diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index ed14cdd846926e3cca9e146f0c9bb3c51dcfcd8d..1aae25c3d9322c18a70388a922a44193a65bedeb 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ Everything in the book has been optimized for reading on paper, and reading two-
 1. Clone this repo.
 1. Install the required packages:
-    * For Debian/ Mint/ Ubuntu: `inkscape`, `make`, `texlive-full`, `git-lfs`, and `latexmk`.
-    * For Arch Linux: `inkscape`, `make`, `texlive-most`, `git-lfs`, and `texlive-binextra`.
-    * For Void Linux: `inkscape`, `make`, `texlive-full`, `git-lfs`, and `texlive-latexmk`.
+    * For Debian/ Mint/ Ubuntu: `apt install inkscape make texlive-full git-lfs latexmk`.
+    * For Arch Linux: `pacman -S inkscape make git git-lfs texlive-binextra texlive-latexextra texlive-fontsrecommended texlive-fontsextra && git lfs install`
+    * For Void Linux: `xbps-install inkscape make texlive-full git-lfs texlive-latexmk`.
 1. Enter the repo, and do `make all`.
 For full setup instructions, see the [wiki][compiling].