diff --git a/traits.tex b/traits.tex
index d4b2cb185e10d8ad5fc563659ac980a797f88586..e7a4a0c9d6055ba27edf67d2b86f768236af5061 100644
--- a/traits.tex
+++ b/traits.tex
@@ -212,19 +212,19 @@ This `study of study', can involve reading, mnemonics, and teaching.
-  Shane wished every one of his companions dead.
+  Minkrash wished every one of his companions dead.
   He could cast a spell to kill them, then return with the dryad to her\ldots.
-  Shane blinked in confusion. 
+  Minkrash blinked in confusion. 
   His companions had done nothing, but he wished them dead -- hardly the definition of justice!
   He wanted to return with this strange creature, commonly known for eating humans.
   But he \emph{loved her}, very deeply.
   Hands raised, magical energy crackled throughout the trees, and the dryad found herself pinned to the ground by his Force spell.
-  Most of his companions remained under her spell, Shane could never pass up an opportunity to best a foe in battle.
+  Most of his companions remained under her spell, Minkrash could never pass up an opportunity to best a foe in battle.
   His axe came down, her head fell off, and the rest (still under her spell), began to wail with grief.
-  Shane just chuckled, and waited for the spell to wear off.
+  Minkrash just chuckled, and waited for the spell to wear off.
   Apparently a lifetime of thinking in abstractions really did have real-world applications.
@@ -284,9 +284,9 @@ This covers all manner of fancy movements, from somersaults and rolling to climb
   Climbing the mansion's ivy-straddled walls wouldn't challenge any child of the streets, but getting the crew up required real understanding.
-  Jason looked at the latch on the rotten shutters -- it wouldn't hold a fat gnome, never mind the mad thug who'd joined the revolution, apparently just to crack skulls.
+  Coalgrit looked at the latch on the rotten shutters -- it wouldn't hold a fat gnome, never mind the mad thug who'd joined the revolution, apparently just to crack skulls.
-  He climbed a little further, and found an impenetrable window.
+  Climbing a little further, he found an impenetrable window.
   A bronze mesh, filled with glass, hard set into the wall with deep nails.
   Nothing could get in but enough Sunlight to feed the little potted plans on the inner window.
   He took out his chisel, rested his elbows on the window's tiny sill, rummaged his foot along the ivy to find the best purchase, and pulled the hammer from his tool-belt.
@@ -297,9 +297,9 @@ This covers all manner of fancy movements, from somersaults and rolling to climb
   The room had a small bed and toys lying around.
   If anyone noticed the smashed glass, they would accuse the child of covering up some mess they had made.
-  With his work done, he dropped the tools, letting them land in the soft earth below with the tiniest thunk, and spread his weight across different ivy strands once more, and climbed down the building's various floors.
+  With his work done, Coalgrit dropped the tools, letting them land in the soft earth below with the tiniest thunk, and spread his weight across different ivy strands once more, and climbed down the building's various floors.
-  Collecting his tools on the ground he began walking home, and planned the equipment for the night -- one knotted rope to tie through the openings in the bronze grate while the child slept, and a saw to cut through the rotten window-latch.
+  Collecting his tools on the ground, Coalgrit began walking home, and planning the equipment for the night -- one knotted rope to tie through the openings in the bronze grate while the child slept, and a saw to cut through the rotten window-latch.
   After that, everyone would follow up the rope without issue.
@@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ Someone proficient at deception can make others see white as black by sheer conf
-  Sindon and Marley listened with horror as the guards crashed into the first room in the hallway.
+  Sindon and Stoatmail listened with horror as the guards crashed into the first room in the hallway.
   ``We're dead.
   We're fucking dead, Sin.
@@ -432,9 +432,9 @@ Someone proficient at deception can make others see white as black by sheer conf
   The guard crashed through the door.
   ``I, uh\ldots
-  I want the bounty'', Marley mumbled weakly.
+  I want the bounty'', Stoatmail mumbled weakly.
