From a3e23c6192e5a6356471c88537229e9f8d6ff829 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Malin Freeborn <>
Date: Sun, 15 Sep 2024 23:54:56 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] rearrange spells

 config     |   2 +-
 spells.tex | 886 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------------
 2 files changed, 403 insertions(+), 485 deletions(-)

diff --git a/config b/config
index 4284dacf..daebeaf7 160000
--- a/config
+++ b/config
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 4284dacfcb1f90ee6b4b5397c411b523dca8327c
+Subproject commit daebeaf7a9e4288ff783657748c6d49e1499a421
diff --git a/spells.tex b/spells.tex
index 54cea776..12c0d1f6 100644
--- a/spells.tex
+++ b/spells.tex
@@ -29,7 +29,8 @@ As long as you have both of those at level 2 or above, you can cast the spell.
-\section{First Level Spells}
+\section{Elemental \Glsfmtplural{sphere}}
@@ -39,141 +40,6 @@ As long as you have both of those at level 2 or above, you can cast the spell.
-  \subsection{Earth}
-  \showSpells{Earth1}
-  \showSpells{Earth1}
-  \Needspace{6\baselineskip}
-  \subsection{Force}
-  \showSpells{Force1}
-\spell{Little Big}% Name
-  {}% Enhancements
-  {Warp}% Action
-  {Fire, Air}% Spheres
-  {\roll{Wits}{Vigilance}}% Resist with
-  {The caster mixes a malaphor, and the target's apparent size contorts like a fun-house mirror, inflicting a -\arabic{spellPlusOne} Penalty to ranged attacks against them}% Description
-  {A gnome seen from ten steps might appear to be the size of a human, or a human may appear the size of a gnome.
-    The closer one approaches the target, the more normal it appears.}
-\spell{Shadow}% Name
-  {}% Enhancements
-  {Wane}% Action
-  {Fire, Air}% Spheres
-  {\roll{Wits}{Vigilance}}% Resist with
-  {As the caster whispers, a single patch of darkness, the length of a step, forms anywhere within range}% Description
-  {It can obscure a candle's light, and diminish a torch's light to the strength of a candle.
-    The patch of shadow joins to a target.
-    If cast on a person, the shadow remains attached to them, inflicting a -\arabic{spellPlusOne} penalty to noticing things (and becomes quickly irritating).
-    The shadow fades once sunlight touches it for \pgls{interval}.}
-  \subsection{Life}
-  \showSpells{Life1}
-  \spell{Forest Crown}% Name
-    {}% Enhancements
-    {Warp}% Action
-    {Earth, Water}% Spheres
-    {\roll{Strength}{Athletics}}% Resist with
-    {The target hears how good they would look with antlers, and antlers start to grow.
-    They grant +1 to Damage while using the Brawl Skill}% Description
-    {
-    The antlers will stop the target wearing a helmet, so they cannot wear Complete armour.
-    The antlers shed over any cold season, or can be removed with a bone-knife.}
-  \spell{Slashers}% Name
-    {}% Enhancements
-    {Warp}% Action
-    {Earth, Water}% Spheres
-    {\roll{Strength}{Athletics}}% Resist with
-    {The caster makes accusations of vile language, and the target grows needle-sharp claws.
-    They grant +1 Damage when using Brawl, but inflict a -1 penalty to using weapons or other tools}% Description
-    {
-    The claws grow out naturally, or can be cut off at any time.}
-  \spell{Tweak}% Name
-    {}% Enhancements
-    {Warp}% Action
-    {Earth, Water}% Spheres
-    {target's \glspl{hp}}% Resist with
-    {The caster lists how the target looks like a different race, and their features begin to shift to match}% Description
-    {The target must have Attributes within the racial maximums and minimums of the target race, so a human with Strength +1 could become an elf, but Strength +3 would stop them looking remotely elf-like.
-    The spell lasts until the target makes use of any characteristic of their own race.
-    For humans, this means their ability to walk long-distances, and for gnomes it means trying to focus on anything.}
-  \spell{Regeneration}% Name
-    {Detailed}% Enhancements
-    {Wax}% Action
-    {Earth, Water}% Spheres
-    {current lost \glspl{hp} + 7}% Resist with
-    {The caster gathers tiny gifts for the target, and they begin to regenerate Damage faster, recuperating an extra \arabic{spellPlusOne} \glspl{hp} each week}% Description
-    {During this time, the target's appetite grows substantially, demanding an extra \arabic{spellCost} meals every day to keep the spell going.}
-\spell{Shadow Check}% Name
-  {}% Enhancements
-  {Witness}% Action
-  {Fate, Water}% Spheres
-  {quiet thoughts}% Resist with
-  {This spell tells the caster if any particular patch (and it has to be a specific patch) contains anything which has a mind}% Description
-  {Shadows, statues, or suspicious bushes can all hide all manner of things.
-    The spell will not say what kind of mind this is -- whether animal or person.
