diff --git a/actions.tex b/actions.tex
index aeaee03d0865f28d42ee30878ae42642d222f28f..28699bdeb0dcb4015aaa331ae1f9fd55bc6e4a66 100644
--- a/actions.tex
+++ b/actions.tex
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ Players add one of their character's Attributes and Skills to the roll, and some
-All actions are assumed to have a \gls{tn} of 7 unless your \gls{gm} states otherwise.
+Assume all actions have \pgls{tn} of 7 unless your \gls{gm} states otherwise.
 Don't ask -- just roll!%
 \footnote{\Glspl{gm} never forget to state the \gls{tn}, so if you're told to roll, but don't hear any \gls{tn}, then the \gls{tn} \emph{must} be 7.
 This is legally binding.}
@@ -244,8 +244,8 @@ Someone attempting to impress a noble court might roll Charisma with the Tactics
 You might think of the dice as representing random chance in the environment. Just how irritated is that person you're trying to question, and how creative is that craftsman feeling today? Dice are never re-rolled for different results on the same action because once the dice have told you what the situation is, the situation stays put.
-Such a do-over still suggests initial failure; it just means that the character is trying over and over again until a better result is obtained.
-Actions cannot be attempted multiple times with rerolls unless the situation has changed notably.
+Such a do-over still suggests initial failure; it just means that the character is trying over and over again until they obtain a better result.
+Characters cannot roll dice for a different result unless the situation has changed notably, and generally not during the same day.
diff --git a/combat.tex b/combat.tex
index 89d6a2339e673876dd7fd50b1cff497f40e027a4..e742a1814e457ee7e48bee5f8fcad335e5fd9d95 100644
--- a/combat.tex
+++ b/combat.tex
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ anyone else can have another attempt, but with a -1 penalty (bad healers can mak
 If nobody succeeds in the roll, the character dies.
 \paragraph{A successful check}
-means that the character is unconscious for the remainder of the interval, but still alive.
+means that the character is unconscious for the remainder of the \gls{interval}, but still alive.
 At this point, the rest of the troupe will have to carry their fallen comrade back to safety -- if they can.%
 \footnote{See page \pageref{weight} for \nameref{weight}.}
@@ -493,10 +493,10 @@ only gives a -1 penalty to characters with a \roll{Wits}{Vigilance} lower than t
 \subsubsection[Dual Wielding: Both weapons count has having +1 \glsentrytext{weight}]{Dual Wielding}
 \index{Combat!Dual Wielding}
-A character using two weapons -- perhaps a shield in one hand and a sword in the other -- can use either weapon at any point.
+A character using two weapons -- perhaps a dagger in one hand and a shortsword in the other -- can use either weapon at any point.
 However, both count as having double their standard \glsentryname{weight}.
-Shields can be strapped to the arm, without requiring any kind of dual-wielding.
+Shields strap to an arm, without requiring any kind of dual-wielding.
 \makeAutoRule{enclosedcombat}{Enclosed Combat}{penalty equals weapon's \glsentrytext{ap} cost minus 1}
 \index{Spelunking!Enclosed Combat}
@@ -570,8 +570,8 @@ If a mage fails to cast a spell in combat, they do not lose \glspl{mp} -- the en
 \subsubsection[Drawing Weapon -- Cost: 1 \glsentrytext{ap}]{Drawing Weapons}
-Drawing a weapon costs 1 \gls{ap} if it is placed in an easy place to draw, like a scabbard on the side of a belt.
-If a character holds weapons on the back or in a bag, they have to rummage for an entire round or more.
+Drawing a weapon from a scabbard (or similar easily-reached location) costs 1~\gls{ap}.
+Weapons inside a bag or other hard-to-reach location can take a round or more to extract.
 \subsubsection[Dropping Weapon -- Cost: 0 \gls{ap}]{Dropping Weapons}
@@ -664,22 +664,22 @@ Since the troupe will probably run at different paces, they have the option of a
 The \gls{tn} is 6 plus the enemy's \roll{Speed}{Athletics} Bonuses.
 Failure means the characters are instantly caught, before they are able to run anywhere.
-If the players hit the \gls{tn} they manage to run through 1 area while being chased.
-For every Marginal point, they run through an additional area.
