a number of \glsentrylongpl{mp} into a mana stone created through the same path of magic the mage walks.
-The maximum number recharged in a single spell is equal to the caster's Intelligence Bonus.
-If cast as a \textit{Wide} spell, the mage can spend \glspl{mp} to spread between multiple items, but can only Imbue total \glspl{mp} equal to what is spent.
-\spell{Identify Mana}{Instant}{Empathy}{Find out which path of magic made an item}
-The caster identifies which Path of magic someone is walking, or which Path was used to create an item which holds \glsentrylongpl{mp}.
-\spell{Detect Mana}{Instant}{Empathy}{Find out exactly how many \glspl{mp} are in the target}
-The mage casts the spell on any person or item and finds out how many \glsentrylongpl{mp} the target has, including any mana stones the target has.
-\enhancement{1}{Fast}{Make a spell cast instantly}\label{fast}
-This Enhancement alone allows \glspl{miracleworker} to  cast effectively on the battlefield.
-With this Enhancement, a spell no longer requires one round per level to cast, but can be cast with 1 \gls{ap}, plus the spell's level, minus the caster's Wits Bonus (minimum of 1).
-While a standard \textit{Oath} spell requires 2 \glspl{round} to cast, a \textit{Fast Oath}, cast at level 3, requires only 4 \glspl{ap} to cast.
-\textit{Fast} spells can be cast instantly, and require only 1 \gls{ap}, plus the spell's level, minus the caster's Wits Bonus.
-\enhancement{1}{Colourful}{Change a spell's appearance}
-This Enhancement allows \pgls{miracleworker} to alter the appearance of any spell.
-The changes are purely cosmetic.
-  This can let a \textit{fireball} take the shape of a bird, or add colour to shadows, turning them into complete illusions.
-\enhancement{1}{Wide}{Widen the spell to hit \glsentrylong{lv} + Wits targets}
-The spell extends to cover a wide area -- a total area equal to the spell's level, plus the caster's Wits Bonus.
-The squares are always continuous, so a spell targeting four squares could form a $2\times 2$ area, or four continuous squares.
-If the spell targets people, one person per square is always a reasonable baseline, but more might be targeted in a narrow tunnel, or fewer if targets are spread out to surround the party.
-\enhancement{1}{Potent}{Increase the caster's effective Intelligence Bonus by +1}
-A \textit{Potent} spell casts as if the mage had +1 Intelligence.
-A \textit{Potent, Colourful, Cloak} Illusion spell would be harder to spot and a \textit{Potent Mage Armour} would gain the benefits of both the additional level, and the Intelligence Bonus.
-A mage with +1 Intelligence could cast a \textit{Potent Pocket Spell} which activates with a +2 Bonus, and lasts for 2 scenes, and the same applies to Talismans and Artefacts.
-Making a resisted spell \textit{Potent} usually has no effect, because the Enhancement will raise the spell's \gls{tn}.
-If a caster wants to make a \textit{Potent Sleep} spell, this would raise their Intelligence by 1 (which helps casting the spell), then raise the \gls{tn} from 7 to 8, making the endeavour pointless.
-This includes \textit{Pocket Spells}, \textit{Talismans}, and \textit{Artefacts}.
-\spell{Spell Breaking}{Instant}{Sphere Rating}{Destroy a spell}
-The caster can destroy an existing spell, whether that spell is a persistent effect, such as a Polymorph, or a magical item.
-The spell requires an opposed roll of Intelligence + the sphere being used.
-For example, a priest casts an Aldaron spell.
-She has Intelligence +2 and Aldaron 3.
-The \gls{tn} is therefore ($7+2+3=$) 12.
-Later, an alchemist attempts to dispel the magic.
-He rolls with his Intelligence Bonus of +3, but he does not have the Aldaron sphere, so he can add nothing more.
-If he fails the roll, he can attempt to try again, turning this into a ritual spell.
-However, if that fails, he simply cannot roll again.
-\enhancement{1}{Subtle}{Cast any spell unseen}
-Casting an illusion or enchantment on someone with a flashing, loud and generally obvious spell can be quite a give away.
-Any caster can attempt to cast a spell while simply whispering and moving their hands slowly and subtly.
-People around the mage can still sometimes spot a spell being cast. They use their Wits + Academics in a resisted roll against the mage's Dexterity + Deceit.
-\spell{Pocket Spell}{Instant}{Crafts}{Allow a mana stone to cast a single spell at the cost of 1 permanent \gls{mp} from the mana stone, after which the stone is broken}
-This spell permanently reduces the \glspl{mp} in a mana stone by 1, and allows the mana stone to permanently use a single spell which the mage casts immediately after this spell.
-Once the mana stone is a Pocket Spell, it can activate once, and then the mana stone becomes useless, and can never contain \glspl{mp} again.
-Some alchemists create scrolls which become useless once read.
-Some priests of \gls{naturegod} enchant animals with a single spell, just to see how the animal will use it.
-The only limitation is that the mana stone must have enough \gls{mp} to cast the spell once.
-The pocket spell always produces a single effect.
-A scroll of illusion might cast an illusion of a griffin, but cannot cast `just whatever the user desires'.
-These magical items are activated by a `command word'.
-Command words do not necessarily have to be actual words -- they could be entire phrases, gestures, or even thought-patterns.
-Pocket spells require 4 \glspl{ap} to cast, just like using any other item.
-These items always use the caster's Intelligence Bonus, but have no relation to Skills, so they do not gain any Bonus from anyone's Skills.
-  When casting a scroll with a Fireball spell, if the caster's Intelligence Bonus were +1, the scroll rolls to hit with +1 Bonus, even if neither scroll's creator, or user, have the Projectiles Skill.
-The item's effective Wits Bonus is also equal to the caster's Intelligence, so a caster with Intelligence +2 would make items which have an effective Intelligence of +2 and Wits +2.
-This is known as the item's `\textit{Potency}'.
-\index{Potency (for magical items)}
-All Pocket Spells last a number of scenes equal to the caster's Intelligence Bonus at he time of casting, after which they become useless, as if the spell within was spent.
-Any continuous spell effects produced by a Pocket Spell last for a number of scenes equal to item's Potency.
-For all the purposes of controlling the spell, whoever holds the item is in control, as if they cast the spell.
-  For example, a spell which allows the caster to detect what is happening far away, could be placed into an alchemical scroll.
-  Whoever uses the scroll would then be able to detect the area.
-If the item changes hands while the spell is active, control of the spell transfers to the new holder.
-  If a magical item allows someone to control undead, then whoever holds the item at the moment has control over affected undead, even if the item changes hands several times.
-\enhancement{1}{Ranged}{Increase any spell's range to line of sight}
-Any spell, from any sphere, can be targeted anywhere the mage can clearly sense, breaking all the normal range boundaries of spells.
-\spell{Talisman}{Instant}{Academics}{Sacrifice one permanent \gls{mp} in a mana stone to let it cast a spell}
-The mage takes a mana stone and allows it to cast a spell, forging a new magical item. A sword could be made which can summon blinding light, or a ruby could be infused with the power to teleport the caster to a specific nearby location.
-Talismans work exactly like Pocket Spells, except that the item regenerates 2 \glspl{mp} per scene, and can be recast.
-Any number of spells can be cast into the item, so long as each one is implanted within the same casting.
-Each spell removes 1 \gls{mp} from the Mana Stone's total.
-Magical items continue to store \gls{mp} for use by people on that Path of Magic.
-Such basic spells always take effect in exactly the same way and use the mage's stats for any rolls. A second level Aldaron spell set to freeze water will always do just that, and can never cast \textit{Light}.
-An illusion-generating mask, making the wearer into a bush, will always turn that wearer into a bush, regardless of what the user may want the illusion to be of.
-Talismans which do not have enough mana simply fail to cast.
-The one exception here is the Path of Song, wherein spell-songs which have too much mana drawn from them simply break, rendering the Talisman-song useless.
-\enhancement{1}{Sentient}{Allow the spell to make its own decisions}
-Powerful \glspl{miracleworker} can make their spells sentient.
-This does not affect the \emph{target} of the spell (enchanted dogs do not become suddenly self-aware), but the spell itself.
-Sentient spells can `miss' a caster's allies, so a sentient spell to freeze over a river would target only the caster's enemies, or a \textit{Wide, Sentient Fireball} would burn only enemies.
-Sentient illusions can independently walk, talk, and use any languages the caster knows.
-These spells are never fully-fledged people, but simple, often mute, stereotypes.
-Sentient Force spells, such as levitation, allow a spell to independently decide where an item will be lifted, or even attack with Dancing Swords.
-However, \textit{Wide, Sentient} spells do not gain multiple consciences -- they can only focus on one thing at a time, just like a normal person.
-  A \textit{Wide, Sentient, Dancing Swords} spell which levitated 4 daggers would not be able to make 4 attacks per round.
-Sentient spells take the Mental Attributes of their caster, so they can enter combat using their own \glspl{ap}, without bothering the caster.
-They also take their caster's Code, so a mage devoted to \gls{justicegod} would create spells which seek to enforce the local laws.
-  The most common use of a sentient spell is to create a Pocket Spell, Talisman, or other magical item which can make its own decisions about when to cast.
-  A sword which casts fireball upon enemies when striking, or a tree which shines with light when a human enters the area, or a runic enscription on a stone door that turns the stone back to wood once the password is stated are all possibilities.
-  Sentient Pocket Spells, Talismans, and Artefacts can cast their own spells.
-\enhancement{2}{Massive}{Increase the target area until it's the size of \glsentryshort{lv} + Wits areas}
-The spell spreads across a massive space -- indoors this could be multiple rooms, outdoors it could be a field, or a massive segment of a forest.
-Massive spells target a number of areas equal to the spell's level plus the caster's Wits.
-This spell has the usual range, so if a caster cannot also cast at long-range, the spell must begin in the area the caster currently stands.
-\enhancement{1}{Eternal}{Make any magical item's effects permanent}
-This enhancement affects spells imbued in magical items such as Pocket Spells, Talismans, and Artefacts.
-The resulting spell lasts until it is cancelled by a command word, rather than dying after a number of scenes equal to its Potency.
-If the item has multiple spells, only one becomes \textit{Eternal}. If the item is an Artefact, one entire sphere can be cast as \textit{Eternal}.
-If an \textit{Eternal Talisman} or other item allows the caster to control undead and then changes hands, the control of the undead changes with it, because the effective `caster' is just whoever holds the item at the time.
-\enhancement{Varies}{Combined}{Add a second spell effect to the target}
-A secondary spell can be combined to throw at the same target.
-The combined spells have a single target.
-The smaller spell adds a number of effective levels equal to half its own level, and the total is used to check \gls{mp} and \gls{ap} cost.
-As long as all spells could be cast normally, the maximum level is determined by the mana score.
-  For example, a sorcerer with elven heritage attempts to cast a \textit{Wide Air Bubble} alongside \textit{Wide Mage Armour}, on all of her companions.
-  The highest level used is \textit{Mage Armour}, at level 3.
-  \textit{Wide Air Bubble} is level 2, so half of that is 1.
-  The effective level is 4 (even though she only has Aldaron at level 3), so the spell costs 6 \glspl{ap} to cast, minus her +1 Wits Bonus.
-\spell{Artefact}{Instant}{Academics}{As `Talisman', but the item gains a full sphere of magic}\\
-This functions just like the Talisman spell, except that the mage can imbue a full sphere's level.
-If the item has Necromancy level 2, the item can cast any Necromancy spell of level 2 or less.
-If it has Invocation level 3, it can cast any spell at level 3 or less.
-Each sphere (but not each level) reduces the item's \gls{mp} by 1, just as with \textit{Pocket Spell}.
-The item's user simply focusses on what they want, and the spell casts.
-  Once the spell Artefact spell is cast, the spell's level must be cast into it as part of the same spell.
-  Therefore, a mage creating an item with the 3rd level of Necromancy must first spend \arabic{spelllevel} \glspl{mp}, followed by 3 \glspl{mp} to place the necromancy sphere into the item.
-\enhancement{5}{Exceptional}{Make Mana Stones regenerate and store 3 \glspl{mp}}
-Mana Stones cast with this enhancement can store 3 \glspl{mp} for each level of the spell, rather than the usual 2.
-They also regenerate 3 \glspl{mp} per scene. This transfers to Talismans and Artefacts made from such Mana Stones.
-\section{Mana Stones}
-Every Path has its own way of creating magical items.
-These magical items always begin life as a `mana stone' -- i.e. a thing which can store mana, and produce it upon command.
-Alchemists typically use gold, while rune-casters use any surface which can hold a rune upon it.
-The mana stones often hold spells, which they can summon on the command of the user (or sometimes, based upon the mana stone's own desires).
-When \glspl{miracleworker} walk multiple Paths of magic, they can create mana stones which combine spells, by creating stones which work with both schools.
-For example, an alchemical rune-caster might carve runes into gold plate in order to complete a spell.
-\subsection{The Path of Alchemy}
-\index{Mana Stones!Alchemy}
-Alchemical mana stones are always precious items, such as gold, rubies, or diamonds.
-A mana stone costs 10 gp per \gls{mp} which can be stored inside it, so a mana stone storing 3 \gls{mp} would cost 30 gp.
-The exact item might be a simply ruby which stores mana, a diamond-headed wand of ivory which blasts out fireballs or a sword with jewels on the handle which surrounds the warrior with moving illusions of their.
-Alchemical mana stones with a spell always activate those spells with a command word.
-Such mana stones can be reworked to make other items, but can only store fewer \glspl{mp} than the first time they were used.
-\subsection{The Path of Blood}
-\index{Mana Stones!Blood}
-Those with magic flowing through their own blood can only use themselves as mana stones.
-They can store magic in their heart, their fingers, or eyes, but can never use an external item to store mana.
-\subsection{The Path of Devotion}
-Each type of devotion has its own mana stone.
-See the individual references in chapter \ref{gods_codes}.
-\subsection{The Path of Runes}
-\index{Mana Stones!Runes}
-Rune casters' mana stones are, of course, runic carvings, and can never be painted onto anything.
-Such mana stones can store a number of \glspl{mp} equal to double the item's \glsentryname{weightrating}, so an item with a \gls{weightrating} of 3 could store up to 6 \glspl{mp}.
-\subsection{The Path of Song}
-\index{Mana Stones!Song}
-The mana stones of the Path of Song are actual songs.
-The bard composes a song especially for the purpose; when anyone -- anywhere in the world -- plays the song on the correct instrument the mana can be regained.
-If anyone ever pulls mana from the song (either for a spell casting or because they are low on mana) while the song-spell is empty, it is destroyed forever.
-The song will be difficult for anyone to remember and will no longer store any mana until someone remakes the spell.
-Rare and powerful spell-songs are swapped as currency among bards -- spells which can protect the singer or enchant a crowd.
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-\chapter{Races \& Cultures}
-\section[Dwarves]{Dwarven Citadels \Dw}
-Far underground, below the soil or coiled up within mountains, the underwyrms roam. Some are as long as a castle, while others stretch only the length of a few horses. Their head is that of a streamlined lizard, and they snake, limbless through the bowls of the world, jutting aside or just eating earth and stone. They feed on a combination of minerals, rocks and the underground fungi. And in their path they leave wide, wide tunnels.
-After the tunnels are formed, little dwarves follow on -- strengthening them with properly placed stone arrayed into an arch or packing the tunnel with clay and then setting a fire of mushrooms, underwyrm droppings and underground oil. Then they carve and chisel for decades until they have a hall or room fit to house a dwarf, or a deep fungal garden, powered by an underground lake or river.
-Almost all dwarvish communities are based around underground lakes -- many are boating folk, though they do not understand the open sea, or its wind and tides. You know where you stand with a dwarvish lake -- you stand still. It is often at the centre of the lake that one finds the day-bell, a massive bell which forms the pride and heart of any dwarvish community. The day bell rings after 20 hours to say that work has finished and then again 8 hours later to say that work has started again. Many communities buck this trend one way or the other, depending upon the whims of their queen.
-The outsides of a dwarvish citadel or undertown are reinforced with metals and very dense clays to discourage outsiders digging in. Dwarves have an excellent knowledge of where is dangerous, what might collapse and how to reinforce walls (or pull them down in a hurry).
-Dwarvish society is heavily matriarchal -- only around one in every ten dwarves is female, so most never marry. Women stand at the heads of their society and are generally considered too precious to go above ground for the menial tasks of trading for food or cutting down wood. Rich males compete in fashioning the most exquisite jewellery in order to win the hand of a fair, dwarvish maiden (or indeed, any dwarvish maiden).
-Dwarves are famed for their exceptional armour, being the first to invent full plate armour, and still the best at creating it. They can enter combat fearlessly, knowing that little except an underwyrm can penetrate their thick, steel plates.
-What is less well known is the dwarvish skill at farming -- mushrooms, glow-worms for lanterns, underground jellies which feed on water and slime -- all manner of underground delicacies are created deep below the earth (though it seems only dwarves actually find them palatable).
-Alcohol forms a massive part of dwarvish culture, but not as many know it.
-They use it primarily for light or cooking, as it gives less smoke than other fuels.
-Dwarves, they say, can ferment anything -- living oozes, fungi, goblins.
-All live underground eventually converts to light.%
-\footnote{If it lives, it can die. When it dies, it rots. If it rots, you can burn it.}
-Commonly, dwarvish tunnels to the outside will end in a gnome-warren.
-Direct contact with the outside world, opening into a forest or plain, is seen as `letting the sun in',%
-  \ignorespaces\footnote{This is basically the \gls{edge} as far as the dwarves are concerned.}}{}
-and generally frowned upon, but if the dwarvish tunnel ends in a gnomish village and those gnomes happen to let the sun in, well -- that's \emph{their} business.
-This persistent crossing of paths means that the dwarvish and gnomish languages are very similar, and patient speakers of one can mostly understand the other.
-Dwarven commerce is based upon copper, bronze (worth 2 cp), \index{Electrum}electrum (worth 200 cp), gold (worth 1,000 cp) and \index{Platinum}platinum (worth 2 gp).
-Each citadel has its own coinage and even some towns make their own pieces, each with runic carvings quoting their matriarch or boasting about their acidic jelly gardens.
-The exchange rates are ever shifting and far too complicated for most outsiders to keep up with but generally speaking a dwarvish copper piece will be worth 2 human copper pieces and can buy dwarvish equipment at normal prices.
-Dwarves fight with spears, swords, and smoke.
-When defending a large entrance, dwarves set themselves up with crossbows, then hand the crossbows back.
-Others behind them reload the crossbows in a production line, then hand it back.
-  While rudimentary crossbow-string might be made from watchers' tendrils,%
-  \footnote{See page \pageref{watcher} in \textit{Adventures in Fenestra}.}
-  the best comes from hemp.
-  Dwarves can construct the rest of the item from wood or umberhulk chitin.
-When narrower tunnels eventually demand toe-to-toe combat, dwarves always fight with spears or swords (which humans irritatingly refer to as `short swords').
-They bring all the nastiest, burnable material they can to a battlefield, such as specially dried mushrooms, or wood, and lay it around the start of a narrow tunnel where they intend to fight.
-They stab a little with their spears, then retreat while lighting the fires underneath them.
