diff --git a/play.tex b/play.tex index 8ac6a51d8b95f6f923d26b7b27240dc2ecfaba58..9a9f956c2b452b61a939a50ee90dcf572d1d5161 100644 --- a/play.tex +++ b/play.tex @@ -7,12 +7,12 @@ \item[\gls{gm}:] Fenestra is currently experiencing the freezing season of Qualmea, when the trees shed their leaves, letting sunlight shine on roads which are slowly turning white, with little specks of snow. - \item[Mat:] + \item[Matt:] Wasn't it raining last time? Are we jumping time again? \item[\gls{gm}:] Yes - three weeks passes every session, so we've actually started a new `\gls{cycle}' in \gls{fenestra}. - And as usual -- we'll start in \pgls{broch} -- one of the towers \gls{guard} towers between \glspl{village}. + And as usual -- we'll start in \pgls{broch} -- one of the \gls{guard} towers which sit between \glspl{village}. Mark off any rations or \glspl{ingredient} from last session -- they've all been eaten or gone rotten. \end{description} @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ \Gls{fenestra} has twelve seasons (which map to our twelve months) so every time we enter January, \gls{fenestra} enters \gls{Qualmea}. And it marches on regardless of who's at the table -- even if nobody's there, \gls{fenestra} keeps moving. - This helps keep the table open, so Nina -- a new player -- can jump right in. + This helps keep the table open, so Soibhan -- a new player -- can jump right in. } \sideBySide{ @@ -35,13 +35,14 @@ What did you do? \item[Alice:] Well, Grogfen helped a trader getting to town\ldots - (but I don't want to tell her about going in, or the \glspl{sp} she paid us) + (but I don't want to tell her about entering a town, or the \glspl{sp} she paid us) \item[\gls{gm}:] So how will you explain how long the mission took? Remember, she has a record of when Grogfen left the \gls{jotter} who gave her the mission. \item[Alice:] With lies\ldots? Can I just roll this one? + I'll still tell her about the strange markings on all the trees. \item[\gls{gm}:] Sure. You just need to keep it consistent with what she knows. @@ -56,7 +57,7 @@ \end{description} }{ - Whenever the characters try to accomplish something risky, we use this system: + Whenever the characters try to accomplish something dangerous, the player rolls: $$2D6 + \underbrace{Attribute + Skill} ~vs~ \glsentrytext{tn}$$ @@ -75,47 +76,46 @@ Sometimes a piece of equipment or a social contact can add to the roll, so the total Bonus can become very high. A \gls{tn} of 14 is not unreasonable in some situations. + The full formula for an action is: + $$2D6 + \underbrace{Attribute + Skill + Equipment} ~vs~ \glsentrytext{tn}$$ } \sideBySide{ \begin{description} - \item[Nina] + \item[Soibhan] Do I get a character? \item[\gls{gm}:] You sure do. Take the Book of Stories and roll $2D6$ on these charts. - \item[Nina:] + \item[Soibhan:] Okay, I'm a human\ldots called\ldots `Sootfilch'. What's with the name? \item[\gls{gm}:] People in \gls{fenestra} believe that the gods takes the best in life, so it's bad luck to name their children after good things. - You can roll the stats up next. - There's a guide on the character sheet as well as the players' book. + Roll the Attributes next. \end{description} - }{ - Character creation's fast, so don't worry about your \gls{pc} dying. + Character creation's fast, so don't worry about \glspl{pc} dying. Most will begin as members of the \gls{guard} -- the place they put society's unwanted; the useless miscreants, bastards, and political agitators. The character creation rules are in the \textit{Book of Stories}% \iftoggle{stories}{, \autopageref{character_rolls}.}{.} - This book just has a lot of notes on Traits, and details on resolution - (it's mostly good for reference). + This book focusses on resolution mechanics, details of Traits, and spells. } \sideBySide{ \begin{description} \item[\gls{gm}:] Low Dexterity and high Intelligence, so we'll look up what that says. - \item[Nina:] + \item[Soibhan:] It says I'm a `Loner'. \item[\gls{gm}:] That makes sense. Society and social ties are very important in \gls{fenestra}, so people can end up in the \gls{guard} just because they don't have anyone arranging a safe position for them. - \item[Nina:] + \item[Soibhan:] This equipment looks a bit rubbish. Can't I get something better? At least some proper armour? @@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ Starting equipment and beliefs all come wrapped together with the core concept in character creation. This lets new people get up and running quickly. - Most players end up making more interesting characters with some random input, but if players really want to decide on every facet, a `point-buy' character creation system exists. + Most players end up making more interesting characters with some random input, but if players really want to decide every facet of their character, they can use the `point-buy' character creation system. Starting pay for the \gls{guard} is roughly