+If the players hit the \gls{tn} they manage to run through \pgls{area} while being chased.
+For every Marginal point, they run through an additional \gls{area}.
 If the Margin is ever 3 or more then they evade the enemy.
 If the troupe obtain less than total success, they and their pursuers both move and must roll again.
 The table is a guide to an unaltered roll. In most situations enemy Traits will affect the actual results of such a total by increasing or decreasing the \gls{tn}.
-The \gls{gm} is encouraged to give a fast-paced description of fast-moving scenery, hurriedly telling the players about a new area before moving instantly on.
-Each area covered holds new opportunities for getting away, or trapping the quarry -- whether that is the players or their prey.
+The \gls{gm} should give a rapid description of fast-moving scenery, hurriedly telling the players about a new \gls{area} before moving instantly on.
+Each \gls{area} covered holds new opportunities for getting away, or trapping the quarry -- whether that is the players or their prey.
 Characters running through forests might encounter a marshy area, a stream, dense thickets, an open plain and then a sudden, steep hill.
 Those crossing plains might find a random encounter in their path, then a copse of trees.
-Those running up a mountain could find an area of loose rocks where the ground slides away from under their feet, a narrowing path upwards as rocky walls envelop them and then a misty lake covered in low-lying cloud.
+Those running up a mountain could find \pgls{area} of loose rocks where the ground slides away from under their feet, a narrowing path upwards as rocky walls envelop them and then a misty lake covered in low-lying cloud.
-Each area covered also inflicts 1 \gls{ep} in addition to any for wearing armour or for Encumbrance Points.
-These \glspl{ep} are applied after every roll rather than waiting until the end of the interval.
+Each \gls{area} covered also inflicts 1~\gls{ep} in addition to any for wearing armour or for Encumbrance Points.
+Apply these \glspl{ep} after every roll rather than waiting until the end of the \gls{interval}.
 Players are encouraged to suggest Skills which might help.
 While running away from a band of guards, a character could use the Stealth Skill, quickly dipping into an alleyway to hide.
diff --git a/knacks.tex b/knacks.tex
index 06594f187958f684d94ef50612cac901ec19200c..0c2f99d6a36157cd96d7acbc4218d8bbd123e1f5 100644
--- a/knacks.tex
+++ b/knacks.tex
@@ -13,9 +13,10 @@ Most people can pick up a couple of Knacks easily but further Knacks become prog
 \subsubsection{Adrenaline Surge}
-The player can declare that super-human effort is being thrown into an action, and gain +1~Strength for a single action.
+When a player activates Adrenaline Surge, their character gains +1~Strength for a single action.
-Adrenaline surge can be used once each \gls{interval} for each Knack the character has, and no more than once \pgls{round}.
+Characters can only activate Adrenaline Surge a number of times equal to the number of Knacks they have, and never more than once per round.
+This limit resets at the end of each \gls{interval}.
@@ -23,7 +24,7 @@ The character can enter a bloodthirsty rage when in battle.
 On the second round, they gain a +1 Bonus to \glspl{ap}.
 On the third round, they gain a +1 Bonus to Damage.
-They lose the bonuses if they spend a round without attacking.
+They lose the Bonuses if they spend a round without attacking.
@@ -48,10 +49,9 @@ This Knack grants immunity to all Sneak Attacks from Ranged weapons, such as bow
 \subsubsection{Fast Charge}
-If the character starts at least 6~\glspl{step} from an enemy, they can charge them.
-They may do nothing but move towards the enemy at their full pace.
+When the character makes an uninterrupted movement of at least 6~\glspl{step}, they gain a Bonus to Strength, and Dexterity equal to half the number of Knacks they have (rounded up), for a single attack.
-If they arrive uninterrupted, they gain a bonus to Strength, Dexterity, and Speed, equal to half the number of Knacks they have (rounded up), for a single, immediate, attack.
+The character can spend multiple \glspl{ap} to move, as long as they don't do anything else with their \glspl{ap} before making an attack.
@@ -65,8 +65,8 @@ Any time the character loses \glspl{hp} they immediately gain 2~\glspl{ap} plus
 The character also gains a number of \glspl{mp} equal to the number of Knacks they have.
