diff --git a/appendix.tex b/appendix.tex
index dbb121f19707800ea68d87fd81df4d7bbd15fdf8..fcdb458a1dc1fce8108573dba2956520bdd812e7 100644
--- a/appendix.tex
+++ b/appendix.tex
@@ -99,22 +99,3 @@ Okay, so you know how to make a character by now.  But just for reference, let's
-\indexprologue{The following spell summaries are simplified for reference, and do not take into account spells cast at a higher level than normal.}
-  \printglossary[
-    type=\acronymtype,
-    title=Abbreviations,
-    nonumberlist,
-    ]
-  \iftoggle{verbose}{
-    \printglossary[type=symbols]
-  }{}
diff --git a/main.tex b/main.tex
index ab78aca7a0a6adff55d77d84acf83bbc16e6c79f..26b22c22ee4437b449a70c80b7d8af66f2a8104f 100644
--- a/main.tex
+++ b/main.tex
@@ -77,8 +77,29 @@ Keywords={TTRPG,RPG,roleplaying}
+\indexprologue{The following spell summaries are simplified for reference, and do not take into account spells cast at a higher level than normal.}
+  \printglossary[
+    type=\acronymtype,
+    title=Abbreviations,
+    nonumberlist,
+    ]
+  \iftoggle{verbose}{
+    \printglossary[type=symbols]
+  }{}