-Dwarves often wet their beards before battle, to protect them from flames.
-\subsection{Racial Ability: Tenacity}
-Dwarves are bred on the most acrid substances -- they eat tough, deep mushrooms and occasionally munch on acidic jellies (after thoroughly cooking them).
-Dwarven ales are classified as spirits by any sane human and dwarven spirits are generally classified as poisons by all other races.
-Dwarves take half Damage or \glspl{fatigue} from any given poison.
-They suffer no ill effects from eating rotten food (though it may not count as being nutritious) and the \gls{gm} is encouraged to allow them to eat anything that might otherwise be damaging, within reasonable limits.
-Dwarves are also known for their hardiness in the face of awful working conditions.
-They have 2 free \gls{fatigue} Boxes which they can use before taking penalties.
-To put it another way, dwarves can sustain a number of \glspl{fatigue} equal to their \glspl{hp} +2 before they begin to take penalties due to exhaustion.
-\subsection{Racial Trait: Taciturn}
-Dwarves trust others slowly, and like to remain formal when first meeting people.
-In gaming terms, they cannot spend \glspl{storypoint} for the first session.
-\subsection{Racial Trait: Anti-Magic}
-Dwarves work fine with magic as a tool, but do not feel it in their bones.
-They can never gain the Knack \textit{Blood Caster}.
-\subsection{Starting Characters}
-Dwarves who leave the mountain are generally traders, but since most male dwarves are required to be part of a standing army, almost all traders have some martial ability.
-Many traders often take on martial jobs if the payment is right.
-Female dwarves will have a hard time leaving the mountain as they are so in demand, but since few people are in a position to order them about they can ignore most objections if they are obstinate enough.
-Other dwarves will leave specifically in search of glory and wealth.
-They will introduce themselves in a formal manner as adventurers and inquire about local military tasks.
-Their wealth will be focussed on buying good quality weapons and armour and any spare will be donated to their local temple.
-\section[Elves]{Elven Glades \El}
-Elves array themselves in a circular fashion around a sacred spot where mana springs up from the ground like a wellspring.
-Typically, elves base their society around `underglass' houses.
-They first excavate the entire house with two openings to the top -- one as an exit and the other as an above-ground window.
-The window is composed of thick glass -- thick enough for a herd of deer to gallop across.
-It lets in sunlight during the day, and at night, when elvish hearths bloom, little lights can be seen across the forest bed as the fire-light shines out of the underglass houses.
-Elvish homes are sometimes solitary but more often linked -- they will share chimneys (which leak above ground, sometimes through a tree), exits and often a couple of communal rooms.
-Elves are fiercely individualistic, and do not hold with the concept of leaders or gods. Rather, they have a society based around experts. In matters concerning hunting, the master hunter will make all group decisions. In matters concerning statues, the master carver will make communal decisions. Each expert has their own strict domain of influence. Many elves translate these `masters' as `king' or `land master' when speaking with human, and as a result nearly half the elves abroad in human lands claim to be the children of royalty -- exactly how accurate this is depends upon one's interpretation.
-Travelling elves often take griffins as their mounts. Rather than capture and tame them, they are expected, through natural magical talent, to instantly befriend them and leave them when the journey is over. The human method of keeping animals in a long-term manner, who then cannot fend for themselves is considered clumsy at best and cruel at worst. Elves pick up what they need as they go and discard it just as quickly.
-  Southern elves (often called 'snow elves') around Eastlake and Whiteplains generally live without metal of any sort, preferring spears made of wood and flint, or simply use magic.
-  Those in Quennome feel more at home with the constant influx of foreign goods, and often wander through cities, happily trading wares, and even purchasing raw irons to use for the rare elven blacksmiths back home.
-  Whatever the case, any travelling elf will know how to use a weapon, as they all live beyond the \gls{edge} (at least as far as humans are concerned).
-  Very few elves have much to do with iron.
-  They use short bows, spears and daggers to hunt, all made from flint, wood or animal bone.
-  Some use leather armour for protection but in general, since elves use weapons for hunting rather than warfare, they do not use armour at all.
-Elves live for long years -- sometimes up to a millennium -- and as a result become skilled artisans.
-Most of this time is often spent simply lounging about, but if they bother even once in five years to make an artistic piece then the forest is soon peppered with little artistic pieces.
-Trees carved (or magically shaped) into depictions of battles, or the face of a famously handsome elvish enchanter, or just intricate patterns of knots and spirals carved into stone, so often make an elvish glade look like an art-show.
-Some communities put the rubbish outside and leave the best pieces for the sacred centre of the community, where outsiders may not go.
-Others leave the centre empty, saving the best pieces for the outskirts of the village and throw the mediocre pieces away.
-Elvish communities seldom reach above a population of one hundred.
-Those that do are always based around some Tree Master who can grow huge amounts of food magically.
-The majority stay as low as twenty folk who travel long distances between communities.
-Elvish trade is based mostly on jewellery -- one can tell how rich an elf is (or was) by the number of piercings they have.
-Typically these will be in the ears, but torso piercings are also common.
-Rings, necklaces, brooches and all manner of other precious art pieces adorn most elves with any interest in commerce.
-They can be quite snooty about these and only trade them away for exceptional amounts of other race's goods.
-However, trade they must, because few elves have access to metals, and without metal they can only fashion jewellery from things they find in the forest, which soon degrade.
-Elves also trade in songs.
-The value of the songs changes as each person might share or refuse to share it.
-Cheap songs are simple melodies while more expensive ones are mana stones for the path of song (see page \pageref{song}) and may even allow the \gls{miracleworker} to cast spells.
-Elves don't like to be rushed, so when surprise battles come, they flee wherever possible, then reconsider their options at length.
-As a society of specialists, most elven settlements will only have a few people with martial knowledge, such as \pgls{miracleworker} with Invocation, a couple of archers, or some with Aldaron, capable of summoning massive animals to attack the enemy.
-When on the attack, elves prefer guerilla warfare, sneaking out to set fire to buildings, or ruin crops.
-Those with Aldaron magic often encourage massive amounts of plant growth in an area, covering a field in thorny bushes, or even blocking site.
-\subsection{Racial Ability: Thermal Resistance}
-Elves are creatures of the natural world -- they are in tune with the rhythms of the forests and planes and never harmed by them.
-Elves are immune to \glspl{fatigue} from natural heat levels -- they can sleep outside in the snow or wander deserts without sunburn.
-Additionally, they do not sleep but instead require only four hours' meditation per day.
-During these times, elves relive their old memories as a way of hanging onto the very old ones so as to not forget who they are.
-\subsection{Racial Trait: Old Soul}
-Long years passing before one has grown up often mean any contacts the elf once had have already died.
-Their habit of `going on a wander' (for a few decades) leave them with nearly no living contacts.
-As a result, elven characters must spend all of their \glspl{storypoint} before character creation.
-Effectively, they receive additional 15 \glspl{xp}, but must mark off all \glspl{storypoint}.
-Of course, if the group receive additional \glspl{storypoint} during \gls{downtime}, they gain and spend these extra \glspl{storypoint} as usual.
-\subsection{Racial Trait: Arcane Blood}
-All elven characters \emph{must} take the knack \textit{Blood Caster}, whether they purchase any magical spheres or not.
-This bring their starting \glspl{xp} to 10.
-\subsection{Racial Trait: Impious}
-No elf has ever truly loved the gods, or really understood what it means to worship.
-Elves cannot take the \textit{Divine Caster} Knack.
-\subsection{Racial Trait: Longevity}
-Elves age but not because they are degrading, rather because they are changing.
-Over the years they become progressively more fay looking and alien.
-Their minds sharpen, but their bodies degrade.
-After 100 years, an elf's maximum Strength Bonus decreases from +2 to +1 but their maximum Dexterity increases to +4.
-At 200 years old the elf's maximum Strength score becomes 0 but their maximum Speed Bonus raises to +4.
-At 300 the elf's maximum Strength Bonus is -1 but they can move their Intelligence up to +4.
-Finally, at 400 years old the elf's Charisma Bonus becomes +4 and their maximum Strength becomes -2.
-  \begin{boxtable}[XcX]
-    Age & Max. Strength & Increase \\\hline
-    100 & +1 & Dexterity \\
-    200 & 0 & Speed \\
-    300 & -1 & Intelligence \\
-    400 & -2 & Charisma \\
-  \end{boxtable}
-\subsection{Starting Characters}
-Player characters will start as younger elves, without the experience, keen intellect and amazing skill-set of their elders. Many adventure in order to gain the experience they see in their elders. Others simply want to see what the world has to offer. Still others want to learn a specific skill, perhaps to master the sword or a specific magic sphere.
-Elves tend to view their own young as expendable.
-They do not reproduce rapidly, but over long centuries a single elf can easily have many children.
-Since the youth tend to be stronger than their elders, these young things are encouraged to perform the most dangerous of tasks such as hunting large animals or defending a village through m\^{e}l\'{e}e rather than with a bow.
-As a result of this attitude, elves encourage many of their young to go out into the world and seek knowledge before they become old, frail and strange.
-\section[Gnolls]{Gnoll Hunting Grounds \Nl}
-Small groups of \index{Gnolls}gnolls mark out miles upon miles of ground as their own hunting grounds.
-They do not farm or make stone houses or metal instruments -- they make only basic hunting weapons and temporary shelters.
-Generally, they are organised into families and a group of families will organise into a clan.
-People change from one clan to another depending upon romantic partners or where they find themselves.
-The most important thing to a gnoll is their hunting party -- gnoll hunting parties generally travel everywhere together.
-Gnolls have a hard time picking up other races' languages -- they have their own, it doesn't change and they like it that way.
-They speak naturally in a `verb -- subject -- object' kind of way and have such trouble changing this habit that many scholars think that their grammar is embedded somehow in their blood.
-This leads them to isolation from the other races and limits their ability to trade goods or culture.
-When a clan's hunting ground is invaded, the entire thing can work together.
-The first thing they do is the `big hunt' -- they gather all the food, and especially meat, that they can, then quickly go on a forced march until they meet with the host.
-They then engage in open warfare or, more commonly, guerilla warfare, until the threat has been well subdued.
-Gnolls have heads of clans who generally make decisions -- the larger the clan the more `heads' it will have.
-In any dispute the clan head takes the win, but when people of a similar status disagree, the argument is generally settled by combat -- usually, but not always, till first blood.
-Gnolls trade little but do enjoy making bone jewellery and most especially finding new things to pierce.
-A particularly striking bauble will catch their eyes easily but coins hold little value for them.
-They breed especially large dogs, not dissimilar to wolves, which can fetch high prices when sold to hunters, though most consider them too wild and violent to keep in a family home.
-Many a gnoll encampment is half composed of these dogs, which aid them in hunting as well as occasionally joining them in warfare.
-Gnolls almost universally employ guerilla tactics, appearing just before first light with as many spears as they can carry, and torches.
-The first wave runs around a settlement, burning all they can, while the second wave waits for people to run out so they can throw their spears.
-Massive castle walls daunt gnolls deeply, so they prefer not to attack large civilizations, but if they must do so then they always focus on attacking supply lines, while moving in small groups around the area, encircling it with tiny groups.
-\subsection{Racial Ability: Animal Instinct}
-Gnolls are naturally aggressive creatures.
-They start with an Aggression score of +2 -- this can be used to add to their Attack Bonus when making unarmed attacks.%
-\footnote{See page \pageref{aggression}.}
-These attacks do not cause brawling Damage but lethal Damage as their claws and teeth can rend flesh apart.
-\subsection{Starting Characters}
-Gnolls are highly tribal creatures, but can be excluded from their own societies for a variety of offences, such as failing a martial challenge and then fleeing rather than accepting death.
-These rogue gnolls who do not manage to join another tribe can end up wandering the lonely path of the adventurer.
-Others are `corrupted' (as their fellow gnolls see it) by the worldly goods of the other humanoids -- they gain a taste for wine, clothes, horses, jewellery and such then end up trying to grab money in order to get more.
-\section[Gnomes]{Gnomish Warrens \Gn}
-Gnomes live in little warrens, under the ground, but enjoy lots of sunlit openings near the edge of their villages.
-Their network of tunnels and homes extend often up to fifty feet below the ground.
-These little communities often keep two-level farms -- they tunnel beneath what others consider to be good farmland and then pull cabbages, potatoes, carrots and other rooting vegetables down from the ceiling rather than up from the earth.
-They consider humans to be quite backwards, since the vegetables clearly emerge at the bottom when they are grown.
-Gnomes take great pride in remaining `subtle' -- the openings to their houses are never glass but openings which can be closed in order to look as natural as possible -- the side of a hill may open to reveal a living room, or a large, apparently dead tree may have a door opening underground to a small pantry. Often, the only way to spot a gnomish village once the doors are closed is to note the bountiful fields of good crops. Unfortunately many gnomish gardens are not strong enough to support a lot of weight. Many a `heavy thing' has fallen through the soil of a gnomish garden and found a number of gnomes wondering what to do with a wounded horse and a bemused human rider.
-Gnomish societies have complicated electoral systems where various members cast differing numbers of votes in order to elect to create various positions of government. These positions are then voted upon with different voting systems, and a third is in place to decide how often votes will take place and how to vote on bringing in new voting systems. This can take place with villages with as few as ten gnomes, and often every member of the village will be in government in some sense or another. Any time a decision is called upon, gnomes will be delighted to help, and will often return a month later with a spreadsheet of exactly how to determine `Step A'. And if nearby dwarves and elves ignore this advice, it's just further evidence that the other races are both impatient and a little stupid.
-The gnomish language is rather similar to dwarvish but can change almost as quickly as human languages. They have three versions -- in addition to being able to speak and write, they can also whistle their language. The language has a strict way of making sound shifts form normal sounds to whistling sounds. This allows gnomes to communicate over massive distances -- over wide plains, mountains or through several miles of underground tunnels. It also allows them to hold conversations between each other while standing right in front of people, as most people do not understand that when a gnome is whistling they are also probably saying something meaningful. Or meaningless. Gnomes are big fans of using language for its own sake. 
-Upon greeting each other, gnomes do not give their names but ask for one -- customarily each person a gnome meets will have one name for them, and a group name will soon emerge for each different social circle. This causes no end of confusion when people ask a gnome what their name is, and the gnome takes this as a sign of an unimaginative companion, before giving the new friend a name without asking what they would like to be called.
-When gnomes can flee, they do so, but otherwise nobody knows what they might do ahead of time.
-They dislike repeated tactics or methods.
-They prefer unpredictable plans to reliable ones, and often rely on details that people think of as inconsequential, such as what the enemy's shoe-laces are made from, or what the maximum tunnel-size the enemy can comfortably run through.
-Gnomes trade with a complicated arrangement of other race's coinage, promises, secrets, precious gemstones and paper. This paper money has its own value system which shifts depending upon who wrote the promised note and how well they have been trading recently. When dealing with other races, they try to find something of the native coinage, so as not to confuse the poor big people.
-\subsection{Racial Ability: Attentiveness}
-Gnomes often have a hard time focussing on things, but once they successfully do so they focus to the exclusion of all else, often with amazing results.
-When gnomes take a \gls{restingaction}, rather than rolling $1D6$ and adding +6, they roll $2D6+3$.
-If they want to change a failed action into a \gls{restingaction}, they add $1D6-3$ to their roll.
-\subsection{Starting Characters}
-Gnomes are fairly adventure-averse as a rule, but have a knack of ending up on them by accident. Many adventure in order to pick up rare jewels for alchemical mana stones. Some few gnomes take to thievery and don't so much adventure as accompany adventurers in order to wait for lucrative opportunities.
-\section[Humans]{Human Towns \Hu}
-Humans are large creatures with large, round, ears.
-They arrange themselves into towns at the centre of a sprawling mass of villages, reaching out across the land like tendrils.
-Due to their short lifespan, humans tend not to learn how to live, but to become specialized in just one basic skill, and then trade with other humans for everything else.
-Each human then passes the skill down to their children.
-Often one human family takes charge of general decision making instead of learning a skill.
-Humans love hierarchies and are often confused about what they are doing if they cannot identify a nearby leader.
-In smaller settlements, houses are build half above ground and half below, with thatch or slate roofs.
-In towns, all houses are build well above the ground, sometimes with one house on top of another so that people must climb ladders to get to the top.
-Humans' incredible strength gives them the ability to break stone and port it from far away quarries to build immense houses above the ground, sometimes up to four houses high.
-Human languages are incredibly changeable and generally such a mess that they are not worth learning because of how quickly they change across time, and even when travelling across a few villages.
-This is mainly due to the fact that most humans never learn how to read.
-Humans trade in a combination of gold, silver and copper coins.
-The exact type of coin never matters -- humans will trade with anything.
-Humans' massive feet and their habit of following each other creates massive roads.
-Additionally, they trade live animals more often than hunted game, which creates more roads as cows, sheep, and goats trample down every possible route between human settlements.
-Humans always rely on numbers in battle.
-Coupled with their incredible size, they make a formidable force without much need for additional tactics.
-Due to their slow minds, humans typically use simplified signals for battles, such as trumpets or flags, which can signal where everyone is meant to go.
-\subsection{Racial Ability: Long March}
-Humans have great stamina when it comes to movement.
-They suffer only half the usual \glspl{fatigue} from any activity involving running, marching, swimming or climbing.
-\subsection{Racial Trait: Anti-Magic}
-Humans can use magic fine as a tool, but don't feel that innate pull like so many other races.
-They can only gain the Knack \textit{Blood Caster} by spending a \gls{storypoint} to explain some distant ancestry which allows them to feel and work with some basic magic.
-\subsection{Starting Characters}
-Humans reproduce at an alarming rate -- instead of simply replacing themselves with two or three more humans, a couple might make as many as fourteen and then send the extra ones out to cause a mess -- perhaps trying to steal other people's farmland, or raise them to be monster hunters who die in an effort to protect other farms or sellswords up for use to the highest bidder.
-Of these, the less well connected ones often wander the earth aimlessly searching for the offer of money for murder.
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index 4a076a3e..7dd48e86 100644
--- a/rules.tex
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@@ -79,8 +79,6 @@ Poor Attributes give a penalty, rather than a bonus.
 All actions are assumed to have a \gls{tn} of 7 unless your \gls{gm} states otherwise.
 Don't ask -- just roll!
 \subsection{One Roll Only}
 Players only make one roll per action.
@@ -178,8 +176,6 @@ Two companions with a +3 bonus would add a total of a +2 bonus.
@@ -213,8 +209,6 @@ Total:      &          +6 & & &\\
 When \glspl{npc} resist the players actions, one side rolls as normal, while the other adds their ability to the \gls{tn}.
 \index{Failure Margin}
@@ -227,8 +221,6 @@ The \gls{gm} might use a Margin for some variable, for example a bard attempting
 Margins might also be used to gain bonuses on later rolls.
 Someone attempting to impress a noble court might roll Charisma with the Tactics Skill; the bigger the Margin the more troops they will be trusted with.
 \subsection{What the Dice Mean}
 You might think of the dice as representing random chance in the environment. Just how irritated is that person you're trying to question, and how creative is that craftsman feeling today? Dice are never re-rolled for different results on the same action because once the dice have told you what the situation is, the situation stays put.