-    It reports only `yes/ no', and often has false positives due to mice or insects (1/6 chance in daylight, 2/6 chance at night).}
-\section{Second Level Spells}
 \spell{Sleep Fog}% Name
   {Devious}% Enhancements
   {Wane}% Action
@@ -186,22 +52,23 @@ As long as you have both of those at level 2 or above, you can cast the spell.
-  \subsection{Earth}
-  \showSpells{Earth2}
-  \showSpells{Earth2}
+\spell{Clawing Wisps}% Name
+  {Detailed, Duplicated}% Enhancements
+  {Wax}% Action
+  {Air}% Spheres
+  {wind speed}% Resist with
+  {The caster gives a battle-cry, and cloud-lined spirits, appearing like small copies of the caster, push any enemies (but not allies) back, reducing their \glspl{ap} by \arabic{spellPlusOne}}% Description
+  {}
 \spell{Toothless Fire}% Name
@@ -214,196 +81,111 @@ As long as you have both of those at level 2 or above, you can cast the spell.
     The fire will not stop feeding on whatever allows it to currently burn, so a wood fire will continue burning its wood.}
-\spell{Detect Water}% Name
-  {Distant}% Enhancements
-  {Witness}% Action
-  {Water}% Spheres
-  {smallness}% Resist with
-  {The caster detects liquid at \spellRange}% Description
-  {They cannot tell the type of liquid -- it could be a raging river, a tankard of ale, or a magma stream}
+\spell{Traiterous Camp}% Name
+  {Devious, Distant}% Enhancements
+  {Warp}% Action
+  {Fire}% Spheres
+  {\roll{Wits}{Survival}}% Resist with
+  {The caster gives a jealous stare at a fire at \spellRange.
+  After two \glsfmtplural{interval}, the fire gains some weight, and starts to burn low, and look strange.
+  After a full day, the fire collapses on top of the nearest person, inflicting \showDam~Damage}% Description
+  {}
+\spell{Naked Fire}% Name
+  {Duplicated, Distant}% Enhancements
+  {Warp}% Action
+  {Fire}% Spheres
+  {size of fire}% Resist with
+  {After instructing all the fire around on proper etiquette, fires with a total area up to \arabic{spellTargets} \glspl{step} at \spellRange\ turn blue, and stop burning flesh.
+  They continue to act upon wood, hair, and clothing as normal}% Description
+  {Large fires are more difficult to affect, as they're too busy eating to listen.}
-\spell{Corpse Stench}% Name
-  {Distant}% Enhancements
-  {Witness}% Action
-  {Fate, Air}% Spheres
-  {time since death}% Resist with
-  {Sniffing at the wind, the caster identifies any corpses at \spellRange}% Description
-  {Most use this trick to double-check if an immobile and wounded person might still have a chance of life.}
-\spell{Infectious Migraine}% Name
-  {Duplicated}% Enhancements
-  {Wax}% Action
-  {Fate, Air}% Spheres
-  {\roll{Strength}{Athletics}}% Resist with
-  {As the caster roars, a deathly feeling flows over the targets, who gain \arabic{spellPlusOne} \glspl{ep}}% Description
-  {}
-\spell{Preservation}% Name
-  {Detailed}% Enhancements
-  {Wane}% Action
-  {Fate, Air}% Spheres
-  {existing rot}% Resist with
-  {The caster paints a picture -- with words or brush -- of food, a shirt, or a human corpse.
-  The target ceases all rotting when not in use.
-  Rain or snow may fall upon it, but it will not degrade}% Description
-  {
-    Without this spell, any undead creatures would rot ever faster than a corpse in the ground.
+  \subsection{Earth}
-    The spell degrades when the target begins moving, and fails within \arabic{spellPlusOne} \glspl{interval}.
-    Therefore, undead spellcasters, such as liches, must continuously cast this spell upon themselves.
+  \showSpells{Earth1}
-    \index{Necromancy!Preservation}
-    If cast immediately, upon death, it can arrest the effects of \textit{rigor mortis} before they begin.
-  }
+  \showSpells{Earth1}
+  \subsection{Earth}
-  \subsection{Force}
+  \showSpells{Earth2}
-  \spell{Friendly Bolt}% Name
-    {Duplicated}% Enhancements
-    {Wane}% Action
-    {Earth, Fire}% Spheres
-    {\gls{weight} carried}% Resist with
-    {The caster shouts `let's go', and two targets gain a plus \arabic{spellPlusOne} bonus to running}% Description
-    {They feel suddenly lighter, as if being carried.
-    However, this spell does not help with carrying heavy items.}
+  \showSpells{Earth2}
-  \spell{Migrating Butterfly}% Name
-    {Detailed}% Enhancements
-    {Wane}% Action
-    {Earth, Fire}% Spheres
-    {\gls{weight} carried}% Resist with
-    {The caster outright denies how heavy something is, despite obvious heft, and its \gls{weight} reduces by \arabic{spellPlusOne} when facing towards the direction the caster looks}% Description
-    {Items which fall below \gls{weight}~0 will float like a seed on the wind}
+  \subsection{Earth}
-  \spell{Traveller's Curse}% Name
-    {Distant}% Enhancements
+  \spell{Mud Clamp}% Name
+    {Duplicated, Detailed}% Enhancements
     {Wax}% Action
-    {Earth, Fire}% Spheres
-    {\roll{Speed}{Athletics}}% Resist with
-    {The caster wishes the target a bad journey, and they immediately feel heavier.