-  Sindon looked dramatically at Marley's hooded face and sneered, ``you are nothing but old soot!'', and threw his spare hand out to summon the light.
+  Sindon looked dramatically at Stoatmail's hooded face and sneered, ``you are nothing but old soot!'', and threw his spare hand out to summon the light.
   The guards averted their eyes, and clamped together, blocking the door.
@@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ Someone proficient at deception can make others see white as black by sheer conf
   They knew spell casters had to see people to cast a spell on them.
   They did not know that elven magic cannot transform people into inanimate material.
-  ``Come on, Marley.
+  ``Come on, Stoatmail.
   We should go quickly, before they realize my spells wouldn't hurt a fly.''
@@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ The art of understanding people is practised by kind souls as well as malicious.
   Eleven or twelve eligible young ladies.
   One elf, polymorphed into a young noble.
-  Dorian requested a dance, and complemented the young lady's style.
+  The investigator requested a dance, and complemented the young lady's style.
   It wasn't her.
   She was strong, but hid her strength well.
@@ -593,10 +593,10 @@ Those with performance will pick up at least one instrument per level.
   The notes were crystal-clear, his fingers delicately pulled twelve notes every breath he took.
   His songs had made the nobles who hosted the troupe cry, but here in the market the crowd remained three beggars and a dog.
-  Ruth smiled at her companion's incompetence.
+  Fensoak smiled at her companion's incompetence.
   He still didn't really understand humans.
-  Ruth pulled all the thick smells of the marketplace into her lungs and began.
+  Fensoak pulled all the thick smells of the marketplace into her lungs and began.
   ``Hoo-rah, up she rises!'',
@@ -629,7 +629,7 @@ Sailors don't just sail, they typically know how to fish, coordinate reefs, work
   The assassin finished his finest piece.
-  It had cost him two whole \glsentrylongpl{gp} to gather the wool, paper, and wax, and have the Paper Guild fashion the white squares.
+  It had cost him two whole \glsentrylongpl{gp} to gather the wool, paper, and wax, and have the \gls{paperGuild} fashion the white squares.
   It took him \emph{days} to sew everything together.
   The assassin tested the sails on a warm, sunny day.
@@ -669,18 +669,18 @@ In almost all cases, opponents resist with \roll{Wits}{Vigilance} to spot the ch
-  Samuel would be breathing down the man's neck if the man in question were not wearing such a thick hood.
-  The man's left foot sloshed into the snow, and Samuel placed his foot into left footprint the man had left.
+  Sandfen would be breathing down the man's neck if the man in question were not wearing such a thick hood.
+  The man's left foot sloshed into the snow, and Sandfen placed his foot into left footprint the man had left.
   Left, right, left\ldots
-  The man in the hood looked right then left; Samuel leaned left then right.
+  The man in the hood looked right then left; Sandfen leaned left then right.
   Left, right, left, right, and the keep stood ahead, archers strolling along the wall hailed the man in the hood.
-  He hailed back, and Samuel hailed too.
+  He hailed back, and Sandfen hailed too.
   \emph{Right}, left, and the man in the hood wrapped on the door.
-  Samuel stayed still.
+  Sandfen stayed still.
   The doorman opened the door as the man in the hood walked in.
@@ -688,19 +688,19 @@ In almost all cases, opponents resist with \roll{Wits}{Vigilance} to spot the ch
   The doorman said ``hello''.
-  Samuel smiled, bowed his head a little, and gave a little salute.
+  Sandfen smiled, bowed his head a little, and gave a little salute.
   ``Hi'', said the doorman.
-  ``Hello'', said the man taking off his hood, ``I need to see the captain immediately''.
+  ``Hello'', said the man taking off his hood, ``I need to see the Overseer immediately''.
-  The doorman looked at Samuel, fiddling with the little candle, and asked what on earth he was doing, then told the hoodless man which direction to turn.
+  The doorman looked at Sandfen, fiddling with the little candle, and asked what on earth he was doing, then told the hoodless man which direction to turn.