@@ -238,90 +230,6 @@ Actions cannot be attempted multiple times with rerolls unless the situation has
-\index{Experience Points}
-As the story progresses, the \glspl{pc} gain \glsentryfullpl{xp}.
-Each part of the character can be improved by spending \gls{xp}.
-Buying basic stats is cheap while higher level stats quickly become extremely expensive.
-\subsubsection{Starting \glspl{xp}}
-Characters begin play with an amount of \glspl{xp} stipulated by the \gls{gm} depending upon the level of their campaign.
-The suggested starting \glspl{xp} is 50, with up to 150 \glspl{xp} for more advanced campaigns.
-\subsection{Gaining \gls{xp}}
-Players receive \gls{xp} from the \gls{gm} for killing monsters, fulfilling their codes, and completing missions.
-Larger and more dangerous monsters garner more \gls{xp}, as do grander missions.
-The personal goals and piety of a character are denoted by different codes of belief and gods.
-See page \pageref{gods_codes} for details on the gods and personal codes of honour.
-  Players also gain \glspl{xp} for spending \glspl{storypoint} (see page \pageref{storyXP}).
-\subsubsection{Training Time}
-The \gls{gm} may wish to only award \gls{xp} at the end of a session, and may restrict when it can be spent.
-Each Trait should increase by no more than a single level during the course of one \gls{adventure} -- you might be lucky enough to get enough \gls{xp} to raise your Strength from -2 to +1 in a single session, but nobody can accrue that kind of muscle mass in such a short period of time.
-\subsubsection{What Counts?}
-Enemies don't have to be killed for the \gls{xp}, merely defeated.
-Any enemies fleeing count for half their \gls{xp} value so long as they engaged in one round of combat.
-\subsection{Experience Points \& the Discount}
-Standing alone against a towering ogre is a nightmare, but three warriors standing against three ogres can be much easier.
-A battle against thirty goblins can really take its toll, but three different battles against ten goblins can be child's play.
-To represent this, we have \textit{the \gls{xp} Discount} -- a price you pay for every member of the party.
-For every member of the party, that many points are deducted from one monster's \gls{xp} value (to a minimum of 0).
-If the party has two members, the first two monsters have 2 \gls{xp} deducted from their total value.
-If the party has five members, the first five monsters have 5 \gls{xp} deducted from their total.
-If a single warrior defeats a dragon worth 22 \gls{xp}, then the warrior receives 21 \gls{xp}, because 1 \gls{xp} is removed from the total.
-If he fights 10 ghouls worth 2 \gls{xp} each, then he receives 1 for the first, and 2 for the rest, for a total of 19 \gls{xp}.
-However, if five characters are fighting the 10 ghouls together, they each deduct 5 \gls{xp} from a single monster.
-The first five ghouls are worth nothing, because each net ($2 - 5 = $) 0 \gls{xp}.
-Only the last 5 ghouls count, bringing 10 \gls{xp} in total.  Dividing this among 5 players, each receives 2 \gls{xp} at the end.
-If players need to discount multiple adversaries, they are counted from highest to lowest \gls{xp} value.
-\subsubsection{Mass-Damage Discount}
-Sufficiently powerful characters can take out entire armies with a single spell.
-However, only the first 10 enemies killed by a single action give \glspl{xp}.
-Any further enemies give no \glspl{xp}.
-Killing 80 goblins with a \textit{Massive Fireball} grants the same \glspl{xp} as killing 10.
-\subsection{Spending \gls{xp}}
-At the end of each session, players can spend their \glspl{xp} to improve their characters.
-Spending \glspl{xp} suddenly can only be done by spending a \gls{storypoint}.%
-\footnote{\nameref{surpriseSkill} story is on page \pageref{surpriseSkill}.}
-Each additional level of a Trait has a steeply progressive cost.
-The costs represent buying the next level; the first level of a school of magic costs 10 and the second costs 15 -- buying up to the second level costs 25 \gls{xp} in total.
-Knacks work similarly, where the first Knack costs only 5 \gls{xp}, but the second Knack a Player purchases costs 10, and so on, with each additional Knack costing an additional 5 \gls{xp} cumulatively.
-Attributes have a standard maximum of +3 and minimum of -3. This is adjusted by race, so for instance elves have a +1 bonus to Wits but -1 to Strength, so their maximum Strength score would be 2 and the minimum -4, while the maximum Wits is +4 and the minimum -2.
-Buying off a negative level increases it by 1 and always costs 5 \gls{xp}, so taking a character from -4 Strength to 0 would cost 20 \gls{xp}.
 \section{Gold \& Goods}
@@ -492,11 +400,6 @@ They can, however, drag items with up to a \gls{weightrating} of up to 10 points
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-A novice miracle worker begins by selecting one of the five paths of magic.
-Each path grants access to spheres of magic, i.e. collections of spells.%
-\footnote{See chapter \ref{magic_paths} for the paths of magic.}
-Each level of a sphere typically grants access to a few different spells.
-For example, the first level of the Aldaron sphere allows the caster to affect local weather conditions, enchant animals, and summon light.
-Divine casters will think of this as a gift from their deity, while blood casters think of these effects as a natural extension of their own will.
-However, the basic effects are the same.
-\subsubsection{The Spheres of Magic}
-\paragraph{Aldaron} allows one to enchant animals then later to harness control of the local weather conditions.
-\paragraph{Conjuration} changes things from one form to another, and eventually can summon items out of the air.
-\paragraph{Enchantment} allows casters to calm people or panic people. How to confuse and impress them.
-\paragraph{Fate} is divine magic and allows the caster to ask a question of the gods, then later to heal companions' \glsentrylongpl{fp}.
-\paragraph{Force} magic is a very versatile sphere, allowing the mage to protect themself, fight with levitating weapons or just levitate any object or person.
-\paragraph{Illusion} allows the caster to summon apparitions of anything. The caster might hide a door by making an illusion of a wall over it, or create the image of a sleeping bear to frighten people. More skilled illusionists can disguise themselves as other people or creatures.
-\paragraph{Invocation} is the magic of fire, lightning and destruction. It begins with bolts of lightning and later allows the caster to incinerate large swathes of enemies with great balls of fire.
-\paragraph{Necromancy} first deals with making the caster close to death so they can feel no pain and interact safely with the risen dead.
-Later the necromancer learns to summon simple spirits into the bodies of the dead to make them rise as an army.
-\paragraph{Polymorph} allows the caster to transform into other races, and then into entirely different species.
-Exactly which type of animal a caster can transform into depends upon their body type.
-Lithe characters will find it easier to turn into a bird, while stronger people will find stronger animals, such as bears or warthogs, easier.
-The elves are intimately familiar with this sphere, and usually refer to it as a simple skill, like painting or any other trade. They call it simply `the knowledge of trees', though it deals with much more than wood -- animals can be turned into friends and companions, the weather can be controlled and at the ultimate level entire trees can grow in an instant.
-\spell{Forest Song}{Continuous}{Empathy}{Enchant animals as per levels 1-3 of Enchantment}
-Novices of Aldaron can befriend any beast, make them confused, send them to sleep or send them into a blind panic.
-Passive mammals such as sheep are easy to target while aggressive or strange creatures can be very difficult to get to grips with.
-The caster rolls their Intelligence + Empathy Skill, and the spell must surpass a \gls{tn} of 7 plus the beast's Wits + Aggression.
-For example, a creature with Wits +1 and Aggression +2 would be at \gls{tn} 10 to affect.
-Mages can use this magic to make animals easier to train, although most animals are not particularly useful -- they cannot tell the mage important information or understand simple commands.
-Forest Song works on all creatures without an Intelligence score.
-Umber hulks, bears, birds, et c. -- all can be affected with the language of the forest.
-However, mammals are the easiest to work with.
-The \gls{gm} should add to the \gls{tn} to affect birds, insects and other non-mammalian creatures.
-Forest Song replicates the first three levels of the Enchantment Sphere but the targets are beasts rather than people, the caster always uses the Empathy Skill.
-\spell{Plantform}{Continuous}{Wyldcrafting}{Change a plant's natural adult form}
-Young plants have a natural destiny.
-With this spell, a plant's destined form can be changed.
-The caster needs to hold the spell until the plant has fully formed, which can stunt the caster's mana for a year or more.
-The affected plant cannot be larger than a man, unless enhancements increase the area of effect.
-The caster has various options for how the spell grows the plants:
-\paragraph{Edible} plants produce a number of meals equal to the spell's level plus the caster's Intelligence Bonus.
-\textit{Wide} spells produce the same amount of food times the spell's level, plus the caster's Wits Bonus.
-\paragraph{Poisonous} plants taste the same as the edible plants, but inflict a number of \glspl{fatigue} when ingested equal to the spell's level plus the caster's Wits times 2.\footnote{$(L + Wts)\times 2$}
-The \textit{Colourful} Enhancement can modify a plant's shape, making a bush attempt to grow into a chair, or (with a \textit{Wide, Colourful, Platform}) make a tree start growing into a tree house. Elves often use a \textit{Colourful Plantform} to sculpt plants into unnatural forms, or to create temporary statues of other elves.
-The \textit{Sentient} Enhancement allows plants to have basic rule-type reactions, like a Venus fly-trap shutting when disturbed, though the plants will not literally begin thinking, or conversing.
-  Elves often use a \textit{Colourful Plantform} to sculpt plants into unnatural forms, or to create temporary statues of other elves.
-\spell{Freezing Touch}{Continuous}{Caving/ Wyldcrafting}{Turn water to ice or freeze someone's body, inflicting Lv + Int Fatigue Points}
-The mage can freeze solid any body of water, or even damage people by cooling their body.
-If cast on a person, they take \arabic{spelllevel} \glspl{fatigue} plus the caster's Intelligence Bonus.%
-\footnote{The elvish natural immunity to cold does nothing to prevent this damage.}
-Exactly how effective this is depends a lot on how tired the target already is.
-Bodies of water freeze over the moment the spell is finished.
-Such ice has an effective Strength Bonus of \arabic{spelllevel} plus the caster's Intelligence Bonus, and covers up to \arabic{spelllevel} squares plus the caster's Wits Bonus.
-The spell's Strength Bonus can test if the ice can trap people who are in the water, or if it can support people's weight (it holds a maximum \glsentryname{weightrating} of its own Strength +4).
-Creatures only frozen up to their waist or ankles can gain a bonus to break out of the ice, and a further bonus if the spell is cast slowly.
-If the caster can extend the range, then the spell can travel any distance, although longer distances can make the spell rather a long-shot, with each area traversed raising the \gls{tn} by 3.
-\spell{Wind Blast}{Instant}{Seafaring}{Push enemies back, lowering their \glspl{ap} by Int - Str}
-Wind blows from the mage, pushing the target back and distracting them.
-  The larger a target is, the harder it is to affect them.
-The spell's total power is equal to its level plus the caster's Intelligence Bonus, minus the target's Strength.
-Each point pushes the target back by 1 square and subtracts 1 from their \glspl{ap}.
-  For example, a mage casts a \textit{Wide Wind Blast} spell at two goblins (with Strength -1) and an ogre (with Strength +4).
-  Since it's a \textit{Wide} spell, it's cast at level 2, and the +1 Intelligence Bonus makes the total spell-potency 3.%
-  \footnote{See page \pageref{wide_enhancement} for casting big spells.}
-  The two goblins are pushed back 4 squares and lose 4 \glspl{ap}.%
-  \footnote{($3 - -1 = 4$)}
-  The ogre, however, ignores the spell entirely.
-The mage begins to commune with the weather systems and influence how they go. They can even summon localised weather systems from the palm of a hand; mist, sunlight, wind and more are all possible.
-\spell{Air Bubble}{Continuous}{Seafaring}{Ward off missiles or travel underwater in a protective bubble}
-Weather-workers can summon an air bubble anywhere within range, with a diameter equal to \arabic{spelllevel} squares plus the caster's Wits Bonus. The air bubble can be used to walk underwater without getting wet (though drips through the bubble are common). It will remain despite any damage to its outer `wall' -- penetrating objects simply slip in and out seamlessly. All air bubbles must be summoned while on the land, taking it down below -- any bubbles which begin underwater will simply summon a bubble of stagnant water and will collapse under their own weight once brought onto the land. Air bubbles can also help stop invading winds, mists and such, but with such a limited range their usefulness is also limited.
-Any projectiles targeted at the airbubble lose a lot of their power -- arrows, and fireballs both become a little impotent when faced with it.
-It provides a total \gls{dr} of \arabic{spelllevel} + Intelligence against all ranged attacks.
-\spell{Spell Song}{Continuous}{Empathy}{Enchant animals as per levels 4-5 of Enchantment}
-With an additional level added, the spell can replicate all five levels of the Enchantment sphere, but retains the exception that the only Skill used is Empathy.
-The animals targeted by this spell do not become any smarter, unless the enhancement \textit{Sentient} is used with the spell.
-\spell{Telos}{Instant}{Wyldcrafting/ Caving/ Seafaring}{Make a plant grow to its adult form quickly}
-The spell reaches out to any plant, dead or alive, and fast-travels it to its natural conclusion.
-Seeds grow into plants and blossom, plants grow tall, and older plants whither and die.
-The result depends upon the caster's Intelligence Bonus.
-The spell must target a complete `thing', and never a piece of a thing.
-A basic spell can target a spear, therefore destroying its shaft with age, but could not target `the side of the inn' -- the entire building would have to be targeted, or the spell would not work.
-Spells massive enough to target a building might affect the exterior, but would to nothing to the interior unless it could target every room within as each room counts as its own area.
-  Intelligence & Ageing & Effects \\\hline
-  0 & 1 Year & Food Spoils. \\
-  1 & 5 Years & Grow bushes. \\
-  2 & 1 Decade & Grow full tree. Destroy wooden weapon. \\
-  3 & 5 Decades & Oak trees grow. Any weapons destroyed. \\
-  4 & 1 Century & Grow any tree. Buildings with wooden beams collapse. \\
-  5 & 2 Centuries & Wooden structures turn to dust. \\
-Conjuration spells change matter from one thing to another.
-The simplest spells change single-form objects, like a wooden staff, or water, into other single-form materials.
-More challenging spells allow the caster to target complex items, like swords, clothing or houses, or to transform simple items into complex ones.
-Finally, the conjurer learns to change living beings into other, simpler, forms.
-At this higher level, the conjurer can begin to recreate an object as it is, but somewhere else, effectively teleporting it.
-Conjuration spells work best on gases or light materials.
-Heavier targets, such as metal, rocks, or people can take a lot of focus to target or create.
-First level spell targets only simple matter, made from a continuous, fungible.
-Air, water, wine, a bed-sheet, poisons, and even acidic liquids count.
-The caster can turn any of these into any other form.
-This spell cannot create coinage or swords, as swords contain multiple materials (irons, leather, wood, et c.) and coins have complex engravings on them.
-However, a \textit{Colourful Alteration} would allow coins to show the standard face or other insignia of the realm.
-The spell has a massive variety of implementations.
-Wooden logs can turn into water, water can turn into air, and ice can transform into clothing.
-The spell's \gls{tn} is always 7 plus the highest \glsentryname{weightrating} involved.
-Air weighs nothing, so turning air into a Choking Fog would be \gls{tn} 7.
-However, turning air into blocks of wood with a \gls{weightrating} of 3 would be \gls{tn} 10.
-Once a spell has finished, the original item returns, unharmed.
-Stone turned into air becomes stone again.
-Stone turned into water reforms into stone.
-Casters cannot target sections of an object.
-A full statue or wall must be transformed, or nothing at all.
-The mage cannot create tunnels through a mountain by targeting chunks of rock; one must target the whole mountain, or nothing.
-When casting a \textit{Wide Alteration}, we count the \glsentryname{weightrating} per-square.
-If a wall of wood 4 squares long had a \gls{weightrating} of 8, a mage could cast a \textit{Wide Alteration} spell, to turn the entire thing into air (assuming the mage was capable of targeting 4 squares).
-\spell{Acid}{Continuous}{Academics}{Turn a liquid into an acid -- 4 Damage, -1 per round}
-Any liquid can become an acid, which stings targets upon skin contact.
-The spell deals 4 Damage, then 1 less Damage on the next round, and so on.
-Anyone with Partial or better armour receives 1 Damage.
-Those wearing Complete armour or clothing receive 3 Damage.
-Those with Perfect armour receive no Damage.
-  Other varieties of the same spell might include summoning boiling water, or tiny flecks of lava.
-  Alchemists think of each as individual spells, and divine casters may have a different prayer for each substance, but mechanically, they are all one spell.
-\spell{Choking Fog}{Continuous}{Wyldcrafting}{Create noxious gas which inflicts \glspl{fatigue}}
-The fog deals a number of \glspl{fatigue} equal to the spell's level plus the caster's Intelligence Bonus.
-Anyone can avoid breathing in the fog if they were already Keeping Edgy.
-Targets receive the \glspl{fatigue} at the end of the round.
-When cast as a normal spell, covering a single square, the spell won't find much use as a target can simply move away.
-It finds practical application once cast as a \textit{Massive Choking Fog}, so targets cannot easily flee.
-\spell{Slime}{Continuous}{Seafaring}{Make any liquid into a slippery slime}
-The caster turns any nearby liquid into a slippery slime.
-Anyone running full speed across the area makes a Dexterity + Athletics roll, \gls{tn} 7 + the caster's Intelligence + Seafaring.
-Anyone simply running (but not at full speed) gains a +2 bonus.
-Those who fail, fall over, becoming \textit{prone}.%
-\footnote{See page \pageref{prone} for falling prone.}
-Some kind of liquid must be in the right place for the spell to work.
-Casters acting quickly often carry their own water.
-Throwing water requires 4 AP for using an item, as usual.
-\spell{Purify Air}{Continuous}{Seafaring}{Clear air in a small area}
-Smoke, fog, or any other substance can be purified.
-The spell affects a single square by default.
-Casting this as a \textit{Wide} spell allows a larger area to be cleared.
-\spell{Web}{Continuous}{Wyldcrafting}{Turn a liquid into a sticky substance - targets roll to be free with Strength + Athletics vs the caster's Intelligence + Wyldcrafting}
-The caster turns any liquid into a vicious, sticky substance.
-Anyone coming into the liquid gets stuck, and needs to take a full movement action to try to get free.
-Casters roll their Intelligence + Wyldcrafting at a \gls{tn} of 7 + the target's Strength + Athletics. Alternatively, players can avoid being stuck in the web by rolling Strength + Athletics, at \gls{tn} 7 + the caster's Intelligence + Wyldcrafting.
-Anyone can attempt to break free instead of their usual movement action.
-Webbing cannot be used instead of rope -- it's too elastic, and tends to snap when stretched.
-\spell{Transmutation}{Continuous}{Varies}{Transmute any mono form matter into any other}
-The mage can now target (but not create) complex objects, such as swords, clothing, houses, candles, or any other non-living matter.
-Living things, and anything too complicated to be described in a diagram (such as books) cannot be targeted.
-Transmutation otherwise works exactly like the previous level.
-The mage can turn a bow into a Web, a house into stone, or turn clothing into acid.
-Despite the rarity of \glspl{miracleworker}, rich people often inscribe complex passages on their clothing or armour, so that Transmutation spells cannot target them.