-    For the next \arabic{spellPlusOne}~\glspl{interval}, the target counts as carrying something with \pgls{weight} of \arabic{spellPlusOne}}% Description
+    {Earth}% Spheres
+    {\roll{Strength}{Survival}}% Resist with
+    {The caster shouts `\textit{hold fast}', as snow or mud becomes solid, encasing any feet pushed into the ground.
+    Targets then count as \textit{Entangled}}% Description
-    The curse wears off once the target has marched enough, but any \glspl{interval} the target spends stationary do not count towards the spell's duration.}
-  \showSpells{Force2}
-  \subsection{Life}
-  \showSpells{Life2}
+    The spell suffers a -2 penalty when used against creatures without flat feet (such as hooves, or most other animal feet), but can also gain up to a +2 bonus in particularly deep mud or snow.}
-  \spell{Scent in the Air}% Name
-    {Distant}% Enhancements
-    {Witness}% Action
-    {Earth, Water}% Spheres
-    {target's strangeness}% Resist with
-    {Focussing on the air, and sniffing the wind, the caster asks politely if it will say whether or not some creature sits at \spellRange\ in a particular direction}% Description
-    {Other humanoids are \tn[7] to detect, beasts are \tn[9], and stranger creatures present a greater challenge.}
+  \showSpells{Earth3}
+  \showSpells{Earth4}
-\spell{Shadow Puppet}% Name
-  {Detailed}% Enhancements
-  {Wane}% Action
-  {Fire, Air}% Spheres
-  {\roll{Wits}{Vigilance}}% Resist with
-  {One target shadow forms a detailed silhouette, and may even stand up and away from the ground}% Description
-  {During the daylight, it simply looks weird; but at night these shadow puppets can easily fool someone into thinking \pgls{monster}, or even a particular person lies waiting, in the distance.
-  The shadows disappear once bright light hits them.}
-\spell{Quiet Campfire}% Name
-  {Devious}% Enhancements
-  {Wane}% Action
-  {Fire, Air}% Spheres
-  {size of fire}% Resist with
-  {The caster stares at a fire, and thinks dark thoughts.
-  After a couple of hours, the fire's light dims, though the noise and heat continue.
-  The spell lasts one \showOnset, so the light returns during the night}% Description
-  {Travellers sometimes use this spell to hide their fire when camping beyond the \gls{edge}, as it removes at last one chance of an encounter from the fire's light}
-\spell{Awaken}% Name
-  {Detailed}% Enhancements
-  {Wax}% Action
-  {Water, Fate}% Spheres
-  {spell's level}% Resist with
-  {The caster explains a plan to a spell, and the spell gains an Intelligence Bonus of +\arabic{spellPlusOne} and begins enacting the plan}% Description
-  {
-  All spells have a small spark of sentience, endowed by their creator, so this spell exploits that fact to make a spell behave more intelligently.
-  The spell begins with all of the caster's knowledge, although anything beyond general knowledge generally ends up as a tangled mess of half-memories.
-  Without any interest in socializing, any social memories will simply not make sense.
-  The spell has all of the caster's Skills which do not depend on any social intuition%
-  \footnote{The spell gains none of the caster's magic Spheres},
-  with a -1 penalty.
-  However, if given a Charisma Bonus, with the Social Spell (\vpageref{Social Spell}), the spell will have full access to the caster's Skills (again, with a -1 penalty to each of them).
+\spell{Detect Water}% Name
+  {Distant}% Enhancements
+  {Witness}% Action
+  {Water}% Spheres
+  {smallness}% Resist with
+  {The caster detects liquid at \spellRange}% Description
+  {They cannot tell the type of liquid -- it could be a raging river, a tankard of ale, or a magma stream}
-  The spell grants no Charisma Bonus, and the resulting mind has no interest in anyone, or anything, except as instruments for \emph{the plan}.
-  It operates methodically, and sometimes behaves in strange, and alien ways, given its single-pointed value system.%
-  \footnote{Look up `the paperclip maximizer' for an explanation of how this kind of spell can easily go horribly wrong.}
-  }
-\spell{Fear}% Name
-  {Detailed}% Enhancements
-  {Wane}% Action
-  {Water, Fate}% Spheres
-  {\roll{Wits}{Academics}}% Resist with
-  {The caster explains to the target their imminent death.
