diff --git a/spells.tex b/spells.tex index 45e5e52f674756042f129aadce181127aa61c490..c8a6a9c8ac0a9b419f5909989cd7db9596ebb275 100644 --- a/spells.tex +++ b/spells.tex @@ -560,6 +560,22 @@ As long as you have both of those at level 2 or above, you can cast the spell. \showSpells{Light3} +\spell{Eternal Night}% Name + {Devious, Duplicated}% Enhancements + {Wane}% Action + {Fire, Air}% Spheres + {\roll{Intelligence}{Wyldcrafting}}% Resist with + {The caster pulls on a memory of seeing darkness at the bottom of a clear loch, and the darkness comes. + After two \glsfmtplural{interval}, a patch of darkness forms, 5~\glsfmtplural{step} across. + Within four \glsfmtplural{interval}, all vision suffers a -4 Penalty}% Description + { + \Glspl{witch} commonly use this spell to make anyone in \pgls{bothy} or other sleeping-space miss the day. + They awaken late, in darkness, and generally assume they simply cannot sleep. + After all, they can see darkness, so it must be night, not day. + + By the time people start to question their sanity, and light a fire, the next night may have already come. + } + \subsection{Mind} \label{carrierCrow}