diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index e3e9ae9dcdcdbb88ac3af124321240838951dcde..9b1762e7b3b6541ccd7548e4788b35ee21964ca6 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ lang_list := $(subst $(space),,$(foreach lang,$(LANGS),$(lang),))
 locales: $(foreach lang,$(LANGS),get_$(lang)) cmd/bitmask-vpn/catalog.go
-	gotext update ./pkg/systray ./pkg/bitmask
+	gotext update -lang=$(lang_list) ./pkg/systray ./pkg/bitmask
 	make -C tools/transifex
 locales/%/out.gotext.json: pkg/systray/systray.go pkg/systray/notificator.go pkg/bitmask/standalone.go pkg/bitmask/bitmaskd.go
@@ -50,6 +50,6 @@ locales/%/out.gotext.json: pkg/systray/systray.go pkg/systray/notificator.go pkg
 cmd/bitmask-vpn/catalog.go: $(foreach lang,$(LANGS),locales/$(lang)/messages.gotext.json)
 	gotext update -lang=$(lang_list) -out cmd/bitmask-vpn/catalog.go ./pkg/systray ./pkg/bitmask
+get_%: locales/%/out.gotext.json
 	make -C tools/transifex build
 	curl -L -X GET --user "api:${API_TOKEN}" "https://www.transifex.com/api/2/project/bitmask/resource/RiseupVPN/translation/${subst -,_,$*}/?file" | tools/transifex/transifex t2g locales/$*/
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 4e7511637dbe6f30473cbcedadeb9f0efd372e50..fc2be5282cd63d21fc55d6176af4a60b2a3c7711 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -78,17 +78,19 @@ In that case bitmask-systray assumes that you already have bitmaskd running. Run
-Generate `locales/*` files:
+When a string has being modified you need to regenerate the locales:
-  $ make generate_locales LANGS="sjn tlh"
+  $ make generate_locales
-Edit the `locales/*/out.gotext.json` translations into `locales/*/messages.gotext.json`.
-To rebuild the locales:
+To fetch the translations from transifex and rebuild the catalog.go (API\_TOKEN is the transifex API token):
-  $ make locales
+  $ API_TOKEN='xxxxxxxxxxx' make locales
+There is some bug on gotext and the catalog.go generated doesn't have a package, you will need to edit
+cmd/bitmask-vpn/catalog.go and to have a `package main` at the beginning of the file.
+If you want to add a new language create the folder `locales/$lang` before running `make locales`.
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