From 5a8d113f759388c6ae931a5ba32850c081ac93b7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Malin Freeborn <>
Date: Sat, 9 Mar 2024 14:09:41 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] full intro reorganization

 eyeline.tex | 64 +----------------------------------------------------
 main.tex    | 14 ++++++------
 play.tex    |  2 +-
 whales.tex  | 63 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 72 insertions(+), 71 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 whales.tex

diff --git a/eyeline.tex b/eyeline.tex
index c5730a2d..9dfc4598 100644
--- a/eyeline.tex
+++ b/eyeline.tex
@@ -1,66 +1,4 @@
-\section*{The Bodies of Giants}
-\epigraph{Intro by Irina}
-You can call me Ishmail, because I'm gonna tell you about whales.
-In Europe's 19th century, the whole world depended on one resource.
-Men would travel to the other side of the world, then find and kill a Biblical monster.
-\subsubsection{Some Whale Basics}
-Whales are broadly divided into two kinds: toothed whales and baleen whales.
-Toothed whales have teeth, baleen whales have a flexible filter-feeding system, also named baleen.
-Baleen is derived from Latin \textit{balaena}, related to Greek \textit{phalaina}, all of which mean `whale', making `baleen whale' -- `whale whale'.
-A notable whale species is sperm whale (like \textit{Moby Dick}, or Pearl from \textit{Sponge Bob}).
-Inside its square head, there's a highly sought after liquid called spermaceti.
-`Sperm whale' is actually short for `spermaceti whale'.
-`Spermaceti' means `whale sperm'.
-So `spermaceti whale' means `whale sperm whale'.
-`Spermaceti' is a thick, waxy substance that is speculated to aid with bouyancy, however it cannot be confirmed because sperm whales hate us now.
-But it definitely isn't sperm.
-Killing a whale is not a fun day.
-Everyone who does it has to do it.
-Bastards and other surplus -- men who have no apprenticeship, or inheritance -- have one clear path to make their living.
-They board a whaling boat, and sail.
-Once they have a whale in sight, they propel harpoons using gunpowder weapons, or their arms.
-The side of their boat swivels out to provide a netted `shelf' to process the whale.
-Once a whale is caught, the whalers must work fast and harvest as much as they can before the whale dies, and rot begins.
-Some must walk on top of it, and hope to balance well enough to not fall into the icy-cold waters.
-The whalers peel its skin like an orange, then extract and boil the blubber into whale oil.
-Some whalers collect toothed whales' teeth and carve them to pass the time (it's either that or homoeroticism).
-\subsubsection{Bountiful Corpses}
-Whale meat gets harvested for food.
-Bones are sometimes ground into fertilizer.
-Sperm whales get scalped and have spermaceti extracted from the junk
-(`junk' is the actual name of the part of their heads that houses the liquid).
-Spermaceti is brought to land, where it's chilled over Winter, and later squeezed into sperm oil.
-Solid leftovers were bleached and sold as spermaceti wax.
-Baleen is also called `whalebone', despite being closer to nails or hair than bone in structure.
-Baleen is harvested from the whale's mouth, and used wherever a thin flexible material can be used.
-Most famously, it was used for clothes' construction -- corsets, stays, bustles, crinolines, et c.
-Ambergris is fossilized bowel secretions of sperm whales.
-It's speculated to be a reaction to bowel irritations.
-\section*{Shifting the Eye-Line}
+\chapter{Shifting the Eye-Line}
diff --git a/main.tex b/main.tex
index a5ef68dc..ae415321 100644
--- a/main.tex
+++ b/main.tex
@@ -25,7 +25,11 @@ Keywords={TTRPG,RPG,roleplaying}
@@ -35,12 +39,6 @@ Keywords={TTRPG,RPG,roleplaying}
@@ -59,6 +57,8 @@ Keywords={TTRPG,RPG,roleplaying}
diff --git a/play.tex b/play.tex
index 77f989e5..a076c6f5 100644
--- a/play.tex
+++ b/play.tex
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-\chapter{So It Goes}
+\section[Example of Play]{So It Goes}
diff --git a/whales.tex b/whales.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cc58319e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/whales.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+\section{The Bodies of Giants}
+\epigraph{Intro by Irina}
+You can call me Ishmail, because I'm gonna tell you about whales.
+In Europe's 19th century, the whole world depended on one resource.
+Men would travel to the other side of the world, then find and kill a Biblical monster.
+\subsubsection{Some Whale Basics}
+Whales are broadly divided into two kinds: toothed whales and baleen whales.
+Toothed whales have teeth, baleen whales have a flexible filter-feeding system, also named baleen.
+Baleen is derived from Latin \textit{balaena}, related to Greek \textit{phalaina}, all of which mean `whale', making `baleen whale' -- `whale whale'.
+A notable whale species is sperm whale (like \textit{Moby Dick}, or Pearl from \textit{Sponge Bob}).
+Inside its square head, there's a highly sought after liquid called spermaceti.
+`Sperm whale' is actually short for `spermaceti whale'.
+`Spermaceti' means `whale sperm'.
+So `spermaceti whale' means `whale sperm whale'.
+`Spermaceti' is a thick, waxy substance that is speculated to aid with bouyancy, however it cannot be confirmed because sperm whales hate us now.
+But it definitely isn't sperm.
+Killing a whale is not a fun day.
+Everyone who does it has to do it.
+Bastards and other surplus -- men who have no apprenticeship, or inheritance -- have one clear path to make their living.
+They board a whaling boat, and sail.
+Once they have a whale in sight, they propel harpoons using gunpowder weapons, or their arms.
+The side of their boat swivels out to provide a netted `shelf' to process the whale.
+Once a whale is caught, the whalers must work fast and harvest as much as they can before the whale dies, and rot begins.
+Some must walk on top of it, and hope to balance well enough to not fall into the icy-cold waters.
+The whalers peel its skin like an orange, then extract and boil the blubber into whale oil.
+Some whalers collect toothed whales' teeth and carve them to pass the time (it's either that or homoeroticism).
+\subsubsection{Bountiful Corpses}
+Whale meat gets harvested for food.
+Bones are sometimes ground into fertilizer.
+Sperm whales get scalped and have spermaceti extracted from the junk
+(`junk' is the actual name of the part of their heads that houses the liquid).
+Spermaceti is brought to land, where it's chilled over Winter, and later squeezed into sperm oil.
+Solid leftovers were bleached and sold as spermaceti wax.
+Baleen is also called `whalebone', despite being closer to nails or hair than bone in structure.
+Baleen is harvested from the whale's mouth, and used wherever a thin flexible material can be used.
+Most famously, it was used for clothes' construction -- corsets, stays, bustles, crinolines, et c.
+Ambergris is fossilized bowel secretions of sperm whales.
+It's speculated to be a reaction to bowel irritations.