From 2b2d94dabbcb6d206882ef8b908fe93d41c07f54 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Malin Freeborn <>
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2024 20:37:31 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] spelling

 play.tex | 38 +++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

diff --git a/play.tex b/play.tex
index 1ea1d728..976a0487 100644
--- a/play.tex
+++ b/play.tex
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ How much the troupe actually engage with their \gls{guard} missions depends on t
   \Gls{fenestra} has twelve seasons (which map to our twelve months) so every time we enter January, \gls{fenestra} enters \gls{Qualmea}.
   And it marches on regardless of who's at the table -- even if nobody's there, \gls{fenestra} keeps moving.
-  This helps keep the table open, so Soibhan -- a new player -- can jump right in.
+  This helps keep the table open, so Siobhan -- a new player -- can jump right in.
@@ -95,12 +95,12 @@ How much the troupe actually engage with their \gls{guard} missions depends on t
-    \item[Soibhan]
+    \item[Siobhan]
     Do I get a character?
     You sure do.
     Take the Book of Stories and roll $2D6$ on these charts.
-    \item[Soibhan:]
+    \item[Siobhan:]
     Okay, I'm a human\ldots called\ldots `Sootfilch'.
     What's with the name?
@@ -122,12 +122,12 @@ How much the troupe actually engage with their \gls{guard} missions depends on t
     Low Dexterity and high Intelligence, so we'll look up what that says.
-    \item[Soibhan:]
+    \item[Siobhan:]
     It says I'm a `Loner'.
     That makes sense.
     Society and social ties are very important in \gls{fenestra}, so people can end up in the \gls{guard} just because they don't have anyone arranging a safe position for them.
-    \item[Soibhan:]
+    \item[Siobhan:]
     This equipment looks a bit rubbish.
     Can't I get something better?
     At least some proper armour?
@@ -149,14 +149,14 @@ How much the troupe actually engage with their \gls{guard} missions depends on t
     Sure -- you're in a \gls{broch}, so you can ask \gls{jotter} Cartpike.
     Roll $2D6$, then add your \roll{Charisma}{Empathy}.
-    \item[Soibhan:]
+    \item[Siobhan:]
     \ldots that's an `11' in total?
     Do I pass?
     Sure, but how would a loner ask for equipment?
     What would they do?
-    \item[Soibhan:]
+    \item[Siobhan:]
     He's probably ask her when she's alone.
     Knock politely, and just explain he's not been given the tools to survive.
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ How much the troupe actually engage with their \gls{guard} missions depends on t
   For the mission, he rolls $3D6$ again, and finds the troupe must go to two nearby \glspl{village} and cut away at the perimeter.
-  Finally, he rolls up a single \gls{village} while two players explain how armour works to Soibhan.
+  Finally, he rolls up a single \gls{village} while two players explain how armour works to Siobhan.
   The \gls{village} has bear traps surrounding it (that might make expanding the perimeter challenging!) and rumours about the local swamp-hag who occasionally eats people.
   Since it's near a marsh, he names the \gls{village} `Marshwall', and notes it down on his expanding map.
@@ -275,18 +275,18 @@ How much the troupe actually engage with their \gls{guard} missions depends on t
     I rolled a `4', so what happens to me?
     A bleach-white tentacle grabs you by the neck, another around your left leg, then the great woodspy rises.
-    \item[Soibhan:]
+    \item[Siobhan:]
     The what?
     ``Woodspy'' -- a great land-octopus, able to camouflage, with a load of tentacles.
     It grabs her and starts to slither away, yanking its way through the trees while holding Grogfen tight above its head.
-    \item[Soibhan:]
+    \item[Siobhan:]
     What do we do?
     Run after it?
     If you want to, spend \pgls{ap}.
     You can roll \roll{Speed}{Athletics} at \tn[11].
-    \item[Soibhan:]
+    \item[Siobhan:]
     Okay, \dicef{7} \ldots sorry, Alice\ldots
@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ How much the troupe actually engage with their \gls{guard} missions depends on t
     Well the snow responds, freezing solid, and holding a couple of tentacles tight.
-    Soibhan -- one \roll{Wits}{Vigilance} roll, please (\tn[11]).
+    Siobhan -- one \roll{Wits}{Vigilance} roll, please (\tn[11]).
   Spells work like any other roll, including when making a Resisted roll -- the spellcaster uses their Bonus to resist the opponent, or players roll their \gls{pc}'s Bonus against the \gls{npc}'s.
@@ -355,13 +355,13 @@ How much the troupe actually engage with their \gls{guard} missions depends on t
-    \item[Soibhan:]
+    \item[Siobhan:]
     Does a `5' pass?
     A bear trap, hidden in the snow, leaps up dealing\ldots\dicef{6} 6 Damage.
     You can remove your 5~\glspl{fp}.
-    \item[Soibhan:]
+    \item[Siobhan:]
     And the last Damage?
     Does my armour get it?
@@ -380,11 +380,11 @@ How much the troupe actually engage with their \gls{guard} missions depends on t
-    \item[Soibhan:]
+    \item[Siobhan:]
     I'll stab the woodspy.
     Okay -- spend \pgls{ap} to take out your sword.
-    \item[Soibhan:]
+    \item[Siobhan:]
     I'll stab the woodspy!
@@ -394,17 +394,17 @@ How much the troupe actually engage with their \gls{guard} missions depends on t
     I'll go for another binding spell, can I make it trapped so Sootfilch can stab it easier?
     Sure, and it's at \tn[10] this time.
-    \item[Soibhan:]
+    \item[Siobhan:]
     Can I not stab the woodspy?!
     Snow freezes around its every grounded tentacle, while Grogfen pulls away.
     Roll \roll{Dexterity}{Combat} at \tn[7].
-    \item[Soibhan:]
+    \item[Siobhan:]
     That's 8, how do I Damage?
-    \item[Soibhan:]
+    \item[Siobhan:]
     \dicef{6} that's an 8 in total, with the shortsword.
     The shortsword enters, and its snow-white skin splits, blue blood runs down the wound and the skin writhes, turning red, black, then mottled-brown.