diff --git a/actions.tex b/actions.tex
index 78c3c0fda0129b5ae33f7956a5c9544acd5c88fc..d47b5a6c38b9bedf1bf8b8f72de32ecb95dd4014 100644
--- a/actions.tex
+++ b/actions.tex
@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ After that, every spare shortsword, quiver, and cheese-wheel increases the Penal
   His companions decided he could add their larger tent (3), medical supplies (1), and bagpipes (2).
   The \gls{weight} of 15 puts him well over his 11~\glspl{hp}, so the penalty is -4.
-  However, if a fight breaks out, he could just remove the backpack by spending \pgls{ap}, and rolling \roll{Dexterity}{Wyldcrafting} (\tn[10]).
+  However, if a fight breaks out, he could just remove the backpack by spending \pgls{ap}, and rolling \roll{Dexterity}{Survival} (\tn[10]).
 All creatures have \pgls{weight} equal to their total \glspl{hp},%
diff --git a/commands.tex b/commands.tex
index 662001221209e65cf66cfae3af8f54fd274e4cb6..fcce8a1b0093cd88a3d9260e502dc06c88b9afa0 100644
--- a/commands.tex
+++ b/commands.tex
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@
   \textbf{Athletics} & Lifting heavy loads & Climbing & Sprinting & Finding the easiest route to climb & Identifying optimal climbing conditions & Stage acrobatics \\\hline
   \textbf{Deceit} & Intimidation & Feigning an injury & Spreading a rumour across an entire town & Crafting a plausible lie & Making a quick excuse & Implausible lies \\\hline
   \textbf{Stealth} & Hiding in a hay bail & Moving quietly & Escaping into a crowd & Identifying the best hiding spot & Quickly hiding & Slipping into a party uninvited \\\hline
+  \textbf{Survival} & Wrestling a~boar & Moving through dense undergrowth & Fleeing a stampede & Planning a new, hidden trail & Foraging for a quick meal & Selling information about the woods \\\hline
   \textbf{Vigilance} & Keeping watch all night & Feeling for an exit in the dark & Searching a full forest for a particular tree & Investigating a crime scene & Spotting an illusion spell & Finding the best con target at a banquet \\
-  \textbf{Wyldcrafting} & Wrestling a~boar & Moving through dense undergrowth & Fleeing a stampede & Planning a new, hidden trail & Foraging for a quick meal & Selling information about the woods \\\hline
diff --git a/config b/config
index c56aa96e97b8e3cc2cdb1be1740cc2d9995da511..9ef566047b2a09c391d89c4dba441fb534c308f5 160000
--- a/config
+++ b/config
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit c56aa96e97b8e3cc2cdb1be1740cc2d9995da511
+Subproject commit 9ef566047b2a09c391d89c4dba441fb534c308f5
diff --git a/knacks.tex b/knacks.tex
index c1625052411699065d106a8183473f1b10feac81..962e5f698ef3260ff9bca5711d94e977d78d3fbb 100644
--- a/knacks.tex
+++ b/knacks.tex
@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ Suggested specializations include:
 These specializations cannot grant Bonuses to martial Skills, such as Brawl, or the Air Sphere.
 Even if a particular skill inspired a specialization, it still applies to any skill.
-Someone with a specialization in aurochs can use that bonus for tracking them (with Wyldcrafting), using their hide to make armour (assuming they can make armour), and healing them (if they have the Medicine Skill).
+Someone with a specialization in aurochs can use that bonus for tracking them (with Survival), using their hide to make armour (assuming they can make armour), and healing them (if they have the Medicine Skill).
 A good deal of professionals have this specialization -- in fact you can almost assume that any blacksmith has Crafts, but knows metallurgy better than anything else, and that any serious academic will have some `special interest' in a narrow field.
diff --git a/play.tex b/play.tex
index 0c45b4a68ee79fbdf5968f6c42c562d8afded103..bebaf183884d2215509c2460fc7c4241e1bc2920 100644
--- a/play.tex
+++ b/play.tex
@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ This never entirely succeeds.
   Purchases can get tricky, as tricksters are everywhere.
   A bad roll can leave the buyer holding useless goods, or buying services from a chancer.
-  Most of the `secondary skills' (like Crafts and Wyldcrafting) can come in useful for trades.
+  Most of the `secondary skills' (like Crafts and Survival) can come in useful for trades.
   The \gls{gm} could have broken the `encounter' with traders into a back-and-forth series of `hail, good traveller', but skipping to the decision-points gives the game a faster pace.
diff --git a/spells.tex b/spells.tex
index 94468170108a80fd25a01e83a2946444939987c7..4ec52efa3c81a8f1314d19fdfad0fa3df4841445 100644
--- a/spells.tex
+++ b/spells.tex
@@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ As long as you have both of those at level 2 or above, you can cast the spell.
