From 17fc7c178757227bc957c49fbae56628f2821f9b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Malin Freeborn <>
Date: Sat, 18 May 2024 17:17:32 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] update config, with all that entails

 actions.tex  | 14 ++++----------
 combat.tex   | 28 +++++++++++-----------------
 commands.tex | 16 ++++++++++++----
 config       |  2 +-
 main.tex     |  6 +-----
 spells.tex   | 15 +++++++--------
 traits.tex   |  6 ------
 7 files changed, 36 insertions(+), 51 deletions(-)

diff --git a/actions.tex b/actions.tex
index 6d165f2c..b0c3429c 100644
--- a/actions.tex
+++ b/actions.tex
@@ -304,17 +304,12 @@ Using different coins to represent different kinds of \gls{weight} and \glspl{ep
-%should keep a background rhythm of encounters and \glspl{sq} going.
-%Encounters should fly by quickly, as half the encounters will be non-combat, and combat resolves quickly.
-begin when everyone tries to speak and act at the same time.
-The \gls{gm} goes round the table clockwise, as players spend \glspl{ap}.
 A central pool of coins makes giving and tracking \glspl{fp} and \glspl{mp} faster than writing and unwriting over the same scuffed square on the character sheet.
@@ -326,7 +321,6 @@ So a weekly session leaves the players with no more than three weeks for the \gl
 Find suggested \gls{downtime} actions \vpageref{downtimeActions}.
 When \pgls{pc} has been reduced to 1~\gls{hp}, the player should consider taking a different character for the rest of the session, from their \gls{characterPool} if possible.
 The wounded \gls{pc} can go to rest in the nearest \gls{healersGuild}.
diff --git a/combat.tex b/combat.tex
index 8ec264e8..c836b8ec 100644
--- a/combat.tex
+++ b/combat.tex
@@ -379,9 +379,9 @@ If the plate armour had \pgls{covering} of only 3 then rolling 3 over the creatu
-Projectiles have their own Martial Skill, which covers everything from javelins to bows.
+Projectiles have their own Martial \gls{skill}, which covers everything from javelins to bows.
+These \glsdesc{projectiles}.
   \begin{nametable}{Projectiles Cover}
     +1 & Large bushes \\
@@ -399,7 +399,7 @@ ignoring all \gls{dr}.
 All projectiles suffer from the need to reload.
 As with picking up any other item, characters must spend least 1~\gls{ap} to take out and use arrows.
-\subsubsection{The Long Bow}
@@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ To pull back the heavy load on a long bow requires 2~\glspl{ap}, plus the bow's
 Long bows can be fired for hundreds of yards -- the maximum range is generally more determined by the archer's ability to aim rather than the bow.
-\subsubsection{The Short Bow}
+\subsubsection{Short Bow}
 \index{Projectiles!Short Bow}
 \index{Short Bow}
 or `trick bow', is a smaller, lighter thing which can be used by anyone.
@@ -424,13 +424,13 @@ A short bow takes \pgls{ap} to reload, and \pgls{ap} to fire an arrow, so archer
 Shortbows have a maximum range of 20 steps, and deal $1D6-1$ Damage.
 They often bring down prey with multiple arrows rather than a single, deep-penetrating arrow.
-\subsubsection{The Crossbow}
 can pierce plate armour, but cannot be reloaded without a thirty-minute lecture about leverage and torque.
 They have a standard Damage of $2D6$, though different crossbows vary in quality.
-Crossbows requires only 1~\gls{ap} to fire, but require 5 rounds, minus the user's Strength Bonus, to reload.
-Reloading always takes a minimum of 1 round.
+Crossbows requires only 1~\gls{ap} to fire, but require 5 \glspl{round}, minus the user's Strength Bonus, to reload.
+Reloading always takes a minimum of 1 \gls{round}.
 \subsubsection{Thrown Weapons}
 \index{Projectiles!Thrown Weapons}
@@ -444,8 +444,6 @@ when used in combat, but only
 \dmg{weaponDamage} when thrown.
 \subsubsection{Impromptu Thrown Weapons}
 are available only to the very rich, as sensible people don't throw swords, axes, knives, or cups away.
 But if a player insists on ballistic financial decisions, they can inflict cuts, bruises, and very bad headaches on enemies; the weapon receives a -2 penalty to hit and -2 Damage, and another -1 penalty per~\gls{step} thrown.
 \longsword\weaponName s don't make great projectiles, but they deal
@@ -713,15 +711,11 @@ Creatures with any amount of encumbrance cannot take off.
-\makeAutoRule{swarms}{Swarms}{each \glsfmttext{hp} occupies one \glsfmttext{step}, which inflicts 1~\glsfmttext{hp} Damage per round. Swarms take up to 1~Damage per attack}
-abstract a mass of tiny enemies, such as feral rats, a buzzing hive, or a semi-aware pile of acidic gloop, moving as a single unit.