-\spell{Metamorphosis}{Continuous}{Varies}{Summon any item}
-The mage finally learns how to create more complex items (like books and weapons), and how to target living creatures.
-A book could turn into a sword, a bucket of water can transform into a sword, and a tree could transform into an entire house, with a big enough spell.
-\spell{Teleport}{Instant}{Academics}{The mage teleports 3 squares + Wits away}
-The mage teleports the target a short distance -- up to \arabic{spelllevel} squares plus the caster's Wits.
-As with many other instant skill spells, the target can cancel the spell by spending 5 \gls{fp}.
-\spell{Gate}{Instant}{Academics}{A magical portal opens}
-A rift opens in space, allowing the mage to connect any two locations in range.
-Anyone walking into one portal, comes out the other.
-  When cast as a \textit{Wide} spell, gates become large, and can even block a full hallway as nobody can move around the magical rift in space.
-  From the back, such gates look black, but anyone can pass through them harmlessly.
-  From the front, they become an impassable barrier.
-  No matter how hard one hits the empty space wit an axe, the gate spell remains unfazed, and continues blocking the passage.
-  \textit{Sentient Gate} spells can open and close as they please, and typically (though not always) please their casters, and allow anyone familiar to them to pass.
-  A \textit{Ranged Gate} can link any two areas in line of sight, allowing anyone to replace a day's walk with a single footstep.
-When cast as a \textit{Pocket Spell}, a \textit{Ranged Gate} retains its original target location, no matter how far away the scroll travels once activated.
-  For example, someone making a magical one-use scroll could cast a \textit{Ranged Gate} spell which goes to their own bedroom.
-  Even if they walk to the other side of the world, once the spell starts, it would still target their bedroom.
-Enchanters open, tinker with and enslave people's minds. At low levels they learn to charm people, or even let others charm people. Better enchanters can also confuse people to the point of being useless in battle, or to make targets sleep. Finally, the enchanter learns to bend people's will to the point where they are completely subservient to them.
-This sphere of magic only works on people with an Intelligence Attribute and works best on humanoids. Casters attempting to affect the strange minds of outsider entities from other planes, the undead or other weird lifeforms should be given an appropriate penalty. Undead are particularly difficult to contact through this spell, especially those who were never human; the \gls{tn} for such a feat should raise by at least +6.
-\spell{Calm}{Continuous}{Empathy}{Remove fear from a target}
-Enchanters can calm down scared people including those who have failed a Morale Check.
-While under the care of an enchanter, all Morale Checks gain a bonus equal to the spell's level plus the Enchanter's Intelligence Bonus.
-\spell{Dream Walk}{Continuous}{Empathy}{See a target's Dream}
-The mage focusses on a dreaming target and perceives their dreams while interacting with them.
-Those inside a dream can use any spell, as long as their relevant Skill is equal to the level of sphere they want to employ, as if they were on the Path of Blood.
-  For example, someone with Wyldcrafting 1 can use Plantform from the Aldaron sphere (which is a level 1 spell, and uses the Wyldcrafting Skill).
-  Someone with Empathy 2 could use the Enchantment spells \textit{Calm}, and \textit{Focus}, but not \textit{Sleep} (as this is a level 3 spell.)
-  Spells which have variable Skills, such as \textit{illusion}, are generally available.
-  Someone with Wyldcrafting would be able to cast illusions of animals, and someone with Crafts would be able to make an illusion of a chest.
-  Everyone's total \glspl{mp} determine their Metamagic ability, as usual.
-All dreamers can use their standard spheres in addition to any gained through these lucid dreaming abilities.
-The caster can interact normally with the target, and those on good terms can communicate with each other.
-Anyone damaged in a dream loses \glspl{mp} instead of \glspl{hp}.
-Everyone has a natural \gls{dr} equal to double their Charisma Bonus.
-Once they receive damage without having further \glspl{mp} to sacrifice, they wake up.
-  The spell can be used in this way to exhaust people, as it robs them of the ability to recover \glspl{fatigue} while sleeping.
-  }{}
-A \textit{Wide Dream Walk} spell pulls targets into a single dream space.
-\spell{Imbue Soul}{Continuous}{Empathy}{An object gains a tiny soul, which undead chase as if it were food}
-The caster pours a little life-essence into an object, animal, or anything else.
-When used on animals, the creature slowly becomes smarter, though this can take some days to have any real effect.
-The spell attracts undead to the target, who feed on the kind of sentient souls that the spell imbues.
-Any undead in the area will follow the target, just as if it were a person.
-With mindless undead, this works without failure, though intelligent undead can plainly understand that the item is not a person if they can see it properly.
-The undead gain no sustenance from the spell, but will attempt to drain the item's energy by destroying it.
-\spell{Fear}{Continuous}{Deceit}{The target suffers a morale penalty of 1 plus caster's Int}
-\Glspl{npc} hit by this spell suffer a Morale penalty equal to the spell's level plus the caster's Intelligence Bonus.
-\Glspl{pc} hit by this spell are not allowed to know their current \gls{fp} total -- the \gls{gm} tracks it instead.
-The player should not know how much Damage was dealt to their character, only how many \glspl{hp} an attack ripped out.
-\spell{Reading the Ripples}{Instant}{Vigilance}{Find out the target's Mind Attributes and Code}
-The enchanter can read any target's Mind Attributes, see which Code they follow and sees all of their Knacks.\footnote{See page \pageref{gods_codes}.}
-This will not grant any information about what the target is thinking, merely how capable that mind is and its priorities.
-Unwilling targets resist this spell with their Wits + Deceit.
-\spell{Sending}{Continuous}{Performance}{Send a psychic message to someone}
-The enchanter telepathically sends a short message to the target within normal range.
-If cast as a \gls{standingspell}, the caster can telepathically send messages for as long as they are within range of the target.
-If the enchanter does not have any languages in common with the target then the \gls{tn} is 9 rather than 7.
-This communication is one-way only.
-  \pic{Roch_Hercka/elvish_enchanter}
-\spell{Confusion}{Continuous}{Deceit}{Remove a target's actions for the round, then give an \gls{ap} equal to \glsentryshort{lv}}
-The enchanter gives someone a particularly off-putting look and they immediately stops what they were doing and loses their train of thought.
-They have trouble articulating exactly what's wrong, but will remain confused for as long as the spell continues.
-The spell is sometimes initiated by eye contact, sometimes by song -- any number of social interactions can suffice for transferring the spell's effects.
-A resisted roll is made -- the enchanter uses their Intelligence + Deceit Skill while the target uses Wits + Academics.
-On success, target gains an \gls{ap} penalty equal to the spell's level.
-The target suffers the same penalty to their Mental Attributes Attributes, which can seriously impact any \gls{miracleworker}'s total \glspl{mp}, and casting ability.
-At the end of the scene, targets make one final resisted roll against the enchanter's Intelligence + Deceit (even if the enchanter is no longer present).
-Failure indicates that the target has forgotten the previous scene entirely, including some moments before when the spell began.
-  If an \gls{npc} enchanter intends to cast this on a \gls{pc} during a scene, the \gls{gm} is encouraged to simply make the resisted roll for the spell.
-  If the player fails the roll then the \gls{gm} can infer what probably would have happened had the scene played out and skip to the next scene, telling the player that something important might have happened, but that they cannot remember any of it.
-  When this spell hits someone out of combat, perhaps during a conversation, targets tend to flap their mouths open and shut like a confused fish as they try to recapture their train of thought.
-A \textit{Sentient Confusion} spell can become exceedingly dangerous, as the spell attempts to reprogram the victim's thoughts directly.
-Any time the character moves to act, they must make another resisted roll against the spell.
-Failure means that the spell can redirect the action.
-Attacks suddenly target allies, when they flee they do so in the wrong direction, and if they try to explain their bad manners to someone their words turn to the topic of Gnomish socks.
-\spell{Focus}{Continuous}{Empathy}{Force a target to repeat whatever they're doing}
-The target holds the last action performed and repeats it, again and again.
-If they were attacking, they will continue attacking until there are no targets left, and then go and look for more.
-If the target was attempting to mount a horse but the horse flees, they will chase it until they can no longer move.
-The enchanter engages in a resisted roll of their Intelligence + Empathy versus the target's Wits + Academics.
-Targets can stop once their original action has become obviously impossible or is unmistakably complete.
-  Enchanters cannot usually force someone into a situation where they cannot defend themselves.
-  If someone attacks, they continue attacking.
-  If the target already engaged in conversation, they will continue, but if the caster stops to attack then the conversation will have ended, and the  target can attack freely.
-  Even if a conversation does not end, the target would simply need to spend 1 \gls{ap} to speak a little while fighting.
-Targets enchanted to continue dancing, sewing, or anything else, can make a second roll to break free of the enchantment at the cost of 2 \glspl{ap}.
-If the roll succeeds, the spell has been broken, but even if the roll fails, they can still take any regular action before returning to their task.
-\spell{Oath}{Continuous}{Academics}{Force a target to fulfill any promise they just made}
-The target repeats and emphasises an oath while the caster completes the spell.
-For as long as the spell endures, the target cannot break their oath.
-A \textit{Fast Oath} spell allows casters to accept any statement made on the same round.%
-\footnote{See page \pageref{fast} for \textit{Fast} spells.}
-Even short sentences, such as `I'll find out', or `I'm going to leave at sunrise', can be interpreted as oaths, although if someone does not state \textit{when} they do something, the expected time defaults to any time up until the end of the scene.
-\spell{Sleep}{Continuous}{Empathy}{Make a target instantly sleep. Intelligence + Empathy vs Wits + Academics}
-Enchanters who want their target to fall asleep can make a resisted Intelligence + Empathy roll against the target's Wits + Academics.
-The target can spend 5 \gls{fp} to ignore the results of the spell. A successful spell means that the target has fallen asleep.
-\spell{Expectations}{Continuous}{Varies}{The target sees whatever they expect, even if what they expect is wrong}
-The caster can make someone believe something they were already expecting to see.
-If they thought they had beer in their cup, they will continue to drink it, even when it's been replaced by something else.
-If they expected to see a dragon in a cavern, they will walk round a corner and believe they are face to face with a dragon.
-The caster might look deeply into the target's eyes and force them to hear music which is not in fact there but persists despite all attempt to stop it. They might sing to all present about a dragon, and one particular listener will actually see, feel and smell that dragon.
-In all cases a successful illusion will be complete, and the target will make every provision to interact realistically with the imaginary thing, be it a creature, an object or weather condition. It could even be something stranger, such as a box containing a spider's voice, or a statue of a sunrise which glows in unknown colours.
-The caster and target make a resisted roll: the caster uses their Intelligence + some Skill relevant to the illusion being created.
-A caster making a 
-{dragon might use Xenomology,}%
-{trebuchet might use Crafts,}
-while making an illusory auroch would require Wyldcrafting.
-The target resists with their Wits and the same Skill as the caster.
-The \gls{gm} should make this roll for players, in secret. The target gains a bonus to resist (or the caster takes a penalty) if the illusion is particularly unbelievable (such as a bizarre object or an unexplained dragon). Targets also gain a penalty to resist if they suspect that magic is being used to trick them, which often becomes obvious if lots of people around are insisting that rats are not in fact biting off their toes.
-Such mental illusions can inflict \glspl{fatigue} instead of damage, as people's mind creates the damage they expect.
-The maximum number of \glspl{fatigue} inflicted is equal to the spell's level plus the caster's Intelligence Bonus and multiple castings allow the \glspl{fatigue} to stack up.
-Characters heal these \glspl{fatigue} as normal.
-The player may be told that this is Damage, but the \gls{gm} should keep track of it separately to ensure that all the Damage is properly converted once the spell ends.
-\spell{Domination}{Continuous}{Deceit}{The target obeys a command of Lv. + Int words. Intelligence + Deceit vs Wits + Academics}
-The target is given a simple command by the enchanter, consisting of no more words than the spells level, plus the enchanter's Intelligence.
-The target resists with their Wits + Academics, and if they fail, must immediately obey the command.%
-\footnote{The command must be a grammatically accurate, complete sentence. `Leave!', is fine, but `Find money, give me' is not.}
-If the enchanter maintains the spell then the target can re-roll at the beginning of each scene to break the spell again, otherwise it ends when the enchanter drops the spell.
-  \begin{boxtable}[llX]
-    Task Bonus & \gls{tn} & \\\hline
-    Humiliation & +2 & Any action which would humiliate the target grants a +2 bonus to resist. \\
-    Betrayal & +4 & Targets who would otherwise be weak-willed and at the mercy of the enchanter gain a +4 bonus to resist attacking their allies. This bonus can increase up to +6 to resist attacking loved ones such as family and close friends.\\
-    Code Breach & Variable & Targets forced to act against their own code or god gain an additional bonus to act equal to the amount of \gls{xp} they would receive for completing the action.
-  For example, those following \gls{joygod} would gain 1\gls{xp} for trying a new type of food or drink, so they gain a +1 bonus to resist commands which inhibit their ability to act in this way.
-  Those following \gls{wargod} gain 10 \glspl{xp} for bringing down a sufficiently large monster, so they would gain a +10 bonus to resist any enchantment which prohibits them from slaying such quarry.
-    \\
-    Code Fulfilment & Variable & As above, the caster gains a bonus to forcing people to act in line with their Code, equal to the \glspl{xp} they would gain.
-    \\
-  \end{boxtable}
-Giving a command can take some time, so in combat, Enchanters have to spend the usual 1 \glspl{ap} to speak in order to actually make a target do something, once the spell has been cast.
-Some commands are easier to resist than others. Particularly repugnant commands allow the target to reroll to break the spell with a bonus.
-\spell{Mental Bondage}{Continuous}{Deceit}{The target becomes obsessed with the enchanter}
-The enchanter locks down the target's every thought and turns everything they know to a desire to serve only the enchanter. They will follow any command to the best of their abilities, and if asked why will proclaim an unconditional love for or obedience to the caster.
-The target makes a resisted task of their Wits + Academics against the enchanter's Intelligence + Deceit.
-Success (from the target's point of view) means that the target breaks the spell but failure (a successful roll on the part of the enchanter) means that the spell is fixed -- for as long as the caster wishes the target will serve them loyally.
-Immediate threats to the target's life, such as being told to jump off a cliff or being told to drink something by an enchanter who was previously trying to kill the target call for a reroll, but there is no automatic reroll at the beginning of each scene.
-This spell is subject to the same modifiers as the previous level.
-Enchanters might use this to turn attacking ogres into a loyal group of warriors to use against other enemies, or simply to turn a favoured artist into a persistent plaything of the local court. This spell may be expensive in terms of \gls{mp} but over time the target may come to loyally serve the enchanter naturally, assimilating the spell into normal, everyday habits. Every month of service prompts a new roll -- success means that nothing happens while if the target fails they must serve the enchanter even after the spell has been cancelled, with full normal effects. Enchanters do not know when their spells have turned into long-term spells, but they can often guess by looking at just when the target has stopped trying to fight the spell.
-If the enchanter ever dies, the target can reroll each scene to break the spell.
-\spell{Tabula Rasa}{Continuous}{Deceit}{The target forgets everything}
-The target's memories can be filched -- either selectively or not. The caster specifies (through song, words, or a simple glance) which memories are to be removed. If a target loses access to a Skill due to this spell, they can no longer use it until the spell ends.
-The caster uses their Intelligence + Deceit while the target resists with their Wits + Academics.
-Success means that the caster has free reign, not to rifle through the target's exact memories, but to specify that anything they wish is lost, up to and including all memories.
-The target always retains their first language.
-Fate deals with divine blessings and luck.
-It adds and subtracts luck, shows what the future may hold, and grants \textit{deus ex machine}-style aid.
-Bards picture this sphere as a kind of deep intuition, while priests view it as the ability to make requests from the gods.
-\spell{Curse}{Continuous \& Instant}{Deceit}{The target loses $1D6$ + Int \glsentrytext{fp}}
-The priests calls for the target's death, and then hopes for the world to provide.
-The target loses $1D6$ \gls{fp} plus the caster's Intelligence Bonus.
-If the target has no \gls{fp} then this spell has no effect.
-The mage is allowed to know how many \gls{fp} the target has lost.
-The target cannot dodge in any way -- the caster simply rolls their Intelligence + Deceit against \gls{tn} 7.
-The target's maximum \gls{fp} are reduced by the spell's level plus the mage's Intelligence Bonus for as long as the spell endures.
-\spell{Eyes of Fate}{Continuous}{Empathy}{Read another's current \glsentrylongpl{fp}}
-The priest locks into another's fate to see whom the gods deem worthy of special attention, and just how much attention they are getting at the current moment.
-Once the spell is cast, the priest knows the current \gls{fp} of the target.
-When cast on oneself, this spell grants total immunity to the Enchantment spell, \textit{Fear}.
-\spell{Lending Hand}{Continuous}{Empathy}{Bless a target with +1 to any skill so long as you have a higher Skill level than the target}
-The priest blesses a target with a +1 Bonus to any Skill, so long as the priest has a higher level in that Skill than the target.
-  Priests of \gls{wargod} grant battle skills, priests of \gls{joygod} help people to dance, and older elves will often lead grand choirs, while heightening an entire crowd's ability to sing.
-\spell{Auguary}{Instant}{Tactics}{The \glsentrytext{gm} tells you about an upcoming encounter}
-The character requests guidance about the future and receives a cryptic message from their deity, from dreams, or simply the shape of nearby clouds.
-The \gls{gm} should roll for the player so the player is unsure how accurate the information is.
-The \gls{gm} might create some riddle, or describe a prophetic vision.
-Alternatively, if the Encounters or Side Quests systems are being used, the \gls{gm} may choose to describe an upcoming encounter or read out upcoming boxtext.\iftoggle{verbose}{\footnote{See page \pageref{encounters}.}}{}
-If it succeeds, boxtext or encounters can be taken from a different area, or a later encounter.
-And if the roll succeeds with a Margin of 4 or more, the player can elect a specific area to receive the boxtext from.
-If the roll fails, the \gls{gm} can create misleading information.
-If the party radically change their plans in order to avoid an encounter they think sounds bad, the Side Quests should be randomized, leaving some chance they will encounter the same place again.
-Characters who continue to cast Auguary receive the same answer each time until they have run into the encounter, or somehow bypassed it.
-Nobody with this power ever says ``you cannot change your fate''.  Changing your fate is the entire point of this spell.  Besides, if the spell ever appears to go wrong, the local priests will explain that it actually predicted events correctly.  It was simply your knowledge of the spell that -- somehow or other -- altered what would otherwise have been a fine prediction.
-\index{Fate Points}
-\spell{Blessing}{Instant}{Empathy}{Target regains $1D6 + Int$ \glspl{fp}}
-The priest blesses the target with the favour of the gods. The target `heals' or regenerates $1D6$ \gls{fp} plus the priest's Intelligence Bonus. This cannot take the target above their maximum \gls{fp} score.
-\spell{Forest's Call}{Continuous}{Deceit}{Mark someone for an encounter}
-The caster makes a call to the forest to come and attack the target.
-The \gls{gm} roll on the local encounter chart every day, for a number of days equal to the spell's level.