   {Divergent}% Enhancements
   {Wane}% Action
   {Fate, Fire}% Spheres
-  {\roll{Charisma}{Wyldcrafting}}% Resist with
+  {\roll{Charisma}{Survival}}% Resist with
   {As the caster bids farewell to someone, they lose \showDam~\glspl{fp}, while the fire closest to the target dies}% Description
   The spell can destroy any fire up to those large enough to deal \showDam\ Damage, and larger fires grow dim.}
@@ -469,7 +469,7 @@ As long as you have both of those at level 2 or above, you can cast the spell.
   {Duplicated, Detailed}% Enhancements
   {Wax}% Action
   {Earth}% Spheres
-  {\roll{Strength}{Wyldcrafting}}% Resist with
+  {\roll{Strength}{Survival}}% Resist with
   {The caster shouts `\textit{hold fast}', as snow or mud becomes solid, encasing any feet pushed into the ground.
   Targets then count as \textit{Entangled}}% Description
@@ -493,7 +493,7 @@ As long as you have both of those at level 2 or above, you can cast the spell.
   {Devious, Duplicated}% Enhancements
   {Warp}% Action
   {Fate}% Spheres
-  {\roll{Charisma}{Wyldcrafting}}% Resist with
+  {\roll{Charisma}{Survival}}% Resist with
   {The caster wonders what the future holds, and the nearest \arabic{spellTargets} targets become locked into the same encounter, on repeat.
   It begins half way through the \showOnset, then repeats again, until it has gone through \arabic{spellPlusTwo} iterations}% Description
@@ -509,7 +509,7 @@ As long as you have both of those at level 2 or above, you can cast the spell.
   {Devious, Distant}% Enhancements
   {Warp}% Action
   {Fire}% Spheres
-  {\roll{Wits}{Wyldcrafting}}% Resist with
+  {\roll{Wits}{Survival}}% Resist with
   {The caster gives a jealous stare at a fire at \spellRange.
   After two \glsfmtplural{interval}, the fire gains some weight, and starts to burn low, and look strange.
   After a full day, the fire collapses on top of the nearest person, inflicting \showDam~Damage}% Description
@@ -584,7 +584,7 @@ As long as you have both of those at level 2 or above, you can cast the spell.
   {Devious, Duplicated}% Enhancements
   {Wane}% Action
   {Fire, Air}% Spheres
-  {\roll{Intelligence}{Wyldcrafting}}% Resist with
+  {\roll{Intelligence}{Survival}}% Resist with
   {The caster pulls on a memory of seeing darkness at the bottom of a clear loch, and the darkness comes.
   After two \glsfmtplural{interval}, a patch of darkness forms, 5~\glsfmtplural{step} across.
   Within four \glsfmtplural{interval}, all vision suffers a -4 Penalty}% Description
@@ -654,7 +654,7 @@ As long as you have both of those at level 2 or above, you can cast the spell.
   {Distant, Divergent}% Enhancements
   {Wane}% Action
   {Fate, Fire}% Spheres
-  {\roll{Charisma}{Wyldcrafting}}% Resist with
+  {\roll{Charisma}{Survival}}% Resist with
   {The caster calls the first line of a dirge from the darkness, then a fire at \spellRange\ goes out.
   Whoever held it loses \showDam~\glspl{fp}}% Description
diff --git a/systems.tex b/systems.tex
index 25589f975388b3a53240a13e07d8daa9202e5366..2820b55de5331893f589743ba4088834c5a7ee51 100644
--- a/systems.tex
+++ b/systems.tex
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ However, if a group can split up entirely, going to different areas, they can ea
 Once an area has been foraged, it cannot be foraged again during the same season.
-\makeRule{navigate_land}{Navigating Land}{Intelligence}{Wyldcrafting}{by terrain type, Failure Margin adds 2 miles}
+\makeRule{navigate_land}{Navigating Land}{Intelligence}{Survival}{by terrain type, Failure Margin adds 2 miles}
@@ -136,11 +136,11 @@ If the roll is an 8, the actual journey would be 18 miles.
 A tie indicates someone spotted you before you got away.
 Failure indicates not getting away.
-\makeRule{start_fire}{Starting a Fire}{Intelligence}{Wyldcrafting}{10}
+\makeRule{start_fire}{Starting a Fire}{Intelligence}{Survival}{10}
 A little tinder-box will grant a +2 Bonus, and heavier boxes will allow reuse.