-This Knack can only be used when there is a legitimate grievance.
-The character does not gain the bonus when they have harmed themself.
+Characters can only use this Knack when there is a legitimate grievance.
+The character does not gain the Bonus when they have harmed themself.
diff --git a/spells.tex b/spells.tex
index 5f1059d61dfd47cde40a1d5701d0b24bccfee292..71da1edae75cfeb8e6d17239faef90906e838eb0 100644
--- a/spells.tex
+++ b/spells.tex
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ A good witch leaves no part of her prey unused.
   {Fire}% Spheres
   {intensity of the flame}% Resist with
   {This spell changes the basic nature of a fire, so it can no longer burn a certain type of material}% Description
-  {Casters generally use this to stop a fire damaging people, but it could just as easily be used to stop a fire spreading to clothing.
+  {Casters generally use this to stop a fire damaging people, but it could just as easily stop a fire spreading to clothing.
     The fire will not stop feeding on whatever allows it to currently burn, so a wood fire will continue burning its wood.}
@@ -454,7 +454,7 @@ A good witch leaves no part of her prey unused.
   {Whistling to a distant animal, the caster instils an instinct to enact a single plan.
   The animal gains Intelligence +\arabic{spellPlusOne}, used only to complete the plan}% Description
-  The spell is most often used to have birds deliver short messages, written on small slivers of paper, but could also be used for any number of missions.
+  The spell is most often used to have birds deliver short messages, written on small slivers of paper, but could imbue enough intelligence for any number of missions.
   The target animal gains all of the caster's Skills which do not rely on understanding social graces (so it cannot use any magical Spheres).
diff --git a/systems.tex b/systems.tex
index c981c68b4b294f8072e63e9d72adc1ed1a1532c4..6c097500c5175e85d7f427b9cc17403f62772507 100644
--- a/systems.tex
+++ b/systems.tex
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ Of course people make exceptions for higher-ranking \gls{guard}, and plenty of t
 Entering a town requires an \roll{Intelligence}{Larceny} group roll (\tn[7]).
 \Glspl{guard} who cannot find alternative clothing to their standard, dark, uniforms, take a -4 penalty to this roll.
-A tie indicates the character has been caught, and should leave (but suffers no punishment).
+A tie indicates that someone has caught the character (see below).
 Remaining in town requires a \roll{Wits}{Empathy} roll to go undetected.
 Rolling over the \gls{tn} by 1 allows an extra day, then 2 days, then 4, 8, and so on.
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ Humans are notoriously bad at this, and are known for hiring the first person th
 Failing the roll means that the \gls{pc} has hired someone useless.
 Perhaps they want to work with you because they have no idea how bad they are at their job, or perhaps they simply want to rip you off by taking a guess at the best route and hoping for the best.
-The Failure Margin should indicate just how bad the henchman is, so the \gls{gm} is encouraged to make the roll in secret.
+The Failure Margin should indicate just how bad the henchman is, so the \gls{gm} should to make the roll in secret.
 A tie generally indicates noticing a serious problem with purchased services\ldots just after the purchase completes.
@@ -473,10 +473,10 @@ It's hard to play `the social character'.
 You put all your \glspl{xp} into a high Charisma score because you want to build alliances and understand people, then the \gls{gm} asks you to roleplay such an encounter and your natural stutter and slow wit replace the social graces your character should have.
 It's also hard playing a non-social character.
-You have been lumped with a character with a Charisma Penalty of -4 and by all the gods you intend to roleplay it, so it's time to ask the town \gls{warden} which lady he stole his robe from and then wipe your mouth with the tablecloth.
-But the other players are not impressed; all they can see is someone intentionally ruining the encounter rather than the fun-loving, amazing improviser that you are.
+You have been lumped with a character with a Charisma Penalty of -4 and by all the gods you intend to roleplay them, so it's time to ask the \gls{warden} which lady he stole his robe from and then wipe your mouth with the tablecloth.
+But the other players are not impressed; all they can see is someone intentionally ruining the encounter rather than your fun-loving improvisations.
-Consider the following solution: when players want their character to speak, \gls{gm} tells them to roll \roll{Charisma}{Empathy} or \roll{Wits}{Whatever}, then sets the \gls{tn} for the encounter.