-If the target already had an upcoming encounter, both encounters occur at once.
-If the target is an \gls{npc}, they have some unfortunate encounter where they take Damage equal to the spell's level plus the caster's Intelligence Bonus.
-The spell recurs every month, and `lies in wait' if the target happens to be resting somewhere safe, where random encounters cannot strike.
-\spell{Fortune}{Continuous}{Empathy}{Add +1 to any Skill}
-The priest blesses a target, who then receives a +1 to any Skill.
-This does not stack with any other Fate spells.
-This spell can take a character beyond the standard Skill levels.
-\spell{Snapback}{Instant}{Tactics}{Start a round over again}
-The caster casts a spell to determine if some plan will work, and subtly alters fate to ensure it gets its best shot.
-Once the spell is cast on a person, the caster can decide to rewind time, and declare that the last round never took place.
-The spell affects only one person.
-If they interact with anyone else, the spell instantly fails, and the action cannot be undone.
-  Artemis wants to know if a nearby begger is a spy in disguise.
-  He begins by casting a \textit{Wide Snapback} over himself and the begger, then jumps forward, kicks the begger in the face, and tells him he has been found out.
-  The begger simply looks shocked -- apparently Artemis has the wrong person, so he takes his decision back.
-  Artemis finds himself at the end of the spell, with a prophetic knowledge of what \textit{would} have happened if he had kicked the begger, without ever having done so.
-  The only way to use the spell for a fight is to cover all combatants with a \textit{Wide Snapback}.
-  The spell might be used on a single person picking a lock on a door (but if the door triggers an explosion and damages others, the spell fails).
-\spell{God's Chosen}{Continuous}{Academics}{Increase a target's maximum \glspl{fp} by $4+Int$ along with $2D6 + Int$ \glspl{fp}}
-The target increases their maximum \glspl{fp} by a number equal to the spell's level, plus the caster's Intelligence Bonus.
-The character instantly heals a number of \glspl{fp} equal to $2D6$ plus the caster's Intelligence Bonus.
-When the spell ends, the maximum FP return to normal.
-The spell does not increase the rate at which \glspl{fp} are regenerated.
-\spell{Divine Favour}{Instant}{Academics}{Spend 1 \glsentrytext{storypoint} in return for 5 to spend immediately}
-The priest spends 1 \gls{storypoint} and gains an addtional 5 \glspl{storypoint} plus their Intelligence Bonus, which must be spent immediately.
-This can be used on a summoning miraculous help, such as a crew of soldiers who have a debt to the priest, or a magical ally.%
-\footnote{As usual \gls{gm} is free to veto any ideas, but the player is also free to continue pulling new ideas out.}
-These \glspl{storypoint} do not grant any \glspl{xp}.
-The player gains no \glspl{xp} for these `fake` \glspl{storypoint}, only for spending the initial \gls{storypoint}.
-\spell{Resurrection}{Instant}{Medicine}{Bring the recently deceased back from the dead}
-The priest summons the soul of a recently deceased person back to their body.
-If they are beyond -3 \glsfmtlongpl{hp}, they must roll a Vitality Check again to stay alive, but this time with a +5 bonus.
-The spell also heals the target of a number of \gls{hp} equal to half the Margin.
-This cannot bring the target above 0 \gls{hp}.
-For example, if a \gls{pc} were at -7 \gls{hp} they would normally make a Vitality Check at \gls{tn} 11.
-Adding in the Bonus would make the adjusted \gls{tn} 6.
-If the Vitality Check were a roll of 11 then the Margin would be 5 and the character would heal 3 \gls{hp}, going up to -4 \glspl{hp}.
-This healing should be understood as a retroactive blessing from the gods, indicating that the Damage sustained was not nearly so bad as was once thought.
-The spell must be cast within the same scene as the target lost their last \gls{hp}.
-If cast on a member of the undead, the target loses $2D6$ \gls{hp} plus the caster's Intelligence Bonus.
-No roll is made, and no protection can be given from \glspl{fp} or \glspl{SP}.
-\index{Mana Lakes}
-\spell{Mana Lake}{Continuous}{Empathy}{Create a font of mana}
-The priest spends a \gls{storypoint} to sanctify an area, creating a mana lake.
-Forever afterwards, the area spills out mana to be absorbed by anyone nearby with empty mana slots.
-The caster rolls at \gls{tn} 12.
-Each Margin on the roll means one \glsentrylong{mp} is generated each round, so achieving a `14' on the roll would produce 2 \gls{mp} each round.
-A failed roll indicates this spot cannot produce mana, and the character may not attempt the spell again during this session.
-The \gls{storypoint} remains unspent, with no \glspl{xp} earned.
-The mage can shape pure energy, pushing and pulling at the world with the power of their will alone. They can create magical shields, pick up weapons and grind targets into the ground as if with an invisible, giant, floating hand.
-\spell{Cage}{Continuous}{Combat}{Levitate a target, so they cannot move. \gls{tn} 7 plus the target's \gls{weightrating}}
-The mage levitates and traps a target, forcing them to remain where they are, or move as the caster desires.
-While powerful, the spell is particularly challenging to cast, as it has a \gls{tn} equal to 7 plus the target's \gls{weightrating}.%
-\footnote{Everyone's \glsentrytext{weightrating} is equal to their maximum \glspl{hp}.}
-Those caught by the spell count as \textit{prone}.%
-\footnote{See \autopageref{prone}.}
-The spell has an effective Speed Bonus equal to its level plus the caster's Intelligence Bonus, so casters can move their quarry just as if the spell were running.
-As usual, the target cannot be moved outside of the normal spell range.
-\spell{Levitation}{Continuous}{Craft}{Levitate anything with effective Strength of Lv + Int}
-The mage focuses on lifting something into the air with pure magical energy.
-Casting the spell on inanimate targets poses no challenge, but moving targets can resist the spell with their Strength + Athletics.
-The spell acts as any person would when lifting things, and has an effective Strength Bonus equal to the spell's level plus the caster's Intelligence Bonus.
-The maximum \glsentryname{weightrating} anyone can lift is equal to their Strength Bonus plus 4, therefore, levitating a cart with a \gls{weightrating} of 10 would require a spell with an effective Strength of +6.
-The spell's effective Dexterity and Speed Bonuses are equal to -3 plus the spell's level.
-\spell{Lock}{Continuous}{Craft}{Bind a door shut, raising \gls{tn} to open it by \glsentryshort{lv}}
-The mage can erect a magical force field, similar to mage armour, over a doorway to make it more difficult to break through.
-The \gls{tn} to break through the door increases by an amount equal to the spell's level plus the mage's Intelligence Bonus.
-For example, if a door were at \gls{tn} 12 to burst through, a mage with Intelligence +2 could cast the second level of the Force sphere, raising the \gls{tn} to 16.
-\spell{Shunt}{Instant}{Combat}{Push someone back, reducing \glspl{ap} by Int - Str}
-The caster pushes over objects, or pushes back people.
-This spell functions exactly like \textit{Wind Blast}, page \pageref{windblast}.
-\spell{Slow Fall}{Continuous \& Instant}{Athletics}{Reduce falling damage}
-When people (or even items) are falling to their doom, force mages can slow the decent, limiting the Damage from such a fall.
-The total spell grants a resistance to any Damage incurred through falling equal to 4 points per level of the Force sphere used, plus the mage's Intelligence score.%
-\footnote{$(Level \times 4) + Int$}
-Therefore, a mage with Intelligence +2 using the third level of the Force sphere would subtract 14 from any Damage incurred through falling.
-\spell{Telekinetic Fist}{Continuous}{Combat}{Improve unarmed combat damage, gaining an effective Strength of \glsentryshort{lv} + Int}
-The mage uses powerful telekinetic blasts to hold and crumple targets in close combat.
-Unarmed attacks using Telekinetic fist count as normal Damage instead of inflicting \glspl{fatigue}.
-For the purposes of these attacks, the caster counts as having a Strength Bonus equal to the level of the Force sphere being used, plus the caster's Intelligence Bonus.
-For example, someone employing the third level of the Force sphere with Intelligence +3 would count as having +6 Strength, and would inflict $2D6+2$ Damage with unarmed attacks.
-\spell{Telekinetic Retreat}{Continuous}{Athletics}{Run away fast, with a bonus of \glsentryshort{lv} + Int}
-Mages can add their mental ability to move things to aid their movement.
-Any attempts to move, whether fleeing or just flitting around a room, gain a bonus equal to the level of the Force sphere being employed plus their Intelligence Bonus.
-The mage can cast the spell on others and it will automatically push them onwards in whichever direction they are running.
-\spell{Clairvoyance}{Continuous}{Vigilance}{Sense the world from afar}
-The mage can `feel' by delicately touching things with mental movement rather than actually seeing them. They can see in complete darkness whether underwater or on land.
-The mage rolls Intelligence and Vigilance at \gls{tn} 6 plus the spell's level.
-The spell covers a progressively larger area depending upon the level used.
-  Mages able to cast \textit{Ranged} spells make for legendary spies, although the power is limited by the fact that while the mage can feel events at a distance, they cannot hear voices or read anything.
-Any two mages `looking' at the same area can feel each other's presence and instantly understand that someone else is using Clairvoyance.
-They can even identify the other mage with a Wits + Empathy roll.
-The undead can feel the effects of the spell just like any \gls{miracleworker}, and can follow the spell back to its source.
-This spell cannot be cast on others to let them feel something -- the target is what is being felt.
-\spell{Dancing Swords}{Continuous}{Varies}{Levitate a weapon with effective Physical Attributes equal to Int. Spend standard weapon \glspl{ap} to attack, plus the caster's Combat Bonus}
-The force mage can make an object levitate with the power of their mind. If cast on a weapon, it can float nearby to defend them and even float off to stab at enemies who will be hard pushed to counterattack the wielder when they're standing some distance away.
-The caster rolls Intelligence + Combat to levitate the item at a \gls{tn} equal to 7 plus the item's \glsentryshort{weightrating}.
-The spell has, for the purposes of using the item, effective Strength, Dexterity, and Speed Bonuses of `-1' plus the caster's Intelligence Bonus.
-For weapons, the caster's Combat Bonus and weapon's Attack Bonus adds to any attack rolls it makes%
-\iftoggle{verbose}{, so caster's with Intelligence +2 and Combat +2, casting a \textit{Dancing Swords} could animate a longsword to fight with Strength +1, Dexterity +1, and Speed +1, giving it a total of +5 to attack, and dealing $1D6+3$ Damage.
-\Glspl{miracleworker} typically cast this spell before combat, and leave it as a \gls{standingspell}.
-Using the spell to attack or defend requires just the same \glspl{ap} as using the weapon%
-\iftoggle{verbose}{, so a longsword would require 2, while a dagger would require 1.}{.}
-The spell's effective Strength Bonus must be sufficient to lift the weapon without encumbrance%
-\iftoggle{verbose}{so the caster requires an effective Intelligence Bonus of +2 to use a longsword, and +4 to use a greatsword.
-While the weapon is next to the caster it can defend the caster using its own stats by using an action to Guard.
-If the weapon attacks someone and misses, the enemy has nobody to damage, \emph{however}, if their Attack Bonus (ignoring their weapon) is good enough to grab the weapon, they can do so.
-  If an animated weapon attacks someone with Dexterity 0, Combat +2 and a longsword (with a +2 Bonus), the \gls{tn} to hit them would be 11.
-  However, without the weapon they would have only \gls{tn} 9, so if the weapon hit less than \gls{tn} 9 then the enemy could grab the longsword.
-  From the players' point of view, if a levitating longsword were about to hit them with an Attack Bonus of +4, then they would avoid the attack at \gls{tn} 11.
-  However, if they could hit \gls{tn} 11 with only their Dexterity + Combat (and now weapon bonus), then they could grab the weapon.
-Once the weapon has been grabbed, the caster loses all control over it!
-A \textit{Sentient Dancing Swords} spell can act alone, without the mage focussing or using their own \glspl{ap}.
-The sword can use its own \glspl{ap} to attack, but does not have any Combat score.
-A \textit{Wide, Sentient, Dancing Swords} spell might animate many items, but only has one consciousness, so it must spend \glspl{ap} for each action -- it does not gain a separate pool of \glspl{ap} for each item.
-\spell{Mage Armour}{Continuous}{Academics}{Create a magical barrier with $(3 x \gls{lv}) + Int$ \glsentryshortpl{SP}}
-The mage casts a shield of crackling energy around the target to protect from all harm, and most often mages target themselves.
-The barrier can shatter if attacked but can take a serious beating before breaking.
-Each barrier counts as a having a number of \glsentryfullpl{SP}, which are destroyed by Damage.
-The target gains a number of \glspl{SP} equal to 3 times the spell's level, plus the caster's Intelligence Bonus.
-Casters can instinctively move with the shield, allowing them to attack and cast spells, but as usual, any time they attack, that target (and no other) may deal them damage.
-Those with a Force shield cast on them cannot attack anyone as the shield stops all attacks, both from within, and without.
-However, casters are able to consciously adjust the shield cast on others to allow them to make an attack.
-They need only spend 1 \gls{ap}.
-When cast as a \textit{Wide} spell, it can cover a group of people, but the shield will cover all of them or none -- it has no `sections' inside.
-  For example, Annabel the alchemist has the Force sphere at level 3 and Intelligence +2.
-  She's low on \gls{mp} so she casts it at level 2, gaining 8 \gls{SP}.
-  Soon after, she gets in a fight, where a soldier hits her for 10 Damage.
-  She loses all 8 \glspl{SP}, and 2 \glspl{fp}.
-Multiple castings do not stack -- whichever spell grants the most \glspl{SP} takes effect, but others do not.
-Armour does not block Damage going onto \gls{SP} -- the character simply subtracts \gls{SP} without any \gls{dr}.
-The Mage Armour is not affected by a Vitals Shot -- it protects all around, counting as Perfect armour, although not quite continuously enough to keep out water or gasses.
-The spell does not allow anyone `protected' to attack.
-Breaking out of the spell requires dealing the same Damage as anyone breaking in, but with a +2 to Damage (since the `target' is hardly resisting).
-Unwilling targets of Mage Armour can attempt to move at the moment the spell is cast, resisting the spell with their Speed plus Athletics Bonus.
-A \textit{Sentient Mage Armour} can cut itself at the moment someone attacks, allowing someone to gain protective shielding while in combat.
-\spell{Archmage Armour}{Continuous}{Academics}{Create a Force barrier with $3 \times \gls{lv} + Int$ \glsentryshortpl{SP}, regnerates \glsentryshortpl{lv} per round}
-Archmage armour works like Mage Armour, but every round, it also regenerates a number of \glspl{SP} equal to the spell's level, up to spells maximum \glspl{SP}.
-  \widePic{Roch_Hercka/flashing_light}
-  \widePic[t]{Roch_Hercka/illusion_trogdor}
-Illusionists begin by controlling shadows.
-They can look like the sillhouettes of people, at least at night, from a distance.
-The shadows can also help hiding in dimly lit areas.
-By colouring these moving shadows, the aparitions can appear like people, monsters, jewels, or anything else.
-Seeing past an Illusion always requires a Wits + Vigilance roll, with a \gls{tn} equal to the caster's Intelligence plus some Skill.
-The exact Skill depends on what the illusionist wants to fake.
-Turning someone into a person uses the Empathy Skill, while making a door look like a wall requires Crafts.
-\spell{Cloak}{Continuous}{Varies}{Make a shadow to cloak something in blackness, add + \glsentryshort{lv} to a roll}
-By wrapping the target in shadows, they gain a bonus to hiding equal to the caster's Intelligence Bonus.
-This won't do much good when someone walks close to an inky patch of darkness, and can be actively harmful when a patch of blackness is wandering across a Sunny street.
-Casting \textit{Cloak} to hide a target in the darkness uses the Stealth Skill, while casting one to make oneself appear like some terrifying monster would use Deceit.
-In all cases, a successful spell adds a bonus to other rolls equal to the spell's level.
-Casting a \textit{Colourful Cloak} allows the shadow to take on detailed colours, so the caster can make something look like just about anything else.
-They could make a person look like another by adding Empathy, or make someone appear to be a forest animala with Wyldcrafting.
-\spell{Aparition}{Continuous}{Varies}{Create a shadow-puppet in the air}
-The caster creates a shadow, with depth and cohesion.
-Typically, these are used to fool people on dark nights that some person or creature is there.
-A \textit{Wide Aparition} might appear as a giant monster made of darkness, and a \textit{Massive Aparition} could even suggest a full house has appeared.
-As per \textit{Cloak}, the \textit{Colourful} enhancement can paint colour over the spell, making it look like a real thing.
-\textit{Sentient Aparition} spells can move and think independently, and even act like a real person, to a limited degree.
-  As always, Sentient spells take the caster's Code, so the illusions will not act like particular people every well.
-\spell{Mana Trick}{Continuous}{Deceit}{Make the target seem like it has more or less mana than it does}
-The mage places a spell on any item or person, so it seems to have more of fewer \glspl{mp} than it really has.
-This fools spells such as `Detect Mana'.\footnote{See page \pageref{detectmagic}.}
-The caster rolls against a \gls{tn} 7, and if successful, the caster can alter the apparent mana in an item by an amount equal to the spell's Level plus their Intelligence Bonus.
-\spell{Muffle}{Continuous}{Deceit}{Remove a target's reflection, shadow, and echoes}
-This spell cancels the secondary sensory effects from anyone.
-They can still speak, but their voice does not echo around caverns.
-Anyone can see them, but they cast no reflection, or shadow.
-When moving through an area with a lot of echoes or reflections, this would normally increase the \gls{tn} to sneak about.
-This spell reduces those penalties by a number equal to the spell's level, plus the cater's Intelligence Bonus.
-\spell{Silence}{Continuous}{Stealth}{Stop all noise getting to a target}
-The target hears nothing, and produces no sound.
-  When cast as a \textit{Wide} spell, a full group can lose the ability to communicate.
-When cast on an area, the area remains silent, but the people occupying the area can still speak freely.
-\spell{Light}{Continuous}{Academics}{Create a shining light}
-The mage casts a dim light, about the strength of a torch, which floats around a single point (but never very steadily).
-When cast in the darkness as a \textit{Fast Light} spell, it can blind those not paying attention enough to shield their eyes.
-Anyone not \textit{Keeping Edgy}%
-\footnote{See \autopageref{edgy}.}
-becomes blinded for a number of rounds equal to the spell's level minus their Wits Bonus.
-Undead are terrified of this light.
-Those affected by the spell make a Wits + Aggression roll, \gls{tn} 7 plus the caster's Intelligence + Academics.
-\spell{Tendril}{Continuous}{Varies}{The caster summons a solid shadow, with physical stats equal to \glsentryshort{lv} + Int}
-The shadow summoned gain some limited solidity.
-Despite the name, the shadow doesn't have to form a grabbing arm -- it can take any form, just like the other illusion shadow-tricks.
-They each have Strength, Dexterity and Speed of -5 plus the Spell Level +the caster's Intelligence Bonus.
-The tendrils require focus to move, unless made \textit{Sentient}, otherwise they stand like smoke on a windless day.
-When made \textit{Colourful}, the tendrils form exceptionally convincing illusions.