nothing. This forces the \glspl{pc} into some side-jobs and creative thinking, if they want to get their hands on reasonable weapons and armour. @@ -138,14 +138,14 @@ Sure -- you're in a \gls{broch}, so you can ask \gls{jotter} Cartpike. Roll $2D6$, then add your \roll{Charisma}{Empathy}. - \item[Nina:] + \item[Soibhan:] \dicef{9} \ldots that's an `11' in total? Do I pass? \item[\gls{gm}:] Sure, but how would a loner ask for equipment? What would they do? - \item[Nina:] + \item[Soibhan:] He's probably ask her when she's alone. Knock politely, and just explain he's not been given the tools to survive. \end{description} @@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ \item[\gls{gm}:] \Gls{jotter} Cartpike agrees to give you the armour, as long as you head out on the new mission, immediately. Sootfilch, Grimesinge, and Mossboke will journey out to two neighbouring \glspl{village} -- that means a `walled village' -- and cut around the perimeter. - \item[Mat:] + \item[Matt:] We're bush-whacking? \item[\gls{gm}:] Yes. @@ -182,21 +182,23 @@ For the mission, he rolls $3D6$ again, and finds the troupe must go to two nearby \glspl{village} and cut away at the perimeter. - Finally, he rolls up a single \gls{village} while two players explain how armour works to Nina. + Finally, he rolls up a single \gls{village} while two players explain how armour works to Soibhan. The \gls{village} has bear traps surrounding it (that might make expanding the perimeter challenging!) and rumours about the local swamp-hag who occasionally eats people. - Since it's near a marsh, he names the \gls{village} `Marshwall'. + Since it's near a marsh, he names the \gls{village} `Marshwall', and notes it down on his expanding map. - The various encounter charts shouldn't be considered `hard rules' -- they exist more to support the \gls{gm}. + The various encounter charts and random tables shouldn't be considered `hard rules' -- they exist to support the \gls{gm}. + You can find the random rolls in the \textit{Book of Judgement}% + \iftoggle{judgement}{, \autoref{encounters}, \autopageref{encounters}}{}. } \sideBySide{ \begin{description} - \item[Mat:] + \item[Matt:] May as well do the distant one first. Can we walk ten miles in an afternoon? \item[\gls{gm}:] Sure, that's just 5 \glspl{fatigue} along the road. - Nina -- Sootfilch is human, so you can ignore the first \gls{fatigue}. + Sootfilch and Grogfen are human, so they can ignore the first \gls{fatigue}. \end{description} }{ Travelling times are easy to work out. @@ -209,14 +211,14 @@ \begin{description} \item[\gls{gm}:] So everyone heads off to Marshwall, and on the road traders try to sell you torch pitch and rope for 100~\glspl{cp} each. - \item[Mat:] + \item[Matt:] Nah we're\ldots actually, that'd be really handy. I'll take both. \item[\gls{gm}:] Roll \roll{Wits}{Crafts} to determine the quality of the goods (\tn[9]). - \item[Mat:] + \item[Matt:] \dicef{7} - Crap\ldots + Already? \end{description} }{ Purchases can get tricky, as tricksters are everywhere. @@ -230,17 +232,17 @@ \item[\gls{gm}:] Snow's started to fall, thicker than before. By evening, the road is white, but you can see Marshwall's high wooden walls ahead, and an archer waves at you from his perch. - \item[Mat:] + \item[Matt:] Time to rest. \item[\gls{gm}:] Wait a minute\ldots just checking for encounters. - \item[Mat:] + \item[Matt:] Crap\ldots \item[\gls{gm}:] Who's in the lead? Grogfen has the highest Speed, so I think she would be. - Can you roll \roll{Wits}{Vigilance} (\tn[12])? + Can you roll \roll{Wits}{Vigilance} (\tn[13])? \item[Alice:] \dicef{3}\dicef{2} Crap\ldots @@ -248,7 +250,9 @@ }{ When two people (or creatures) act against each other, the player rolls at \tn[7], plus their opponent's score. - The creature's total Bonus is +5, so Alice must roll at \gls{tn} ($7 + 5 =$) 12. + $$2D6 + \underbrace{-1 + 0} ~vs~ 7 + \underbrace{2 + 2 + 2}$$ + + The creature's total Bonus is +6 (with a snow-camouflage Bonus), so Alice must roll at \gls{tn} 13. } \sideBySide{ @@ -257,45 +261,50 @@ I rolled a `4', so what happens to me? \item[\gls{gm}:] A bleach-white tentacle grabs you by the neck, another around your left leg, then the great woodspy rises. - \item[Nina:] + \item[Soibhan:] The what? \item[\gls{gm}:] ``Woodspy'' -- a great land-octopus, able to camouflage, with a load of tentacles. - It grabs her and starts to slither away, pulling its way through the trees while holding Grogfen tight above its head. - \item[Nina:] + It grabs her and starts to slither away, yanking its way through the trees while holding Grogfen tight above its head. + \item[Soibhan:] What do we do? - Run after it. + Run after it? \item[\gls{gm}:] If you want to, spend \pgls{ap}. You can roll \roll{Speed}{Athletics} at \tn[11]. - \item[Nina:] + \item[Soibhan:] Okay, \dicef{7} \ldots sorry, Alice\ldots \end{description} }{ Everyone starts combat with 3~\glspl{ap} plus their Speed Bonus. Having