-We can't track individual bites and stings -- instead the swarm moves as one, but dies in part-by-part.
   The rats above have only 3~\glspl{hp}, so their Attack Bonus is 9.
diff --git a/commands.tex b/commands.tex
index 3cdeafd3..b7e9c20d 100644
--- a/commands.tex
+++ b/commands.tex
@@ -230,13 +230,21 @@
   \textbf{Projectile} & \textbf{\Gls{ap}} & \textbf{Damage} & \textbf{Weight}  & \textbf{Reload Time} \\\hline
-  Crossbow &  1 & $2D6$ & 3 & 5 - Str \glspl{round}  \\
+  Light Crossbow &  1 & \dmg{4} & 2 & 1 \glspl{round}  \\
-  Longbow &  4 & varies & 1 & 4 - extra Str \glspl{ap} \\
+  Standard Crossbow &  1 & \dmg{8} & 4 & 2 \glspl{round}  \\
-  Shortbow &  1 & $1D6-1$ & 1 & 1 \gls{ap} \\
+  Heavy Crossbow &  1 & \dmg{10} & 5 & 2 \glspl{round}  \\
+  \hline
-  Throwing knives & 2 & $1D6$ & 0 & 1 \gls{ap} \\
+  Shortbow &  1 & \dmg{3} & 1 & 1 \gls{ap} \\
+  Hunting Bow &  3 & \dmg{5} & 1 & 4 - extra Str \glspl{ap} \\
+  Longbow &  5 & \dmg{7} & 1 & 4 - extra Str \glspl{ap} \\
+  \hline
+  Throwing knives & 2 & \dmg{3} & 1/10 & 1 \gls{ap} \\
diff --git a/config b/config
index 37872f51..e8a1a03b 160000
--- a/config
+++ b/config
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 37872f51fc1dd185655dce64c4029ffe2f60e1d7
+Subproject commit e8a1a03b3c32d1b5f6104c7f18e167d3e47c9325
diff --git a/main.tex b/main.tex
index 3ea97b8c..298b0d0c 100644
--- a/main.tex
+++ b/main.tex
@@ -40,11 +40,7 @@ Keywords={TTRPG,RPG,roleplaying}
-  style=mcolindexspannav,
-  ]
-  type=\acronymtype,
+  style=topicmcols,
diff --git a/spells.tex b/spells.tex
index 6422bc8f..2236f23f 100644
--- a/spells.tex
+++ b/spells.tex
@@ -9,6 +9,12 @@
 Magic can do any number of things, but like anything else, it has standards.
 These standards are `spells'.
 \subsubsection{The Elemental \glsfmtplural{sphere}}
 are Martial \glspl{skill}, just like Projectiles and Combat.
 To cast a spell, check the `Requirements'; if it says `Air 2', then the character needs the `Air' \gls{skill} at level 2 to learn and cast it.
@@ -18,16 +24,9 @@ are a mix of the lower.
 Fire and Air make `Light', Fire and Earth make `Force'.
 Characters don't have to learn anything extra to learn these High \glspl{sphere} -- they only need the two elemental \glspl{skill}.
-High \glspl{sphere} show their requirements as their base elements, so when you look up a `Death 2' spell, it will show the requirements as `Air 2, Fate 2'.
+High \glspl{sphere} show their requirements as their base elements, so when you look up a `Death~2' spell, it will show the requirements as `Air~2, Fate~2'.
 As long as you have both of those at level 2 or above, you can cast the spell.
-\subsubsection{Casting Spells}
-means speaking to the elements indirectly.
-Most spells come with a suggested phrase for the caster to hint their desires, and player should feel free to improvise their own.
 \section{First Level Spells}
diff --git a/traits.tex b/traits.tex
index 0b73f581..a720094f 100644
--- a/traits.tex
+++ b/traits.tex
@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
 Three kinds of \glspl{trait} make the game: \glspl{attribute} show general aptitude, \glspl{skill} show training, and Knacks show exceptional ability within a very narrow focus.
 All other \glspl{trait} -- \glspl{hp}, combat abilities, movement rates -- come from these three.
@@ -45,8 +43,6 @@ Meanwhile, humans (being the tallest of races) have a standard +1 Bonus to Stren
 The monstrous predators of \gls{fenestra} often have Attributes which go beyond the numbers here -- there are no hard limits!
 \subsection{Body Attributes}
-\index{Body Attributes}
-\index{Physical Attributes}
@@ -69,7 +65,6 @@ A low Speed Bonus in a weak person might simply represent small muscles, while a
 Players can roll Speed in situations where a character's muscle-to-weight ratio are important, such as when climbing up a cliff or holding onto a ledge for a prolonged period of time.
 \subsection{Mind Attributes}
-\index{Mind Attributes}
 \subsubsection[Intelligence]{Intelligence \hint{memory, logic, tenacity, cunning}}
@@ -94,7 +89,6 @@ Charisma also covers characters' luck, and therefore some measure of their abili