   ``My father always told me, when it comes to the subject of candles, that should  a man wish to be frugal with his usage, he need only apply a rare yet useful trick\ldots''
   The hoodless man, already bored, left.
-  ``I should follow him'', said Samuel.
+  ``I should follow him'', said Sandfen.
@@ -730,11 +730,11 @@ The enemy resist with \roll{Wits}{Tactics}.
   ``\ldots I realize this unfortunate news comes as a shock.
   Disloyalty may be the worst of all crimes.''
-  ``Did you get all that?'', the Captain asked.
+  ``Did you get all that?'', the Overseer asked.
-  ``Yes, sir'', said the lieutenant.
+  ``Yes, sir'', said the ranger.
-  ``Yours eternally, \ldots Captain Oscar''
+  ``Yours eternally, \ldots Overseer Coreolis''
   ``Let me see what you've written.
   Okay\ldots yes\ldots
@@ -748,10 +748,10 @@ The enemy resist with \roll{Wits}{Tactics}.
   ``Yes, sir.
   Double seaman's knot, sir''
-  The lieutenant cut the paper's edge with a knife, punctured it in the centre, rolled it up, and looped the stray paper-edges through the hole.
+  The ranger cut the paper's edge with a knife, punctured it in the centre, rolled it up, and looped the stray paper-edges through the hole.
   Nobody could open the scroll without breaking the paper.
-  The lieutenant applied the wax, and handed it to his captain to push his seal into the wax.
+  The ranger applied the wax, and handed it to his Overseer to push his seal into the wax.
   ``Now run along, and send it to the messenger-crew, quick man!''
@@ -759,7 +759,7 @@ The enemy resist with \roll{Wits}{Tactics}.
   The wax seal would be his.
   The handwriting, also his.
-  He would be the natural successor to the post of `captain'.
+  He would be the natural successor to the post of Overseer.
   That left only one more thing to take care of\ldots
@@ -789,9 +789,9 @@ It is practised by guards or the eternally paranoid.
-  Sandjel had raided a local tomb, but found it already ransacked, and was down to her last \glsentrylong{gp}.
+  Goutfrak had raided a local tomb, but found it already ransacked, and was down to her last \glsentrylong{gp}.
   She examined the change from the bar.
-  The \glsentrylongpl{sp} came from the time of Dalyus Rex -- making them at least two centuries old -- but they looked nearly new.
+  The \glsentrylongpl{sp} came from the time of Rex Dalyus -- making them at least two centuries old -- but they looked nearly new.
   It had to be the tomb raiders who had cleared out the nearby grave before she arrived.
@@ -842,21 +842,21 @@ In calmer settings, wyldcrafting covers all the activities involved in farming -
-  ``It was three years ago, not far here, ten brigands came out of the snow, all carrying longbows.
-  We were wounded from the beast which we had fought just earlier that day, but we did not let our wounds show, and demanded that the brigands\ldots''
+  ``It was three years ago, just by the next \gls{village}, ten brigands came out of the snow, all carrying hunting bows.
+  We were wounded from the basilisk which we had fought just earlier that day, but we did not let our wounds show, and demanded that the brigands\ldots''
   ``During a snowstorm?'', one of the farmers asked.
   ``No, it wasn't a snowstorm, but the cold was bad, and so I said to them\ldots''
-  ``Nah, it was a snowstorm'', the farmer insisted.
+  ``It was a snowstorm'', the farmer insisted.
-  Just after the blue moon, you said it was.
+  ``Just after the blue moon, you said it was.
   Three days of snowstorm.
-  Nobody was going anywhere, certainly not these `brigands', and the beasts you fought should have been hibernating.
+  Nobody was going anywhere, certainly not these `brigands', and the basilisk you fought should have been hibernating.''
-  ``Well'', the young guard said with less gusto.
-  ``Maybe it was in a different \gls{village}''.
+  ``Well'', the young \gls{guard} said with less gusto.
+  ``Maybe it had trouble sleeping\ldots''.