more \glspl{ap} lets you act before others, and do more. - Most combat actions resist an opponent, so most involve both combatants spending \pgls{ap} as the same time. - Characters can even go into the negative, but having -2~\glspl{ap} means a -2 Penalty to all rolls. + Most combat actions resist an opponent, so spending \pgls{ap} usually forces an opponent to spend one too. + These forced-expenditures can push characters into negative \glspl{ap}. + A character on negative \glspl{ap} feels seriously flustered, and takes the negative as a penalty to their actions. + + For example, a character on -2~\glspl{ap} would take a -2 penalty to all actions (and could only act in response to something acting against them). + + Using \glspl{ap} means you don't need to be too precious about which order peole act in -- every character receives the actions they're due by the end of the round. } \sideBySide{ \begin{description} - \item[Mat:] + \item[Matt:] Wait, Earth magic covers snow, doesn't it? Can I make the snow solid around the woodspy's tentacles to stop it getting away? \item[\gls{gm}:] Yes -- it's still \tn[11], but you can roll your \roll{Charisma}{Earth} to cast. - \item[Mat:] + \item[Matt:] \dicef{9} Got it! \item[\gls{gm}:] What does he say? - \item[Mat:] + \item[Matt:] `Solid frost, and woodspy tomb'? \item[\gls{gm}:] - Well the snow responds, and grabs a couple of tentacles. + Well the snow responds, freezing solid, and holding a couple of tentacles tight. - Nina -- one \roll{Wits}{Vigilance} roll, please (\tn[11]). + Soibhan -- one \roll{Wits}{Vigilance} roll, please (\tn[11]). \end{description} }{ Spells work like any other roll, including when making a Resisted roll -- the spellcaster uses their Bonus to resist the opponent, or players roll their \gls{pc}'s Bonus against the \gls{npc}'s. @@ -332,13 +341,13 @@ \sideBySide{ \begin{description} - \item[Nina:] + \item[Soibhan:] \dicef{5}\dicef{1} Does a `5' pass? \item[\gls{gm}:] A bear trap, hidden in the snow, leaps up dealing\ldots\dicef{6} 6 Damage. You can remove your 5~\glspl{fp}. - \item[Nina:] + \item[Soibhan:] And the last Damage? Does my armour get it? \item[\gls{gm}:] @@ -350,46 +359,53 @@ }{ \Glspl{fp} measure a character's distance from death and (in some sense) their courage. Once they run out, all further damage makes a real wound -- Sootfilch might carry this damage for the remainder of the session. - However, after \pgls{interval} the troupe will regenerate \glspl{fp}, so the wounds won't leave them near-death for the entire session. + However, after \pgls{interval} the troupe will regenerate \glspl{fp}, so the wounds won't leave them near-death for the entire session -- they can persevere while wounded, and rely on their luck. BIND doesn't have much in the way of healing magic, but it has plenty of Fate spells. } \sideBySide{ \begin{description} - \item[Nina:] + \item[Soibhan:] I'll stab the woodspy. \item[\gls{gm}:] Okay -- spend \pgls{ap} to take out your sword. - \item[Nina:] + \item[Soibhan:] Spent. I'll stab the woodspy! \item[Alice:] \dicef{11} - I'm free. - \item[Mat:] + I'm free, but out of \glspl{ap}. + \item[Matt:] I'll go for another binding spell, can I make it trapped so Sootfilch can stab it easier? \item[\gls{gm}:] Sure, and it's at \tn[10] this time. - \item[Nina:] + \item[Soibhan:] Can I not stab the woodspy?! \item[\gls{gm}:] Snow freezes around its every grounded tentacle, while Grogfen pulls away. Roll \roll{Dexterity}{Combat} at \tn[7]. - \item[Nina:] + \item[Soibhan:] \dicef{9} That's 8, how do I Damage? - \item[Mat:] + \item[Matt:] $1D6$! - \item[Nina:] + \item[Soibhan:] \dicef{6} that's an 8 in total, with the shortsword. \item[\gls{gm}:] - The shortsword enters, and its snow-white skin splits, blue blood runs down the wound and the skin writhes red, black, and mottled-brown. + The shortsword enters, and its snow-white skin splits, blue blood runs down the wound and the skin writhes, turning red, black, then mottled-brown. \end{description} }{ The woodspy would usually flee at this point, but being bound by ice, and trapped, the troupe will destroy it in a moment. Once it dies, Laiquon will pull its beak out, to create \pgls{talisman} for a Water spell, then the troupe can sell the rest of the body to the farmers in the \gls{village} for a few copper and a couple of favours, like a nice place to rest. + + The \gls{gm} hasn't introduced the real hooks yet -- the \gls{sq} \glspl{segment}. + Last session saw several little plot-\glspl{segment} which provided foreshadowing for the swamp-hag's plans. + The next \gls{segment} in the forests will be the reckoning, but if the players decide to stick to their mission, on the roads, the \gls{gm} will have to start a new \gls{sq} to throw at them. + + Running multiple \glspl{sq} isn't a problem. + The old plot can wait, and new \glspl{guard} will hear about the important background from the \glspl{jotter} records. } \end{multicols}