-  For example, if \pgls{miracleworker} with Intelligence +2 and Wits +1 cast \textit{Wide, Sentient, Tendrils}, the \gls{tn} would be 9, and 4 shadow-creatures spawn.
-  Each tendril would have a Strength, Speed, and Dexterity of 0, meaning they each have 6 \glspl{hp}.
-\spell{Invisibility}{Continuous}{Stealth}{The target becomes invisible}
-The illusionist finally learns to make less of something, rather than more.  A single person can be silenced, or made invisible (or both).
-An empty patch of ground could suddenly appear to break open, showing a great chasm in the ground.
-As usual, the illusion is still delicate, and if the person is struck or disturbed in any way, the illusion dissipates.
-he spell only targets the immediate sight of someone, so the target still casts a shadow\iftoggle{verbose}{(though the caster can still remove this with the Muffle spell, above)}{}.
-This is the first choice of spheres for any battle-mage.
-It is designed specifically to destroy targets with balls of lightning and fire.
-It also has more subtle uses as casters can extinguish flames, plunging people into darkness.
-All Invocation spells are rolled as Projectiles, using the mage's Intelligence Bonus and their Projectiles Skill.
-The basic \gls{tn} is 7 and the difficulty raises by +1 for every 5 squares away the opponent is, just as with normal missile weapons.
-As usual, opponents who are Keeping Edgy (see page \pageref{edgy}) can use their Speed + Vigilance to resist the attack, adding it to the \gls{tn}.
-Alternatively, if a player is keeping edgy, it is they who can attempt to dodge the incoming attack, rolling their Speed + Vigilance at \gls{tn} 7 plus the pyromancer's Intelligence and Projectiles Skill.
-Shields' Bonus can add to the roll to resist such spells.
-Just like any other long-range spell, Fireballs and other Invocation spells can succeed in Vitals Shot, bypassing armour, if they strike precisely enough (see page \pageref{vitals}).
-Blast-radius spells such as a \textit{Wide Fireball} can inflict a Vitals Shot on multiple people.
-\spell{Extinguish}{Instant}{Wyldcrafting}{Put out any light source}
-The mage focuses on any source of fire, and extinguishes it.
-Larger fires require a \textit{Wide Extinguish} spell.
-\spell{Fireball}{Instant}{Projectiles}{Burn an enemy for $3 + Lv + Int$ Damage}
-  \sidepic[40]{Roch_Hercka/conjuration_left}
-The mage throws out a ball of flaming, crackling ball of energy, which strikes and burns the target.
-The Damage is 3 Damage, plus the spell's Level, plus the caster's Intelligence Bonus.
-As usual, 4 Damage becomes $1D6$, so a pyromancer with Intelligence +1, casting a \textit{Ranged Fireball}, would deal $1D6+2$ Damage.
-\textit{Sentient Fireball} spells can change course as they move, allowing them to hit people round corners.
-Necromancers summon souls from distant realms and place them in appropriate bodies -- those of the once living and now dead.
-The corpses, infused with these ravenous spirits, begin to move and try to kill any sentient life nearby, to feast on their freshly freed soul.
-Mages of this sphere begin by imitating the dead, becoming half dead themselves, which allows them to dissuade malicious spirits from attacking.
-\spell{Command the Dead}{Continuous}{Academics}{Give any order to the dead, as per Level 4 of the Enchantment sphere.  Intelligence + Academics vs Wits + Academics}
-The necromancer learns to command the undead with short, simple, commands.
-The mage can also command any one undead creature to perform any simple action -- a basic phrase without caveats and no more than one verb.
-`Dig',\footnote{The undead are the worst workers due to their stupidity, and typically destroy their own hands before they dig very far.
-They can be used for anything, but are not necessarily good for much.}
-`kill them all' or `wait here' are all appropriate commands.
-To execute the spell, the mage rolls with Intelligence and their Academics score at \gls{tn} 7 -- undead creatures resist with their Wits + Academics.
-This spell replicates the fourth level of the Enchantment sphere, except that it targets the undead.
-\spell{Ghoul Calling}{Instant}{Medicine}{Summon a hungry spirit into a corpse, creating a ghoul. Maximum $\glspl{hp} \le \glsentryshort{lv} + Int \times 2$}
-The spell is cast on a corpse and the corpse is imbued with a malicious spirit.
-It retains the Strength score (and therefore \gls{hp}) it had in life.
-The mage can create their own ghouls from easily accessible realms of malicious spirits.
-Small animals such as cats or frogs are easy, while larger creatures such as humans or basilisks are extremely difficult.
-  The \gls{miracleworker} reanimates a corpse, where that creature's $\glspl{hp} \le \gls{lv}, + Int \times 2$.
-  The corpse remains animated, without any need to maintain a \gls{standingspell}.
-The corpse has Dexterity, Speed and Wits scores of -2 -- it can run, but not terribly quickly.
-It also gains an Aggression score of +2.%
-\footnote{See page \autoref{aggression} for Aggression.}
-The creature has neither Intelligence nor Charisma scores.
-Most will attack all living things on sight.
-The mage rolls their Intelligence + Medicine at \gls{tn} 7 to cast the spell.
-  The corpse's maximum \glspl{hp} is equal to double the spell's level, plus the caster's Intelligence.
-  A mage with Intelligence +1 could cast this spell at level 1 to raise anything with up to 4 \glspl{hp}.
-  Cast a \textit{Potent Ghoul Calling} at level 2 with Intelligence +2, the mage could raise a human soldier with Strength +2, and 10 \glspl{hp}.
-  Once the spell has been cast, it need not be maintained -- once a soul has inhabited a body it remains there like the permanent resident of a house.
-\paragraph{Sentient Ghoul Calling}
-spells summon sentient undead, typically referred to as `ghasts'.
-These ghouls have a basic Intelligence and Wits score of 0.
-The ghast gains a number of additional points equal to the spell's level, plus the caster's Intelligence Bonus.
-For each margin on the roll, the caster assigns 1 point to any Attribute, Skill, Knack, or magic sphere.
-The \gls{gm} then assigns the rest.
-Summoned ghouls with magic spheres can only use the Paths of Alchemy, Runes, or Divinity (\gls{deathgod}).
-  Sirius attempts to  call a ghoul, with a \textit{Potent, Sentient, Ghoul Calling}.
-  With his +2 Intelligence Bonus, the ghast will have 6 points.
-  Initially, Sirius plans to summon a ghast to cast spells for him, so he plans to spend those 6 points on Academics, and Alchemy Spheres.
-  Unfortunately, he rolls a `10', which is precisely the \gls{tn}, leaving him with only 1 point to assign.
-  He decides to switch to just giving the ghoul `Combat 1' instead, and the crafty \gls{gm} spends the rest of the points on the ghast's Wits and Academics.
-  With Wits +2 and Academics +3, the ghouls will not succumb to Sirius' \textit{Command the Dead} spell so easily, as it requires \gls{tn} `12' to control.
-\spell{Preservation}{Instant}{Wyldcrafting}{Slow the target's rot}
-Trainee artists and necromancers have one thing in common -- fruit.
-Students of Necromancy often begin their journey by stopping food from degrading.
-This spell gives a sort of `half-life' to rot, such that any foods, corpses, or anything else affected slow their own ageing process incrementally.
-They're not sustained in perfect condition forever, but never quite reach an entirely spoiled stage.
-\spell{Torpor}{Continuous}{Medicine}{Make the target enter a semi-death state, ignoring \glspl{fatigue} and gaining \gls{dr} 1}
-The target enters an altered state of semi-death.
-They ignore all \gls{fatigue} penalties (but can still become suddenly unconscious if the \gls{fatigue} penalty ever reaches -5).
-However, they also lose the ability to heal, or lose \glspl{fatigue}.
-  Once the spell is over, the target often comes crashing down, collapsing from the weight of the awful things they have done to their body while immune to \gls{fatigue} penalties.
-  The caster faces a real danger of death if ever they gain enough \glspl{fatigue} to push them over a -5 penalty; they may not gain the penalty but must make a Vitality Check to avoid death and then make another roll each time they gain \glspl{fatigue}.
-  Once a -5 penalty from Fatigue has been reached, the caster makes a Vitality Check or dies.
-They gain a natural \gls{dr} of 1.%
-\footnote{This usually adds +1 to existing armour. See \autopageref{stackingarmour}.}
-While this spell is active, no undead will be able to feed from them and most will therefore not wish to attack them.
-However, the target also suffers a -2 penalty to all Charisma checks, though this does not affect \glspl{fp}.
-\spell{Soul Sight}%
-{Make the target enter a semi-death state, ignoring \glspl{fatigue} penalties and gaining \gls{dr} 2}
-The target can gain the special sight of the undead (in addition to their normal vision).
-They can now see all living things, even in the darkness.
-Additionally, the target's \gls{dr} raises to 2 as the target stops feeling pain altogether.
-They can even hold their breath for one minute per spell level, plus the caster's Intelligence Bonus.
-Targets who die while this spell is in effect raise from the dead as an undead creature, as per Ghoul Calling.%
-\footnote{A \textit{Sentient Soul Sight} spell functions just like a \textit{Sentient Ghoul Calling} once the target dies.}
-These abilities come with weaknesses.
-Bright lights, including the \textit{Light} spell irritate the target.
-The Charisma penalty for the spell raises to -4, as they seem permanently distracted and unable to focus upon the same world that everyone else does.
-\spell{Sickness}{Instant}{Medicine}{The target loses \glspl{hp} equal to caster's Int}
-  Powerful Necromancers have the terrifying ability to pull someone's soul out with a simple spell.
-  Even those who survive suffer a nasty sickness, often accompanied by pale, necrotic lines racing across their skin.
-The spell inflicts Damage equal to the caster's Intelligence, ignoring both \glspl{fp} and \glsentrylongpl{SP}.
-The spell inflicts 1 Damage, plus the caster's Intelligence Bonus.
-  As usual, replace 4 Damage with a $D6$, so a necromancer with basic Intelligence +2, casting a \textit{Potent Sickness}, would inflict $1D6-1$ Damage.
-  \begin{figure*}[b!]
-  \animalStats
-  \end{figure*}
-  \begin{figure*}[t!]
-  \footnotesize
-  \animalStats
-  \end{figure*}
-Polymorph spells alter someone's physiology, pulling them across a different branch in the great tree of life.
-The initial spells focus on surface qualities, adding skin-deep, or rudimentary alterations.
-Later spells fundamentally affect a target's body, adding or reducing muscle, or granting grand, new, abilities.
-All Polymorph spells are cast at a \gls{tn} of 7 plus half the target's maximum \glspl{hp}.
-  Targeting a bird or gnome might require \gls{tn} 8 or 9, while a human warrior or basilisk could required \gls{tn} 13 or 14.
-  For this reason, a great many Polymorph spells are cast as a ritual.
-  Throughout all these forms people maintain a universal `face' -- a kind of likeness which they simply cannot get rid of.
-  Many conjecture that the face is a facet of one's soul showing in the world.
-  A ginger person transformed into a cat would become a ginger cat.
-  A skinny person with short hair who transforms into a sheep will become a skinny, short-haired sheep.
-Spotting someone who has been transformed by a polymorph spell requires a Wits + Empathy roll, with a \gls{tn} of 7 plus the level of the Polymorph sphere being employed%
-  {; e.g. if an elf used the first level to look more deer-like, the \gls{tn} would be 8, but using Level 4 to combine forms like some chimaera would demand \gls{tn} 11 to recognize the elf.}
-  {.}
-Unwilling targets who are to be transformed with Polymorph can spend 5 \glspl{fp} in order to immediately declare that the spell fails.
-The undead are completely immune to the Polymorph sphere.
-\spell{Race Swap}{Continuous}{Empathy}{The target appears to change race, but no stats are affected}
-This spell changes someone's appearance to that of a different race, as long as their Physical Attributes lie within the allowed bands of that race.
-A fighter with a Strength Bonus of +2 might change to look like a particularly strong elf, but someone with a +3 Strength Bonus cannot be changed into an elf, as the maximum Strength Bonus an elf could have is +2.
-\footnote{Every race has a maximum and minimum bonus of 3, plus their racial adjustments.
-See \autopageref{raceRoll}.}
-  The transformation is surface-level only, granting no new abilities, or alterations.
-  But it can easily fool those not paying attention into ignoring a known criminal.
-\spell{Chimaera}{Continuous}{Caving/ Seafaring/ Wyldcrafting}{The caster copies stats from an animal, gaining teeth, whiskers, gills, or \gls{dr} 2}
-  \sidepic{Roch_Hercka/polymorph}
-A polymorphing mage can copy the whiskers from a mouse, a bull's thick skin, or a tadpole's gills, and throw that animalistic pattern onto any target.
-The caster must be able to name some creature they are familiar with which has that feature.
-If they name a sea-creature, they must use the Seafaring Skill, and if they name a cave-dwelling creature, they use the Caving Skill, and so on for Wyldcrafting.
-Of course, most of these modifications comes with their own problems.
-\paragraph{Gaining \gls{dr}}
-implies thick skin, which can really get in the way of fine finger-control.
-The target gains \gls{dr} equal to the spell's level, but loses the same number of points in Dexterity as they struggle to move properly.
-\paragraph{Gaining gills}
-is great for breathing underwater, but the target breathes normal air less readily, and heals \glspl{fatigue} at half the normal rate when out of water.
-\paragraph{Gaining teeth}
-allows the target to grapple and damage with a single attack.
-See \autopageref{teeth}. 
-\paragraph{Gaining whiskers}
-reduces darkness penalties by 1.
-\paragraph{Gaining a web-pouch}
-will do very little for the first week.
-Webbing requires a lot of time to develop, but after a week of continuously keeping this spell going, the target can create a thick web from their mouth.
-Anyone becoming entangled in the web must make a Strength + Athletics roll to break free (the \gls{tn} equals 7 plus the spinner's Strength).
-requires a full week of gorging all the target can eat.
-After this period, they can sleep for as long as they like, gaining only 1 \gls{fatigue} every 10 days of slumber.
-\spell{Beast Form}{Continuous}{Wyldcrafting/ Caving}{Transform a target into an animal. Int + Wyldcrafting/ Caving. Target gains Str or Spd penalty equal to Int, or sets Str or Sped equal to Int}
-The caster transforms the target into something completely inhuman, raising or depleting their Strength or Speed Bonuses, or adding new features.
-Transforming targets always gain other features, and begin to look inhuman.
-Those with the correct range of Strength and the correct Animal Feature transform entirely into some animal.
-See the Animal Features table for the requirements of various animals.
-Targets of any Bestial Form spell lose a number of Charisma points equal to the caster's Intelligence Bonus.
-\paragraph{Gaining Strength}
-allows the target to reach a total Strength Bonus or penalty equal to the mage's Intelligence Bonus.
-Of course, the extra muscle mages the target taller and wider, so targets in large armour will become constrained (or strangled).
-Anyone whose Strength Bonus increases gains a number of \gls{fatigue} equal to double the number of Strength gained.
-  Therefore, a target with Strength +1, who increases to Strength +3 will gain 4 \glspl{fatigue} immediately, if they are wearing armour.
-If the spell does not increase the target's Strength Bonus, it fails.
-\paragraph{Gaining Speed}
-works the same way, but without the armour problems -- this kind of muscle redistribute throughout the body easily.
-\paragraph{Losing Strength or Speed}
-allows the caster to reduce the target's Strength or Speed Bonus to by a number equal to their Intelligence Bonus.
-  A \gls{miracleworker} with an Intelligence Bonus of +1, casting with the \textit{Potent} Enhancement, could reduce any target's Strength by -2.
-Anyone wearing armour at the time counts as \textit{Prone}, and must spend the standard \gls{ap} to shuffle out of their armour.
-Those still wearing the armour gain the usual \gls{ap} penalty.
-work like teeth, except that any creature with claws cannot handle weapons properly (and gains a -2 penalty).
-\paragraph{Quadrupedal forms}
-mean the target cannot stand upright normally, and certainly cannot handle weapons or other tools properly (they gain a -2 penalty).
-However, they can run at double their normal movement rate.
-are easy to conjure, if you want those wings to be only for show.
-However, using them requires that the target's Speed Bonus be at least 3 points greater than their Strength Bonus for the wings to allow the target to glide, and at least 5 points greater to allow them to fly.
-  So someone with Strength 0, and Speed 0 would need to use other spells to lower their Strength to -3, or raise their Speed to +3 to glide.
-  For full flight, they would need to lower their Strength to -5, or raise their Speed Bonus to +5.
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-Players `write' most of their backstory during play rather than before it.
-\Glspl{pc} can start off as blank slates with no history, but the history comes out of the woodwork soon after as players can spend 5 \glspl{storypoint} to bring their history into the current \gls{adventure}.
-Let's look at an example:
-\paragraph{Session 1} has the characters running from the local law.
-Jane's player spends 2 \gls{storypoint} and declares \textit{``Luckily, Jane has connections with the local thieves' guild, so she nips into an alley in the slums where the party can lay low for a while''}.
-Soon after, the characters need to sell the diamond they've stolen.
-Eric knows there are dwarves all around town so he tells the group \textit{``I'll see about help from a local fence.
-He's a dwarf I met while lost underground in the Shale, and he knows all the tunnels in the area.''}.
-Eric's player spends a \gls{storypoint}.
-\paragraph{Session 2} finds the characters lost in deep, long caverns in the bearded mountains, wounded and low on supplies.
-Jane's player spends 2 \glspl{storypoint} to declare she knows of a gnomish illusionist who frequents these deep caverns, looking for magical ingredients.
-\textit{``How?''}, asks a rather suspicious \glsentryshort{gm}.
-\textit{``Well, he used to work with the thieves' guild when he was younger, helping us steal with his illusion magic; sometimes he would give us a magical item which would cast an illusion of something we wanted to steal, so nobody would notice it was missing for a while.
-The guild kind of fell apart after he left, which is why it's nothing but slumlords and cutthroats now.''}
-En route to a dwarven stronghold with Jane's illusionist, the band are assaulted by a small army of goblins wielding strange magics.
-A dwarvish outpost is nearby, so the group run and bang on the great iron gate.  Eric's player spends 2 more \glspl{storypoint}, saying \textit{``This is the place I stayed -- they all know me here.
-They should let us in, help us with some supplies, maybe even get me a new sword''}.
-At this juncture we know a fair amount about Eric and Jane, where they come from, and who they are, while Sindon the elf continues to be a mystery.
-\paragraph{Session 10} comes much later.
-The group are lost in a mysterious forest, now teeming with the undead.
-Their arrows and rations have run out, the trail leading to the necromancer has gone cold, and they don't think they have the strength to defeat him even if they could find him.
-At this point, Sindon reveals that his home village lies nearby.
-Everyone can rest there safely, and within the village, they meet his nephew, who will help them find the necromancer by scouting.
-Additionally, Sindon's brother can join them, along with his bow.
-The various help here costs Sindon all of his 5 \glspl{storypoint}, but the result seems worth the cost.
-\section{\glsentrytext{storypoint} Rules}
-Players begin each with 5 \glspl{storypoint} and spend them at any point during the game.