-    If the target ever finds themselves facing the danger the caster described, they take a -\arabic{spellPlusOne} penalty to Mind Attributes}% Description
-  {The spell lasts until the character gains \pgls{xp} for following their Code.}
-\spell{Social Spell}% Name
-  {Detailed}% Enhancements
-  {Warp}% Action
-  {Water, Fate}% Spheres
-  {spell's level}% Resist with
-  {The caster speaks to a spell like a dog, which awakens an instinct to socialize, and grants it a +\arabic{spellPlusOne} Charisma Bonus (but no Intelligence)}% Description
-  {
-  Casters might use this spell to let an illusion interact semi-realistically with people (it will smile and listen, but cannot speak).
-  The newly created mind gains all of the caster's Skills which rely primarily on social graces (Deceit, Empathy, and Performance), with a -1 penalty to each.
-  It also gains their spell Spheres with a -1 penalty, but does not need an audible voice to use them.
+\spell{Blessed Army}% Name
+  {Duplicated, Distant}% Enhancements
+  {Wax}% Action
+  {Fate}% Spheres
+  {targets' Charisma (inverted)}% Resist with
+  {The caster gives good wishes to a troupe, and \arabic{spellTargets} targets receive \showDam~\glspl{fp}}% Description
+  {The spell targets those with the highest Charisma before others.}
-  The spell typically tries to attack the caster's enemies, and then interact with the caster and their friends.
-  }
+\spell{Wheel of Fate}% Name
+  {Devious, Duplicated}% Enhancements
+  {Warp}% Action
+  {Fate}% Spheres
+  {\roll{Charisma}{Survival}}% Resist with
+  {The caster wonders what the future holds, and the nearest \arabic{spellTargets} targets become locked into the same encounter, on repeat.
+  It begins half way through the \showOnset, then repeats again, until it has gone through \arabic{spellPlusTwo} iterations}% Description
+  {\par
+  Of course, the encounter cannot contain the same creatures or people each time, but whatever the \gls{gm} rolled for the encounter will repeat.
+  This might result in three griffins looking at troupe, then three griffins attacking, then three griffins nesting, and so on.
+  Each of these encounters will come in addition to the standard encounters.}
-\spell{Wishfinder}% Name
-  {Detailed}% Enhancements
-  {Witness}% Action
-  {Water, Fate}% Spheres
-  {\roll{Wits}{Academics}}% Resist with
-  {The \glsentrytext{witch} commands the target to state their `truest desires', while locking eyes.
-    The spell confirms whether or not the target's statement conforms to their Code}% Description
-  {The desire must be something which would \textit{directly} grant at least one \glsentrytext{xp}.%
-  \exRef{stories}{Stories}{codes}}
@@ -463,114 +245,228 @@ As long as you have both of those at level 2 or above, you can cast the spell.
+  \spell{Asking Rock}% Name
+    {Detailed, Divergent}% Enhancements
+    {Warp}% Action
+    {Earth, Fate}% Spheres
+    {civilization rating}% Resist with
+    {The caster sells a weapon to a rock in return for summoning a beast, and the rock becomes magnetic.
+    It has an effective Strength of \arabic{spellPlusTwo} to hold any iron weapon placed next to it.
+    Once the rock has a weapon, the \gls{gm} makes an encounter roll}% Description
+    {
+      The \gls{tn} depends on how close to civilization the spell is cast.
+      Attracting \glspl{monster} to \pgls{village} makes more of a challenge than attracting them while past the \gls{edge}.%
+      \exRef{judgement}{Judgement}{civilizationRating}
+      If the encounter roll produces nothing, the \gls{gm} goes up the chart until they find an encounter.
+      \Glspl{npc} targeted by this spell will survive if only their \gls{cr} value is greater than the \gls{monster} which finds them.
+      Otherwise, they end in the jaws of a beast.
+    }
+\spell{River Smog}% Name
+  {Divergent, Duplicated}% Enhancements
+  {Wane}% Action
+  {Air, Water}% Spheres
+  {\roll{Speed}{Athletics}}% Resist with
+  {The caster spits prophecies of surreal catastrophe, and \arabic{spellTargets} worth of water turn into a putrid vapour.
+  Anyone who breathes it in receives \arabic{spellPlusTwo}~\glspl{ep}}% Description
+  {
+    The water should be clearly visible, such as a stream or an actual barrel of water.}
+\spell{Night Terrors}% Name
+  {Distant, Divergent}% Enhancements
+  {Wane}% Action
+  {Fate, Fire}% Spheres
+  {\roll{Charisma}{Survival}}% Resist with
+  {The caster calls the first line of a dirge from the darkness, then a fire at \spellRange\ goes out.