+Consider the following solution: when players want their character to speak, the \gls{gm} tells them to roll \roll{Charisma}{Empathy} or \roll{Wits}{Whatever}, then sets the \gls{tn} for the encounter.
 The dice determine the results, but the player \emph{interprets} the dice.
 \subsubsection{Interpretation over Performance}
diff --git a/traits.tex b/traits.tex
index 1c5df6403d1929dd23aa6e590385c1b12bac8dd1..bffb5d827bcf3b018d08aea59b47da33f20189cd 100644
--- a/traits.tex
+++ b/traits.tex
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ Since these Attribute Bonuses adjust nearly every roll a character makes, they w
 These averages vary by race.
 Elves have a +1 penalty to Wits, so their `normal', is the equivalent of being notably sharp among other peoples.
-Meanwhile, humans (being the tallest of races) have a standard +1 Bonus to Strength, so their normal would be considered giant and powerful by others' standards.
+Meanwhile, humans (being the tallest of races) have a standard +1 Bonus to Strength, so what they call `normal', others call `giant'.
 The monstrous predators of \gls{fenestra} often have Attributes which go beyond the numbers here -- there are no hard limits!
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ Strength represents a character's muscles -- their ability to endure, to take da
 Dexterity represents someone's hand-eye coordination and natural grace.
 It's used to attack, parry, block and also to aim projectile weapons.
-It is slightly less visible than the other Body Attributes, but can still be seen as people are moving, especially when movement becomes difficult, as when hopping across challenging and changeable terrain.
+It is slightly less visible than the other Body Attributes, but others can still see the control over movement, especially when movement becomes difficult, as when hopping across challenging and changeable terrain.
 \subsubsection[Speed]{Speed \hint{velocity, tendons, vim}}
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ Speed represents a character's movement, how fast they attack, how often they ca
 Since it allows characters to flee dangerous situations, a group can be held back by its slowest member.
 A low Speed Bonus in a weak person might simply represent small muscles, while a low Speed Bonus in someone with an excellent Strength Bonus might mean the character is particularly fat.
-Speed might also be used in situations where a character's muscle to weight ratio are important, such as when climbing up a cliff or holding onto a ledge for a prolonged period of time.
+Players can roll Speed in situations where a character's muscle-to-weight ratio are important, such as when climbing up a cliff or holding onto a ledge for a prolonged period of time.
 \subsection{Mind Attributes}
 \index{Mind Attributes}
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ Wits is the only Mind Attribute available to animals.
 \subsubsection[Charisma]{Charisma \hint{magnetism, gravitas, glamour, friendliness, symmetry}}
 Finally, a character's ability to speak with people, make friends, speak convincingly, lead a group or barter for cheaper goods are all covered under Charisma.
-Charisma also covers characters' luck, and therefore some measure of their ability to avoid being damaged, because the gods seem to love a chancer.
+Charisma also covers characters' luck, and therefore some measure of their ability to avoid Damaged, because the gods seem to love a chancer.
@@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ The art of understanding people is practised by kind souls as well as malicious.
   The second was clumsy -- she didn't know the dance.
   She repeatedly looked up at him with a little flecks of embarrassment.
-  The third was disinterested, but still trying to lead the dance.
+  The third seemed disinterested, but still tried to lead the dance.
   Her fragile arms hadn't the muscle to properly telegraph her movements, and the dance soon became awkward.
@@ -973,7 +973,8 @@ But it might also occur because the character has 4 \glspl{ep} and then Damage r
 Characters may reach a maximum penalty of -5 due to \glspl{ep}, after which they fall unconscious.
 If the character is accruing \glspl{ep} from running or wrestling, they would normally simply pass out at this point, but if they are gaining \glspl{ep} swimming or climbing a cliff, the character will almost certainly just die.
-\Glspl{ep} cannot be mitigated with \gls{fp}. Characters who can luck their way out of being shot by arrows and roasted by dragons can easily be punched and dragged away, or collapse after a long run.
+\Glspl{fp} cannot mitigate \glspl{ep}.
+Characters with enough luck to avoid arrows and dragon-fire can easily be punched and dragged away, or collapse after a long run.
 \subsubsection{Special Categories}