From a265a4e1e01709d1f1e92d609897c97ab8052484 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Malin Freeborn <>
Date: Sat, 6 Jul 2024 11:15:16 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] add traitorous camp spell

 spells.tex | 14 ++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/spells.tex b/spells.tex
index c8a6a9c8..1ee613f1 100644
--- a/spells.tex
+++ b/spells.tex
@@ -495,14 +495,24 @@ As long as you have both of those at level 2 or above, you can cast the spell.
+\spell{Traiterous Camp}% Name
+  {Devious, Distant}% Enhancements
+  {Warp}% Action
+  {Fire}% Spheres
+  {\roll{Wits}{Wyldcrafting}}% Resist with
+  {The caster gives a jealous stare at a fire at \spellRange.
+  After two \glsfmtplural{interval}, the fire gains some weight, and starts to burn low, and look strange.
+  After a full day, the fire collapses on top of the nearest person, inflicting \showDam~Damage}% Description
+  {}
 \spell{Naked Fire}% Name
   {Duplicated, Distant}% Enhancements
   {Warp}% Action
-  {Water}% Spheres
+  {Fire}% Spheres
   {size of fire}% Resist with
   {After instructing all the fire around on proper etiquette, \arabic{spellTargets} \glspl{step} fires at \spellRange\ turns blue, and stops burning flesh.
   It continues to act upon wood, hair, and clothing as normal}% Description
-  {}
+  {Large fires are more difficult to affect, as they're too busy eating to listen}