-The encounters must take place in a rational manner -- players might find the perfect sellsword in a town, but if they're in a dungeon, fighting a hall of ghouls, there's little reason for a random sellsword to be present and looking for a job -- this is not an ability to magically summon useful tradesmen with a flash of smoke and plot.
-As a result almost all stories will have to be told in populated areas such as towns and villages.
-The \gls{gm} is, of course, free to veto any Story suggestions without explanation in order to maintain the integrity of the plot or stop cumbersome play issues.
-All stories should be noted down on the back of the character sheet, including any stats from companions, just in case they enter during a later \gls{adventure}.
-The \gls{gm} may wish to award a couple of additional \glspl{storypoint} over a very long \gls{downtime}.
-\subsection{Experience Points}
-Each time a player spends a \gls{storypoint}, the character earns a number of \glspl{xp} equal to the number of \glspl{storypoint} they've spent so far.
-The first \gls{storypoint} grants 1 \glspl{xp}, the second grants 2, and so on.
-If a character spends 3 \glspl{storypoint} to stipulate that their blacksmith uncle likes wandering around the depths of the forest, and lives in a small fort, then the player would receive ($1+2+3$) 6 \glspl{xp}.
-This number remains fixed, even after character death, so if a \gls{pc} dies, the next character can only gain \glspl{xp} from spending \glspl{storypoint} once they have spent the same number as the last character.
-If the character above died, they would gain nothing from the first three \glspl{storypoint}, but would then receive 4 \glspl{xp} once they spent the fourth \gls{storypoint}.
-\subsection{Combining Stories}
-Whether telling one story each \gls{adventure} or letting everyone know all about your character's backstory all at once, players are encouraged to think about weaving their stories together.
-You may have told us that you learnt gnomish when staying with the gnomes.
-Now that you need a blacksmith in this village, why not specify that he's a gnome whom you once knew?
-And if you need a sellsword to join your group later, how about specifying that you once fought with him to defend the gnomes?
-Alternatively, if you are taking out all your stories at once, you might want to declare that you know a mage who lives in a place you can access through a nearby secret portal.
-You instantly adopt a safe space and a helpful magical ally, then start expounding upon the days when the alchemist was proudly telling you about his impregnable home.
-\section{Sample Stories}
-The following is a suggested list of Stories the players can tell and their costs.
-The players are strongly encouraged to suggest more to the \gls{gm} who will either veto them or give them an appropriate cost.
-\story{1}{The Second Language}
-You have spent a significant amount of time in another culture. You know their language and enough of their background to transfer over basic Skill knowledge. If you have the Performance Skill and are familiar with elvish culture then you also know some Elvish songs.
-If you are familiar with gnoll culture and have the Empathy Skill then you know a range of details about gnoll etiquette and lineage.
-\item While the dwarves think they're sneakily planning to stab you in plain sight, you actually learnt dwarvish from a blacksmith dwarf who decided to live among humans.
-\item Back in the circus, the gnomes could never figure out your `elvish arrow trick'.
-You eventually convinced them to teach you how they communicate through whistles in return for teaching them the trick.
-\story{1}{The Surprise Skill}
-You have a surprising Skill or Knack which will comes in useful.
-As you tell this story, you can buy a Skill level so long as you have the requisite \gls{xp}.
-This cannot be a Skill which you have clearly lacked in the past, e.g. if your character has so far been illiterate then you cannot suddenly learn a level of Academics.
-However, if you have never wanted for Craft ability then you could declare that you have always known how to forge iron, or that you have the Seafaring Skill.
-  While working as one of the \gls{guard} in the Pebbles islands, you got your sea-legs.
-  Swimming through this underground lake shouldn't be a problem.
-  You immediately buy two levels of the Seafaring Skill.
-  \item
-  You lost a younger sibling to a chitincrawler, and now that your troupe has finally come across one, your burning hatred kicks in as you rush forward.
-  You purchase the Knack `Chosen Enemy'.
-  You're not one to boss others about, but now you need a plan you may as well pull out the training your brothers taught you about how to set an ambush, and how to wait patiently.
-  You buy the first level of the Tactics Skill.
-  \item
-  Despite your bad manners, you have learnt to read in the thieves' guild some time ago.
-  You used to use this skill to make forgeries, but there's nothing in principle stopping you from reading a book.
-  You buy the first level of the Academics Skill.
-\item Protecting your siblings from griffin attacks on multiple occasions gave you all the knowledge you need to defend them.
-You reveal you have the Knack `Guardian'.
-\story{1}{The Return}
-You recognise a friendly character from some previous Story you have told.
-The \gls{gm} will explain why they are in town but you are free to offer suggestions.
-Said characters won't necessarily be as useful as they would be if they were brought into the \gls{adventure} for the first time with Story points and may only help for a scene, but they should be somehow useful.
-This may include a trader who was previously known to have valuable information about some situation, or a mage the characters had previously met who could cast a useful spell or two.
-This \gls{npc} will probably have gained some \glspl{xp} over this time.
-The \gls{npc}'s \glspl{xp} is still equal to half the total \glspl{xp} of whichever party member has the highest \glspl{xp} total.
-\footnote{Of course this cannot lower the \gls{npc}'s \glspl{xp}.}%
-Any additional \glspl{xp} must be spent immediately (spare \glspl{xp} are discarded), with an explanation about what happened to acquire these new Traits.
-\story{1}{The Random Fact}
-When the \gls{gm} asks you to make a check to gain knowledge, you can spend a \gls{storypoint} and mention how you know this one particular fact about this topic.
-You gain a +6 bonus to a single knowledge check.
-This does not count again for the same domain of expertise -- it is only a bonus to knowing one, single fact about the subject.
-The party want to know how the magical item works.
-You've failed the roll, but then remember you've seen this magical item in your mother's book collection.
-She had extensive shelves full of bizarre tomes, and all the leafing through those tomes finally paid off.
-    \item
-    Once, in the \gls{shatteredcastle}, you overheard two guards talking with each other about a door in the hub.
-    You know it's in Whiteplains somewhere, and their talk of elves gave you a rough idea of the location.
-  \item
-  It was unclear if the noble was telling the truth, but you recognise the dyes on his tunic; they come only from the Shale, which can only mean one thing\ldots
-  \item
-  The party have you idea where they are, but you suddenly remember your uncle's maps.
-  They were always plastered all over the walls, and you used to imagine walking in those distant lands.
-\story{1}{The Special Item}
-You may reveal you have any piece of \gls{adventure} equipment (see page \pageref{adventuringequipment}) or any item worth 10 \gls{sp} or less.
-Perhaps you have a flask of wine, kept from a special celebration, or a piece of chalk you kept after getting lost in a maze.
-\item The dungeon paths seem infinite, but you've come prepared.
-After getting trapped in the king's endless prison rooms, you've always carried a piece of chalk to mark your route when there are no other markings.
-\item The guards don't fancy letting some random wanderers through the door, but you've been saving a small bottle of dwarvish spirits for a special occasion, gifted by your family's dwarvish friend.
-With a bit of water, it should be strong enough for all four of them.
-\story{1}{Old Friend}
-At the point a new character joins the group you can select one other player and have a shared background with them (or with another, if your character is new).
-You describe how you previously met and possibly travelled together.
-From then on, you can split the cost of stories, so if the group wants to find a safe space to rest then instead of one character spending 2 Story points you could each spend 1.
-Each of you can use characters from the other's background, because all your Stories have the option of being shared stories.
-If you are both of noble heritage, any money you get must be divided between you.
-If you are both friends with a skilled armourer, they will only be able to repair one piece of armour at a time.%
-\footnote{This Story is transitive and symmetrical, so if player A shares a background with player B and player B shares a background with player C then player C also shares a background with player A.}
-When the game starts, you pick another character as a cousin.
-When you declare you know elvish, the other character does as well.
-Soon after, you both decide to return home, and get a royal welcome from the entire village.
-When a fellow \gls{pc} dies, someone needs to introduce a new character for them to return as.
-You spend 2 \glspl{storypoint}, as per \nameref{oldFriend}, and declare him your brother.
-\index{Mana Lakes}
-\story{1}{The Mana Lake}
-You know of a sacred location nearby, perhaps a church, or a shrine or just a sacred cavern where the land is teeming with magic.
-In this sacred area, anyone stepping into it receives 1 \gls{mp} per \gls{round}.
-If the spot has a guardian then they are friendly to you.
-The place will not necessarily help you hide or defend yourself unless you are also spending \glspl{storypoint} to make it a place to rest.
-\footnote{Those following the Code of Experience gain no \glsentrytext{xp} for finding this location.}
-\item After the battle, nobody has a drip of mana left, but you recall a nearby grove of elves, centred around a mana well.
-They helped you out last time you had to run away from the law, and you're hoping they'll help you again.
-\item You have the perfect idea for an artefact to help the town, but it will need a constant supply of mana.
-You remember the local temple has a mana font, and the local priest of war -- Lucretius -- owes you a favour from that time you defended the temple from a drunken rabble trying to steal weapons.
-\story{1}{The Old Friend}
-You know someone in town who has just the skills you are all looking for.
-The player can make this character themselves, just like a normal character, but cannot purchase Combat, Projectiles or \glspl{fp}.
-The \gls{npc} begins with either 50 \glspl{xp}, or half the \glspl{xp} of whichever party member has the most (whichever is higher).
-So if one of the \glspl{pc} has 115 \glspl{xp}, the \gls{npc} would begin with 58 \glspl{xp}.
-This is a particularly important story, as these form the secondary characters which players can use if their first characters die.
-\item Everyone wants to buy expensive chainmail, and your dwarvish friend just so happens to have retired here, selling top-quality armours of all types.
-\item The party needs an expert tracker, and on the road you meet your brother.
-He never liked people, so once he got out of the military, he began working independently as a bounty hunter.
-\story{2}{The Ally}
-As per \nameref{oldFriend}, but the character can purchase any Trait.
-These martial allies can accompany groups on dangerous missions.
-  \item
-  With no idea how to talk to the local lord, you suddenly find your old military friend guarding the gate.
-\story{2}{The Resting Spot}
-You know of a secluded and secret location where you will be safe.
-If your safe space is ever invaded due to events outside your control, you receive both Story points back if it is within the same session or 1 Story point back if it during a later session where the same place is used again.
-\item The guards may be chasing after you, but the Mincing Pig is nearby.  It's famous for some nasty customers and a deep cellar where even the town guard don't want to enter.
-It's been your regular bar since you were twelve years old, and you're sure they'll put you up.
-\item The goblins have found your tracks, and they'll catch up soon.
-However, you recall a nearby cave in the forest where you slept the last time you came through here on a mission with the other guards.
-\item The bandits are catching up soon, but you recall a walled village nearby.
-Your grandfather was the chief noble before he died, and you're hoping the guards remember you, despite your new beard.
-  \story{1}{Guild Spy}
-  You declare yourself to be a guild spy for a guild from another area, and immediately gain the rank of `associate'.%
-  \footnote{See Fenestra's \autoref{guard}, page \pageref{ngAssociate}.}
-  Of course your \glsentrytext{guard} duties will not end with this revelation -- in fact you must continue.
-  Whatever your missions may be (and you must -- at the very least -- run it past the \gls{gm}), if it ever ends you will simply gain a new one from the guild, or just a message to `sit tight where you are'.
-  Once your mission completes, your guild demands you remain for another (or goes silent\ldots).
-  \begin{itemize}
-    \item
-    The Justice Guild of the Shale want to know more about why \glsentrytext{king} is sending so many of the \gls{guard} to your area, and not theirs.
-    \item
-    The Paper Guild wants to understand more about \gls{shatteredcastle}, and has sent a number of men out to listen quietly to what they might hear in the guard.
-    \item
-    Somewhere in the forest, the Final Guild know, rests a lost temple, cut off from civilization, but they will not tell you what lies there.
-  \end{itemize}
-  \story{3}{The Treasure}
-  You have access to large funds now that you have returned to this area.
-  The total amount obtained is $2D6 \times 10$ gold pieces.%
-  \footnote{Those following the Code of Acquisition gain no \gls{xp} for gaining gold through \glspl{storypoint}.}
-    \begin{itemize}
-    \item When you were back in the military, you and the platoon raided a rich person's house, stole a lot of items, then buried the valuables.
-    You all swore not to return to the treasure for five years, but you need the money badly.
-    \item The local noble is your father, and it's time to ask for a big favour; gold.
-    While there, you spend 2 more \glspl{storypoint} to get a tracker, as you ask your father for a skilled warrior to help you track down the local bandits.
-    \item You found the local noble was hoarding illegal magical items, and you agreed to keep quiet for money.
-    It's time to ask for a little more hush money.
-    \end{itemize}
-Just because characters can begin as blank slates doesn't mean the story can.  A basic premise can help tie those backstories together.
-If the \gls{gm} has no definitive plans laid out for the campaign, players should suggest a good starting point.
-\subsection{The \Glsentrytext{guard}}
-Adventuring may have been outlawed years ago, but you can still join the \gls{guard}!
-This kind of campaign mean taking orders, getting missions, and rising through the ranks.
-The party will have to decide how much looted wealth to report to their superiors, and which of their peers they can trust.
-Think of the \gls{guard} as the default campaign within Fenestra, and take a look at Fenestra's \autoref{guard} for ideas on the various missions the \glspl{pc} can expect.
-\subsection{The Illusionists of the Shale}
-The characters are all gnomes, defending against encroaching goblins who have come through a portal, while the elders constantly argue that if only \emph{somehow} someone could get down there and destroy the portal, everyone would be safe.
-But that ``somehow'' never comes, and the monsters are coming up faster and faster.
-Rumours abound of distant elves who might help, but those elves have their own problems.
-Meanwhile, the daily lives of the warrior-alchemists consists in setting and resetting various traps made of pitfalls, illusions and rope.  Each day the gnomes have to retreat farther from the deeps and closer to the Sun.
-Once each member of the group has expended three \glspl{storypoint}, an opening comes to travel to the nearby elves, and beg for an army to save your homeland.
-\subsection{The College of Alchemy}
-The characters are all alchemists in the service of the \gls{college} in Eastlake.
-The first part of the campaign involves high-school rivalries against other Clans in the guild such as stealing their homework, or vying for romantic attention.
-Soon after, the characters begin proper guild missions, venturing out into the strange areas of the world where normal people will not tread.
-At the campaign's start, characters get only 1 \gls{storypoint} each.
-Each year's Summer holidays grants an additional \gls{storypoint}, so each character will have the full 5 \glspl{storypoint} at the end of the four year course.
-\subsection{The Game Changer}
-The party stumble across a game-changing magical item, capable of raining fire down on an entire battlefield.
-They only need to find the activation word.
-While the war is far away, both side know the party have the item, and want to take it from them.
-Individual lords attempt to grab the item in order to take it to a king themselves, or even to start a rebellion against the king while the war is on.
-Some know what the command word is, or at least claim to.
-As the party moves the item to the battlefields, they hear more and more rumours about the activities of the kings on each side.
-By the time they arrive, they will able to pick a side.
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-The skinny man greets Sean with overbearing enthusiasm as he continues to explain the mission.
-``\emph{The book was stolen from our library}'' emphasizing ``our'' to make it obvious that it was as much his library as any other wizard's.
-``\emph{It is very dangerous and we must have it back.
-It contains a song - a bad one}''.
-Sean pulls his face to its own centre for a moment. ``\emph{You mean, you think the song in the book is awful?}''
-``\emph{No no no. I mean yes}'', the wizard replied, as happily as ever.
-``\emph{The book contains a song, the song contains the magic.
-When you play or sing it or whatever it is, things happen.
-Bad things}''.
-What kinds of things?}''
-``\emph{That's a guild secret I'm afraid, but the important thing to know is to never let him sing.}''
-``\emph{Might he do that while we're charging towards him with swords and rope?}'', Sean asks.
-``\emph{Oh yes}'', the wizard grinned wider.
-``\emph{After all, he is a bard.
-We allowed him into the college to show off his odd abilities - those sorcerer powers from his elven heritage.
-And he stole our book, from the secret section at the back with all the forbidden books.
-He must have stolen the key from me.
-Anyway -- we can pay handsomely.
-Perhaps two hundred gold in total.
-Do you think your friends would be interested?}''
-``\emph{I'm going to speak with my guys, but two hundred gold for a apprehending a single criminal? Easiest job we've ever had.}''
-The wizard smiled again.
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-The next morning the trio give a wide berth to the area between the fallen village and the mountain, in the hopes of avoiding attack from the rear.
-Unfortunately there have little to do to hide themselves, and a band of hobgoblins from the village follow them.
-The trio reach halfway up the mountain by before the hobgoblins spot them.
-Sean thought for a moment about abandoning Hugi if there was a problem -- his little dwarvish legs were no good for sprinting.
-Of course Hugi's death would not buy them much time, and Arneson would never stand for it.
-No, they must stick together to survive.
-The trio climb for a while longer, looking back every few moments to note the hobgoblins' distance.
-An ogre walks among them, so they must have come from a \emph{very} deep cavern.
-Looking back, the enemy nears, and each of them have run out of breath.
-Arneson suggests a rest to make sure they will be ready for the fight -- they can fight downhill against an enemy fatigued from walking upwards.
-He calmly got out the rations -- some cheese, smoked pork, oatcakes and a flagon of wine.
-``May as well have the best of the rations now, eh, friends?'', Arneson says.
-He slowly masticates his age-hardened meal and tries to smile back at the nine foot monstrosity, which was recently a man, clamboured up, pounding its great feet up the mountain's slopes, surrounded by half a dozen hobgoblins, each the size of a broad-shouldered man.
-As the hobgoblins near the plateau where the trio sat, they begin to make their war cries.
-Everyone slowly takes out their weapons.
-  Since the \glspl{pc} have the higher ground, they will receive +1 to all rolls until the hobgoblins can move up to their altitude.
-  The \glspl{pc} have no need to fight, so they don't need to spend \glspl{ap} on movement, so they wait, while the hobgoblins have to spend their own \glspl{ap} on movement.
-  The hobgoblins scramble up the rocks desperately.
-  They look too hungry to cook you before eating you, or even make sure you're all dead.
-  Hugi's player rolls to fire at a hobgoblin.
-  $$\gls{tn} 6 - Dexterity (1) - Projectiles (1) = 4$$
-  The Damage is
-  $$ 1D6 + 3 = 8$$
-  Hugi has been winding up his crossbow with malice while the others ate.
-  He aims the bolt, but waits patiently until they come within a good range -- every enemy matters when you're outnumbered.
-  He lets loose, hitting one straight in the head.
-  The others don't seem scared -- just relieved they didn't lose their chance to feast.
-  Arneson's player declares an attack first, and goes for the ogre.
-  The ogre increases the \gls{tn} of 8 with his stats:
-  $$Dexterity (0) + Combat (1) = 9$$
-  Arneson reduces the \gls{tn} with
-  $$Dexterity (0) + Combat (1) + Longsword (2) = 3$$
-  At \gls{tn} 6, he hits, and spends 2 \gls{ap} for the attack.
-  As the enemy ascend to striking range, the ogres claws at Arneson, and misses as Arneson steps to the side.
-  The step allows an oppening on the ogre's anterior side, and rushing in the sword enters the massive shoulder.