+  Whoever held it loses \showDam~\glspl{fp}}% Description
+  {}
-\section{Third Level Spells}
+\section{High \Glsfmtplural{sphere}}
-\spell{Clawing Wisps}% Name
-  {Detailed, Duplicated}% Enhancements
-  {Wax}% Action
-  {Air}% Spheres
-  {wind speed}% Resist with
-  {The caster gives a battle-cry, and cloud-lined spirits, appearing like small copies of the caster, push any enemies (but not allies) back, reducing their \glspl{ap} by \arabic{spellPlusOne}}% Description
-  {}
+\spell{Little Big}% Name
+  {}% Enhancements
+  {Warp}% Action
+  {Fire, Air}% Spheres
+  {\roll{Wits}{Vigilance}}% Resist with
+  {The caster mixes a malaphor, and the target's apparent size contorts like a fun-house mirror, inflicting a -\arabic{spellPlusOne} Penalty to ranged attacks against them}% Description
+  {A gnome seen from ten steps might appear to be the size of a human, or a human may appear the size of a gnome.
+    The closer one approaches the target, the more normal it appears.}
+\spell{Shadow}% Name
+  {}% Enhancements
+  {Wane}% Action
+  {Fire, Air}% Spheres
+  {\roll{Wits}{Vigilance}}% Resist with
+  {As the caster whispers, a single patch of darkness, the length of a step, forms anywhere within range}% Description
+  {It can obscure a candle's light, and diminish a torch's light to the strength of a candle.
-  \subsection{Earth}
+    The patch of shadow joins to a target.
+    If cast on a person, the shadow remains attached to them, inflicting a -\arabic{spellPlusOne} penalty to noticing things (and becomes quickly irritating).
-  \spell{Mud Clamp}% Name
-    {Duplicated, Detailed}% Enhancements
-    {Wax}% Action
-    {Earth}% Spheres
-    {\roll{Strength}{Survival}}% Resist with
-    {The caster shouts `\textit{hold fast}', as snow or mud becomes solid, encasing any feet pushed into the ground.
-    Targets then count as \textit{Entangled}}% Description
-    {
-    The spell suffers a -2 penalty when used against creatures without flat feet (such as hooves, or most other animal feet), but can also gain up to a +2 bonus in particularly deep mud or snow.}
+    The shadow fades once sunlight touches it for \pgls{interval}.}
-  \showSpells{Earth3}
-\spell{Blessed Army}% Name
-  {Duplicated, Distant}% Enhancements
-  {Wax}% Action
-  {Fate}% Spheres
-  {targets' Charisma (inverted)}% Resist with
-  {The caster gives good wishes to a troupe, and \arabic{spellTargets} targets receive \showDam~\glspl{fp}}% Description
-  {The spell targets those with the highest Charisma before others.}
-\spell{Wheel of Fate}% Name
+\spell{Shadow Puppet}% Name
+  {Detailed}% Enhancements
+  {Wane}% Action
+  {Fire, Air}% Spheres
+  {\roll{Wits}{Vigilance}}% Resist with
+  {One target shadow forms a detailed silhouette, and may even stand up and away from the ground}% Description
+  {During the daylight, it simply looks weird; but at night these shadow puppets can easily fool someone into thinking \pgls{monster}, or even a particular person lies waiting, in the distance.
+  The shadows disappear once bright light hits them.}
+\spell{Quiet Campfire}% Name
+  {Devious}% Enhancements
+  {Wane}% Action
+  {Fire, Air}% Spheres
+  {size of fire}% Resist with
+  {The caster stares at a fire, and thinks dark thoughts.
+  After a couple of hours, the fire's light dims, though the noise and heat continue.
+  The spell lasts one \showOnset, so the light returns during the night}% Description
+  {Travellers sometimes use this spell to hide their fire when camping beyond the \gls{edge}, as it removes at last one chance of an encounter from the fire's light}
+\spell{Eternal Night}% Name
   {Devious, Duplicated}% Enhancements
-  {Warp}% Action
-  {Fate}% Spheres
-  {\roll{Charisma}{Survival}}% Resist with
-  {The caster wonders what the future holds, and the nearest \arabic{spellTargets} targets become locked into the same encounter, on repeat.
-  It begins half way through the \showOnset, then repeats again, until it has gone through \arabic{spellPlusTwo} iterations}% Description
-  {\par
-  Of course, the encounter cannot contain the same creatures or people each time, but whatever the \gls{gm} rolled for the encounter will repeat.
-  This might result in three griffins looking at troupe, then three griffins attacking, then three griffins nesting, and so on.
-  Each of these encounters will come in addition to the standard encounters.}
+  {Wane}% Action
+  {Fire, Air}% Spheres
+  {\roll{Intelligence}{Survival}}% Resist with
+  {The caster pulls on a memory of seeing darkness at the bottom of a clear loch, and the darkness comes.
+  After two \glsfmtplural{interval}, a patch of darkness forms, 5~\glsfmtplural{step} across.
+  Within four \glsfmtplural{interval}, all vision suffers a -4 Penalty}% Description
+  {
+  \Glspl{witch} commonly use this spell to make anyone in \pgls{bothy} or other sleeping-space miss the day.
+  They awaken late, in darkness, and generally assume they simply cannot sleep.
+  After all, they can see darkness, so it must be night, not day.
+  By the time people start to question their sanity, and light a fire, the next night may have already come.