 During the cold seasons, fire is a necessity to remove \glspl{ep} (mentioned \vpageref[above]{cold}).
 Excessive snow or rain means the \gls{tn} decreases by 2 due to mud or snow remembering every step.
 However, it also increases the \gls{tn} by 2 each \gls{interval}.
diff --git a/traits.tex b/traits.tex
index 91609d20b9d5bc3c2b0b5f1924de44430a4f3902..54e5d24c35abf39c5e6171d0903206a5b857fc61 100644
--- a/traits.tex
+++ b/traits.tex
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ Charisma also covers characters' luck, and therefore some measure of their abili
 A character's Skills tell you what they do with most of their time.
-A lot of Wyldcrafting means that identify wild plants, and probably hunts, and a high Academics score means they read a lot, and communicate with other Academics.
+A high Survival rating means they talk about wild plants, and probably hunt or fish, and a high Academics score means they read a lot, and communicate with other Academics.
@@ -764,6 +764,49 @@ While sneaking, players can say anything about what their character does, but an
+This skill covers everything from the initial forays into the wilderness, to tracking, and understanding forest predators.
+A survivalist can navigate, forage, and hunt.
+  \item[\roll{Strength}{Survival}]
+    to stay steady in a storm.
+  \item[\roll{Dexterity}{Survival}]
+    to move through thorny undergrowth unharmed.
+  \item[\roll{Intelligence}{Survival}]
+    covers navigating a shorter route between two known locations.
+  \item[\roll{Wits}{Survival}]
+    to note rare and valuable plants in the wilderness.
+  Mildrain slumped with her companions, while they complained about her fire.
+  She needed a rest before completing the shelter.
+  ``The forest will see us, Mildrain.
+  We can't afford a fight, put out the fire.''
+  They said this while shivering, and huddling next to the little fire-pit.
+  Dug into the ground, it didn't give off much light, but the rain-sodden branches hissed and cracked like a whip.
+  Then more crackles came from the edge of the clearing.
+  \Pgls{crawler} announced itself, unashamed, walking as casually as a sheep coming its morning feed.
+  ``Stand up.
+  Stand-the-fuck-up'', she told her companions, while grabbing two bushy branches from the shelter, destroying it.
+  And warriors stood, using their swords like walking-sticks to hold themselves up, shaking from cold and hunger.
+  Then she held the branches out, like the wings of some ridiculous bird, and screamed as loud as she could, inching slowly forwards towards the face at the edge of the fire.
+  Her companions joined the choir, trying to shout in a way that didn't sound like a wounded animal.
+  On more step, and eyes pulled back, then fled through the wet woods.
+  ``The thing to remember about \glspl{crawler},''
+  Mildrain informed her companions,
+  ``is that they're stupid''.
 Everyone in the \gls{guard} practices paranoia daily.
@@ -819,48 +862,5 @@ When the new \glspl{fodder} enter, they see their superiors flinching at every n
-This skill covers everything from the initial forays into the wilderness, to tracking, and understanding forest predators.
-A wyldcrafter can navigate, forage, and hunt.
-  \item[\roll{Strength}{Wyldcrafting}]
-    to stay steady in a storm.
-  \item[\roll{Dexterity}{Wyldcrafting}]
-    to move through thorny undergrowth unharmed.
-  \item[\roll{Intelligence}{Wyldcrafting}]
-    covers navigating a shorter route between two known locations.
-  \item[\roll{Wits}{Wyldcrafting}]
-    to note rare and valuable plants in the wilderness.
-  Mildrain slumped with her companions, while they complained about her fire.
-  She needed a rest before completing the shelter.
-  ``The forest will see us, Mildrain.
-  We can't afford a fight, put out the fire.''
-  They said this while shivering, and huddling next to the little fire-pit.
-  Dug into the ground, it didn't give off much light, but the rain-sodden branches hissed and cracked like a whip.
-  Then more crackles came from the edge of the clearing.
-  \Pgls{crawler} announced itself, unashamed, walking as casually as a sheep coming its morning feed.
-  ``Stand up.
-  Stand-the-fuck-up'', she told her companions, while grabbing two bushy branches from the shelter, destroying it.
-  And warriors stood, using their swords like walking-sticks to hold themselves up, shaking from cold and hunger.
-  Then she held the branches out, like the wings of some ridiculous bird, and screamed as loud as she could, inching slowly forwards towards the face at the edge of the fire.
-  Her companions joined the choir, trying to shout in a way that didn't sound like a wounded animal.
-  On more step, and eyes pulled back, then fled through the wet woods.
-  ``The thing to remember about \glspl{crawler},''
-  Mildrain informed her companions,
-  ``is that they're stupid''.