-  Arneson's Damage total is:
-  $$1D6 + Str (2) + Longsword (2) = 1D6+4 = 2D6 = 4$$
-  The ogre shrieks in pain as Arneson's sword sticks in, and pulls away, eying up an easier breakfast.
-  Hugi's player defends against the ogre's attack.
-  $$\gls{tn} 8 + ogre (1) - Hugi (2) = \gls{tn} 7$$
-  He rolls a `5', which misses.
-  The ogre spends 1 \gls{ap} to move back, and Sean spends 1 to follow.
-  The ogre's eyes land on Hugi, so he grabs the dwarf by his beard and yanks him back while stepping back, behind the hobgoblins, who move in for the attack, leaving Arneson surrounded.
-  Sean shouts after his companion, circles around the dangerous side of a hobgoblin, and jumps towards the ogre to save his companion.
-  Sean spends his last 2 \glspl{ap} to attack with his sword.
-  The ogre has grabbed Hugi, so he counts as \textit{Prone}, giving a +2 Bonus to attacks against him.
-  $$\gls{tn} 8 - Prone (2) - Combat (1) = \gls{tn} 5$$
-  Sean lands on the ogre sword-first, the ogre writhes and its deformed rib-bones crack as the blade twists to the side.
-  Hugi begins to crawl out from underneath.
-  Arneson's player rolls for 3 Attacks, and spends \glspl{fp} to mitigate most of the damage, but marks off 2 \glspl{hp}.
-  The third attack reduces Arneson's \glspl{ap} to -2, giving him a -2 penalty.
-  \vspace{1em}
-  \begin{tabular}{l|cc}
-  Event & Areson's \glspl{ap} & and \glspl{fp} \\\hline
-  Hobgoblin attacks & 2 & 10 \\
-  Hobgoblin attacks & 0 & 6 \\
-  Hobgoblin attacks & -2 & 0 \\
-  \end{tabular}
-  Three hobgoblins had rushed to Arnesons front, and now pull their maces up to bring down upon him.
-  He thinks he can take one, but doesn't know about the other.
-  The first, he stabs, and it falls back bleeding.
-  The second swings for his head, but intersects with the rocky ground as he slips to the side.
-  He wobbles, confused, as the last stabs him the side with a dagger.
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-  Everyone makes a \textit{Group Roll} at \gls{tn} 9 to escape.
-  The dice land on a `10', so everyone travels through 2 areas, then escapes.
-  Arneson sees his companions sprinting away, and decides it's time for him to leave too, before more hobgoblins surround him.
-  The trio sprint up the mountain, entering a slippery area, where the waters have softened the earth and left mosses growing over every rock-face.
-  The hobgoblins struggle with keeping, and a steep slope greets them soon after.
-  Grabbing onto the sickly, little trees which live this high up, they enter a low cloud, and start to job, then stumble, and finally talk about hiding.
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-``That's the end of the scene'', the \gls{gm} says. ``You can each regain 2 \glsentrylongpl{fp}.''
-``I've got 10 \glsentrylongpl{fp} in total'', mentions Arneson's player, ``So I'm getting 4. But doesn't this rest period count as a new scene too?''.
-``Sure, says the \gls{gm}. ``You can regain four more \glsentrylongpl{fp} for hiding in the tops of the mountains.''
-With their \glspl{fp} now replenishing quickly, the group can rest and worry less about being hit again.
-``Oh! I've been forgetting about the Fatigue'', says the \gls{gm}.
-Your \gls{gm} will probably say the same at some point.
-``Everyone got 1 \glsentryfull{fp} from being in one \gls{round} of combat, then three more for running through three areas, so that's four in total.
-Once you rest for the scene, you should be fine.
-\textbf{\Glsentrylongpl{hp} and Fatigue}
-\Repeat{7}{\statDot & }
-\Repeat{2}{\statCircle & }
-\statCircle \\
-\Repeat{4}{\sqr & }
-\Repeat{5}{\sqn & }
-\sqn \\
-&&&&&&& -1 & -2 & -3 \\
-Unfortunately, Arneson lost 5 \glspl{hp} during the fight, so with only 3 \glspl{hp} left, he only heals 2 \gls{fatigue}.
-\Repeat{7}{\statDot & }
-\Repeat{2}{\statCircle & }
-\statCircle \\
-\Repeat{2}{\sqr & }
-\Repeat{7}{\sqn & }
-\sqn \\
-&&&&&&& -1 & -2 & -3 \\
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-  ``Do you think the village on the other side of the mountain is safe to visit?'', Sean asks with raised eyebrows.
-  His companions don't really want to hear that question, but they have.
-  It's impossible to tell from this distance if the hobgoblins have settled there already.
-  ``Ah dinnae ken, laddie''
-  Hugi is resolved to just enter the next area, stoically, but his player is no stoic.
-  He decides that now is the time to expand Hugi's backstory.
-  He wants a place to rest, he wants more of an idea of what is happening here.
-  He decides to spend a Story point to specify that a single dwarven outpost has a single person still there.
-  ``Why is just one person in an outpost?'', the \gls{gm} asks.
-  ``Well, it's my cousin.
-  She was inside at the time. When the scouts returned from watching the side of the mountain, they all got eaten by hobgoblins.
-  Only after that she managed to escape, helped by the men-dwarves. So she's alone in the outpost''
-  ``So this is a safe space story?'', the \gls{gm} asks.
-  ``No. No I just want to spend one Story point and get someone with a normal place to stay, and knows a little about what's going on, and maybe some knowledge of Medicine''.
-  Hugi's player marks off a single \gls{storypoint} and starts telling his story.
-  ``There's an outpost over there'', Hugi remarks.
-  ``It looks mostly like the mountain but you can see a little dark bit that's too straight-cut.
-  They're little windows.''
-  \pic{Boris_Pecikozic/dwarves_meet}
-  Entering the building, Hugi finds his cousin, Magda.
-  Sean expects them to hug after the ordeal, but Hugi just bows low.
-  As luck would have it, she is a proficient medic, and helps patch Hugi back up, safely removing the arrow.
-While all the players think about their next move, the \gls{gm} adds up their \gls{xp}.
-They defeated 6 hobgoblins and 1 ogre.
-Hobgoblins and ogres are worth 7 each.
-There were seven in total, so that means 49 \glspl{xp}.
-The party discount is the number of members squared.
-With three members, that's -9 \glspl{xp}.
-The final result is 40 \glspl{xp}, divided among the group, so each character receives 13 \glspl{xp}.
-After that, each player wants a little additional \gls{xp} for following their own God or codes.
-Arneson follows the Goddess, \gls{naturegod}.
-He receives 3 additional \gls{xp} because the hobgoblins are particularly hated enemies for him -- followers of \gls{naturegod} believe they are either unnatural, or that their presence in the human realm is unnatural.
-Hugi, meanwhile, follows the Code of the Tribe; what's important to him is his dwarvish clan's honour.
-In coming here he has defended his tribe's honour and claims 3 \gls{xp} for coming to the rescue of dwarves in the name of his own tribe.
-He is additionally helping a particular member of the tribe whom he has met a long way from home.
-That's another 2 \gls{xp}.
-He believes his arrival has saved this cousin.
-The \gls{gm} thinks this is plausible, since his cousin Magda was previously stranded with little food.
-This grants him another 5 \gls{xp}.
-That's a total of 7 \gls{xp}.
-Hugi decides to spend his 7 on his first Knack, and selects `Chosen Enemy (Goblins)'.
-Meanwhile, Arneson purchases Dexterity +1 with his 15 \gls{xp}.
-The group is a little older and wiser, and are more confident about meeting danger in the future.
-Hugi was filled with pride to the point of forgetting about the pain when Magda pulled out the arrow which had so deeply penetrated his shoulder.
-He was almost caught smiling when Magda bandaged up the ogre's teeth-marks on his face -- it would make a good scar.
-The band take only a couple of hours before they set off again, hoping to find that village, somewhere beyond the mist.
-What happened to that bard, they could only guess, but there seems little chance of finding him in that village.
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-\subsection{The Story of Sean}
-After rolling the dice, my final results are Strength +1, Dexterity -1, Speed 0, Intelligence 0, Wits -1 and Charisma +1.
-That doesn't look like it speaks of much, but consider what kind of human might be `Charismatic yet clumsy'.
-Perhaps a noble?
-He could be a performer, but what kind of performer doesn't have the coordination to play the difficult songs on the banjo?
-A poet!
-Imagine a minor noble, perhaps the third son of a baron or some such.
-He's always rushing about then falling over.
-His poems aren't terribly good (just look at that banal Intelligence score) but he can get better.
-Meanwhile, he earns his pay, and perhaps attempts to chat up a few ladies, based on his dashing good looks and likeable personality.
-He just needs a name now -- something which captures the idea of a slightly silly fop, a knightly poet.
-`Sean' should do it.
-Roll up a character of your own, and you can use it for practice rolls in a moment.
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-My own character, Sean, has a good Charisma score and some basic ability to fight with his enhanced human Strength Attribute.
-I think I'm going to make him a `knightly poet'.
-With that in mind, it's time for me to spend some of that 50 \gls{xp} on Sean, the knightly poet.
-For a start, he'll need the Performance Skill.
-That costs 5 \gls{xp} so I have 45 left.
-He should have some basic Combat ability, so I'm going to give him +1 in the Combat Skill -- that'll cost 10, and why not put him at +2 for another 20 \gls{xp}? That leaves only 15 \gls{xp} to go.
-Since he's a fighter he needs the Dexterity penalty removed.
-Removing the penalty costs only 5 \gls{xp}, so with 10 left I'm going to buy a level of Empathy to make him a socialite.
-Deceit would also be good, but I think a knightly poet would be too naive for that.
-Finally, a member of the nobility, even a minor noble, should have some basic Academics knowledge, so his last Trait will be the first level of the Academics Skill.
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-When they arrive at the town of Arano, they see the mountain their bard was supposedly wandering over in the distance.
-The mountain stands peacefully, but Arano looks in complete disarray.
-People nip back and forth with cartloads of breads and smoked meats while others rush past with no discernible purpose.
-Sean needs information on whether or not that bard has travelled through here, how long ago and whether anyone noticed anything strange about his book, or singing.
-He has no desire to wait until things calm down of their own accord -- he needs to leave today.
-Sean's player uses his Intelligence Bonus (0) and Empathy \gls{skill} (+1).
-The \gls{gm} doesn't say a \gls{tn} so the \gls{tn} is 7.
-Sean's player rolls $2D6+1$ and the dice show a 4 and a 1, for a grand total of 6.
-The roll is a failure.
-After stopping several people they frantically explained that hobgoblins have attacked the last village before the South mountains -- Casarenna.
-The strange man-devouring monsters have been pushed back but the village must still be in need of military aid.
-Apparently the mountains are full of hobgoblins, waiting to come down and eat everything.
-Sean suddenly regretted his views on that two hundred gold coin reward.
-He was almost certain his companions would turn back, but his dwarvish companion, Hugi, surprised him.
-  \begin{quotation}
-  Laddie, listen.
-  Them dwarves in that there mountain hae a pact wi' a village o' yonder side o' the mountains.
-  They telt them that if ever there was worry, they'd protect them.
-  As a result the village hae always gi'en em aw're best meats fer cheap.
-  An wan o' them just happens tae be ma cousin.
-  A'm afraid Ah'm honour bound tae gang over the mountain and warn the village on the other side o' the coming storm, e`en if every last guid dwarf dwellin' thar be deed.
-  \end{quotation}
-Sean thought for a moment.
-If Hugi was at all upset by all the other dwarves in the mountain being killed by hobgoblins, his cousin presumably included, he didn't show it.
-Still, it was important to warn anyone who didn't know.
-An unexpected hobgoblin attack could spread like wildfire before being put down, at least if people are not prepared.
-Arneson nodded too.
-The three were in agreement.
-They would go across the mountains, capture their bard in the South Kingdom and then warn those people about the hobgoblins in the mountains.
-But first Sean would still have to get the villagers to tell him about the bard, and where he went.
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-  Sean's player decides to retry his questions as a \gls{restingaction}.
-  He already rolled the dice, so he cannot change the result by rerolling; the dice have decided that the village is far too frantic to help with random questions about long-forgotten strangers.
-  Sean's player instead takes the die that landed on a 1 and changes it to a 6.
-  His total is now 8 and he has passed the test.
-  This means the trio will have to spend longer than anticipated in the village and will not reach the other village until nightfall.
-  After speaking with several villagers he finds a single boy who remembers something.
-  \begin{quotation}
-  These men came for him.
-  They came and surrounded him and said they wanted his book, but then he just started singing, and they all went to sleep.
-  After that he headed over to Caserenna.
-  He must be trying to go over the mountain where the dwarves live.
-  He had a funny accent and I think he came from the South, over those mountains.
-  \end{quotation}
-  Sean suspects that the spell in the bard's book provides some kind of sleeping spell.
-  The trio will have to strike fast if they find him, before he sends them all to sleep.
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-  Hugi's player wants to know what exactly that spell-song the boy was talking about means.
-  The \gls{gm} has him roll Intelligence + Academics (he has +1 in each).
-  The more academics look at a problem, the better -- therefore the \gls{gm} allows a Team Roll; Sean adds his Intelligence (0) plus Academics (1), then halves the result (so the result is still 1).
-  Arneson has no Academics, and has an Intelligence penalty of -1, and even if he could help out, he would only grant $1/4$ of his full bonus, so he just keeps his mouth shut.
-  The total is +3.
-  The \gls{gm} stipulates the \gls{tn} of 14 -- a tall order without a library to aid matters.
-  The roll fails and the troop will have to go into the situation blind.
-  Sean recalls what the old alchemist said about the book -- surely the bard had sung the song from the stolen book and put the guards to sleep with this magic.
-  He searches his mind for where such a song might come from and what else it might be capable of.
-  He wonders if the bard has really come from the South and what he might want with that book.
-  The entire thing feels like an impenetrable enigma.
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-  Arneson, Sean and Hugi leave, and as the sun sets they see Casarenna's smoking chimneys ahead, reaching up to the imposing, grey mountains behind.
-  The smell of roasted meat comes from every house.
-  Unknown to the characters, the hobgoblins ruturned to attack the village again some hours ago, slaughtered everyone and began to roast them.
-Hobgoblins tend to act quickly.
-The smell of roasted meat is coming from human flesh roasting over each fire in the village, while little troves of hobgoblins each sit around one hearth, hungrily gnawing on undercooked dinners.
-  The \gls{gm} wants to know if the characters will notice the village is full of hobgoblins before hollering a greeting.
-  They might manage to luck into stealthing through the environment, or might be caught unaware.
-  She decides the appropriate roll is Wits + Stealth, and that the character with the lowest score should complete the task, since if any one of them give away their position it will spell bad news for each of them.
-  The \gls{gm} thinks about the difficulty.
-  On the one hand, it is dark (which makes hiding easier) and there are some signs of battle in the village, such as blood on the grass.
-  On the other hand, the darkness stops the characters seeing the signs of battle.
-  She decides that the various factors cancel each other out and keeps the base \gls{tn} of 7.
-  She adds the hobgoblins' score to this -- the highest score counts since any of of the hobgoblins might spot the characters, but all the hobgoblins have the same score.
-  They have Wits -1 and no Vigilance Skill; the hobgoblins' score is added to the \gls{tn} for a final \gls{tn} of 6.
-  Meanwhile, Sean still has a Wits + Vigilance total of -1.
-  Sean's player rolls a total of 4.
-  Sean shouts out, `Hey there! We are here from \dots' but Hugi quickly jumps up to cover his mouth.
-  ``Nay, laddie! Can ye no smell wha's cookin'? Can ye no see the blood on the grass? This place is deed. Them buggers musta returned, and they're cooking the humans. We best be quiet''.
-  Movement from the nearby cottages shows them it's too late.
-  Hobgoblins screach from every corner, searching for the uneaten.
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-  \sidepic{Boris_Pecikozic/nura_jump}{\label{boris:jump}}
-  While previously the players rolled to hide against their opponent's ability to spot them, this time they roll to see if they spot a hidden opponent.
-  The character with the highest score is Arneson, with Wits 0 and Vigilance +1.
-  The \gls{gm} decides that the hobgoblin should use his Speed Bonus of +1, and his Stealth Skill adds +1 again.
-  The hobgoblins' score of +2 adds to the basic \gls{tn} of 7, producing a final \gls{tn} of 9.
-  Arneson's player rolls $2D6$ to produce a final score of `12' -- the roll is a success and the margin is 3.
-  Since the margin is quite good, the \gls{gm} decides that the troop leave the area before they are engaged and gain a +3 bonus to running away.
-  The thatched roof on the nearby cottage rustles and Arneson instinctively draws his companions back.
-  They turn and run before their adversary can make his leap down to meet them with his axe.
-  They enter the safety of the darkness surrounding Casarenna but the hobgoblins stampede fast behind them with guttural cries and war songs about dinner.
-  A scurrying of agile, hungry feet fill the little muddy rows between houses.
-  The trio looked about for an escape route.
-  Unknown to them, one of the hobgoblins was meant to be keeping a lookout from the roof of the cottage on the edge of town.
-  He observes them for a brief moment and then jumps off, axe in hand, ready to make up for all the meals he missed while pretending to keep guard.
-  They run into the dark until their shins feel ready to bleed.
-  Eventually, the pain is worse than the fear of death.
-  Hugi and Sean try to regain their own breath while Arneson goes to gather branches for a temporary shelter.
-  Despite their distance from the village, the wind carries reverberating songs so them throughout the night.
-  \end{exampletext}
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-  Out in the forest, the group need some fire starting equipment.
-  Luckily, Arneson's player put down three pieces of \gls{adventure} equipment, which could be any number of things.
-  He marks one off, and decides this particular piece of \gls{adventure} equipment is a tinder box, so he can start a fire.
-  Meanwhile, Hugi is out of rations, so his player marks his last piece of \gls{adventure} equipment as a day's rations.
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-  \npc{\M}{Sean}
-  \settoggle{examplecharacter}{true}
-  \person{1}{0}{0}{{0}{-1}{1}}{0}{2}{Academics 1, Empathy 1, Performance 1}{\longsword, \partialchain, \gls{adventure} equipment x 1, 2\glspl{sp}, 88\glspl{cp}}{}
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-  For example, Sean, with a Strength Bonus of +1, picks up a weighty battle axe.
-  The \gls{weightrating} is 3, so this inflicts an Encumbrance Penalty of 2.
-Sean's effective Speed Bonus drops to -2, reducing his \glspl{ap} (covered below) and ability to run.
-He will also gain 2 \glspl{fatigue} at the end of each scene\footnote{See page \pageref{time} for notes on scenes.} where he carries it.
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-  \begin{exampletext}
-    Sean now only needs his starting equipment.
-    We covered already that he starts with any two items worth 10 \gls{sp} or less plus one more item per Skill.
-    With Academics, Empathy, Performance, and two points in Combat, he starts with 5 items.
-    We'll start with some shiny Partial chainmail and a longsword so he can fight.
-    For the rest, he can gain three pieces of \gls{adventure} equipment, so he'll have some flexibility for later.
-  Rolling $3D6-5$ for his starting money, I've got a `9', so I'm starting with ($9\times 2^5$) 288 \glspl{cp}.