+  }
-\spell{Traiterous Camp}% Name
-  {Devious, Distant}% Enhancements
-  {Warp}% Action
-  {Fire}% Spheres
-  {\roll{Wits}{Survival}}% Resist with
-  {The caster gives a jealous stare at a fire at \spellRange.
-  After two \glsfmtplural{interval}, the fire gains some weight, and starts to burn low, and look strange.
-  After a full day, the fire collapses on top of the nearest person, inflicting \showDam~Damage}% Description
-  {}
-\spell{Naked Fire}% Name
-  {Duplicated, Distant}% Enhancements
-  {Warp}% Action
-  {Fire}% Spheres
-  {size of fire}% Resist with
-  {After instructing all the fire around on proper etiquette, fires with a total area up to \arabic{spellTargets} \glspl{step} at \spellRange\ turn blue, and stop burning flesh.
-  They continue to act upon wood, hair, and clothing as normal}% Description
-  {Large fires are more difficult to affect, as they're too busy eating to listen.}
+  \subsection{Force}
+  \showSpells{Force1}
+  \spell{Friendly Bolt}% Name
+    {Duplicated}% Enhancements
+    {Wane}% Action
+    {Earth, Fire}% Spheres
+    {\gls{weight} carried}% Resist with
+    {The caster shouts `let's go', and two targets gain a plus \arabic{spellPlusOne} bonus to running}% Description
+    {They feel suddenly lighter, as if being carried.
+    However, this spell does not help with carrying heavy items.}
+  \spell{Migrating Butterfly}% Name
+    {Detailed}% Enhancements
+    {Wane}% Action
+    {Earth, Fire}% Spheres
+    {\gls{weight} carried}% Resist with
+    {The caster outright denies how heavy something is, despite obvious heft, and its \gls{weight} reduces by \arabic{spellPlusOne} when facing towards the direction the caster looks}% Description
+    {Items which fall below \gls{weight}~0 will float like a seed on the wind}
+  \spell{Traveller's Curse}% Name
+    {Distant}% Enhancements
+    {Wax}% Action
+    {Earth, Fire}% Spheres
+    {\roll{Speed}{Athletics}}% Resist with
+    {The caster wishes the target a bad journey, and they immediately feel heavier.
+    For the next \arabic{spellPlusOne}~\glspl{interval}, the target counts as carrying something with \pgls{weight} of \arabic{spellPlusOne}}% Description
+    {
+    The curse wears off once the target has marched enough, but any \glspl{interval} the target spends stationary do not count towards the spell's duration.}
+  \showSpells{Force2}
+  \showSpells{Force3}
+  \showSpells{Force4}
+  \subsection{Life}
+  \showSpells{Life1}
+  \spell{Forest Crown}% Name
+    {}% Enhancements
+    {Warp}% Action
+    {Earth, Water}% Spheres
+    {\roll{Strength}{Athletics}}% Resist with
+    {The target hears how good they would look with antlers, and antlers start to grow.
+    They grant +1 to Damage while using the Brawl Skill}% Description
+    {
+    The antlers will stop the target wearing a helmet, so they cannot wear Complete armour.
+    The antlers shed over any cold season, or can be removed with a bone-knife.}
+  \spell{Slashers}% Name
+    {}% Enhancements
+    {Warp}% Action
+    {Earth, Water}% Spheres
+    {\roll{Strength}{Athletics}}% Resist with
+    {The caster makes accusations of vile language, and the target grows needle-sharp claws.
+    They grant +1 Damage when using Brawl, but inflict a -1 penalty to using weapons or other tools}% Description
+    {
+    The claws grow out naturally, or can be cut off at any time.}
-\spell{Stench Sort}% Name
-  {Distant, Detailed}% Enhancements
-  {Witness}% Action
-  {Fate, Air}% Spheres
-  {time since death}% Resist with
-  {Detect the location of any corpse of a named species at \spellRange}% Description
-  {
-    Sniffing at the wind, the caster identifies any corpses from a particular species at \spellRange.
-    Possible types include `elves', `\glspl{woodspy}', or `bats'.}
+  \spell{Tweak}% Name
+    {}% Enhancements
+    {Warp}% Action
+    {Earth, Water}% Spheres
+    {target's \glspl{hp}}% Resist with
+    {The caster lists how the target looks like a different race, and their features begin to shift to match}% Description
+    {The target must have Attributes within the racial maximums and minimums of the target race, so a human with Strength +1 could become an elf, but Strength +3 would stop them looking remotely elf-like.
+    The spell lasts until the target makes use of any characteristic of their own race.
