diff --git a/commands.tex b/commands.tex
index 3df1c7811a7fe7fccacf85ca46461526cd883299..9de7cecddac871c4bb688304d85e4aab0be88644 100644
--- a/commands.tex
+++ b/commands.tex
@@ -11,6 +11,21 @@
+  \begin{wideTable}[L||L|L|L|L|L|L]{Skill Table}
+  \label{skillChart}
+  & Strength & Dexterity & Speed & Intelligence & Wits & Charisma \\\hline\hline
+  Academics & Orating to a massive crowd & Forgery & Courier Runs & Recalling facts & Resisting an enchantment spell & Storytelling \\\hline
+  Athletics & Lifting heavy loads & Climbing & Sprinting & Finding the easiest route to climb & Identifying optimal climbing conditions & Stage acrobatics \\\hline
+  Deceit & Intimidation & Feigning an injury & Spreading a rumour across an entire town & Crafting a plausible lie & Making a quick excuse & Implausible lies \\\hline
+  Stealth & Hiding in a hay bail & Moving quietly & Escaping into a crowd & Identifying the best hiding spot & Quickly hiding & Pretending to be anther guest at the ball \\\hline
+  Vigilance & Keeping watch all night & Feeling for an exit in the dark & Searching a full forest for a particular tree & Investigating a crime scene & Spotting an illusion spell & Finding the best con target at a banquet \\
+  Wyldcrafting & Wrestling a~boar & Untying a~horse's bridle & Fleeing a stampede & Planning a new, hidden trail & Foraging for a quick meal & Selling vegetables \\\hline
+  \end{wideTable}
   \begin{nametable}[l|X]{Craft Requirements}
diff --git a/traits.tex b/traits.tex
index 2c23cffbbf3bd0fbee51737034e7836a6c013615..e321104ab9af5d00a722d49d492025a91afd3549 100644
--- a/traits.tex
+++ b/traits.tex
@@ -70,19 +70,6 @@ Charisma also covers characters' luck, and therefore some measure of their abili
-\begin{wideTable}[L||L|L|L|L|L|L]{Skill Table}
-& Strength & Dexterity & Speed & Intelligence & Wits & Charisma \\\hline\hline
-Academics & Orating to a massive crowd & Forgery & Courier Runs & Recalling facts & Resisting an enchantment spell & Storytelling \\\hline
-Athletics & Lifting heavy loads & Climbing & Sprinting & Finding the easiest route to climb & Identifying optimal climbing conditions & Stage acrobatics \\\hline
-Deceit & Intimidation & Feigning an injury & Spreading a rumour across an entire town & Crafting a plausible lie & Making a quick excuse & Implausible lies \\\hline
-Stealth & Hiding in a hay bail & Moving quietly & Escaping into a crowd & Identifying the best hiding spot & Quickly hiding & Pretending to be anther guest at the ball \\\hline
-Vigilance & Keeping watch all night & Feeling for an exit in the dark & Searching a full forest for a particular tree & Investigating a crime scene & Spotting an illusion spell & Finding the best con target at a banquet \\
-Wyldcrafting & Wrestling a~boar & Untying a~horse's bridle & Fleeing a stampede & Planning a new, hidden trail & Foraging for a quick meal & Selling vegetables \\\hline
@@ -152,6 +139,8 @@ Many pairings of an Attribute plus Skill will not come up very often, but you sh
 For example, a character with a bonus to Academics and Vigilance has individual bonuses for \textit{forgery}, \textit{recall}, \textit{resisting enchantments}, \textit{storytelling}, \textit{keeping watch}, \textit{investigation}, and \textit{spotting illusions}.
 It's only two Skills on the sheet, but that's seven different ratings the character has.
+See the table on \vpageref{skillChart} as an example of how to view Skills in multiple ways.
 \subsection{The List}
@@ -847,6 +836,8 @@ In calmer settings, wyldcrafting covers all the activities involved in farming -
 \index{Fate Points}