diff --git a/config b/config
index daebeaf7a9e4288ff783657748c6d49e1499a421..46783f38c2519c2462537a532b988bdefe444a9a 160000
--- a/config
+++ b/config
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit daebeaf7a9e4288ff783657748c6d49e1499a421
+Subproject commit 46783f38c2519c2462537a532b988bdefe444a9a
diff --git a/knacks.tex b/knacks.tex
index 962e5f698ef3260ff9bca5711d94e977d78d3fbb..bb2788e559c533485bd88964b15d69dc91931764 100644
--- a/knacks.tex
+++ b/knacks.tex
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ These \glspl{ep} heal at the normal rate, allowing the caster to regenerate thei
 This \gls{witch} weaves some words and phrases in the language of magic much better than others.
-The caster selects a spell Action and Descriptor as their focus, and those spells cost 1 fewer \glspl{mp}.
+The caster selects a spell Action and \gls{descriptor} as their focus, and those spells cost 1~\gls{mp} less.
 For example, the spell `Carrier Crow' (\autopageref{carrierCrow}) has the invocation `Detailed, Distant, Warp Water \& Fate'.
 It costs 3~\glspl{mp}, but casters with an emphasis on `Detailed Warp' spells could cast it for 2~\glspl{mp}, or cast `Phantasm' for 1~\gls{mp}.
@@ -190,6 +190,7 @@ The Knack might also be used when \pgls{pc} or member of \pgls{characterPool} ha
   \subsubsection{Wild Caster}
+  \index{Spells!Creation}
   The caster can create spells on-the-fly, with no need for the usual \gls{downtime} preparation (covered \vpageref{make_spell}).
   The \gls{gm} should feel comfortable with the spell creation system before allowing this Knack (see the \textit{Book of Stories}, \autopageref{spellWeaving}).
diff --git a/systems.tex b/systems.tex
index 20ed85d24a8b89d699eb2461cc584742b562fa65..9ae2462708bfd19fec15f0b8beec17ac2195c501 100644
--- a/systems.tex
+++ b/systems.tex
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ But if you have more time than money, then it's time well spent.
   Crafting new spells requires one week per level of the spell.
   Players can look over the process in the \textit{Book of Stories}, \autopageref{spellWeaving}.
-  If the roll fails, then the \gls{gm} will swap one Action or Descriptor for another, and then work through the results, however horrifying.
+  If the roll fails, then the \gls{gm} will swap one Action or \gls{descriptor} for another, and then work through the results, however horrifying.
   The caster cannot use this botched spell -- it only works for that one occasion, by accident.
   On a tie, the research fails to no effect, or the player can choose to have the spell fail and have their character learn the spell.
   The player should not know how the spell will fail beforehand -- the \gls{gm} decides in secret.