+    For humans, this means their ability to walk long-distances, and for gnomes it means trying to focus on anything.}
-  \subsection{Force}
+  \spell{Regeneration}% Name
+    {Detailed}% Enhancements
+    {Wax}% Action
+    {Earth, Water}% Spheres
+    {current lost \glspl{hp} + 7}% Resist with
+    {The caster gathers tiny gifts for the target, and they begin to regenerate Damage faster, recuperating an extra \arabic{spellPlusOne} \glspl{hp} each week}% Description
+    {During this time, the target's appetite grows substantially, demanding an extra \arabic{spellCost} meals every day to keep the spell going.}
-  \showSpells{Force3}
+  \showSpells{Life2}
-  \subsection{Life}
+  \spell{Scent in the Air}% Name
+    {Distant}% Enhancements
+    {Witness}% Action
+    {Earth, Water}% Spheres
+    {target's strangeness}% Resist with
+    {Focussing on the air, and sniffing the wind, the caster asks politely if it will say whether or not some creature sits at \spellRange\ in a particular direction}% Description
+    {Other humanoids are \tn[7] to detect, beasts are \tn[9], and stranger creatures present a greater challenge.}
@@ -596,31 +492,89 @@ As long as you have both of those at level 2 or above, you can cast the spell.
     This penalty stacks as usual, so targets who already have a basic Strength Penalty of -2 would take this penalty, and then half of their regular Strength penalty, for a total of -\arabic{spellPlusTwo}.}
+  \showSpells{Life4}
-\spell{Eternal Night}% Name
-  {Devious, Duplicated}% Enhancements
-  {Wane}% Action
-  {Fire, Air}% Spheres
-  {\roll{Intelligence}{Survival}}% Resist with
-  {The caster pulls on a memory of seeing darkness at the bottom of a clear loch, and the darkness comes.
-  After two \glsfmtplural{interval}, a patch of darkness forms, 5~\glsfmtplural{step} across.
-  Within four \glsfmtplural{interval}, all vision suffers a -4 Penalty}% Description
+\spell{Shadow Check}% Name
+  {}% Enhancements
+  {Witness}% Action
+  {Fate, Water}% Spheres
+  {quiet thoughts}% Resist with
+  {This spell tells the caster if any particular patch (and it has to be a specific patch) contains anything which has a mind}% Description
+  {Shadows, statues, or suspicious bushes can all hide all manner of things.
+    The spell will not say what kind of mind this is -- whether animal or person.
+    It reports only `yes/ no', and often has false positives due to mice or insects (1/6 chance in daylight, 2/6 chance at night).}
+\spell{Awaken}% Name
+  {Detailed}% Enhancements
+  {Wax}% Action
+  {Water, Fate}% Spheres
+  {spell's level}% Resist with
+  {The caster explains a plan to a spell, and the spell gains an Intelligence Bonus of +\arabic{spellPlusOne} and begins enacting the plan}% Description
-  \Glspl{witch} commonly use this spell to make anyone in \pgls{bothy} or other sleeping-space miss the day.
-  They awaken late, in darkness, and generally assume they simply cannot sleep.
-  After all, they can see darkness, so it must be night, not day.
+  All spells have a small spark of sentience, endowed by their creator, so this spell exploits that fact to make a spell behave more intelligently.
-  By the time people start to question their sanity, and light a fire, the next night may have already come.
+  The spell begins with all of the caster's knowledge, although anything beyond general knowledge generally ends up as a tangled mess of half-memories.
+  Without any interest in socializing, any social memories will simply not make sense.
+  The spell has all of the caster's Skills which do not depend on any social intuition%
+  \footnote{The spell gains none of the caster's magic Spheres},
+  with a -1 penalty.
+  However, if given a Charisma Bonus, with the Social Spell (\vpageref{Social Spell}), the spell will have full access to the caster's Skills (again, with a -1 penalty to each of them).
+  The spell grants no Charisma Bonus, and the resulting mind has no interest in anyone, or anything, except as instruments for \emph{the plan}.
+  It operates methodically, and sometimes behaves in strange, and alien ways, given its single-pointed value system.%
+  \footnote{Look up `the paperclip maximizer' for an explanation of how this kind of spell can easily go horribly wrong.}
+\spell{Fear}% Name
+  {Detailed}% Enhancements
+  {Wane}% Action
+  {Water, Fate}% Spheres
+  {\roll{Wits}{Academics}}% Resist with
+  {The caster explains to the target their imminent death.
+    If the target ever finds themselves facing the danger the caster described, they take a -\arabic{spellPlusOne} penalty to Mind Attributes}% Description
+  {The spell lasts until the character gains \pgls{xp} for following their Code.}
+\spell{Social Spell}% Name
+  {Detailed}% Enhancements
+  {Warp}% Action
+  {Water, Fate}% Spheres
+  {spell's level}% Resist with
+  {The caster speaks to a spell like a dog, which awakens an instinct to socialize, and grants it a +\arabic{spellPlusOne} Charisma Bonus (but no Intelligence)}% Description
+  {
+  Casters might use this spell to let an illusion interact semi-realistically with people (it will smile and listen, but cannot speak).
+  The newly created mind gains all of the caster's Skills which rely primarily on social graces (Deceit, Empathy, and Performance), with a -1 penalty to each.
+  It also gains their spell Spheres with a -1 penalty, but does not need an audible voice to use them.
+  The spell typically tries to attack the caster's enemies, and then interact with the caster and their friends.
+  }
+\spell{Wishfinder}% Name
+  {Detailed}% Enhancements
+  {Witness}% Action
+  {Water, Fate}% Spheres
+  {\roll{Wits}{Academics}}% Resist with
+  {The \glsentrytext{witch} commands the target to state their `truest desires', while locking eyes.
+    The spell confirms whether or not the target's statement conforms to their Code}% Description
+  {The desire must be something which would \textit{directly} grant at least one \glsentrytext{xp}.%
+  \exRef{stories}{Stories}{codes}}
 \spell{Carrier Crow}% Name
@@ -644,102 +598,65 @@ As long as you have both of those at level 2 or above, you can cast the spell.
-  \subsection{Divergent}
-  \spell{Asking Rock}% Name
-    {Detailed, Divergent}% Enhancements
-    {Warp}% Action
-    {Earth, Fate}% Spheres
-    {civilization rating}% Resist with
-    {The caster sells a weapon to a rock in return for summoning a beast, and the rock becomes magnetic.
-    It has an effective Strength of \arabic{spellPlusTwo} to hold any iron weapon placed next to it.
-    Once the rock has a weapon, the \gls{gm} makes an encounter roll}% Description
-    {
-      The \gls{tn} depends on how close to civilization the spell is cast.
-      Attracting \glspl{monster} to \pgls{village} makes more of a challenge than attracting them while past the \gls{edge}.%
-      \exRef{judgement}{Judgement}{civilizationRating}
-      If the encounter roll produces nothing, the \gls{gm} goes up the chart until they find an encounter.
-      \Glspl{npc} targeted by this spell will survive if only their \gls{cr} value is greater than the \gls{monster} which finds them.
-      Otherwise, they end in the jaws of a beast.
-    }
-\spell{River Smog}% Name
-  {Divergent, Duplicated}% Enhancements
-  {Wane}% Action
-  {Air, Water}% Spheres
-  {\roll{Speed}{Athletics}}% Resist with
-  {The caster spits prophecies of surreal catastrophe, and \arabic{spellTargets} worth of water turn into a putrid vapour.
-  Anyone who breathes it in receives \arabic{spellPlusTwo}~\glspl{ep}}% Description
-  {
-    The water should be clearly visible, such as a stream or an actual barrel of water.}
+\spell{Corpse Stench}% Name
+  {Distant}% Enhancements
+  {Witness}% Action
+  {Fate, Air}% Spheres
+  {time since death}% Resist with
+  {Sniffing at the wind, the caster identifies any corpses at \spellRange}% Description
+  {Most use this trick to double-check if an immobile and wounded person might still have a chance of life.}
-\spell{Night Terrors}% Name
-  {Distant, Divergent}% Enhancements
-  {Wane}% Action
-  {Fate, Fire}% Spheres
-  {\roll{Charisma}{Survival}}% Resist with
-  {The caster calls the first line of a dirge from the darkness, then a fire at \spellRange\ goes out.
-  Whoever held it loses \showDam~\glspl{fp}}% Description
+\spell{Infectious Migraine}% Name
+  {Duplicated}% Enhancements
+  {Wax}% Action
+  {Fate, Air}% Spheres
+  {\roll{Strength}{Athletics}}% Resist with
+  {As the caster roars, a deathly feeling flows over the targets, who gain \arabic{spellPlusOne} \glspl{ep}}% Description
-\section{Fourth Level Spells}
+\spell{Preservation}% Name
+  {Detailed}% Enhancements
+  {Wane}% Action
+  {Fate, Air}% Spheres
+  {existing rot}% Resist with
+  {The caster paints a picture -- with words or brush -- of food, a shirt, or a human corpse.
+  The target ceases all rotting when not in use.
+  Rain or snow may fall upon it, but it will not degrade}% Description
+  {
+    Without this spell, any undead creatures would rot ever faster than a corpse in the ground.
+    The spell degrades when the target begins moving, and fails within \arabic{spellPlusOne} \glspl{interval}.
+    Therefore, undead spellcasters, such as liches, must continuously cast this spell upon themselves.
-  \subsection{Earth}
+    \index{Necromancy!Preservation}
+    If cast immediately, upon death, it can arrest the effects of \textit{rigor mortis} before they begin.
+  }
-  \showSpells{Earth4}
+\spell{Stench Sort}% Name
+  {Distant, Detailed}% Enhancements
+  {Witness}% Action
+  {Fate, Air}% Spheres
+  {time since death}% Resist with
+  {Detect the location of any corpse of a named species at \spellRange}% Description
+  {
+    Sniffing at the wind, the caster identifies any corpses from a particular species at \spellRange.
+    Possible types include `elves', `\glspl{woodspy}', or `bats'.}
-  \subsection{Force}
-  \showSpells{Force4}
-  \subsection{Life}
-  \showSpells{Life4}
@@ -747,3 +664,4 @@ As long as you have both of those at level 2 or above, you can cast the spell.